Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jul 8, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Weds a.m., the alarm is blaring and has been for 15 minutes as Ivan struggles up, wakes Tim in a rush, do double duty in the head, feds B&B and they rush out. Ivan has just missed his bus and Tim agrees to run him by work so he won't be late. Ivan is beside himself and disorganized. How could he have slept through his alarm he worried? He made a note to get a "real" alarm clock and not rely on his cell. Ivan jumped from the limo and Tim resumed his flow in traffic and vanished. Ivan just made it to work thanks to Tim's ride and rushed in to learn that "Elvis" was already in. As Ivan sped down the hallway, he saw alarm on Grace's face as she advised, "he was in early and has been looking for you." John stepped from his office about that time, "get settled then come back for a visit" John directed Ivan. Ivan was a bit startled at John's demeanor but knew he'd done nothing improper or wrong and returned to John promptly.

"It seems you've already approached Joyce with the Student Program and her potential role?" John asserted and questioned. "Yes I did once I got your email" Ivan replied, staring into John's face. "Well it's not the way we do things here, there's a protocol a routine" came John's response. Ivan came right back with "Well John. there didn't seem to be any delay or routine' when I suggested Alexi be announced as the Rehearsal Coordinator for the birthday program and you seemed All In on my email points about the student program and Joyce's role, what's changed now?" "Well uh, it's just different and you should have reconfirmed with me before talking to Joyce" John replied. Ivan directed more directly this time, "John, if I misunderstood your support and reply about my ideas, I apologize, but I withheld talking with her about any interest until AFTER I had your concurrence, so if you had any reservation or reticence I would have thought you'd have shared that yesterday and not waited until this morning; so I ask again, what's REALLY changed OVERNIGHT?" John hesitated then came clean, "it seems that Joyce mentioned it in passing to another performer friend of hers and it went straight to Alexi who prevailed on his patrons' to intervene and get him designated as the RC, they phoned me last night and read me the riot act so here we are. You'll need to withdraw your offer to Joyce." Ivan thought a moment, fumed some internally, stood up, paced a bit and declared, "John, you told me yesterday that I had to be ready to handle things, take a role of leadership, and I agreed to that very directive. You had me attend meetings in an expanded capacity. I gave you ideas and reports and you sanctioned them and now you are telling me to rescind an action that you approved yesterday to satisfy the whining cowardice of a spoiled arrogant mediocre dancer who has been passed over for working with students on a program that has never been conducted and has the possibility of producing new donor revenue, for his ego and the support of his patrons?" "I tell you what, let's forget the student program, forget that Alex is laying in bed damn near crippled, may very well never resume his dance role here, we are 7 weeks away from the 1st program of the Fall season and not one bit of rehearsal has occurred in prep of it, much less anything on the following five shows and forget my future employment with New Town, as it appears to have been a mutual mistake. You have my resignation effective immediately." And with that Ivan spun, left John's office for his own, gathered his materials and made the resignation formal via email to John, hit send, stood, looked around, walked to Grace, handed her his badge, thanked her for her support and headed for the long hallway to the front lobby. As Ivan approached Shelley and was going to wish her well, she was hanging up her phone, "he wants you back now" and nodded back down the hallway. Ivan was still fuming but paused, took a deep breath, stalled at returning for fear of a confrontation and possibly a physical one at the state of rage he now expressed, but gathered his wits and walked slowly and deliberately back to Grace and John's office. He found John standing in his office doorway. Both men glared at one another and Grace would later admit, she'd never seen ANYONE challenge or stand up to John as Ivan had.

"Ivan" John began, "not one soul has ever approached me as you just did, not once outside of New Town or within and I have to respect a man with the balls enough to do it. I'm not saying it was appreciated or that it should happen again, or often, but I have a new regard for you and your courage to defend your actions and convictions and you ARE THE TYPE OF LEADER New Town NEEDS. I'd like you to rescind your resignation and I will deal with Alexi AND his patrons, but I want you at the helm." Ivan was frozen in place as he listened and shuddered with John's address. "Very well" came Ivan's reply and outstretched hand to be shaken. Nothing more was said at the time. Ivan returned to his office, comprised the email rescinding his resignation `at John's request' and hit send then sat back and took a breath. It seemed his first in minutes. It would be a few days before Ivan learned that John had called the husband/wife patrons of Alexi and explained that Ivan was the new guy in town, that he had John's full backing, that Alexi's arrogance was only one reason he was not even considered for the RC position with the New Fall Student Program Show, that he'd not even begun rehearsing for the 1st program that was to open in 7 weeks and that if they felt they could manage New Town better than he was delivering, with growing donations and prestige, then he'd tender his resignation to the Board immediately with a complete explanation of his decision. The pair had backed down, claiming they weren't aware of Alexi's personality issue with the rest of the troupe, nor his lack of 1st show prep thus far. John had given them facts that would enable them to save face at the same time putting Alexi in his place. Nothing more was said about the RC position and all applauded when Joyce received that status for the Student Program in a company-wide bulletin and general announcement to the students, their parents and all Board Members at a special Thank You event that also recognized Ivan's contribution to New Town, just two weeks after this dust up.

