Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 30, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Sat morning show time...Tim left Ivan at work early after some relaxed wake-up sex in the shower, then headed to the hotel for the Peters. Ivan was jittery about the entire process and program, though he knew he and the entire Team were ready. He needed it to go well for Alex. John dropped by to wish everyone well about 9 then left them alone. The plan was to arrive at the venue by 11 as the hotel staff were rearranging the set-up for the birthday party by 12:30. Gary made the link-up live for the hospital audience and then began his audio/video checks at the sound board. Ivan and team would integrate their set-up with the hotel staff and while it may seem confusing, both groups would be working in separate areas, with Towns' team along the periphery with the backdrop and the lighting, while the hotel would be focused on tables and table set-up in the central area of the ballroom. MaryAnn and her asst. Charise, as well as Lauren the make-up girl and her assts. Donald, Andrew and Becca would be set-up off stage right, where the access to the loading docks provided easier access for supplies and vanity set-ups. Ivan paced, first in his street clothes and closer to the opening, in his incredible costume. Joyce and Alexi, the respective female and male leads had matching costumes; black lycra with a sash of the metallic backdrop fabric and short masks of the same metallic. The chorus wore black lycra and masks, and no sash. Ivan, the principal, wore black lycra, a full-head mask of the metallic fabric w/mixed gold/silver metallic cuffs.

The patron's mother had hired a DJ and he took his place at the sound board with Gary to test his tracks; lead in, birthday session and post party exit series. Satisfied with the system and speakers, the young-ish DJ faded into the side area waiting his cue from the hostess to start the lead-in track. Ivan's troupe and team were now offstage in their beginning positions.

At 12:30, the doors opened with the DJ track playing as the assorted mother's and invited girls filled the room, placed their gifts on the party table, searched for their respective seating, milled about awaiting the birthday girl who finally made her very staged entry and took her seat with her mom. The DJ track ended. Gary assumed the controls, as the hostess stood to welcome everyone to the party and an exciting performance by the New Town Jazz and Ballet Company. Gary dimmed the lights and in his deep voice announced "The Cat, a Performance Dedicated to Alex Peters" and with it, cued the audio and Towns enforced the tension by lighting sprayed across the backdrop, pooled to center stage then slowly edged to stage left, meeting Ivan's dramatic and very slow pacing back to center stage. Each of his steps almost painful and deliberate, before slowly curling onto the floor and laying flat out, illuminated with one spot. Joyce then made her entry from stage right, echoing Ivan's routine and taking another spot just off center stage but pooled in a spot. Alexi then entered also from stage right and repeated the routine assuming his curl just right of Joyce. The theme and tension continued to build as Ivan, followed by Joyce then Alexi, all gradually stood, stretched their arms high above and Ivan began an instantaneous and aggressive series of leaps and spins around the other two dancers, circumnavigating the entire stage, before returning to center stage and his curl on the floor. The rest of the dance followed with Joyce and Alexi each dancing around the curled Ivan, the rest of the troupe arriving from different starting positions offstage and doing similar but less dramatic leaps and pirouettes. The performance ends with Ivan doing a non-stop series of arched leaps back and forth across the stage as the chorus slowly thins out and finally concludes with Alexi's exit, then Joyce's and Ivan is left standing alone in center stage under a pool of light, before blackout. Lights come up, Joyce and Alexi join Ivan at center stage, followed by ½ each of the chorus coming in from stage right and stage left, they bow and bow again. The theme plays as the stage clears. Alex and his family were stunned speechless up to end at which point they too erupted in applause.

Ivan congratulated the entire Team and gave each a hug and handshake well out of range of the partygoers and their DJ's sound tracks. Ivan's phone went off; it was Alex with high praise for all. The tear down could happen behind the back curtains and not disturb the party. By 2:45 the demo was done and by 3:00 the pair of cab-over vans were loaded and all were leaving the hotel for the office. It would take about 30 minutes to unload the vans and stage the gear so everyone could enjoy their achievement. There was no cast party planned, but there would be a catered luncheon Sunday at The Warick House where the dance event was held, courtesy of the hostess. Ivan couldn't wait to get to the hospital and get Alex's evaluation!!! Tim met Ivan at the office as they unloaded and staged everything, then waited as he showered quickly then left. Ivan talked non-stop as they made their way cross town.

