Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 24, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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They met the Peters and Dave at the hotel for the short hospital trip. Tim winked, gave a thumbs up to Ivan, then went his way for a cup of coffee from the café. They arrived on schedule and found Alex, more awake than usual but in pain from not getting his pain meds before surgery. Ivan saw how hard it was on the family, watching the staff manipulate Alex and urged them from the room to give them some "room to work". Mr. Peters saw the ruse, but went along and encouraged his wife to "give them a little space, let's go out in the hall honey". She reluctantly agreed. All but one nurse, Reg the RN, left the room and then Ivan and the family returned to see Alex and wish him well and sent lots of love. Reg winked at Ivan and whispered, "he'll ease down now, this is a pre-op shot from anesthesia" then added to the room, "the OR transportation guys will be here in about 10 minutes and Alex will slowly drift into an easy state of comfort, he can hear you so be supportive and encouraging and not sad for him right now", then left to chart. As Reg indicated, the OR guys arrived promptly at 5, moved Alex from the bed to a gurney, waited for all to share their well wishes then eased him from the room toward the staff elevator, with Dave, and his folks in line. At the last moment, Ivan jumped in the elevator as well. Dave gripped his hand for support. Mrs. Peters was sobbing, but stoic as the elevator arrived at level 2. As the OR transport team exited, they directed the family to the waiting room, allowed last minute words of support and kisses then wheeled Alex through the first of two sets of double doors and out of sight. The family and Ivan sat patiently, a nurse came out to greet them and another staffer joined to give directions for beverages, reading material and TV viewing. The nurse reminded them that this would be a very long procedure and they should plan on getting breakfast and lunch at least, as it may be mid-afternoon before Dr. Markel gives any report on the surgery. Asking if they had any questions and getting none, the petite blonde nurse went through the staff area as the other staffer, showed Dave where the beverage and rest room areas were, then took her seat at a desk near the elevators. Ivan noted the clock, 5:30 a.m. Friday. His first staging demo and rehearsal were in 4 hours.

Ivan got on emails, knowing it was so early, didn't expect any replies. John's reply email lit up the inbox with congrats and encouraging words for a successful practice session and to extend the best wishes from the Company to Alex's family. Next came a similar email from Dan Andrews. An email from Steve Taylor, the body builder expressed concern for Ivan's buddy and a real absence since they'd last connected. Cirro had emailed Ivan asking about Alex's surgery schedule and asked to be alerted afterwards. He was totally surprised to find a joint email to he and Dave from Adam Scott, wishing the best for Alex. Ivan showed Dave the emails from John, Dan, Steve, Cirro and Adam Scott as support. Dave shared the wishes from the various contacts with his folks. The family remained silent as the staffer came to report the surgery was now underway. Again, Ivan checked the clock 6:10, knowing the cafeteria opened at 6:30, Ivan suggested breakfast but Mr. and Mrs. Peters said they would remain there, though Dave said he was hungry and would bring them something back. Dave and Ivan left for the cafeteria, met Reg as he was leaving and waved good-bye, then waited for cafeteria service to begin. They both had scrambled eggs, toast, juice and coffee, then got two orders of croissants and jelly to go for the Peters. On return, Ivan sent a text to Tim about their target departure time of 8:30 to get the furniture moved, laptop set up and Ivan changed and ready promptly at 9:30. Tim confirmed the schedule and Ivan said he'd meet him downstairs, then Tim inquired about the family. "Ok for now" Ivan's reply. The clock moved ever slower it seemed and after pacing, replying to a few emails and several coffee refills, Ivan got ready to leave. He gave all three hugs and good thoughts, then disappeared in the elevator. Tim was waiting and they sped to the hotel. Tim directed Ivan to change and get set-up and he'd move the furniture again, then added "don't stress out man". Ivan changed, returned to the desk where he set-up the laptop, glanced at the timer 9:25, took a deep breath, logged into the live link and Gary, Towns and the troupe greeted him.

He gave a brief recap of Alex's status and ongoing surgery, then urged their focus and asked Gary to track the timing of Towns' crew for the stage set-up so it could be factored into the overall schedule and do the same for the tear-down at end of show. The troupe watched as Towns' team did their set-up and Gary acknowledged the total time, then Ivan announced it time for the troupe rehearsal to begin. As was now the common command "ready everyone, cue audio, and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4..." Ivan was off and the rehearsal program underway. They did a complete dance-through and timing was spot on. Ivan noted some improvements for some of the dancers and Alexi agreed to help them tighten up, then Ivan called for another dance-through. They wrapped at noon and agreed to reconvene at 2:00, then Ivan called for a change, let's make that 4 if no one has an issue; "Alex may be coming out of surgery about 2 and moving the rehearsal out until 4 will be a better fit". All agreed. Tim stood behind Ivan as he shut down the laptop and began massaging his neck and arms; then helped strip his client for his shower. "No time for anything more right now, we need to get you back to the hospital" Tim urged. Ivan showered and dressed then they hurried back to the waiting room.