But I digress; Ivan used the rest of Wednesday morning to visit the students again and calm down. After lunch, he advised Grace he was going to visit Alex, then would take a half day to collect his thoughts. She thanked him for his courage and wished him a good afternoon. He took a cab to Alex's and had a great visit with the folks and his friend, and would take a cab home to the solace of his apt and to B&B. He wondered where Tim was and when he might be there. As Ivan climbed the stairs, he was met by Peter Grace and they had a brief chat on the 2nd floor landing outside of Katia's apt. Peter noted Ivan's fatigue and stress and wondered if he was ok or needed any help, as he was home all week off road. Ivan thanked the handsome musician and felt a comfort as Peter gave him a hug, then reminded him that he was home all week if he could help Ivan out.

Ivan entered the apt, fed B&B and chatted with them, took a perfunctory look at Steve's window `just in case', stripped and was about to climb in the shower for a long relaxing jack session of relief; when the door knock interrupted him and he tugged on a pair of running shorts. Peter stood at the door with an iced bottle of Prosecco and a smile offering "I just felt badly for you and wanted to lend an ear if you needed to talk over a glass of Prosecco." Ivan invited the sexy black masculine guy into #L and as usual, apologized for his Spartan digs. After two glasses of Prosecco, Ivan began to relax and Peter's massage offer was greeted with a welcoming smile and acceptance. Ivan went to the bathroom, returned with some aloe oil and found Peter shirtless. Ivan admitted the man had an awesome upper torso, with defined furry pecs, downward pointing nips and a treasure trail that disappeared south. Ivan's cock stirred and the day's stress already seemed to dissipate.

Peter noted Ivan's lean taut body and remarked about his build and that he could tell he was a dancer. Ivan handed the aloe oil to Peter, stretched out face down and apologized for the twin bed while gripping a pillow in his arms, settled down for a massage. Peter's oiled hands began a slow massage of Ivan's shoulders and neck. The friction warmed his hands and they moved easily across the dancer's torso. Peter asked if it was too much pressure and Ivan just moan enjoyment, shifted his legs a bit and settled into the attention. Peter moved down Ivan's spine, his shoulder blades, small of his back, sides, under his pits a bit and gently brushed the edges of Ivan's pecs before working the glutes through his running shorts. "I'm good if you want to shed those" Peter said as he popped the waist band of the running shorts. With that, silently, Ivan tugged them down, turned slightly an was pulling the shorts off as his now fully erect hardon flipped forward before being concealed as Ivan lay back face down. "Very impressive boy" Peter spoke and resumed the glutes massage. Ivan moaned a bit louder, shifted further into the mattress and in both a tender and sensual move, arched his back gently, almost offering his butt up to Peter. The hot masculine musician gently rubbed the muscled trench between Ivan's glutes, working slowly to the muscle knot that now responded to his touch. Peter lubed his fingers, probed Ivan and was relieved to find the dancer very receptive to his touch, manipulation and hopefully his dick. Peter leaned forward, gently kissed Ivan's neck, down his spine to the small of his back, then back up as Ivan slowly rolled onto his side, reaching up to touch Peter's face, chest and abs, then slowly discovering the growing bulge in the man's crotch. Peter helped Ivan roll onto his back, leaned forward took vans head in his hand and kissed Ivan deeply. As he did, Ivan wrapped his arms about Peter's neck, then his back and slid his legs under, then around the man's waist as the passionate kiss grew more and more intense. Peter moved from Ivan's mouth to his right nipple then the left before sucking and nibbling them, teasing them with his tongue. Ivan's cock responded with an aching sensation and he thrust his hips up against Peter then back against the bed; both arms and legs still hugging the older man. In what was actually no amount of time, but seemed like forever, Peter stood, slipped down his baggy shorts and boxers and freed his thick, veiny heavy cock with a fine dark aubergine shaft and head. His heavy balls hung free and Peter slowly stroked his young mate, teasing his erection and forcing Ivan's precum, coating his hand and urging his passion. Peter eased between Ivan's muscular legs, raised the boy's right one to his own shoulder and probed Ivan again, sliding two fingers and then a third in the young muscle hole, then feeling it respond to his touch by gripping the long musician's fingers. Ivan's eyes widened, stared into Peter's and Ivan mouthed `PLEASE' and nuzzled his glutes against Peter's hand. Peter, reached in his pocket, withdrew the Trojan MAX and slipping it on his fully erect dick, pressed it to Ivan's ring and felt it relax and teak the older man's cock, pause, then resume the travel deeper in the young dancer. Peter's kiss was both a stimulant and analgesic for Ivan. Ivan moaned and winced only twice before Peter began a slow but increasing fuck. His thick dick base stretched the dancer's ring each time as he went deeper and deeper. Ivan's ring gripped Peter's head with fervor as the man withdrew before driving back in. Ivan's arms and legs gripped Peter more and more aggressively, using the older man's torso as leverage and enabling the fuck to increase in speed and passion. They kissed deeply. Peter's moans as he deeply fucked the hot dancer stud revealed his approaching orgasm. Repositioning both arms and hands under Ivan's pits and aside his torso for balance and leverage, Peter hammered the young hole with eagerly. Ivan responded in kind. "Oh damn Peter, you're an amazing top man, I love the way you fuck me, gimme more, harder gimme ALL, take it, Man take it, make it yours" Ivan moaned louder and louder as Peter was about to cum. He drove once more, Ivan clamped tightly and began cumming involuntarily as Tim does when they fuck, across his torso, huge long ropes of cum. Peter couldn't hold off any longer and gripping Ivan's shoulders held him in place as he shot hard loads of cum, filling the rubber. Peter collapsed across his younger partner. Ivan held on dearly as each panted off the edge they'd been riding up to orgasm. Peter stood, helped Ivan stand, they hugged and stood kissing each other. Ivan offered a shower, but Peter declined; then dressed, reminded Ivan of his offer to talk, left #L and Ivan with the now empty bottle of Prosecco, a very sore ass, and empty balls. Ivan eased into the shower and remained there for half an hour.

