Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 8, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Ivan's cell alarm buzzed him awake. It was still early and much earlier than he was used to getting up, but he stretched, yawned and thought of the bus he had to catch, so pivoted up and out of bed, started his 2-cup coffee brewer, then headed for a quick piss. He'd not realized how tired he was after the active weekend with his family; but as he sipped down his first cup of java, he reflected on all that they'd helped him achieve and acquire. Mentally he ran through his budget for the month and realized how much extra food and stuff his mom had unpacked to get him going. He also felt proud that he was on his own, sort of, while Michael was still at home. That reality was both a sense of pride and regret. Finishing off the 2nd cup of morning brew, he flew into his morning ritual, ignoring his hardon and once done, dressed and found himself heading down the stairs of #14 and into his new week and new challenge. He was delighted that his light bulb illuminated more of the 3rd floor stair landing and found it odd, that none of his fellow 3rd floor neighbors had showed their faces over the weekend.

The sun was just coming up as he stood, waiting for the bus. He thought briefly about doing this in the Winter and shuddered a bit. The wind and traffic were both building as he noticed a middle-aged man in glasses, step from the door of #14 and with a backpack and small gym bag, make his way to the bust stop. Ivan began an intro by mentioning "appears we both live at #14, I'm Ivan Markilev in apt L" and reached out his hand to shake this seemingly timid guy. "Good to meet you, I'm David Peters in apt A, you must have moved in over the weekend, the previous tenant in #L was a former student of mine at New Town College, but he moved out at the end of the semester. I'm an asst. professor of literature there and found #14, 7 years ago when I hired on at New Town and just settled in and never wanted to move. We're an odd lot, but vacancies are rare. We take the same bus it seems, so will see each other at least each morning" and with that the bus approached, hissed to a halt and both guys climbed aboard. The driver greeted David familiarly and Ivan made an effort to greet the driver as well. David took his seat and Ivan took advantage of sitting aside him to enable their conversation to continue. "I start at the New Town Jazz and Ballet Company today and am excited" Ivan shared. Dave noted the linkage and replied, "my brother is a choreographer there, Alex Peters. Tell him that we're neighbors and he'll open up about our lives growing up in the country and coming into our own after college and moving here." Ivan then went on about him being from the country as well and how much of an adjustment it was to apply and get hired on at New Town and get up the courage to relocate. He mentioned his family had come up the weekend to help him get settled in, etc. They continued that sort of chat as they made their way to the New Town College and community buildings, a block beyond. Both exited the bus, both bid the driver Tom, a good day and Dave went his way while Ivan crossed the street to his community building where the New Town Company was housed.

The building had been a former textile plant and was a block-wide 3-story volume building that had been refurbbed as he recalled from reading all about the company and its patronage history. There was a large open area lobby that doubled as foyer to the offices and practice sessions as well as to the left, mezzanine for one of the performance halls. An active young blonde held court at her receptionist station just to the right of the double wide entry doors. Ivan approached, the receptionist was already busy on the phone and raised a finger to convey a `just a second' message and in no time finished her call and asked how she could help. Ivan reached out to her and introduced himself as Ivan Markilev and here to see John Morrow. ""Hello Ivan, I'm Shelley Davis and I see here you are starting with us today, you'll not meet with John until Tuesday as he's returning from a show out of town today, but I'll get you to Dan Andrews in our HR dept who'll walk you through all the final paperwork, etc, then show you around and introduce you to the different groups and heads." Ivan thanked her as she called Mr. Andrews and while waiting, mentioned the meeting of David Peters, brother of Alex Peters with her. "Alex and John are both returning together from the show, so he's not available either" she noted and with that Dan Andrews appeared, attired in white shirt, tie and black slacks. Intro made, hands shaken, Dan led Ivan to the HR area and began the paperwork review and signatures needed to complete his hire-on process, then gave him the grand tour and made intros to the various staffers and heads. "There'll be a test so hope you've been making notes" Dan joked as the list of names and depts. seemed to go on ad infinitum. They wrapped up the intro and tour at the cafeteria where Dan treated Ivan to his new-hire lunch and a few other dancers joined them from their morning work-study programs, before their afternoon practice sessions. These were ballet dancers and maintained strict protein intake for muscle growth but ate sparingly. Ivan too was a jazz dancer and strove to eat a well-balanced diet to supplement his fitness program. The 6 ate and chatted rapidly, recounting past shows and upcoming ones they were working on. Dan Andrews' role during lunch receded as Ivan got engrossed in the other dancer-speak discussions. One guy, Alexi, was Ukrainian and was a lean blonde, masculine, with a twinge of femininity. His arm and hand moves were sleek and swooning. Ivan found him exotic and HOT. At the end of the meal, Dan walked Ivan back to the receptionist desk and showed him how to swipe his ID badge with his proud new picture, whenever he entered or exited the premises. Dan warned, "If your badge wasn't swiped at the receptionist console, no other doors would release or recognize his access, and at end of day, if the badge wasn't swiped on exit, you'd not be allowed a return entry." Ivan agreed and understood the security measures. Dan advised Ivan that guests were welcomed, but needed employee escorts. He then shook his hand, again welcomed Ivan to the New Town Company and told him he was free to take the rest of the day off or to walk about the community and college buildings. Ivan thanked Shelley and Dan, swiped his card, then headed out to explore.