The breakfast meal was meager and he needed to eat, Ivan considered as he rode up on the elevator. Unsure of what he may find, he braced himself and put on a smile. He found the family sitting as he left them this morning. They made small talk about how the session had gone and that there had been no news on Alex as yet. He let them know he and felt they too, needed to eat some lunch. He also advised that he'd pushed the afternoon session out until 4, hoping by then to hear about Alex and be able to give the cast and Company a good report. Mrs. Peters smiled and thanked him again for being there with them. Mr. Peters declared he'd "been hungry since he finished that little croissant 6 hours ago" and smiled. Dave urged his folks to go eat, then he and Ivan would eat and that way there'd be family here at all times. The Peters thought that a sound idea and left for the elevator. They took a full lunch break and got in a walk, returning 35 minutes later. Dave and Ivan left but returned with To Go containers in about 15 minutes and ate at the small table in the waiting area. When done eating, Ivan again did a clock check, 1:40. He paced, then Mr. Peters joined him, while Dave and his mom sat pensively. Two, then 2:15 shown on the wall clock. Ivan recalled Alex's warning when they first met, "Time Was Their Enemy". At 2:20 Dr. Markel and the Orthopedic Surgeon came through the second set of double doors and headed directly for the family and Ivan. They were both smiling and happy to report the surgery, while long, was a real success and that he'd need more, perhaps two in the near future, the major work was done and he was stable and moved into recovery. The collective sighs, smiles, hand shakes, tears and Thank Yous filled the room. Dr. Markel went on to say that they could "see him through the glass doors of recovery, but he wanted to give Alex about an hour before letting 1 visitor in at a time and then only 5 minutes each as he became more conscious; that it was a very long surgery and his body had a lot of trauma both from the initial injuries and extensive procedures". All agreed, thanked him again and he said he'd see Alex and the family again later this evening about 10pm when he would make his final post op rounds of the day and give them an update then. He left them standing overjoyed and relieved. Ivan sent Tim a text then followed it with one to John, Dan, Alexi, Gary and Towns. Ivan felt as though he could finally breathe fully for the first time that week. Ivan checked the clock once more, 2:35; if he had to wait to see Alex even at 3:35, he wouldn't make the 4:00 rehearsal, so he'd have to leave before then and perhaps get in a 5 minute visit afterwards he calculated? A new nurse came out and led them to the Recovery Waiting Room around the floor and got them settled. Ivan explained he would see them after the rehearsal and maybe be able to visit Alex later when he returned, paused and offered, "You know, The Show Must Go On", smiled a bit and the family urged him to "go break a leg; well maybe not" declared Mrs. Peters. "Let me know how he is and tell him what I'm doing, but I'll be in when I get back" Ivan begged of the family.

Ivan left for the limo and Tim, then made their way to the hotel where they'd left the living room wide open as before. Ivan changed, did his routine with the laptop and had time to spare, it was only 3:40. He and Tim chatted some about going by the apt and feeding the birds, before returning to the hospital, perhaps grab a bite to eat in the process. Tim suggested it was Friday night but knew a place they could get in and out of easily if Ivan liked Italian? Ivan imagined his mom's lasagna and agreed. The link connected, the Alex report given, they began their rehearsal and concluded with another success. Ivan suggested that given their success, they have a single session each day beginning Saturday, say 11- 1 and that met with applause and cheers. He went on to say that costumes would be ready to try on Tuesday and that there would be an a.m. and dress rehearsal Friday p.m. then showtime on Saturday at 1. Relieved, Ivan shut down the laptop, grabbed Tim and worked him into the room that was Dave's bedroom, they stripped down and Ivan took charge, first sucking Tim hard, sucking his balls, shoving his knees back and rimming him before fumbling in his tote for a tube of lube. "WTF" Tim asked as Ivan lubed the driver's handsome, furry manhole. In few strokes Ivan's fully engorged cock slid in Tim who begged off, then asked to go slow, then settled into getting fucked by Ivan Marklilev. Ivan's orgasm was intense and Tim's jacking climaxed at the same time. Ivan collapsed across the driver's hard torso as both panted down their passion. They remained there a bit, before showering, dressing, rearranging the furniture and making the bed. He may have to inform Dave of their tryst/celebration in case there were any tell tale signs of sex on the sheets, then chuckled at the thought. They left the hotel for the apt at 7pm, arrived, checked mail, fed the birds and stopped off at the Little Italy restaurant Tim mentioned, ate and were back at the hospital by 9pm. He'd sent a text to Dave earlier, urging them to eat some supper and he'd see them by 9. They were waiting for him in the Recovery Waiting room and asked the nurse to let Ivan get his 5 minute visit in. The burse was reluctant and asked his name. "Oh yes Mr. Markilev, Dr. Markel notes you can visit with Mr. Peters whenever you arrive" and led him to Alex's room. Alex was in pain, bandaged, but at Ivan's voice, barely opened his eyes and Ivan gave the thumbs up for CAT; leaned forward and said "we're all good and the show is YOURS", then withdrew urging him to rest and they'd see him Saturday. Alex drifted back to sleep. Dr. Markel came out, gave a good status report then left. The four hugged eagerly.

Tim recapped the Saturday plans and with only one rehearsal, could afford some downtime with the family if they desired or alone time. Ivan whispered his secret/warning to Dave, who gigged and then suggested that Tim bring Dave to the apt sometime and get refreshed. Unknown to Dave, Ivan had suggested Tim let Dave give him a blow job sometime Saturday at the apt and Tim was all in to help out. The four left for the hotel, dropped off the family, then Tim and Ivan returned to #14 for some personal R&R. They took turns fucking each other for several hours until overwhelmed with relief and exhaustion.

Next: Chapter 19

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