Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 24, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Ivan woke early again with Reg's gentle nudging as he came in to say good-bye and wished Ivan a good day. Ivan stretched, peed, rinsed his mouth and headed for the coffee station that was always brewing. About 8:30, the Peters arrived in the event any other doctors showed up other than Dr. Markel as he'd alerted them yesterday when he talked about the surgery news. They'd brought him a ham and egg croissant and banana for breakfast which he scarfed down then left for the waiting limo and Tim to return him to the hotel suite in prep for his morning rehearsal. As per their established routine, Tim then used the time to go to his own place, clean up, grab a nap and eat before returning to the hotel to ferry Ivan back to the hospital. Ivan had time to respond to work emails, make a couple of quick phone calls and be ready for the troupe and rearrange the hotel suite's common living area giving him sufficient open area to do his dance routine today. At the designated time, all communications focused on the troupe, his welcome and readiness, then Ivan announced "attention, ready everyone, cue up audio and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4...." he slowly walked across the room to what would be center stage, went into his slow curl onto the floor and splayed out awaiting Joyce's mime. They then danced the entire rest of the performance without disruption and found the audio just 12 seconds off. Applause filled the screen and staging area. Gary commented "this had gone even better than he ever imagined" and Ivan replied "fuckin A it did". Ivan then asked for another run through and "this time fix your start points and let's try to rub out the 12 second variance". "Cue audio and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4...." Then the troupe delivered another stunning performance to be so early in the schedule. Alexi spoke up as the troupe's rep and Rehearsal Coordinator and surprised everyone as he admitted, "Ivan the tribute goes to you. You crafted a piece set to an exciting score, that looks challenging, is deliberate, delivers a variety of movement that will captivate an audience but that is relatively easy to master AND we all want this to shine for both you AND ALEX" then he closed stepped back into the troupe and all sent up another round of applause. Ivan shuddered with pride. Ivan thanked everyone, reminded them of the afternoon set-up and demo routine in addition to another dance through, he also reminded Gary and Towns that if they had any of their teams that should attend to be sure they were as well. They shut down, Ivan was pumped, did a few after session workout cool downs then made his way to shave and text Tim the door would be ajar and that the rehearsal was again a success; then grabbed a shower. Ivan had finished his shower, was dressed and working to rearrange the living area furniture as Tim came through the door. Seeing Ivan tugging furniture, he asked "WTF happened here" and Ivan filled him in on his earlier rearrangement to enable his dance routine. Tim helped Ivan finish the rest, reminded Ivan of his `availability' and while Ivan needed a repeat, he also knew he needed to get back to the hospital to learn of any new developments and figure out lunch for everyone.

This time, Tim and Ivan both arrived at Alex's room, though Tim waited in the hall as Ivan began the lunch discussion and pressed the family for any updates on Alex? The Peters had decided to get lunch in the hospital cafeteria and Dave wasn't really hungry yet; so the parents left Dave, Ivan and Tim with Alex and headed to the elevator. Dave and Tim began a conversation while Ivan began a series of work emails and report on the program's progress. John replied immediately, indicating he'd already had a great report from Gary and Towns and was meeting with Alexi to ensure all the troupe was satisfied. He encouraged Ivan to be assured of his support and know how delighted he was!! Ivan hadn't realized how much time had passed as he worked on emails etc when the Peters returned from lunch and urged the three guys to go eat. The three grinned and agreed, Ivan knowing that he needed protein to do a repeat rehearsal in just a few hours. Dr. Markel and two other doctors arrived about the time the guys were planning to leave, announcing they were the anesthesiologist and orthopedist who would be handling Alex's surgeries while Dr. Markel was the Internist/General Surgeon in charge. Tim left the room as the medical team, family and Ivan shared the plans for Friday and anticipated recovery period. The medical trio asked about any questions and there being none, left, saying they'd see everyone at 6 a.m. Friday morning. The room was silent but energized, then a nurse interrupted the tense stillness with another set of IV meds for Alex. Ivan hugged each family member then he, Dave and Tim left for lunch. Today there would be no time for the Peters to return to the hotel suite before evening as Ivan's rehearsal prevented that interlude. As soon as their lunch ended, Dave returned to the family while Tim took Ivan back to the hotel. This time, while Ivan changed and got setup, Tim rearranged the living room furniture as he'd seen Ivan's morning efforts for maximum practice clearance.