Entering room 1221, the family and Alex raved about the performance. Mr. Peters remarked "he had no idea Ivan could go from being the quiet, deliberate sort they had seen to the exuberant dancer he obviously was and was such a talent." Mrs. Peters just hugged Ivan repeatedly. Dave shook hands and Alex gave two thumbs up and softly mumbled his appreciation and congratulations. Ivan could tell this had been an ordeal for his friend and that the pain was building. Ivan suggested he relax and asked Mrs. Peters the last time he had pain meds, and she said 4 hours. Ivan called the nurse, asked for pain meds and in due course, the small redhead appeared with the IV dose. Alex settled down as his pain eased, in about 10 minutes. The family quieted down their excitement as Dave paced, with repeated energy and compliments. As Alex went further into sleep, they suggested something to eat as Ivan had eaten nothing and his stomach was growling making the others chuckle and leaving him embarrassed each time. Knowing the cafeteria had already closed, they left for a nearby coffee shop, Ivan gobbled down a BLT, fries and tall iced water, while the others were content with pie and coffee. They returned to the hospital and found Alex still resting comfortably. Ivan's laptop pinged. It was an email from Gary with renewed congrats and alert that he'd just uploaded the performance video to the Company website. Ivan was free to share the video with his friends and family. Ivan admitted to eagerly anticipating the video to see his and the other's performance, but would wait to watch it at home, though he copied the link, pasted it to an email and sent it off to his mom's email address. He knew she'd be delighted. Ivan reflected on his journey here, the men, the passion, the one-night stands, Cy, Steve, Tim......Where was he and then admitted he was very tired and needed to get some rest, and begged off leaving the family and hoped they understood? With that Ivan headed downstairs, found his guy and Tim drove him home. Before returning to the hospital to be available to the family, Tim and Ivan enjoyed a relaxing shower together, an easy 69, then Ivan fell asleep. Tim dressed, fed B&B and eased out of the apt.

When Ivan woke, the sun's shadow line was near the foot of his bed. He stretched, ached and sat up. Looking around, he reached for his cell and saw it was 6:30. He'd slept for just over an hour, but felt refreshed now that he was up moving about. He checked emails and saw many emails from the Company and one each from his dad, mom and even Michael. Ivan was proud and happy and curled up on the loveseat, hugging himself, not from a sense fear or defense but of achievement!!! His cell pinged and it was a text from Tim, letting Ivan know he'd fed B&B and would come by after he dropped the Peters at their hotel, about 9. Ivan quickly replied ---AOK--- then went downstairs to check his mail. A bill, a note from his folks wishing him and the dance well, a funny card from Tim and junk mail filled the small mailbox. Adam Scott came out of his unit and made small talk with Ivan about Dave and Dave's brother and actually wished them good will, before checking his mail and returning to his unit. Chuck Young was coming down with his bike. Ivan held the door open, they made small talk too then Ivan returned to his place. He wanted to plan a meal with Tim, but decided to take him out, then rethought the idea and chose to make something for them there, but what? He called his mom to ask about something he could fix for a friend and he to celebrate the performance and she considered options with his small stove and meager utensils. She made a list, foil, chicken breasts, bread crumbs, parsley, butter, broccoli and new potatoes, and a dessert. She gave him her tips, they hung up and Ivan walked to the corner store for his menu items and two pints of ice cream- chocolate and vanilla. He knew he had frozen English Muffins for their Sunday breakfast, with eggs and ham slices. He watched his time, replied to the many emails, then started their supper. At 9:30 his buzzer went off and he almost ran downstairs to greet Tim, hugging the man on the landing, laughing and heading back upstairs. Tim looked very tired but delighted now that he was with Ivan. Ivan had set the bar with plates, etc and all was about ready, giving Tim time for a shower. He joined Ivan in the kitchen, fixed their glasses of iced water, Ivan produced a chilled bottle of white wine to celebrate which they sipped as the food was being served. Tim was impressed, kissed Ivan's neck several times in the process, rubbed and hugged his waist then they sat to enjoy the meal; their first home cooked dinner meal, together.

After cleaning up the kitchen, they settled together on the loveseat, watched the birds and tenderly made out. The make out routine grew more and more intense and passionate though and before long, both were naked on the loveseat in a 69 scene. After filling each other's mouths, they broke apart, kissed deeply and went to bed. They snuggled before falling asleep, but woke about midnight, Tim giving Ivan deep throat action and urging Ivan to fuck. Tim rolled onto his back, grabbed his ankles and Ivan didn't hesitate to screw the hell out of Tim into Sunday morning. Tim's readiness to be fucked led to his own hands-free orgasm as Ivan bored deep in his hole. They fell back asleep and slept until 6.

Next: Chapter 26

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