Returning to bed for a nap, Ivan relived the massage and the handsome man he'd just enjoyed and hoped Peter had enjoyed him equally. Within a few minutes, Ivan was fast asleep and didn't notice the wind blowing against the window, followed by the rain, until a few thunder claps stirred him awake. He walked to the window, found no sign of B&B, reckoned they'd found shelter and started a pot of coffee, wondered about supper, tossed the empty Prosecco bottle in the trash and sent a text to Tim asking about his status, before settling on the loveseat, clutching his knees against his chest, and reliving the events of the day.

Tim sent Ivan a text at 4pm that he was with a client and still had another pick-up and wouldn't be home until late and to go ahead and eat supper, sorry'. Well at least I heard back and all's ok, Ivan thought as he considered supper options. He sent Dave a text asking if he was interested in supper, but got declined as Dave had plans with the folks and Alex. He tried Steve, but got declined as well. Then he reached out to Jim Hemmings, who accepted his offer but that he wouldn't get home until 6, if that wasn't too late. Ivan agreed and asked Jim to think about food and where, and he'd do the same so when they connected they could set their plan in action. Jim agreed and said he'd call when he got home. Ivan tingled at the thought of supper with the handsome Swede. Ivan dressed casually; shorts, a golf shirt and topsiders' and commando just in case and waited for Jim's call, which came promptly at 6. They settled on The Burger Bar, a new place about 3 blocks away and walked there talking about the events of their days. Ivan was quiet about his event with Peter and Jim had mentioned a few hunks that had been in shopping so Ivan steered the discussion to those specimens vs his own roll in the hay. The Burger Bar was not yet crowded and each placed their order they got a table awaiting their food. They continued their small talk and when the hunky muscled waiter, Ron, arrived with their meals, both thanked him, asked for his name and agreed to leave him a nice tip... "These burgers are huge" Jim explained, followed by Ivan's claim that he wasn't sure he could get his mouth open that wide" at which point they both laughed. Ivan was relieved the visit and meal were going so well. No stress, no strain and no presumption of sex to follow. While he wanted to bed Jim, perhaps tonight wasn't the most opportune time. There'd be another time he was certain. They enjoyed the walk home after leaving Ron a $10 tip and parted with hugs as Ivan left Jim at his 2nd floor apt and headed up to #L. Still no Tim he pondered then called his folks and had a good visit. He felt he shouldn't relay the day's event at work as they'd only worry. When Tim hadn't arrived by 10pm, Ivan sent a quick text, `good nite wake me when U get in, I', and hit the sack to grab some real ZZZZs.

