Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 28, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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The next 4 days would be very demanding, Ivan thought this Wednesday morning lying there before the alarm went off. He eased from bed, disabled the alarm, began cleaning up, started the coffee just as Tim stirred awake asking him to come back to bed. "Can't today baby, need to be on my best" Ivan replied. Tim took the hint, got up, they downed coffee together then both dressed and headed out. On the way to work, Ivan wondered if Dan had reached out to Jason? If he had, what had he learned? Would there be repercussions and if so, what and how extensive? His mind raced. Tim dropped him off at the corner, then headed to the hotel, albeit early himself. Ivan thought of that first day, being reminded to always badge in and out. Doing it this time seemed like both the first and last he would do it; an odd sense. Flipping on the hallway lights, then the staging area, he sat down, did emails, found nothing from Dan or John about the personnel matter so he logged off. Once done, he logged into his personal emails and found several from his folks, Michael, Cy, Steve and others. He'd get to those tonight perhaps?

He changed into his dance gear, turned the Cat Theme up loudly, began his warmups, then suddenly found himself dancing the routine solo. This was a solo, it just hadn't occurred to him before now. THIS WAS A FUCKING SOLO and made just for him!!!! Joyce, Alexi, the troupe, they were all echoes of his dance. While too late to rework, not that he felt it necessary, if it came to a new show, it was his to perform, SOLO........ He did it, repeated it and by then Gary was entering the staging area. "Hey boss you are really early" Gary remarked. "Just getting my warmups and a new concept I thought of worked out" Ivan replied, then Gary filled Ivan in on the plan to sync up the TV and laptop as soon as the gear arrive tomorrow. Ivan grabbed Gary's hands and shook them eagerly, heaping on thanks and praise and recalling his IT guy's hot ass. Some members of the troupe arrived, Joyce first and was already dressed in dance gear as were several others. Jason arrived, beamed broadly at Ivan and last came Alexi, who said nothing. Perhaps Dan had reached both Ivan thought? Anyway he called the group to attention and the routine began, ran through twice more, asked about any costume probs and dismissed the troupe. Ivan showered alone, dressed and returned to Alex's office to work. Still nothing from Dan or John. Lunch, the afternoon, a meeting with MaryAnn in the costume dept, a follow-on with Towns about transportation and his arrangements with the hotel facilities staff for Saturday. That wrapped up the afternoon. This time, he called a cab and after a 5 minute wait, waved good night to Shelley, climbed in the taxi and left for the hospital.

The daily visit with Alex and family became routine and though good in the sense of making a difference, Ivan also grew bored once things settled into too much of a rut. He felt full, and had all afternoon and wondered if it was from the personnel stress? When the others urged supper, he declined, opted for a cab ride home and sent Tim a text to come `home' after you get them back to the hotel. Their meal done and family returned to the hotel, Tim buzzed #14 L and Ivan greeted his favorite driver with a hug and kiss, on the 1st floor landing.... They went upstairs, made passionate love, showered and repeated the sex, before nodding off to sleep.

Ivan woke before the alarm Thursday morning. Tim woke, they had coffee, dressed and Tim took the time to note finding the $20s in his slacks pocket yesterday morning, "but you didn't give me a chance to thank you for them" and kissed Ivan again. The routine drive, drop off, badge in, lights up in the hallway, lights on in staging and theme music cranked up loudly, dance gear on, warm ups in work, dance routine. He was panting when Gary entered the area...and continued panting, was it anxiety, was he having a fucking anxiety attack; or just boredom of the routine, the rut? He assured Gary he'd be fine just some workout stress issues, then sat back and waited for the troupe. Once assembled, he called them to attention and sailed through the routine. They did it again. He closed the rehearsal and reminded them of the full stage set up rehearsal Friday morning and dress rehearsal Friday night. He then focused on Gary and the delivery of gear needed for the sync up. Gary said it was out for delivery when he checked tracking and as soon as it's received was going to the hospital to meet with his counterpart and they'd get a test done later today. There would be no problems. Still nothing from Dan or John so Ivan just tried to dismiss the matter and focus on the show, Alex's recovery and ensuing surgery Monday. All was ready but he needed an escape. He texted Grace, Gary and Towns to let them know he was leaving early. Gary replied that he was at the hospital and they were setting up the link and TV connection. He left for the hospital. Once there, he saw no limo and wondered about Tim, sent a text, but got no reply as he stepped in the elevator and hit floor 12. He walked into room 1221. Dave nor the Peters were around, but there was Gary bent over, showing off his fine ass, and another hot guy from the hospital. Ivan glanced at Alex who was engrossed in the pair, gave Ivan a thumbs up and a lurid grin, licked his mouth at the two, Ivan shook his head, then Gary introduced the hospital IT guy Ben to Ivan, "the guy who dreamed all this up for that one" and pointed to Alex, then all laughed. All done, they ran a test with Towns at the other end. Ben shook hands, left and Gary recapped what was needed to activate the link then left himself. The two guys sat in silence for a few before Alex began; "jitters, anxiety, frustration, boredom"? Ivan glared at him nodding yes. "It comes with the turf, always does and it gets easier, but always happens" Alex replied. He then took Ivan's hand and held it warmly. The family returned and the two guys let their hands part. Mr. Peters remarked, "there were just 3 too many in here earlier when those guys started that installation-speak". Ivans cell buzzed a text from Tim, downstairs where R you'? `In the room AOK' responded Ivan.

Ivan began speaking and jotted info down on paper; "Logon at 9:00 by entering #1, all preset and the link up will connect; when you get the You Are Connected display hit #2 and the live link will open and you'll hear voices and see the staging area with all of us wandering about; Gary will pan around and show how the backdrop that Towns created will get assembled and afterwards, torn down; you should then see me giving last minute directions for the rehearsal, my cue command and then the program will commence; when done we will end the connection; on Saturday repeat the steps (#1 and #2) but at 12:45 to see the realtime intro and program and again we'll end it after the program runs. "Awesome man" Alex hailed. "Just glad you fellows know what you're doing" Mr. Peters said. Alex was tired, the family was too, so Ivan suggested they do their own meals separately or get room service delivery at the hotel. Mrs. Peters leapt at that idea as she'd been scoping out the menu in the hotel room for several days. They piled in the limo, dropped off the family at the hotel then Tim and Ivan made the repeat trip to Vance St., made some scrambled eggs and bacon w/toast then had some major fuck and suck time until midnight. Friday would be intense!!!

Next: Chapter 24

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