Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 20, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Ivan was sore, this Tuesday morning, from his head to his feet. The alarm buzzed annoyingly and he turned it off, began some coffee, peed and washed his face, hoping for some relief. Had the email and story all been a dream he wondered; then shook his head no, it was real. He shaved and finished dessing about the time his coffee was ready. Feeding Birdie and Bud were small comfort actions, knowing someone outside his family, relied on him, gave him a sense of pride and love. He only downed one cup of coffee, and slowly crawled down the stairs, meeting Dave at the 1st floor. They greeted each other and Dave knew instantly that something was wrong. Ivan begged off any discussion and Dave respected his insularity.

There were clouds building but Ivan had no umbrella and he prayed it would hold off until he got to work and could nab one of the Company umbrellas for use going home. Oddly, most of the usual chatterboxes on the bus were quiet today, as though forewarned of Ivan's distress. The bus made one pass through a heavy shower but by the time they arrived at the New Town stop, it was clear. Still, Ivan wasted no time getting inside and made the way to his office. Perhaps another cup of coffee might help? Grace was all compliments and he asked if she could get him an umbrella sometime during the day for his rainy trip home. She agreed the storms were moving in. Ivan pondered if she had only known how stormy a night he'd had. He sat sipping the coffee and checking work emails when Grace arrived, umbrella under arm and set it down before him. She smiled, left the office and again Ivan was left alone to his thoughts. He had work that demanded his energy and creativity. No time for regrets or sorrow right now. At the coffee bar, he smiled at Grace, thanked her again, refilled his coffee mug and headed to Alex's office. He was not yet in. The cast was assembling. Alexi was eager to get at it as were Joyce and a few others.

Ivan called for the girls troupe first. He began their blocking verbally, then set it to music, then had them go through their material. Still no Alex. He repeated the process with the male troupe. About 10:00 Alex called into John, "John was offsite" reported Grace then added "Ivan is here though" and she waited for his reply. "Let me speak with him then" and Grace transferred the call to Ivan's cell. "Dude where are you and why aren't........." Alex stopped Ivan and said he'd been mugged and was in the hospital; robbed and his car stolen. "Where and what room, I'll be there right away" Ivan spat out. "No I will come to you NOW, give me the fucking info" as Ivan yelled into the phone and crossed to Alex's office and made notes. Returning to the troupe, Ivan announced that rehearsal was off the rest of the day unless they wanted to practice on their own and that they'd resume tomorrow same time. He then almost ran to Grace's desk, reported the news and said he was going to the hospital now, to let John know the details and call on my cell with any questions and he'd call her when he learned anything further. He then called Dave who was in class and didn't answer his cell and left a message to call ASAP. Hailing a cab, he sped away to Mercy Magnet Hospital that was only about 5 blocks from Alex's home.

Entering the lobby, he learned the location of his co-worker/friend/new mentor. Walking into the room, he was greeted with a severely bandaged face, arms, hands and the oxygen tube emerging from his nose could barely enable any speech. Tears filled his eyes as Alex lay there in pain and purple bruises abused every centimeter of visible skin. As he began to console his friend, Ivan's cell went off, it was John with the same rapid fire series of questions about Alex that was his style. Ivan hated being unable to answer them and had only learned that Alex's parents were informed and were flying in from Houston and that someone from the University was trying to get word to Dave. John said he'd make transportation arrangements for the parents and reach them directly and for him to remain with Alex and learn whatever he could while offering support from the entire Company. Within an hour, a huge arrangement of tropical flowers arrived by special courier for Alex with a note from THE COMPANY, we're there for you. Reading it, he knew that Grace had expedited this offer of support. It occurred to Ivan that in the almost 2 weeks of working with Alex and knowing Dave, they had not exchanged any details about each other's families and he was surprised that Alex and Dave were from Houston or that his folks lived there now. Ivan offered sips of water through a straw, managed the awkward use of the urinal, at least the injury had not damaged any kidney, retrieved warm washcloths to then dab him clean and dry. Alex's pain meds were kicking in and his speech slurred substantially until he drifted into a fog. Not realizing protocol at the time, he pressed the nurse with the pain meds to tell him of any extent of damage from the attack, but of course learning that he was not family, she deferred awaiting the family's arrival. As requested, Ivan reported to John, the flowers had arrived, he read the card to Alex, who blinked an understanding, they'd given him pain meds and he'd just dozed off and was out. John indicated that he'd reached Alex's folks before they landed via airphone and advised them a car was waiting at the Limo pick-up with their name and would get them to the hospital directly, then remain on standby for any need. Ivan reiterated that he would remain there until the folks arrived and afterwards as they may require. Dave flew into the room in tears.

