Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 22, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Ivan is in place at the hotel Weds. morning in advance of the 1st rehearsal with the troupe. He has updated the various New Town Company contacts with the project thus far. Tim has left and will return about 11, going to his place to refresh, eat and get a nap. Alex's family are settled back in the hospital room, waiting for any new updates from Dr. Markel. Ivan's laptop lights up with supportive responses from all the New Town Company parties. All's set for this streaming live trial run.

Gary from IT had agreed to facilitate the various audio/video links at each rehearsal and ensure no tech failures would impact the rehearsal or progress. True to his word, Towns had installed the backdrop scrim and staged the lighting as detailed by Ivan, so the troupe got a real sense of the environment.

Ivan called the assembled troupe and support team "to order", gave a pep talk and wanted confirmation they could hear him clearly and vice versa. Ivan asked Gary to ensure the camera was active and the recorder ON, so they could review/replay any set w/o delay, then asked that he pan the camera across the troupe and staging and began the routine sending all dancers to their respective origin points "off stage". Ivan reminded them this first run through was a verbal walk through, not real time dance. "Cue audio" Ivan commanded and then as the male lead, began his slow walk, pacing and verbiage that would lead him to center stage, a curl then flat out on the floor; enter Joyce and her similar walk/pace/curl/flat out position. Ivan called "stop, now once more" to verify the audio was synched and everyone was on board with the process. Ivan was pleased and they moved to the next set, followed by each ensuing piece of the work until after an hour and half, the troupe had walked and verbalized their roles. Ivan checked the audio timing and it was spot on. He called for a break, then sent Tim a text msg to just come into the room when he arrived that the rehearsal was running over a bit, but he'd leave the door ajar. He sent a similar text to Dave so those at the hospital wouldn't be worried. Ivan then called the troupe to order once more, advised this would be a full run through in dance mode to see where they looked like as a company. Ivan gave the command "Cue audio" and hit play and he crossed the hotel room as best as possible and did the male lead routine within the space, awaited Joyce's entry and her routine, the both made their exits and Alexi entered with his first appearance and in scheduled sequence each dancer and group performed their roles until the end of the program. Tim had entered the hotel suite and Dave's designated room earlier and remained silently watching the work and Ivan's moves. When done, Ivan broke into applause as did the troupe and Gary was giving high fives to Towns on camera. They'd done it and it actually worked. They were only 2 minutes over on audio, but Ivan was overjoyed and even Tim seemed impressed. Ivan energetically thanked each member and reminded them of the afternoon session where they'd omit the verbal walkthrough and go straight to full dance. He called it to an end and thanked everyone again then shut down the link. "You seemed amazing man and like you weren't sure this live streaming would work" said Tim. Ivan was pulling off his top, prepping for a shower and informed Tim "this was the first time it was ever done and with a new troupe and him as lead dancer and choreographer and reminded Tim that his right arm, Alex was damn near unconscious in a hospital bed. This IS a HUGE achievement for everyone involved and we have many more of these to do before the live performance a week from this Saturday". They continued talking as Tim propped up in a chair with a line of sight of Ivan stripped, shaving and getting ready to shower. Ivan watched Tim via the mirror and wondered? Emboldened by the rehearsal, Ivan returned to the room, tossed his practice gear on the bed, nodded at Tim then took his shower. When Ivan emerged for the shower and was drying off, he found Tim standing in the bathroom doorway, available. Ivan silently kneeled before Tim, unzipped his dress slacks, massaged the dick hidden from view, looked up at the tall masculine model/driver/soon-to-be-sex-partner and felt Tim's hands caress his head and guide his face to the exposed crotch. Without delay, Tim hauled Tim's thick cock from his boxer briefs and sucked for all he was worth until Tim exploded cum down Ivan's throat. Ivan gulped the repeated lobs of Tim's cum until there was none remaining; leaned back, licked his mouth and offered "thank you man I so fuckin needed that" then stood. Tim replied, "more when you need it bro" then returned to his chair while Ivan dressed. They exited the suite, returned to the hospital room just as Dr. Markel was leaving. "Ah there's my patient Alex's comrade-in-arms, I wondered what might have happened to you" then went on to explain Alex's new status which was stable enough to get the varied surgeries scheduled and they would happen Friday and due to the extent, would run at least 5 hours, perhaps 6; then he left for the nurse's station. Ivan was jubilant with this news and came into the room all smiles. He was met with similar beaming smiles and hugs. He then shared the good news about the rehearsal and reminder that "this performance is being dedicated to Alex and each of you." They then caught up on the other events of the morning and Mr. Peters announced "he was ready for lunch if that Tim guy could get it for us and today, no soup but a real meal of sorts." Ivan phoned Tim and asked him to join them in the room for a lunch run. They made their phone-in selections from the Hero's Coffee Shop fare, Mr. Peters handed over cash and Tim made his way to the café, returning in about 25 minutes with boxes and bags of food. The charge nurse came in concerned at so much activity in Alex's room and led them all to a back area where a large table and chairs was available for them to eat, away from Alex. Mr. Peters asked Tim to join them as well and all 5 visited easily through the meal. Mr. Peters declared, "while it's not mom's home cooking, their stuff really hits the spot" and everyone chuckled then Ivan sent emails to the New Town "CAT" distribution list reporting on the 1st live streaming rehearsal status. Separately to John and Dan, Ivan shared Dr. Markel's surgery status news about Alex.

