Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 16, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Having forgotten to pause the wake-up alarm setting on his cell phone, the noisy beast woke him at his M-F time. Rubbing his eyes, stretching, realizing his aching piss hardon, Ivan crossed the open area and took a leak. What relief, but now he was still boned and thought about a slow mo J/O, but heard the birds outside, so he went to the window to check on them and halfway hoping he'd find his bodybuilder poised at his window waiting for a repeat of last night. He found the back wall of the opposing building almost blacked out with the exception of a couple of apt lights at one end away from him. Those folks must not have turned off their M-F alarms either he reflected, then set about getting his coffee brewing and would take a leisurely morning wake up routine. He reimagined waking up with Alexi, then thought of Dave and Towns, then Alex and his date and/or overnight fuck session. Staring at and listening to his coffee maker brew the morning wake-up elixir, Ivan wondered about the remaining apt tenants that Dave had promised to reveal. He then did a quick accounting of those he'd met or learned about. Dave in apt A; B, the unknown tenant/porn studio; C/D and did Mr. Adam Scott swing or was he a straight shooter; E, Chuck Young the insurance agent; F, Katia and her red hair, her aggressive but aloof nature; G, the somewhat absent minded Doris Amberson; H, tall Scandinavian furniture salesman/college student Jim Hemmings; I, mystery man Jack Kitchens and J, his sister librarian Margaret Sams; K the understated and affable art supply salesman Gordon Jackson; the weirdo in apt L and he chuckled, poured a cup of hot brew and sipped it slowly; M, the intelligent black jazz guy Peter Grace; N, the 20 year old hooker Mary Osten; apt O, TEX or OKIE Ben Aaron the private and public dancer for the ladies, or whomever offered the right price; apt P, Pat Snyder the Dolf Lundgren risk management ex-military guy. That left the 5th floor apts Q-T....He was eager to get Dave to tell all...Sipping more coffee he walked to the window, found Birdie and Friend snacking away and the body builder's apt still dark.

Sitting at his bar, he pulled a notebook and sketchpad from his backpack and began making a To Do list, refilled his coffee mug and started a second pot, reviewed his sketches that had landed them the Cat and hummed the theme in his head. He knew it was too early to fire up his laptop and play it, and risk disturbing his neighbors, so he assembled some trash as round two of morning brew was underway. He'd learned where the trash bin was and would take the trashbag down there after he woke a bit more. He also wanted to check the height of the basement ceiling while down there to see if he could do leaps or just polish his other material there without having to make the trip to the staging area at work. The second pot of coffee ready, he finished making the To Do list, layed out his blocking sketches on the bar, added more to the array of drawings and heard the two birds flutter off chirping, noted the dim light of morning begin to crawl across the sky, tied the trashbag to take out, threw on a pair of baggy shorts and flip flops then headed downstairs. At the 2nd floor landing he met that lean wiry muscled stud Chuck Young wrestling his bike from his apt and beginning to head downstairs for a morning ride. The guys chatted briefly as Ivan held open the front interior door for Chuck's exit, before resuming his trashbag run to the basement. As he climbed back up to the 1st floor he was met with Dave and Towns saying their goodbyes in the apt doorway, and caught in the goodbye act, all three chuckled a bit then Ivan bid them well and returned to his place. As he climbed the stairs he heard other signs and sounds of life coming from the neighboring apts, so he felt better about playing the Cat theme and getting inspired, if not into trouble. Ivan refreshed his coffee mug and recalled the rumors of David Bowie and Mick Jagger and David Bowie and David Beckham........... If any were true, DAMN he thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He again checked the body builder apt and still found the blinds closed and no lights on so he resumed work on his sketches.

Realizing that he could go get a load of laundry going while it was still early, he quickly grabbed the laundry basket and some soap, then returned to the basement and got a load going. He began sweeping the open area to remove any debris then began some stretches, warm ups and dance work routine. He was done with his stretches and warm ups as the washing machine clunked to a halt. Perfect timing he thought as he reloaded the basket and slugged it back upstairs. Opening his new clothes line in the bathroom, he rigged the line wall to wall above his tub to dry the white things he'd laundered and perhaps later when they'd dried, he get a load of linens and towels run, he calculated. The baggy shorts had teased his dick to grow and while he needed to J/O, he wanted to clean up some in case Alex phoned and wanted to meet at work. His clean up routine completed, the clothes drying, and having no call yet from Alex, he opted for some breakfast and thought he'd ring Dave to invite him up if he was interested. Dave took up the invitation and offered to bring some fruit he had, to expand the menu.

