Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jul 2, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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The alarm sounded unusually loud this Tuesday morning or was it just because he'd not slept soundly? Still, Ivan hauled his body up, peed, began the coffee as Tim followed the established regimen. They had to pick up the Peters by 8 to be there for the hour visiting hour window and a parade would be interrupting traffic, so the advance planning was important. They prepped toast between dressing exercises, got B&B fed and headed downstairs. At the 2nd floor landing, Katia interrupted them to get an update on Dave and his brother, eyed Tim, glared at Ivan then winked a good bye and returned to her apt. Traffic was moving pretty well until they neared the hotel and then it stopped totally. Ivan phoned the Peters and asked that they come downstairs to be ready as traffic was a bitch. Mr. Peters announced the parade was just coming round the corner and looked like they couldn't squeeze a limo or a saltine cracker onto the parade route. "We can sit it out, but..." Ivan explained, but there was no movement. Ivan phoned Mr. Peters again and told them to start walking to the hospital, otherwise they may not make visiting hours. They did as suggested and Ivan then advised Tim, "work us out of this and head to the hospital please", then sat back watching the crowds. His cell went off. It was Reg, the RN from Alex's other floor just checking in on him, Alex, the family and his availability anytime soon? Ivan's cock shuddered to life as he responded; "now's a tough time but def in near future, if the delay works ok for you"? Reg's reply simply "works fine stay in touch".

Tim made it to the hospital at 9:15 and Ivan went straight to the ICU, didn't see the family so went in to get a visit with Alex. He explained the parade and delays and hoped his folks and Dave would arrive soon. Alex nodded understanding, held Ivan's hand firmly, "hurting baaaad" Alex's remark and squeezed Ivan's hand again. At 9:25 he had to leave his friend, stopped at the nurse's station tor eport Alex's pain and ask for any help, then went out to the Waiting Room and in came the Peters, disgruntled and annoyed from the pushing and shoving they had to do. Mrs. Peters went in to visit Alex, followed by Mr. Peters. Ivan admitted the traffic was far worse than reported. When Dave returned from visiting is brother, he reported they'd given Alex pain meds and he was fading out. Ivan was stressing, he feared the overnight he and Tim had shared prevented Tim from arriving in time and in advance of the parade, even though the police and reporters were advising unusually high parade traffic. He didn't want Tim to get into trouble so tried again to mollify the Peters distress and asked about breakfast. They agreed and ate at the cafeteria, unwilling and unable to get anywhere else. It was during breakfast that Reg sent another text, "can you get away from the family after breakfast"? Ivan glanced around, thinking Reg was w/i a line of sight. "Maybe" Ivan's reply, then "where"? Reg directed Ivan to "go to the O.R. Waiting Room, I'll meet you there in 10". Their breakfast complete, Ivan suggested they hit the chapel and get some quiet, then check out the entertainment center for any movie that may be playing to pass the time until the next visitation hour. By that time, the parade should be over and the crowds dispersed. The family agreed, invited Ivan but he begged off for work reasons, and watched them head away to the chapel.

Stepping off the elevator on the 2nd floor Surgery and Recovery level, he turned to the Waiting Room entry and found Reg waiting. "What gives" Ivan asked? Reg led them to a blocked off corridor and reported, "this is the addition and the construction crews called off due to the parade so no one's working here today", pressed the double doors apart and they passed a couple of existing rooms that had not been demoed yet, then around the corner to a view of the street below and an exam room immediately to the right. Reg led Ivan in and shut the door, gripped Ivan in his arms and kissed him deeply. The excitement and intrigue was riveting. Ivan's dick rose as did Reg's. Reg hoisted Ivan onto the exam table, pulled his slacks down, underwear down and reached in his pocket for a rubber and lube. Ivan looked up "uh maybe a little more foreplay ya think" he posed to Reg; "no time for that right now" Reg replied as he lubed Ivan's muscled ring, shoved his knees back to his chest, untied his own scrubs and jerked his jock down revealing a think 9" hardon that championed Ivan's very own piece of meat. Reg stepped to the foot rest of the exam table and drove in Ivan's well lubed hole. The thick cock strained the elasticity of the Trojan Magnum XL. Ivan needed to scream, to press against Reg to slow down, to go easy but he also needed to be fucked and this man clearly knew what he needed. Reg's thick dick base stretched Ivan's muscle ring. When Reg's head hit Ivan's "spot" all bets were off. Ivan felt that dick power and presence and surrendered to it. He needed that control, that domination right now, to destress. Reg began his steady fuck rhythm and rather abruptly increased it. The slamming of thighs to glutes and the squawking noise of the exam table on the hard flooring was a concern but they were both past the point of no return as Ivan jacked his hardon with it's now purple head and Reg hammered Ivan's ass with force. Both got closer and closer. Ivan tugged up his shirt to his neck, revealing his hard nips, pecs and upper torso, stared into the dominant fucker's eyes and gritted his teeth then shot hard rockets of cum across his upper body. Ivan's sudden ass-muscle clenching caused Reg to fire his nut in the rubber. The pressure of each cum jet on the interior latex against his walls, stirred Ivan to another series of cumshots. Both guys were panting, sweating and flushed when they finished. Reg tucked his dick away in his jock, tied his scrubs and offered "we good"? "Good for sure and surprised" came Ivan's reply with a big smile. They left through the same closed corridor, rode down the elevator and Reg disappeared into the crowd. Ivan knew he couldn't see the Peters OR Tim at this point and would make his way the two blocks over and catch a bus for home. He needed to decompress.

