Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 22, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Ivan retuned to the room, shared his idea with Dave and encouraged him to let Tim run him by the apt to get his stuff and him to feed the birds and get some of my stuff then back to the studio to get me then return to the hospital. Dave was stunned but liked the idea. Ivan shared his set-up for later that night with the Peters, who were unclear about the details but trusted Ivan with a plan. Ivan assured them if they needed a meal or break before they returned, the nursing staff would assist. He figured on leaving about 5, have Tim drop him off at the studio, take Dave to the apt and wait while Dave got cleaned up and some clothes, fed the birds and got my stuff before returning to the studio. The troupe meeting should be no more than 2 hours, giving Tim and Dave ample time to complete their tasks and return to the studio, then back to the hospital.

At 4:45 Dave and Ivan met Tim in the lobby and began the trip. Ivan handed his apt keys to Dave as they got under way. The 1st drop left Ivan at the New Town Company building. He went into the troupe meeting, restated Alex's condition, that this performance was being dedicated to Alex and nothing less than their 100% dedication and perfection was expected, announced that Alexi would be the designated Rehearsal Coordinator for the show and explained his responsibilities and direct reporting to Ivan, that the rehearsals would happen twice daily for the remainder of the week and that this weekend was a requirement, then depending on the progress, rehearsals would go to a daily routine until next Friday when there would be a morning and afternoon staging and demo routine in addition to an a.m. rehearsal and a dress rehearsal Friday night. Towns would have the full backdrop complete by end of day and be set up by the a.m. rehearsal Weds. He went on to add that if Alex's condition permits, he'll be watching the live performance via laptop then asked about any questions, issues or obstacles? All agreed and congratulated Alexi, promised their participation, gave Ivan a round of applause for the creative approach as both the program creator, male lead and IT facilitator. He began the walk-through and the first rehearsal, knowing that Tim and Dave were on point getting their tasks accomplished in the allotted time.

Tim joined Dave as he retrieved he and Ivan's mail, then gathered Ivan's clothes, etc, fed the birds extra seeds and feed mix, then returned to his own apt to shower, clean up, assemble clothes, etc and take in the handsome Tim, for a few brief glances. Their tasks completed, made the return trip to the studio arriving at 8:00pm. Ivan exited the bldg. at 8:15, after showering, redressing and eager to change into the fresh clothes that Dave had packed. Ivan recapped the troupe session, reported that everyone was on board and wished Alex the best. Reviewed his mail, dug through the tote of clothes etc and sat back for the remainder of the ride to the hospital, fatigued, but knew the hot shower after rehearsal had done the trick, relaxing his aching muscles and reducing his stress. He did admit to wishing Tim could have joined him though.

Ivan hit the ATM in the hospital lobby, withdrew $200 in cash then handed over another $20 to Tim for supper, etc. The broad smile across the handsome driver's face told all. On the elevator up to the room, both Dave and Ivan were tense, relieved only by Ivan's question to Dave, "so, did you get it" and smiled? Dave blushed and mouthed "NO" fearing the elevator camera would be monitored or recorded. They found Alex asleep and his mom sitting quietly. Mr. Peters was in the restroom and emerged shortly after they arrived. Mrs. Peters reported that Alex would continue to rest and were talking about surgery schedules for all the broken bones. Ivan asked if the Peters had eaten supper, they nodded NO and he suggested pizza and several options. All agreed on soup and Ivan recalled Alex mentioning that Hero's Coffee Shop had great soup and it was only 2 blocks away. Ivan took an order from Tim as well then got the clerk on the line to place their pick up order. Ivan handed $60 over to Tim and off he went to retrieve their meals.

After downing his supper, Ivan sought out a quiet room down the hall as the entire Peters family prayed for Alex's speedy and complete recovery. Ivan used the time to update Gary that the IT link had worked fine, covered the meeting matters with Alexi and the troupe with John and the ensuing practice schedules and that Towns would set up the backdrop overnight and be ready as of Weds. morning. He copied Alexi AND Alex on each email. Once done, he returned to the room and suggested again the Peters consider heading to the hotel overnight, also encouraging Dave to join them, then he'd grab some Zs Weds at the hotel after the morning rehearsal before coming back to the hospital. With less argument, Mrs. Peters agreed and the 3 headed for the elevator as Ivan phoned Tim. In the silence of the room, he began doing some stretches and hummed the Cat theme, Alex stirred so Ivan grew quiet and still, not wanting to interrupt his friend's rest. Once again quiet, Ivan began his workout in silence and it was at that time, the male RN came in to check on Alex as he came on shift. Ivan was a bit startled and the RN excused himself as he scanned Alex's vitals and they made some light talk about his day. He noted that Ivan was looking pretty fatigued and again warned about rest and activity and hydration in combating stress. The RN then shocked Ivan and inquired if Alex was his "partner". Ivan stared slowly in space and replied, "No but he'd be an idea one, we're co-workers" at which point the nurse began to apologize and Ivan stopped him with his effort and explained they were close co-workers and each one of them were single. The RN shook Ivan's hand, "I'm Reggie, or just Reg if you need anything". There was a clear connection.....for what seemed like days, Ivan's cock throbbed and he hoped to know more of "Reg" in the future. Ivan resumed his light workout, made some notes about the routine, then dozed off on the loveseat. His sleep was total and wasn't even aware when Reg would come and go during the shift. About 3 a.m. Ivan woke, his body aches were intense and asked Reg if there was a self-service machine dispenser of Aspirin or Tylenols, etc for his body aches. Reg asked which he usually took and returned in a few minutes with a small tin of Tylenols and tall glass of iced water. He stayed with Ivan for a few minutes, and asked if he was dating anyone regularly and if they might meet after Alex was discharged. Ivan agreed they exchanged info. Reg returned one final time before his shift ended and wished Alex and the family well then took off. Ivan's dick stirred again.

Ivan let the Tylenols take effect before washing his face, brushing his teeth and seek out a cup of fresh coffee before the family arrived. He had to be fresh for them and for the first of two daily rehearsals for the troupe and would do the rehearsal at the hotel where he could talk freely and not have to modify the session and then he could grab a shower and maybe a nap before returning to the hospital. At 8 the family arrived and he slipped out, having covered the night's events to execute his day plan at the hotel. Tim got him to the hotel by 8:30 and Ivan suggested Tim use the time to hit his place, clean up, maybe get a nap then be back by 11 and with that Tim left Ivan alone.

Next: Chapter 16

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