Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jul 8, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Tuesday morning they woke. Tim had no gig, so remained in bed while Ivan dressed, then kissed bye and headed downstairs and met Dave. They walked to the bus stop and rain was threatening. Ivan had his trusty micro-umbrella stowed in his backpack and was prepared. Ivan asked Dave point blank if he'd tricked with Gordon and Dave answered "no but I wish." "He's nice in the sack" came Ivan's reply as the bus pulled up. Greetings to Tom the bus driver who now gave Ivan a wink and off they went. "Details" Dave pleaded? Ivan grinned and said "maybe tonight", then got Dave's further update on Alex and their folks. Once completed, Ivan shared the new gig that Tim had landed as of supper last night, across town nearer his own apt. Ivan speculated that they may not get to see each other as much and about that time the pulled to their stop and the guys exited, wishing driver Tom a good day. After a brief chat, the pair parted ways and headed off on their mornings. "Morning Mr. Peters" Ivan head from behind while waiting to cross the street. He turned and found Dave visiting with the cocky college jock from Ivan's first campus visit; and wondered if Dave had scored that dick or not?

Shelley was in early and greeted Ivan as he came in, "that was sure a nice gesture sending Rick separate flowers from you and the staffers." Ivan was a bit dumbfounded, "he may be new but he deserves to be treated with regard at this sort of time, but thanks" and headed down the hall to find Grace working away. He shared good morning wishes and went straight to his office to get on some emails and a draft of the Fall Student Program for John's review. His plan for "Four Seasons at New Town- A Student Dance" was to open with Summer' and then go into Fall', Winter', and end in Spring' rather than opening with the target release date of Fall. He was also going to suggest that Joyce be designated the Rehearsal Coordinator for the student program, in addition to her principal dance role in other performances planned for the Fall Program's 6 shows. He got a mug of coffee, returned and reviewed his program draft then hit send and savored the morning brew. He'd missed coffee this morning with Tim and also hoped he'd remember to feed B&B, then sent a reminder text, just in case. He reflected on his boyfriend's eagerness with Gordon last night and how great his ass felt locked around the pair of dicks in it. He also wondered if Gordon was screwing Tim at this moment then got into the rest of his emails as a diversion.

He'd wait until John had reviewed and approved the student program idea before sharing it with the students. He sent a text off to his folks and one to Cy, then got back into his day's routine. About an hour later his email pinged and it was John's reply, "Go For It". Ivan beamed and sent Joyce a text, asking her to come to his office after her current class or rehearsal. Ivan sat still and relived the exploration of Gordon's blonde hairy legs, crotch, torso and glutes; his thick, veiny dick and that oversized head and slit. His own dick stirred and needed release about the time there was a knock at his office doorway and Ivan looked up to find Joyce waiting pensively. "You asked me to come see you Ivan" she said softly? "Come in come in come in" he urged and pulled a chair out for her to help break her obvious distress and concern. Sitting adjacent to her, Ivan began his regard for her and her dance skills and wanted to know if she'd ever entertained any offstage work as well? He went on to explain his meeting yesterday and concept for a student program this Fall in conjunction with the regular program offering and wondered if she'd consider being the Rehearsal Coordinator for the student show? Her face burst into smiles and head began nodding affirmatively. Ivan then went on to explain his preliminary program name, the performance sequence and some ideas of music but admitted those were all in very general or prelim states at this time. He also reminded her that this would be in addition to her regular dance schedule for the Fall shows. She was impressed and eager then thanked Ivan for his support and the opportunity. He asked that she keep this under wraps, until they'd been able to dot the Is and cross all the Ts, but to consider the role hers as of now. She left recharged and energized from her arrival at his office. It was lunch and he asked Grace if she had plans? Grace looked up, somewhat bewildered and replied, "lunch, me, and you?" Ivan smiled, looked around and replied, "well yes, who else is standing here?" Grace still befuddled replied "it's just that, well no one else has ever asked me to have lunch together but Shelley, and yes I'd love to have lunch together." In no time the pair was in the cafeteria and Ivan picked up her tab which again left Grace a little bewildered, then they sat in a center table of the open room and enjoyed a good visit and meal. Ivan's genuine team building and bonding was gaining momentum one step at a time. It was an honest effort and not a political one. Grace thought to herself, `he's the real deal'. Their afternoon was busy with meeting preps, a final financial review of the birthday program, the cost to-date of helping Alex and Grace again thanked Ivan for lunch before leaving his office. While he wasn't about to reveal the plans for Joyce or the student program to her just yet, he wasn't concealing it, just wanted to firm up more details before announcing it to the students, their parents, rest of the Company and "John Q Public".