Ivan was finished cleaning and prepping his coffee maker for a third time that morning as Dave knocked on the door and Ivan yelled to come in. Dave pushed the door ajar and repeated Ivan's name and slipped into the Spartan apt. Ivan began to apologize for the vacuous space but Dave begged off that everyone has to start somewhere and for Ivan to make no apologies. Laying out the fruit salad, Ivan busied himself with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, his routine breakfast, then hauled out the plates, glasses another mug and silverware for the guys' use. "Sorry I may have interrupted your good byes this morning Dave" Ivan began. Dave waved away the apology and said that Towns was in high form overnight and "we did it several times". Ivan mused Dave's omission of the expression fucked several times' with did it several times' and began serving their breakfast. Dave gulped down his mug of coffee. Ivan asked if he cared for milk, Dave eagerly accepted and began scanning the sketches on Ivan's bar of the program work he'd mentioned. As they began eating, Ivan pumped Dave for the scoop on the remaining 5th floor neighbors.

Dave grinned and made tsk tsk tsk sounds with his tongue and teeth as he began his recount of the 4 apts. "Well you know that apts Q and R are the front units, with S and T the rear-facing ones.

Apt Q is rented to Soledad de Marco, a 27 y/o flight attendant who flies almost 100% international flights, dates a pilot and is from Trinidad. She keeps the apt as a façade for her work and family; though when either of her sisters come into town, they stay there and know the game.

Apt R is rented to Julia Rosa, a 30 y/o gem broker from Spain. She travels a lot and has on again/off again romances and is only in town one or 2 weekends a month or when there's a gem show. Her passion is YOUNG studs, teens sometimes and def not over 22-23.

Apt S is a guy who works construction, Juan Delgado, about 33 and has been here about 2 yrs. He's from Puerto Rico and dates a high-end model, who likes her blue-collar men on the rough side.

Apt T is the last tenant to move-in before you Ivan, Tom Higgins, 22 and works as a landscaper, laborer, handyman and helps Adam Scott with odd jobs for extra cash when available. He's got a real friendly smile, but is quiet.

So there's our montage of tenants. Pick your passion and just promise to tell me all; I love DETAILS."

They finished breakfast, Ivan began telling Dave about the bodybuilder in the window and their J/O routine last night. Dave was 100% focused on Ivan's story. Ivan asked if Dave had any idea about Adam Scott's story or if Dave had ever tricked with any other tenant? Dave admitted to not knowing Scott's story and thought he was divorced but was not dating anyone that he knew of. Dave was reluctant to admit to having tricked with any other tenants. When pressed, he finally admitted to blowing the student that lived in #L previously. He wasn't proud of doing it, but the guy was just so sexy and had made it with Towns a couple of times, having done some handyman work at New Town Company early on. Towns had brought Peter, the student/handyman/sex partner to Dave's one night and had a 3-way. Dave surprised himself as he finally related the scene with Peter and Towns and then opened up more about having done Peter a couple of times as a one on one as well. His core-dump continued as he also admitted to doing the manager/super, Andy Stomps, from the apt bldg. across Vance St., after meeting him at the gym. Andy was separated at the time, headed for divorce and needed relief and Dave had been happy to deliver it, once a week for about 3-4 months.

Ivan's cell rang and interrupted Dave's tell-all. It was Alex, who wondered about Ivan's schedule later Saturday. After some brief exchange of times, they agreed to meet at noon, then Ivan pressed for more info about this new mystery man in Alex's life, before hanging up chuckling aloud. He admitted to having become a sort of central clearing house for sex escapades for work and #14, as both he and Dave laughed again. Stowing the dishes away, Dave bid Ivan a good session at work. Ivan led Dave to the door and closed with "Don't do anyone I wouldn't and be sure to tell me if YOU DO."

Dave knew the weekend bus schedule differed from the weekday and checking his listing found the next buss was over an hour away so he'd have to grab a cab or UBER to make it for the noon meeting with Alex. He texted UBER, landed a ride and would be down front in 10 minutes. While waiting for the ride, he said hello to the #E neighbor Chuck Young who was returning from a bike ride. Damn does he look hot, Ivan observed to himself and happily held the door open for Chuck who gave a passing "thanks" and disappeared inside. The UBER ride arrived and off they went for the New Town Company bldg.

Next: Chapter 10

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