Sporting his New Town Company badge, Ivan wandered about the exterior of the building that was his new workplace and found the various areas he'd read about that were renovated by patrons and donations. He then headed for the college campus and walked about the theater, arts and music centers before finding the language arts building where he knew David's office might be housed. The sun glared in his eyes as he saw the oncoming jock, a bit taller than he, "hey dance boy" the jock offered and walked by. Ivan fumed a bit then chalked it up to jock-speak. He did feel his cock stir though and wondered about the gym where David might work out and if that gym was available to outsiders. Hell he'd not thought to ask about a New Town company gym? A pair of joggers approached, passed and continued across the open plaza before Language Arts and at the point he was about to head for the bus stop, David Peters exited the building and seeing Ivan, gave a wave of acknowledgement. The two shook hands and walked toward the covered transit stop where David pressed Ivan for details about his 1st day and whether he'd met Alex? Ivan was excited to share his 1st day but relayed that Alex and John Morrow were traveling back today from a road show performance. At that mention, Dave thumped his head with his palm, in mock awareness and nodded affirmatively that he remembered Alex did have a road show this weekend. The bus arrived and Dave greeted Stuart the afternoon bus driver and Ivan repeated his intro to Stuart, as he'd done with Tom that morning. Dave and Ivan continued their chat about the day until Dave reached his gym exit, leaving Ivan to make his way to Vance St on his own. Ivan arrived home about 4p.m. and found Mr. Scott finishing up spray washing the front of #14's 1st floor level. He'd rented scaffolding for the other levels, but wanted to get this one done first to show it off to the tenants. The scaffolding would arrive Tuesday for the week and he'd have to stage it in the basement overnight each day for security. Ivan remarked to Mr. Scott about meeting and traveling with Dave Peters from apt A, in passing then went directly to his apt. first to feed "birdie" and then to beat off. The bird had already begun to anticipate feed and sat perched beside the screen and flat plate. Fuck he thought, having forgotten to check his mailbox; then no worry there's always tomorrow.

While waiting for his leftover chicken and dumplings to warm, he watched "birdie" eat, stood in the sun as dust spiraled inside the window, felt the urge to call home and recap his day, but would wait until after he ate and figured his dad would be home by then too. Filling the bowl with the heated comfort food, he sat at one of the new barstools and scarfed it down. The lunch meal was good and the prices weren't too high, but he knew he'd be bringing his food with him for a while until he got his cash flow going. He was excited and hungry and heated another smaller portion of the dumplings. He caught some 6:00 pm news online and watched the sun stretch across the floor toward the bed, as he'd noticed yesterday. At 6:30 there was a knock at the door, and opening it, found Dave Peters with a small, white, string-tied box stamped Gilbert Bakery. "Welcome Ivan to #14" Dave went on, "and hope you find it as delightful as are these" and Ivan invited his neighbor in, but Dave declined saying he had left food heating but asked for a raincheck, which Ivan eagerly offered. Ivan cut the strings and found 4 cream horns nestled securely in tissue. The long pastries were topped with powdered sugar and slivered almonds and gushed sweet whipped cream from both ends. Even now somewhat full from his second helping of dumplings, he indulged in one half of a cream horn, then called home to report on the day, his new neighbor, the cream horns, `Birdie' and Katia's idea about a screen. He realized he was babbling AND bubbling as he relayed his end of the call. Thanking his folks again and Michael for the help and all over the weekend, and offering to give them a tour of the New Town Company building, when they were next in to visit, then turned the call to their end of news. Mrs. M reported some great news for Michael, finding a letter in their mail with a job offer from Farm Credit Bank. He had accepted in person at the local branch bank, where he'd do his initial training for 6 months and then be subject for transfer to another bank. She was both happy and saddened that her two boys might both be gone by year-end but made each promise to be home for Christmas. Michael got on the call and was excited, Ivan shared his bro's enthusiasm then Ivan jabbed at his bro, "so this means you always buy lunch now big bro." Both boys laughed aloud then Ivan urged his bro to come into town for a guys' weekend soon if he wanted. Again both laughed and Michael agreed. Mr. M got on the phone and Ivan thanked his dad again and got in a great visit before ending the call with hugs to his mom, now in tears. He was happy for his bro that he'd gotten a job he liked and happier still that his own was exciting and again he thought of his new adventure. Satisfied with his call, he returned to finish off the other cream horn half.