Ivan pulled up one of Alexi's Fall programs from last year. He was very talented for sure. While his arrogance was a detractor IT was also part of made him as good as he was and Ivan knew and understood that combination first hand. The pitfall was that Alexi hadn't groomed any humility as he hone his art. How could he help the young male star gain that trait and become really remarkable, he considered? For a fleeting moment he imagined an x-ray view of Alexi's huge dick down Jason's throat, then blinked it away. Standing to go get an afternoon juice, his cock throbbed and strained to grow in his boxer briefs. He phoned Mr. Peters for an update on Alex and inquired about the nurse and physical therapist visits and if they'd learned any more about getting Occupational Therapy sessions in conjunction with his at-home rehab, after learning about that from Dave earlier? Ivan then asked about he and Mrs. Peters before asking if Alex was awake and able to chat a bit? Alex got on the phone, sounded tired, and was managing his pain but interested in work and `who was doing whom' and they both laughed. Ivan went on to share the Student Program idea and Alex rave about the concept, admitting it was long overdue and would likely stimulate fundraising as well, "good call buddy" came the final compliment from his co-worker/friend. Ivan inquired about when Alex was next set to see that hunky Dr. Jim and Alex admitted, "well not soon enough, but next week" they both growled approval at the thought of having that man in their respective beds, closed their chat and Ivan sat back again feeling good about his efforts since arriving at The Company. Before he knew it, the day was done, he was saying his good-byes to Grace and Shelley, was at the bus stop as Dave joined him and they rode home chatting about the day and Ivan whispered about the hottie jock speaking to Dave that morning. "That's Ted and he's a real cock-tease" Dave admitted to "wanting it, but never gonna get it." The bus driver was new, was oblivious to the riders, unfriendly or perhaps just timid, Ivan observed as they exited the bus and wished the driver well. Walking home, Dave prodded Ivan for details about Gordon and the 3-way; which Ivan shared and re-enforced about all the blonde fur. Chuck Young was coming down the steps with his bike and greeted both guys, paused and remarked, "so Ivan I hear you know my buddy Steve Taylor, good man" and mounting his bike, sped to the corner and was gone. Dave and Ivan stood speechless and wondering. After checking their mail, Ivan invited Dave up to see the new screen and Dave accepted, arriving in a half hour with a bottle of chilled rose'. Ivan thought it odd that he'd not had any word from Tim all day, but thought this new gig must be keeping him busy, as the door knock interrupted his thoughts to find Dave waving the wine in mid air. Dave was intrigued by the silky fabric and modern colors paired with the wrought iron type frame and thought the uplights were the ideal addition for the room. "So you think Chuck and Steve may have done it" Dave inquired over their first sips of wine? Ivan shrugged and acknowledged, "if they did it was smoking hot though." Both guys laughed at the imagery. Their wine done, Dave's cell went off. It was Towns asking about supper and after Dave accepted, suggested he'd better leave as Towns was headed over to go eat. Dave asked Ivan to join them but he declined pending a reply from Tim. Ivan got a shower and was drying off when his cell lit up.

Tim had gotten hung up, was headed there now, did Ivan have supper plans or should he get some take-out and from where? A vegetarian menu was Ivan's pref for this Tuesday night. Tim said he knew just the spot and would be home in about 45 minutes. Kisses done, the counter set up, the pair began the stories of their days as the two ripped into the bags of ToGo veggie fare. Afterwards, Ivan asked if Tim wanted a shower and he declined, which Ivan thought odd, but dismissed it and they settled onto the loveseat checking their emails and messages. Ivan noted Tim's fresh hint of Polo "Blue" as they snuggled but again thought nothing more. As they left for bed later that night, Ivan asked if Gordon had dropped by before he left this morning. Tim said he had not and wasn't sure when he left, since Tim left about 8 to get his new client to a business meeting and Gordon didn't seem to be making any noises then. Ivan complimented Tim on his sexy ways overnight and how good he felt around his dick. In no time, Ivan was plugging his boyfriend and getting off in that hot, muscle hole, just as Tim blew his hands-free load. They slipped off to a deep sleep.

Next: Chapter 36

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