Ivan hugged Dave in support as they waited. Alex Peters was sound asleep when his parents came through the door. Mrs. Peters burst back into tears; hugged Dave then Dave hugged his dad. Ivan introduced himself to each parent and tried to comfort her with a hug, then stood back so they could be with their son. Again his cell rang, Ivan stepped into the hall and it was John. Everyone is asking for news and with that a doctor passed Ivan and entered Alex's room. He relayed that status and hoped to learn more of Alex's condition and report back in due course. In about 15 minutes, the doctor left the room, advised Ivan he could rejoin the family, put his hand on Ivan's shoulder and said he thought "our patient would recover but he had a long haul facing him" then went directly to the nurse's station and ordered more studies. Through the small window, he could see Dave hugging his mom with both in tears. Ivan tapped on the door gently, Mr. Peters urged him enter and then shared the extent of Alex's injuries. He had multiple broken bones, ribs, both arms, one leg, no concussion or any apparent brain damage but had bled internally as it appeared he was struck numerous times with a rigid object or bar of some sort. The police had told the ER team he was found in his building's garage, having just parked and exited his vehicle, was heading for the elevator when the 3 assailants attacked. They had some camera footage of the 3, but no crisp images yet. Mr. Peters went on to advise that his recovery would be months in the future, but barring any complications, he should recover nicely. Mr. Peters then went on to admit, I think his dance days are over though. The message was like a fireball through Ivan's chest. He found himself stunned but unwilling to let on. The Peters had enough on their plate. Again retreating to the hallway, Ivan phoned John and gave him the news. He went on to say he'd remain with them tonight in case they needed anything and Alex's apt was a crime scene so they couldn't go there. He surely couldn't offer his flat and knew that Dave's was out of the question too. John interrupted and said not to worry, Grace will get them a suite at the closest hotel to the hospital and report back. Ivan's head swirled at the pace of solutions for their friend and smiled a bit.

Ivan remained in the hall, the doctor gave a reassuring shoulder pat and went into another patient's room. His cell rang and it was Grace with hotel details and that she was texting the info to him and then to Mr. Peters in a few, after Ivan had a chance to share it with the family. Ivan stiffened and went back in the room to report the Company had booked a hotel very close, the limo remained on call for their use, Grace was sending you hotel details as well and he would remain in place for as long as needed through the night and day tomorrow. The Peters were very appreciative, overwrought with sadness but appreciated the young man's kindness and support. It dawned on Ivan that he was the link back to the company at this point in their eyes. He stood next to Dave and whispered if you need anything just me know.

The next call to Ivan's cell was from Towns asking about Dave and Alex. Ivan shared what he thought was appropriate and said he'd remain with them all for as long as needed. The next call was from Dan Andrews in HR, he urged discretion but support and to let them know if they needed any cash advances or such to channel that through you and then in turn to Dan directly. Grace phoned Ivan and asked how he was handling all this and if he needed anything or any relief? Ivan thanked her and reported he was ok, but they would need to make some plans after Wednesday. There was no time to consider options or Cy, Steve, Jim, etc; he had to remain focused on Alex and the needs here at hand.