Within 10 minutes of getting everything set up, the laptop alerted Ivan to the connection and he greeted and thanked everyone, gave a report on Alex, gave feedback for the morning's rehearsal accolades and set about engaging Towns and team to demonstrate how the stage lighting and backdrop mechanics would A) be set up and B) appear for a week from Saturday's performance; stressing the time period. Towns and his team did 3 run throughs as the troupe watched eagerly both the set-up and tear down processes. Ivan was adamant about the troupe understanding everyone's roles. Gary then did sound track tests, demoed his sound system set-up and readiness 3 times again for emphasis with the troupe and as his was now complete, Ivan called everyone to attention, then his regimen, "positions all; cue audio,,,1 and 2 and 3 and 4..." the rehearsal began. When finished the Ivan was astounded that all timing was perfect, the performance went off beautifully and even Tim was applauding. Ivan showered thanks and praise on the team at the other end of the link. He just reiterated their success after such a short time. Ivan was taking deep breaths too and not from the exertion, but from pride. He knew that Alex was watching and thanked his mentor, his friend. He repeated the email progress reports and thanks, reminded John and Dan of Alex's pending long surgery Friday, then begged off with Tim for a shower and clean up. He returned, nude and found that Tim had reset the furniture and again Ivan kneeled before the handsome driver, sucked his dick slowly, then gaining in speed suction brought the stud off and slowed the cum swallowing that finished Tim in completion. It had been 3 hours since leaving the hospital after lunch. Tim drove past the hospital after leaving the hotel and before Ivan could inquire, Tim simply stated "birdie and bud" and continued his trip to #14. Parked in front, he waited for Ivan to sprint upstairs, who met Doris and Chuck on the landing, answered their query about Dave's brother, fed "B&B" then returned to the waiting car before returning to the hospital. He realized the importance this man, this driver, this sexual being meant to him at this time. It was a sense of being tended to, cared for. En route he fired off a couple of emails again to Steve, to Reg this time, and another to Cirro (Alex's flame) whose email addy he retrieved at Alex's direction, from his phone when they talked briefly Monday. Monday, it seemed so long ago, as Tim pulled into the hospital VIP parking area and Ivan left for the room.

On entry to the room, the family presented Ivan with news. The police had phoned to report that they were releasing Alex's apt back to them and no longer held it as a crime scene, having completed their examination of the premises and security video. The had also arrested a male and female in Presidio, TX attempting to cross into Ojinoga, Mexico in Alex's car and were returning them to New Town for questioning. Excited about this set of information, the four were almost giddy with enthusiasm as a hoped- for prelude to a successful surgery the next day. Ivan then shared Chuck and Doris' wishes, explaining his quick trip to feed B&B after the excellent rehearsal which he then went on to share with the family in honor of their son and brother. Mr. Peters pulled Ivan aside and suggested they relinquish the hotel suite now and move into Alex's apt., saving the Company money. Ivan thought about it a nano-second then began shaking his head no, pressed his hand to Mr. Peters' chest and said "emphatically not, there are too many emotions and images there for her" as he nodded to Mrs. Peters. The older gentleman looked at his wife, holding her oldest's hand and admitted, "guess you may be right, but it's not fair for the Company to incur this expense" at which point Ivan was again emphatic, "Mr. Peters, Alex is a gem, we all admire him, thank him for his many contributions to the Company and this city and it's the least they can do for one of their own" and hugged the elder man. Mr. Peters did not withdraw but clung to this man who could have been their youngest son. Ivan reflected on the last time his mom and dad had hugged him, just two weeks ago. He hoped they'd be able to hug Alex again soon; and, he return their hugs!!!

Ivan planned a bold effort and suggested they all get a real rest overnight, then return early before they prepped Alex, since Friday would be a very long day for everyone. Ivan knew he had the pair of rehearsals on top of the surgery and stress was building. He also knew he couldn't take another night sleeping sitting upright on a cramped loveseat. He wanted to stretch out perhaps even in his small twin bed, but he needed relief. Mrs. Peters was against the idea at first but her husband won her over with reason and they made a plan to return at 4 a.m. to be with Alex as nursing said they'd be doing their surgery prep and he would go to pre-op at 5:00, with surgery to follow at 6. Tim dropped the family off at the hotel and agreed to pick them up at 3:30. He then drove Ivan to #14, but this time he parked the limo, looked at Ivan and asked to come upstairs which got a real nod of approval, set the alarm and the pair climbed the stairs to #L.

The pair stripped, showered together, Tim taking the lead to soap Ivan's lean, muscled torso, both standing under the hot shower spray. Tim's masculinity drove Ivan into a comfort zone and the feel of Tim's firm grip on his own glutes, his neck, arms and pecs as he rinsed away the soap suds left Ivan almost panting in lust. His cock began its growth routine and Tim, remarked about Ivan's transition. Standing out of the shower, each dried the other then Tim led Ivan to the small twin bed. They entwined in each other's arms and Tim felt as if he'd never really been kissed with such vitality and passion. His cock was now rigid and at its full 9" state, leaking pre-cum profusely. Tim wasted no time asking about lube which Ivan produced from beneath the bedframe. Tim's warm hands lubed Ivan's muscled ring, then positioned himself on his knees and raised Ivan's calves to his own shoulders. He felt the dancer's calf muscles flex and tense as he eased his head in Ivan's firm muscle ring, slowly. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, slow man" Ivan whispered through his clenched teeth. Then relaxing some, felt Tim press further into his warm, needy hole. Pausing when fully penetrated, Ivan pressed his hands against Tim's pecs and nodded yes at which point Tim began a slow motion fuck of his client. This session continued with Ivan in the varied positions of lust that Tim urged. Ivan was eager to comply and in fact needed that direction. He needed to surrender to another and surrender the decision-maker role. Each time Tim's fuck fuck ended with Ivan's hands-free orgasm. They replayed the sessions several times until midnight, then fell asleep. Ivan had at least had the forethought to set an alarm for 2:30, giving them time to clean up and get to the hotel by 3:30 and begin the day's regimen. En route to the hotel, Ivan realized they'd both cum 4 times each.

Next: Chapter 18

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