His mind flashed to that 1st jock as he'd crossed the plaza at New Town College, then to Alexi, to Jim his neighbor and Tom the morning bus driver; a beefy Italian sort of guy, who he imagined he'd find was hung in those loose blue uniform pants. His dick began its rise to attention and summoned Ivan's instinctive hand-worship. Stripping slowly and deliberately, to increase the tension and need, Ivan detoured from J/O to plan his clothes for Tuesday; delaying the inevitable orgasm as much as possible. Barefoot now, he crossed the room to check on "birdie", paused at the fridge and swigged some milk, running his cool fingers under his shirt and across both his nips, urging them on with tugs and tweaks. His cock stirred more and Ivan felt the warmth build in his balls as he crossed to the bed, freeing his belt and standing beside the bed, tugged off his shirt, again teased his nips, rubbed his pecs, teased his hard nips again with the flat of his palm, unzipped slowly, felt the heat rage in his balls and his cock screaming for freedom. His thickening cock, well swollen, dickslit pumping out pre-cum, once freed would dictate the actions to follow as Ivan knew he'd not be able to stave off orgasm very long in this state. The slacks and boxers shed, Ivan's bone stood out proud like a figurehead on the bow of a ship. Skinned well back, his bulbous head red and swollen begged for relief. Once Ivan began his ritual hand-worship, he knew the path would lead to a cum-flood so again he focused on delaying as much as possible. Even the breeze from the fan seemed to tease pre-cum from his dickhead. Ivan slowly dry-humped the air as Michael had yesterday during their prelim J/O cum launch. His hips and glutes flexed, the taut muscles of his abs and calf muscles all worked in unison to stir his hardon to a never before-known erection. Ivan's sack was swollen and his balls swung free now from their boxer-confinement. He touched the head, swiped the pre-cum, tasted, swiped again and re-tasted then slowly encircled his stiff dickmeat and began his hand worship. He stretched out on the twin bed and began the ritual pumpfest that he knew was The Goal. Remembering to reset his cell alarm for the morning and save it as a permanent task, he detoured from the task at hand, slowly made his way to the kitchen backpack and reset the alarm, saved it, then glancing down saw his dick slowly dripping dick syrup from the head to the linoleum flooring. Interrupting the flow, he tasted his pre-cum again before resuming a J/O position on his bed. The first gripping pump was slow and deliberate. He ached he was so excruciatingly hard. His dick was hot to the touch and even his veins were more pumped than usual, rivaling and perhaps exceeding his bro's veiny shaft. Ivan found he no longer had any images in mind, nor any previous or imagined experiences in work as he jack pumped his dick slowly then faster, then hand off, before resuming the rise and fall of passion. He drove his glutes hard into the mattress, using his heels to strain his muscular legs as levers and arc his glutes off the bed, creating a bridge of tension and passion. With his left hand working his pecs, nips and balls then repeating the sequence, his right hand stroking faster and gripping harder, he was racing to orgasm now. He heard the sound in the distance at first, then listened as it grew louder and more intense until he realized the sound was his series of moans and spoken needs and urges to cum, cum now, cum now boy and felt his dick explode as his eyes squinted shut and his teeth gripped in orgasm. His jaws ached after he'd cum and his face and neck muscles were still twitching as he climbed back from the orgasm into reality and sound of the fan whirring across the room. He drifted off to sleep then and woke before his alarm, still gripping his now again, hard cock. He had the morning and took the time to rage off another cumload before getting his coffee going and resume his morning cleanup and dress ritual. He scribbled a note of thanks and shoved it in his pocket to hand off to Dave for the cream horns, then bounded downstairs just in time to greet his neighbor and present the note. Dave replied on reading it, "very nice Ivan, that courtesy is a lost art it seems these days" then winked and Ivan held open the entry door for his professorial neighbor and their walk to the bus stop. Their light chat was interrupted by the bus, at which point both Dave and Ivan greeted Tom with smiles and Ivan got another look at the bus driver's crotch. The gaze did not go unnoticed as Tom's hand came to rest in his crotch, for Ivan's benefit.

Next: Chapter 5

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