The lunch service was winding down in the hospital cafeteria and Ivan doubted any of them had any breakfast and he offered to go get sandwiches or soup, whatever they felt they could tolerate? Before they could reply, another courier arrived, this time with a basket of cold sandwiches, iced bottled water, fruit and cookies; again Grace's handiwork Ivan presumed. Ivan flashed on Birdie and Bud, they'd have to fend for themselves tonight. At least they had a good portion this morning and just hoped it had not rained too hard before they could eat it. Ivan went out to the nurse's station and asked if they had any guest toothbrushes, etc to have available for he and Dave, since the Peters would have packed those sundry items for the trip. A nurse's aid retrieved several packets of personal items and handed them off to Ivan and he thanked her repeatedly. He stuffed them in his backpack for use tomorrow, and alerted Dave to having them on hand. An xray tech arrived, then a tech for a sonogram, a lab tech for blood and sputum samples, urine samples, it all seemed to be unending and Alex was only partially alert at times before being remedicated. It was during those brief bouts of being alert that he greeted his mom and dad, Dave and me, spoke as best as possible then fell victim to the pain meds from the IV. At least we knew he wasn't hurting then and we held onto some comfort in that. Ivan urged the family to try to eat and/or drink something from the basket that these next several days were going to be draining and they needed their energy for Alex. That trigger brought the desired results and the three picked through the basket, his mom taking a banana, dad with a sandwich, Dave ate and apple and then a pear. Ivan munched on a ham/swiss sandwich and bag of chips in tribute to their usual lunch fare. Alex stirred and Mrs. Peters took his hand which somehow immediately calmed him and he dozed back into a deep sleep. That was the routine for the entire afternoon and early evening. The limo driver phoned and asked if he could break for supper, having been on call at the hospital all day. Ivan told him he'd bring food down unless he just needed to take a break and get away. The driver agreed to Ivan's offer of food and Ivan went about gathering a pair of sandwiches, 2 bags of chips a few bottled waters several pieces of fruit and cookies then headed to the designated reserved VIP parking. The driver was early 20s, tall and very together, had the look of a model and appreciated Ivan's courtesy. Ivan needed a break too and took this time to visit with Tim, the driver as Tim understood the situation and offered support. Tim asked Ivan if he could remain with the car while he hit the head, which Ivan was more than happy to do. Ivan watched the good looking guy press through the glass doors and disappear through the lobby, returning about 10 minutes later. "Whew that was a relief" admitted Tim, "hadn't gone since 11:00" and shook his head. Ivan offered to stand in whenever Tim needed a break, just call as you did, since we don't know much or have a plan for the next 24-48 hours. Ivan asked Tim if he was able to sleep in the limo w/o getting in trouble and he said he could if Ivan okayed it and agreed that Ivan would call him in advance if the family was coming down and they needed to go anywhere; which Ivan agreed to doing. There was no sense in Tim trying to remain awake all day and night. Ivan asked Tim if he needed another trip to the head and Tim advised he was good but to check back about 10 or so if he could. Both agreed shook hands then Ivan thanked the handsome driver again and returned to Alex's room and the family.