Dave and his folks returned to Alex's room. Tim returned to the limo. Ivan remained seated in the room, staring out the window above the city. How much had happened since his arrival in New Town? He then sent his mom a lengthy email update and sat back for a few and wanted to doze off but couldn't. He knew he had another rehearsal in three hours and went to the room to remind them of his schedule, if they needed to go back to the hotel for any rest, etc. There were no takers as all the family were happy with the news and having eaten. Mr. and Mrs. Peters took this time to go take a walk around the hospital blocks and that left Dave and Ivan to visit. Dave shared that his college dean had come by and announced that effective the 1st of next month, Dave was promoted to a full professorship and he wanted to make the announcement in person vs a website and email format, especially given the circumstances. There were more hugs that preceded Dr. Markel's good news. It was a good news day all around.....

At 2:30, Tim sent Ivan a text, ready when you are'. Ivan gave hugs, then left for the car and hotel suite and the 3:00 rehearsal. This time, Tim remained in the suite, watching the entire process unfold. Ivan stressed the troupe focus on their dance so they can determine if the audio or the dance is off by the 2 minutes. This run through was spot on timing-wise. It had just been a first rehearsal anomaly. Ivan offered some dance points and rework, gave rehearsal tasks to Alexi for the troupe and after 2 hours, called the session to a close, thanking everyone involved again and reminded them of the 1st Thursday morning session. Ivan was exhausted after the two rehearsals and stress from all points. He flashed on Birdie and Bud and asked Tim to run him home so he could feed the birds. Tim was eager to help and explained his concern for Ivan's well-being given the stress he was under. Getting away to the birds might be a real benefit and escape of sorts. They made their way through the building after-work traffic to Alto Heights, #14 Vance St and up to apt #L. Tim was sort of shocked at the barren apt, as Ivan scooped feed out to the bird's plate. Ivan noticed Tim's look and added, "I've only been employed at New Town and lived here for 2 weeks so have a lot to do ahead of me, both in here, at work and other places" and with that Ivan again gave Tim an incredible blow job before they returned to the hospital. Leaving #L, he met Katia who had leaned of Dave's brother and asked Ivan to give Dave her regards, then she eyed Tim and he smiled sensually, Ivan gathered his mail and they left. It was almost 7 when they arrived at the hospital and Ivan suggested to Tim, the Peters may want to go back to the hotel. All were waiting Ivan's rehearsal news and then he urged them to go eat and get some rest. He had work to do and the quiet would help him gather his thoughts and get emails done. No arguments from any of the Peters and they left him alone with his comrade-in-arms' as Dr. Markel coined he and Alex.

The next thing he knew, Reg was gently shaking Ivan awake from his loveseat nap. It was midnight and while Ivan had sent all his requisite work emails, he had paused in the middle of one to Steve. Ivan beamed as he saw the sexy RN and they made small talk and Reg reiterated the great news about Alex's surgery progress report. His stomach growled before Reg left the room, "uh think you need some grub, BUD", smiled and disappeared. Ivan left for the vending machine, found a chicken sandwich, thought better of it and opted for a ham and swiss, bag of chips and nabbed a bottle of water from the nurse's station then settled in the room and talked with Alex about the day and the rehearsal. Finished with his meal, Ivan made some notes for Thursday and drifted off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 17

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