Riding the bus home, and sore, he sent a text to John and Grace, saying he needed the rest of the day off; that the combined show prep, focus with Alex and family, running and strains had just worn him out. He'd be on his cell or laptop though if needed and was going home. He omitted saying his ass had just been MONSTER COCK fucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arriving at his bus stop, he walked slowly to #14, greeted Adam Scott and Gordon Jackson who was sitting on the sidewalk reading the paper. As Ivan approached, he noticed through Gordon's crossed legs, he was commando and showed a glimpse of furry blonde crotch. Gordon glanced up, nodded and smiled then resumed reading the article that had captured his attention. Van's cock stirred again, realizing that he truly was a HORN DAWG, having just been fucked and cum twice this morning. Ivan made it upstairs with each step it seemed causing his glutes to spasm and his hole to throb. He thought a shower would ease thigns a bit, came in,s tripped down, talked to B&B a bit then climbed over the old fashioned tub and stood under the shower head, flushing his body with hot steamy water. He re-soaped, dried off and made his way to the loveseat, stretched out and fell asleep. His cell woke him about an hour later and he groggily answered, "yuh", Ivan didn't recognize the number. "I'm Mitch a friend of Steve Taylor's and I'm in town at Steve's and were wondering about a 3-way?" Ivan's dick throbbed at the thought of Steve's hot body and replied "is Steve there now?" "Yeah you wanna talk to him" and Steve got on the phone. He began, "bro you been AWOL, not seen you at the window and was worried your co-worker's condition had gone south or somethin?" Ivan replied, "he'd had one thing after another and trailed off" before returning to the point of the call and a possible 3-way. "Yeah we're both horny and told Mitch about that big dick of yours and he wants you and me to doublefuck him if you're interested?" "Ivan still aching answered, "how bout right now I'm home for the rest of the day and need to nut?" Steve paused, reminded him of the apt and said "they'd hit the shower and you head over in about 15, K?" Ivan agreed, checked the time and made use of the few minutes to toss some essentials in his tote and stroll over. Gordon and Adam were still outside #14 as he left, walked tot eh corner, turned and disappeared to the next street over. Arriving at #21, Ivan climbed the steps, rang the doorbell and Steve answered with the lock-release buzzer, before Ivan once again appeared at Steve's door. That same sterile, gym-quality interior greeted him as did a naked Mitch, hand outstretched and ample but not enormous dick swinging as he walked to Ivan. "No need to delay this" Steve remarked as he tugged off his workout shorts and his dick and balls hung free. Ivan began a quick strip, with Steve's help, while kissing Mitch. Mitch sucked Ivan's tongue and as Ivan's shorts fell to the floor, Mitch dove down on the hardening cock before him. Steve took Ivans tongue and the pair kissed voraciously as Mitch sucked and sucked and SUCKED Ivan's cock. He'd worked hard to get the growing dick in top form and was successful. Steve picked Mitch up and carried him to bed with Ivan following, slowly stroking as he walked and watching Steve's fine glutes flex as he walked. Mitch assumed a doggy position. Steve rolled onto his back under Mitch to feed the hungry bottom and Ivan kneeled behind Mitch and ate him out slowly at first, then more aggressively until Mitch was moaning and pleading for dick, between swallowing Steve's thick cock. Ivan was fully hard and hurting, his pre-cum flowed in an endless stream. Steve urged Mitch on, "you like that dick eh, you want it in your ass right bottom boy, you horny little slut want us both buried in your gash?" Mitch was crying out "fuck yes, Fuck me, SOMEONE FUCK ME, BOTH YOU DMANED STUDS DICK MY ASS!!!!!" With that, Steve slid down toward the foot of the bed, farther under Mitch who remained doggy with his knees right at the edge of the bed and spread wide. Mitch settled down o Steve's thick hardon, arched his back, then tucked forward a bit feeling the body builder dick drive up in him. Mitch slowly rode the dick, screwed his ass up and down the shaft, Steve's pre-cum coating those expertly fucked walls. Mitch had just picked up his riding speed, as Ivan stepped forward, steadied the small of Mitch's back and guided his monster in that filled ring. Slowly at first as Mitch adjusted tot eh added dick and then as Ivan seated his hard cock adjacent to his body builder bid's dick in Mitch's butt, began a rhythmic fuck. Steve held off, letting Ivan start the screw but the friction of Ivan's dick against his own hardon didn't allow him to stay still long. Mitch's ass muscles were perfection for both top guys. Mitch gripped both dicks with his stretched ring and walls and the two tops began an asynchronous piston fucking of that good hole. "Oh My GAWD" Mitch extolled, "that's how to fuck me guys, Do it, ram my hole with those hard dicks, work my rings guys, OWN MY HOLE." And they did............Before too very long, Mitch claimed he was gonna shoot, "not even" came Steve's reply and gripped Mitch's dick hard, clamping his huge hard hand on the bottom's cock and squeezing it until soft again as both tops continued their assault in Mitch's tail. After a bit more, it was Steve who announced to Ivan that he was close. Ivan nodded yes, but said nothing, focused on the hot hole he was fucking with his bud Steve. Mitch continued to arch his back with each guy's thrust and again cried out he "was gonna cum", and again Steve clamped the bottom's cock soft. "Go for it bud" Ivan directed Steve and Steve's big hands gripped Mitch's ass cheeks and drove up in him hard. Mitch yelped. Ivan took the cue and began a rapid fire pump Pump PUMP of the tail and the combined friction got both top dicks firing in Mitch's hole. Mitch's hands-free cum explosion revealed how much he thoroughly enjoyed being double dicked and needed it more often. The two collapsed on Steve as they regained their stability. Ivan withdrew, stood and headed to the john to pee and clean up. Mitch climbed off Steve and grabbed his glutes, wincing but his hole still showed the wide gape of the double fuck results. Steve's cock lay against his lower torso leaking cum remnants, with his fine arms resting across his forehead, exposing his awesome pecs, nips and abs. "Hey guys I hate to fuck n run, but need to get cleaned up before..." and he stopped short of admitting Tim getting home.....Suddenly Ivan felt a sense of guilt, of longing and as he re-dressed and made his way back to Vance St., felt he'd betrayed his new boyfriend'.