Ivan found John and Dan in the hall outside the room when he returned. A doctor was visiting with the family. Doctor Markel came out of the room, saw Ivan again and smiled, and speaking directly to Ivan, indicated that our patient had good test results and he should sleep overnight if you need a break, ignoring the other pair of men. Before John or Dan could introduce themselves, Dr. Markel moved onto another patient room. John spoke, "seems you have it under control here, but do you need anything" Ivan nodded a no and the pair wanted to speak with the Peters before they left. Ivan then raised the spectre of the program. John suggested he may call the patron and just cancel the showing. Ivan grew adamant. "You can't do that, Alex had his heart and soul invested in this, we have to do this for him EVEN MORE NOW" and with tears in his eyes, added, "it needs to be for Alex"!!! Dan and John both teared up and agreed. "I will figure a way, just don't cancel it" Ivan urged. They met with the Peters and Dave, reminded them of the support for anything they needed, then left quietly. John stopped at Ivan, gave him a hug and reminded him, "your call bud, you're in charge- here and back at the company" then both guys headed for the elevator. Ivan paused before tapping on the door and going in to visit with the family. He mentioned Towns' call to Dave, then expressed the abundance of good thoughts and wishes from so many via cell, back at work. Dave indicated he'd heard from his college's dept head, the chancellor and HR director, all offering assistance and support. It was time for Ivan to suggest some family breakout time, but he was reluctant to suggest it, then pressed on; "Dave, Mr. and Mrs. Peters, I spoke with Dr. Markel outside and as you know, we are just in a holding pattern right now. Perhaps this lull is a good time for you guys to think about getting some rest at the hotel, refresh and then return in a few hours while Alex is resting quietly. I can remain here and will call you if anything changes. If you two want some time alone, then Dave and I can stay here while you break out and then we can swap when you return. What do you think? We all need to be strong and maintain, while still so early in this process. The driver waits for anything you need and the hotel is only 6 blocks away. SO..............", he waited for a decision? At first Alex's mom was adamant, saying she wasn't going anywhere, but her husband talked her through the realization and encouraged her to go to the hotel as Ivan suggested, if only to shower, freshen up and maybe get a couple hours nap; while Dave and Ivan remain here, then we can flip flop? After more tears and hand holding, Mrs. Peters agreed to the suggestion. I phoned Tim and told him to await their departure by the elevator bank and take them to the hotel, then remain there until they were ready to leave and that it may be 2-4 hours or so depending on their rest. I sent a text of Tim's number to Dave and Mr. Peters then watched as they both gently hugged their son and urged him to rest and that they'd be back soon. It was gut wrenching!!! Ivan teared up as they both hugged Dave and told him to get in touch if anything changes, then turned their hugs to Ivan and left for the elevator. Tim met them in the lobby, took them to the hotel, got them settled in and reminded them he was a phone call away downstairs, before getting set in the car for some rest of his own.

Dave and Ivan sat quietly and Dave relayed their childhood. Dave confirmed that Alex was gregarious and always OUT, while Dave had always been timid and shy. From his early days in pre-K dance school he was and had to be the center of attention, but deservedly so as he was good from the beginning. He went on to share when Alex Came Out and how their folks had fought off the reality, denied it, refused to accept it, then one day all of a sudden it was no big deal, as though a light switch was flipped and all was good in the world. By the time he'd come Out to their folks a year later, they were totally accepting and supportive. It was evident that Alex was destined for some degree of stardom, while Dave remained the academic and quietly pursued a college position. The randomness of life and fate brought both to New Town via different paths, but nonetheless, were here together. Dave held his brother's hand as he spoke, teared up, then became more stoic. Suddenly Dave turned to Ivan, "your birds, they'll need to eat, how..." and Ivan pressed two fingers to Dave's mouth and told him they would be fine, not to worry; though Ivan worried regardless. After the shift changed a handsome male RN made rounds, saw the pair sitting quietly visiting and one holding the patient's hand. As he entered the room to check vitals and how his patient was resting, he introduced himself and urged them to get some rest or get up and walk around, that just sitting can be very tiresome and draining. Both guys thanked the handsome RN before he left for another patient's room. Dave remarked, "under different circumstances we'd both maybe all 3 would be fighting for that one", and smiled his first smile since bursting into the room. Ivan gripped his free hand. In turn, both guys took a couple of turns around the floor to stretch and about 5, Tim phoned Ivan that they were headed back to the hospital. Ivan shared the return info with Dave who took the time to use the personal products and freshen up himself before his folks arrived; then Ivan did the same.

