Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jul 10, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Finally Friday. Ivan stirred awake, realized he'd forgotten to turn on his alarm and was already late for the bus. Jumping up, no time to shower or wash away the night's dried cum, he did feed B&B but had no time for coffee either, before throwing on clothes and calling a cab. He thought of the times Tim had driven him into work and flew downstairs to meet the cab. It was late and he paced back and forth in front of #14 until the black/white cab appeared. He asked the driver to be speedy and offered an extra tip to get him to work before or at least by 8. The driver agreed and got Ivan to the building at 7:55. Ivan handed over $25 for the $15 fare and thanked him and successfully badged in on time. He composed himself and walked to his office, then got a cup of coffee, greeting Grace in the process. John wasn't in and Ivan learned, he'd gone to visit Alex and his family to check on his progress. Ivan got into his routine, emails, phone calls, etc and checked the calendar to find 4 meetings, one of which began in 10 minutes. He made his way to the meeting room and joined the others already assembled.

Tim's morning was more relaxed. He woke up, refreshed and had obviously cum unconsciously at some early hour, then fallen back asleep. His cell went off and it was dispatch giving him a set of day jobs, one to pick up at 10 a.m. He had an hour and half to make it to the office, get the limo and get back to his general neighborhood to pick up the job; easy peezy. He cleaned up, dressed, got a cab to work, got the orders and limo keys, then headed back out for his first gig. The day was sunny and traffic light for a Friday and he arrived on time to pick-up his morning client for a day's errands. The somewhat tall woman was on a tight but fluid schedule, dropping off materials at her accountant, then get across town by 11:30 to meet friends for lunch, 1:30 beauty shop appt, 3:00 bakery pick-up and return to her place to dress for a birthday party for a friend that evening and she hoped to be back at home by 4:00. Tim could make this town travel with his eyes closed he thought. Tim stayed cool behind the limo's wheel in the morning heat, while the client was in her accountant's office, as he watched a skateboarder teen or twenty-something do sidewalks tricks and jumps. The guy had a dark fuzzy treasure trail that showed up against his pale abs and was clearly commando and hung. Tim watched intensely and felt his dick throb and need to expand. He had to keep an eye out for his client to get the door for her, but the skateboarder did command attention and focus. While the rear compartment windows were darkened, the front were tinted normally and gave both Tim and the skateboarder easy views of each other. The skater was only too happy to perform for the watching driver and finally approached the limo's passenger window and engaged Tim in a visit. His name was Greg, he was 21, killing time before class and Tim explained he was waiting for a client's return any time but handed Greg his card and suggested they connect sometime for a brew and skater demo. Greg winked, thanked Tim and headed away, giving a thumbs up and salute, then melded into the crowd. Tim was horned by the time the client returned and he did his best to conceal his growing hardon, opening the rear passenger door to enable his clients' entry. First stop done; next one, get her to lunch Tim replayed, and into the rush of traffic they went.

Ivan's meeting was long but energized and he to beg off about 10 minutes early as he needed to get to his 2nd meeting of the day, a lunch team meeting including Alexi and Joyce. He was somewhat concerned about Alexi's possible attitude but found the young dancer, cordial and not his usual hauty self. Perhaps the patrons had made it clear that while he was an excellent dancer, he was still part of the team and needed to behave as such. Ivan had to admit, Alexi was studly in his tight low-riser jeans as he came into the meeting room adjacent to the cafeteria that was set-up just for these sorts of meetings and affairs. Ivan began the meeting with a welcome as he always tried to do and reviewed the agenda and presenters, before the attendees began their buffet service. The next in a line of 5 speakers was from the local Chamber of Commerce and Tourist Bureau and told about the community expectations of the Fall schedule; then followed by a livery firm, the one Tim worked for, who explained the varied transportation offerings they provided, the 3rd was a Dine In Town restauranteer wanting to offer their client eateries for event parties and promote their advertising revenue for the New Town Company brochures and program guides, the 4th was from New Town College explaining their new degree offering that was tied to the New Town Company class and courses beginning in the Spring Semester and would lead to a B.A., the last was a New Town City Council Member thanking the company and each performer for enriching the cultural experience in their city. The "pump up" session of the lunch meeting was informative, appreciated and encouraging and that was how Ivan closed the session and thanked those presenters with handshakes as he ushered them out to the lobby, then made his way back to his office. He got an update from John on Alex from Grace and, notice that John had decided to take the rest of the day off, after taking the Peters to grocery shop and get them back to Alex's. Grace remarked "so that means you're our Go To Boss and hope you'll remember us peons when you're up there in the stars", they both chuckled and Ivan headed for his office to get his materials together for the next meeting. This session was with Dan and was a review of potential HR Fall Student Candidate Dancers, in Ivan's office so he didn't have to scurry across the building to make a meeting kick-off at least. They had a relaxed hour review session, and promptly at 2:30, Dan shoved back and admitted they both had other meetings to attend, stood, and left Ivan to gather his thoughts, check emails and texts, then head out to the staging area for a demo of an Intro Parade the New Town Company would perform in the July 4th Day Celebration Parade. The small jazz band would perform a Souza March then break into American Swing and the troupe of 13 dancers would convert from a straight marching format into one of 40s era swing and jitter-bug dance routines. It would be a fun time and the demo session came off so fine that everyone was in sync and danced on the sidelines. The meeting was the perfect way to end the day and wrap up the week. Ivan returned to his office, pumped, began to close out his day and collected his thoughts, unconcerned about missing his bus home. Grace even left before Ivan and wished him well. He wondered if she was heading backstage to blow Alexi? He closed his eyes, leaned back in his desk chair and imagined the action.