Returning to the apt, he decided he'd fix a good (a guilt) meal for he and Tim; opened the small freezer and found two fish filets and a pair of twice baked potatoes (4 halves). His mom had come through again and then checking the small pantry, found a can of stewed tomatoes. He recalled his mom broiling fish, serving them with stewed tomatoes and the potatoes would fix the menu. He texted Tim and asked him to pick up a light dessert on his way home, so all would be set. Tim gave an "AOK" reply and asked if he was resting? Ivan was reluctant to answer and just admitted to planning their dinner. Mid-afternoon, he talked to B&B some, phoned his mom and got in a good visit, checked his mail, talked with the Peters and got a good report from their afternoon ICU visit with Alex and learned he may be moved to a room the next day- a day earlier than planned; just as a day off should be, he reflected. After a bit more, Tim sent a text, that he'd declined the Peters' offer to join them for dinner and they'd planned an early one, so he'd be home about 8:45-9:00. That clued Ivan in on his prep schedule and he opted to get cleaned up now, feed B&B their supper, before beginning supper arrangements for he and Tim. While he was in the shower, his cell went off, it was a text from Reg, asking if he was at the hospital and did he have time to fuck again on his supper break? After his shower, when Ivan read the text, his dick immediately began to hardon. He thought of the feeling that big dick in his ass had delivered and was even now, throbbing. ---Sorry, came home and busy here, hope we can another time, soon--- Ivan replied. ---K--- came Reg's response. Then Ivan dressed somewhat, commando, baggy camo shorts and flip flops.

It was 9:00 when Tim arrived at #14, unlocked the front door, made his way upstairs and into #L, to find Ivan with two burned fingers, cussing at the stove or oven and some faint hint of burnt smoke lingering in the air. They kissed, Tim handed over ice cream, pound cake and fresh strawberries, before stripping and hitting the shower. In no time he emerged drying off, towel wrapped around his lower torso, Ivan much calmer and serving up their supper. "Looks awesome baby" Tim observed. Ivan paused, smiled a bit, sorry if it is smoky, that damned oven is ancient; might as well be cooking on an open pit, a la cavemen. They chuckled a bit, sat and enjoyed a quiet meal. Ivan shared the news about Alex, then realized Tim probably knew already, he inquired about the Peters and Dave at which time Tim dropped his eyes a little. They're all good, "uh I need to cover something with you though" Tim eeked out, "it's Dave and uh I don't know how to say this other than say it, but"- Ivan interjected "is something wrong with him now, all this stress?"

"Well no not exactly, it's just that, well fuck- Dave blew me a few times over the past few days when you were not around and I figured he needed the relief and you set it up before and I didn't think, well I didn't think you'd mind and all" then stopped short waiting for Ivan's reply. Tim's honest admission pinned Ivan to the wall. Should he reveal his own extra-curricular sex or not? The finished the dinner, were side by side prepping the ice cream, pound cake and strawberries and Ivan turned to Tim, hugged him and kissed him tenderly. "I'm good with you and Dave and you're right he likely did need this", reaching down and caressing Tim's cock "as an anti-anxiety remedy" then kissed Tim again. They fed each other the desserts and climbed in bed. They continued making out but passed on sex that night. Both were fatigued and they languished in each other's arms. Ivan lifted Tim's chin as they stared at each other, "we boyfriends now I guess?" Tim blinked and slowly nodded agreement. Their sleep was peaceful.

Next: Chapter 29

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