The Peters still looked whipped but did appear to have rested, and Mr. Peters confirmed getting about 3 hours sleep before cleaning up and coming back. Ivan phoned Tim to ask if he got some rest and did he need a bio break and what did he need to do for food, etc? "Yes, Yes, PLEASE" came Tim's reply. Ivan excused himself and went to help Tim, smiling as he approached and holding up Tim's text. Tim made no delay and hit the head fast before returning with a real sense of relief across his face. "Don't know where you live from here, but here's $20 for breakfast and is there any way you can remain on our job, who do I need to call and can you get cleaned up, changed and return in any reasonable period of time"? Tim thanked Ivan for the $20, then began "I'm only about 10 blocks away cross town and here's my dispatcher's number if you want me to remain on the job as otherwise, we're supposed to return after 24 hours". Ivan took the number and got on it with the dispatcher, covering the need to have Tim remain on this job until further notice and they'd take care of his break times. That done and agreed, Tim thanked Ivan, shaking his hands, then Tim reached into his pocket and handed Ivan a business card of other services he performed. Ivan's quick read, raised eyebrow and smile, told Tim all he needed to know. The driver said he'd return within an hour or so, depending on traffic, then drove away. Ivan returned to the room, got an assessment from Dave, offered to get breakfast for the family and when declined, just stepped back in the hall to yield some family bonding time. The male RN came by, asked if Ivan needed anything, showed him where the fresh coffee was behind the nurse's station and shook his hand then left for report as the shift change was nearing. Ivan delivered two cups of fresh coffee to the parents then returned with two more for he and Dave. The flurry of employees further announced the shift change and Ivan recognized a few faces from yesterday. The overnight male RN approached Ivan, wished him well and said he would see them again that night and he'd request being assigned to Alex, shook Ivan's hand then left.

During the overnight quiet, as Dave catnapped on the loveseat, or Ivan walked around the floor, he began to formulate a plan for rehearsals and such. He had the IT guy Gary's, number. If he could link the camera of the staging area to his laptop and remotely monitor the rehearsal, they might really be able to pull this performance together. Ivan knew he could dance his lead and with some brief workout sessions, perhaps in the hotel or hospital gyms, he could do warm-ups and live action and the troupes could see his changes, etc; and he, their progress. He might get Alexi some title like Rehearsal Coordinator and buy him some fame with a title, enlisting Alexi's 100% focus without his ego being detrimental. First he needed to confer with Gary, then he'd reach out to John with his idea. The other aspect of this idea was that perhaps playing the theme song might help Alex regain focus and foster recovery but he'd have to cover that with Dr. Markel first. If this worked, by the date of the show, Alex might be alert enough to watch it live on a laptop and feel like HIS SHOW had come off in spite of this event. It could be a Win Win.

Ivan let the nurse know he wanted a few minutes with Dr. Markel when he was on the floor. He then called Gary and covered his questions, link idea and use of his laptop's camera to show the troupe his moves, etc. Gary was enthusiastic and 100% in favor of making this happen even if he needed to go to the hospital and tweak Ivan's laptop. The nurse called Ivan as Dr. Markel was getting a cup of coffee. Ivan quickly covered the background/recent history of the show and development and wondered if the idea might harm or help Alex's recovery. Dr. Markel thought it a great idea providing Alex did no physical work. He didn't want to risk further injury anywhere and it might give him energy to battle this through. Alex had a mental as well as physical challenge facing him in the coming months, Dr. Markel reiterated. Armed with Gary and Dr. Markel's input, Ivan phoned John. Grace answered for John who was not yet in the office. She asked about him then Alex and if there was anything needed at this end? Ivan just asked her to have John call when he got in that there was no change of condition, just wanted to use John as a sounding board then they hung up. About 10 minutes later, John was on the horn with Ivan. Ivan ran the concept by John who thought for a minute then said "GO FOR IT". "We're all in and I'll keep you posted but need to assemble the troupe for an after 6 meeting there tonight if he can arrange it please" Ivan requested. "Done" came John's agreement. Ivan considered that by this time, Tim should be arriving back onsite and he sent him a text. In no time the handsome driver replied, "whats up"? "Call me when you can talk" went Ivan's response. In a minute Tim was on the phone with Ivan who explained the play, Alex's role, the dance company participation, his need to cover ground fast, flexibly and affordably and potential to facilitate Alex's recovery. It would start by getting him to the studio by 6pm tonight to conduct a cast meeting, getting by his own apt. for clothes etc, then back to the hospital and/or hotel, all while working in Tim's breaks, meals, etc.. Tim was all in...

Next: Chapter 15

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