Unknown to Tim when he got the 2nd job order that afternoon, to make a 7pm airport pick-up and display only the letter "J" on his tablet and be at the arriving passenger limo pick-up, that his night would be so long and involved. He remained standing with the "J" prominently displayed, pivoting right then left in a sweeping motion to display it to as many arriving passengers as possible. He'd just pivoted left when a friendly but deep voice announced I'm Dr. J and Tim spun to see Dr. Jim Markel standing before him. "Don't I know you" Dr. Jim spoke and Tim acknowledged the doctor replying "yes I was the driver for your patient Alex Peters and his family" and they shook hands, Tim opened the passenger door and held it for Dr. Jim's entry, closed it crisply and took the wheel asking for his destination. Getting it from Dr. Jim, he entered the address into the SmartPhone and start mileage hit send and they were off. Once Tim merged into freeway traffic, Dr. Jim asked how he'd been, how Alex's friend Ivan was doing and the family; to which Tim gave net but current updates. They got stalled in freeway construction for which Tim apologized and Dr. J dismissed it as "that's why I get a limo and don't have to deal with this myself". After a few phone calls, Dr. J resumed his visit with Tim; "I presumed you and Ivan were a couple, am I correct?" You could sense Tim's tension before he replied, "well sort of, we've only known each other since I got the job driving the Peters, which has since ended now that he's home, unless they need me in the future." "I see" Dr. Jim remarked "so does that mean you guys have an open relationship or one that just hasn't been set in stone yet?" Tim grew tense again and wasn't sure how to continue, then replied, "I guess we're a couple with benefits" and grinned that huge smile at Dr. Jim in his rear view mirror. The trip to Dr. Jim's address, a smart traditional mid-rise condominium in an upscale neighborhood, had taken about 45 minutes. Tim jumped out, open the door for Dr. Jim who on exit asked "do you have plans for the rest of the night or is Ivan expecting you soon" as he took Tim's hand for a shake and held it firmly? Tim was challenged, tense and shaking Dr. Jim's hand replied, "I'm free and would love to spend some time with you, but will need to park the car". Jim nodded, Tim pulled forward and parked the limo before joining Jim and they entered the building lobby and made their way to the top floor, corner condo overlooking the city and adjoining park. Jim begged off for a quick shower after his flight and invited Tim to join in and he accepted. They began their circuitous trek to the bath at one of the large windows overlooking the park, seven stories below, with Jim gently holding Tim near, kissing him softly, then squeezing Tim's firm glutes that Jim knew would meet his hands with eagerness. They took turns undressing each other, one garment at a time, kicking off shoes in the process. When naked, Jim led Tim to the master bath, a temple to travertine and the large walk-in gang shower with 10 nozzles, two of which had shower hoses, and a pair of overhead "RainMaker" fixtures. The water erupted from the ceiling and wall fixtures in an array of steam and pulsing pressure. Their arms encircled and roamed across each other and both cocks were immediately erect. Jim's furry chest and arms were always concealed by his dress shirt and long, white, physician's coat, but now in the shower, the hair matted against Dr. Jim's fit torso and grabbed Tim's attention with pure focus and delight. Tim kneeled before Jim and licked the hairy scrotum, licked Jim's oversized dickhead and sucked it tentatively before swallowing the hard cock down his throat. Jim was impressed at Tim's deep throat talents and began face fucking the young driver, holding his head in place as he plunged deeply then withdrew before driving back down the eager throat. It was Jim's turn to suck dick next and he repeated the position, took the young driver dick in his hand, squeezing it hard and then swallowing. Jim bobbed on Tim for a good 4 or 5 minutes with his expert throat muscles working the driver to the point of orgasm, then backed off and repeated the drill, several times until Tim was pleading to cum. Jim stood, caressed Tim and led them from the shower to the bed, drying each other in thick super-sized white towels that were discarded beside the bed. Tim rolled onto his back, looked up into Jim's eyes, blinked a couple of times then closed his eyes as Jim came face to face and kissed him passionately. The warm bodies mingled easily in the king-sized bed, rolling side to side and playfully probing, exploring and stroking each other, biting nipples and sucking balls in a fury of passion. Both cocks needed release.

It was after midnight when Jim began to screw Tim again. The first two times had been outright fucks, but this time was more passionate and loving. Tim had ridden Jim in their last fuck, taking Dr. Jim's hairy thick veiny dick deep up his hole, then screwing his ring down tightly on the dick base before riding up again to the head. Tim loved having Jim hold his hips as he rode and rocked the dick. They kissed, with Tim bent forward, Jim's dick stuffed up in him as they tongued each other's mouths deeply. This time Tim sat upright, impaled his hole down hard on Jim's huge dick and rocked the king-sized bed with fury, working hard and fast to get Jim off. The expert top took Tim's hole like that for a few more minutes before flipping the driver bottom on his back and force fucking him; driving deep and shifting Tim's ring side to side until his bottom's cock erupted and he was screaming his release. Jim sat back filling the hole he'd been fucking with another mammoth load of cum, then announced he was done and needed sleep, though welcomed Tim to stay the rest of the night. Tim grabbed his cell, sent Ivan a text---long day, near my place, gonna crash there, C U Thursday--- then hung up and snuggled aside Dr. Jim and they slept soundly.

Next: Chapter 37

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