Having delivered his client to meet her friends for lunch, Tim found a shady spot to park the limo and grab some comfort enjoying the passers-by and daydreaming about Greg's hot body. His fantasy reached a peak as he found himself needing to jack off and nowhere to get the privacy and get it done. The rear was doable but then it would smell of cum and the client might be offended so he ramped back down and settled back into people watching. At a point, he got out to stretch his legs and feel the warm but very dry breeze blowing across his jacket and cap-free torso. His dark Ray Bans concealed the lust with which he cruised some of the men. At 12:55 Tim pulled the limo to the curb of the lunch club and finding his client emerging from the restaurant, met her at the rear door; they greeted, he inquired about her lunch visit with friends, took his spot at the wheel and they were off to the beauty shop. They were caught at a stop light where the lanes narrowed from 3 to 1 and in the process had a close up look at some of the hunky construction crew working on the road and sidewalk; 2 in particular had Tim's attention and distraction. The client even stared at the shirtless but safety-vested hunks, as the limo edged past. Tim got the client to her beauty shop at 1:20, then found a stretch of trees in a nearby parking lot to enjoy while the lady was getting "dolled up". The client's beauty apt ran long and it was almost 3:20 before she came out, looking stunning but was pissed that her well-planned schedule was now delayed. She was a bit abrupt with Tim and extolled him to make it to the bakery, that "she was fucking late thanks to the prissy manicurist and she had to get the fucking birthday cake and get home". Tim was a little surprised this new demeanor emerged from the client, but didn't take her anger personally. He always thought it amusing to see people flip their switches at a moment's notice, as long as it wasn't directed at him, all was good. Of course the Friday afternoon traffic didn't cooperate and they could get to the bakery until 3:45. Tim left the client in the limo as he headed inside to claim the client's order, returned to the car and handed over the cake, allowing the client to check it out, before leaving. Mrs. Bitch was a happy camper once again at the sight of the cake, but now challenged Tim to get her home ASAP. While they didn't make it home by 4, it was 4:30 and while she was tense, she realized it had not been Tim's fault and stepped from the limo, Tim carried the cake and escorted her to the bellman, a tall muscular black guy in his 40s, who taking the cake, welcomed his resident home and winked at Tim, who was already thanking his client for her patronage and to ask for him again if she needed their services; then passed a card to the waiting bellman as both disappeared inside the double set of brass and glass lobby doors. Tim's next client was at 6:30, so he was close enough to his place, that he could shower, grab a sandwich and make it by the pick-up time. While Tim had sent Ivan a couple of text messages during his downtimes, Ivan had not replied and Tim just figured he was in meetings or a session and couldn't As he stripped for a shower and change and before getting a sandwich, he thought of Greg and his fuzzy happy trail and the many things he'd like to be doing with that skater-boy!!!!! As he sat down to eat, his cell went off, it was Ivan, with a short message, ---long day, need a nap, dinner???--- to which Tim replied ----got a client at 6:30, until??? eatin a sandwich now at home then head over to get them sorry, maybe later--- Ivan's reply was simple ---ciao--- and Tim's was equally succinct ---xoxoxo--- Tim dressed, headed to the client's address and the formally-attired mid-50s couple emerged, was greeted by Tim who thanked them for using their livery service and was delighted to be their driver for the evening. The couple settled into the rear compartment as Tim steered the limo into now evening traffic and off to their dinner party in the country. Arriving an hour later, the couple exited and Tim took the limo to the designated livery parking area aside one of the outbuildings. He visited with several other drivers and saw a couple he knew so they settled into catching up and talking about some of their recent crazy fucking clients, before a few parted ways and got into a card game. Tim's cell went off, it was a text from Greg the skater, asking if he was around? Tim replied he was out of town on a gig and it promised to be a long night before he got back in town; then asked what the 21 year old was up to or had planned for the night. Greg responded quickly telling Tim he'd hoped to connect and get a blow job from him, being horny as he was and maybe they could hit it when Tim got back later? Leaving it open, Tim agreed and told the skater how much he def wanted to suck his dick, suck his balls and maybe even rim his ass, if he wanted that too. Greg agreed to 100% and to just hit him by text when Tim got back. After that exchange, Tim was hornier than fuck.

Ivan found himself standing at the window, peering at Steve's place. It was dark. He climbed the stairs to Peter's place and got no reply. As he returned downstairs, he saw Jim topping the stairs at the 2nd floor landing and called out to him. The chatted a bit from landing to landing and Ivan invited Jim up if he had no plans. From their respective points they learned neither had eaten yet and both claimed hunger, but agreed it was too late to hit the Burger Bar because of crowds and settled on the café around the corner. Jim begged for a half hour to change and Ivan agreed, before they met on the 1st floor and walked to the café, sharing small talk about their days. After their meal, they walked back to #14, Jim invited Ivan in and he accepted. Ivan admitted how very horny the Scandinavian made him.

Next: Chapter 39

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