Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 18, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Ivan woke Sunday morning, achy from his sleep position on the loveseat and needing to pee. It was still dark out when he checked the time; 4:45. Absent mindedly, he crossed to the windows to see if body builder was up but found the windows dark so he made his way to his kitchen downed some milk and returned to the loveseat to get his laptop to check emails from overnight. Among the 20 or so new emails were a few from his mom, one from bro Michael, most from Alex or work and one from his ex- Cy. He started to delete Cy's then held off, but would read it later he thought. Now sitting on a barstool, listening to his coffee brewer do its thing, he stared at the bed and considered Katia's suggestion about a screen. He also thought he needed a plant, maybe 2. He realized had downed both cups from his 2 cup coffee brewer and craved more. He punched his hips against the cabinet as he rinsed and refilled the brewer, urging his cock or perhaps just teasing it. Ivan began a grocery list and then thought about the screen again and wondered if Max's Resale might have one he could afford? He recalled their store hours, noon to 5 on Sunday and thought he might take a look for one and give him another shot at Jim, without his mom and dad around. Sipping his 3rd mug of coffee, he recalled the first time he and Michael had jacked off together and then the first time they'd had sex together. He was so fuckin scared he recalled. Smiling a bit, he finished the cup and refilled it.

---any breakfast plans--- announced the cell text from Dave?

Ivan replied, ----nope, you---

---you, me and Towns at the café 8 oclock---- came Dave's response.

Ivan replied, -----c u then----

He had two hours to get cleaned up and meet the guys and thought he might arrive a bit early, nab a table near the front so they could people watch and maybe get in some cruising himself. He'd also discuss the screen idea with them and see if they thought it too faggy an idea and also mention the plants to see if there was a place nearby that sold them. Cy's email stuck in his mind but he again decided to stave off reading and replying or deleting it. He dressed and walked the 3 blocks to the café, arrived just as they were opening at 7 and got a great table. They had Sunday specials, not offered during the week and as he'd told the waitress he was waiting for 2 friends, she kept his coffee mug full but didn't pester him for an order. He watched some guys walk past in shorts and Ts, some solo and some together; then saw Chuck Young bicycle past as well. He was surprised by the nest sighting. It was him, the body builder, Ivan jumped to his feet, took the few steps to the door and hollered at the unknown man, "hey buddy". The man paused, looked closer and beamed, extended his hand, "Steve, Steve Taylor here" and the two stood shaking hands, taking in each other UP CLOSE now and Ivan suggested he join the planned breakfast. "Sounds good to me, will your friends mind" Steve asked? Ivan aggressively shook his head no. "One already sort of knows you" and Ivan grinned. Steve took in Ivan's torso as the waitress brought a menu and asked about coffee. Steve declined and asked for large OJ and ice water then resumed his Ivan scan. "You a dancer maybe or a model" Steve inquired? "Dance choreographer at New Town and I live at #14 Vance Apt L, so we're clear and get that out in the open" Ivan responded and smiled. "L, uh you know Chuck Young in apt E then" asked Steve? "Well I'm a new tenant but have met Chuck a few times in the hall with his bike" Ivan acknowledged. "Yeah he's a fuckin biker nut but is a fun guy to hang with if you get a chance" came Steve's reply. "Think I'd like to hang with you more and not just across the alley either" Ivan offered and smiled. "We can manage that" Steve said flatly and then Dave and Towns appeared at the door, before seeing Ivan and the mystery guy at the table. Ivan liked what he'd seen up close and as Dave and Towns got seated, Ivan did the intros all around. Dave winked at Ivan, smiled and made that tsk tsk tsk sound then chuckled. The waitress appeared took their orders and left. Ivan went about further intros of Dave as a professor at New Town College and that he and Towns both worked at New Town Company. Steve shared he was a personal trainer and had several Alto Heights clients, so he moved to be nearer to them, and saving some rent money in the process.

The waitress returned with their meals, coffee refills and asked about an OJ refill which Steve accepted. The 4 continued some idle chat, then Ivan asked about the screen idea and about plants. Dave smiled and said that Towns had built a small divider/half-wall for him in that spot Katia had pointed to and went about describing it as having a shallow bookcase built in that left just enough room for his double bed in a nook sort of design. Steve, said that Chuck's place has a mount that he places his bike on right there that makes it easy to rack and unrack his bike when not in use and serves as a sort of sculptural form. Taking these all in, Towns suggested that he create a divider from the same window fabric he liked from work? Maybe not a full height fabric wall but a panel, maybe a hanging panel that would break the entry space from the rest of the open area and his bed? Ivan gleamed and enthusiastically accepted and asked about cost? Towns replied, "let's just say I need to make another mock-up for this upcoming event and since the fabric is finished on both sides, there won't be a right and wrong side to worry with" and winked at Ivan. They shook on it and all finished their breakfast. Ivan already dreamed of the panel idea and Towns had further added that a plant shop was near his place they could hit today if Ivan had the time? They'd use his car to transport the plant(s) if any found and Ivan accepted the offer. Steve begged off joining in as he had a client session to get to soon. He and Ivan agreed to meet later that day, then Steve left for his client appt and the other 3 headed to Plants Galore about 6 blocks away.

The ride to the plant place was filled with questions and observations about Body Builder Steve from both Dave and Steve. Ivan sort of blushed at their suggestions, but was stoic when Towns suggested Steve must be an amazing fuck. They entered the plant place and Robert introduced himself and asked to help. Ivan explained his space and what he was looking for and emphasized his budget issue. Robert asked about his interior décor and lighting, air circulation and rough available area for the plant. Ivan realized he had few answers and Robert suggested they start with a container design and go from there. First there was a drainage saucer need, check; then they selected a simple light gray ceramic-appearing plastic container, check; then they explored palms, too wispy and wide and Robert explained prone to some bugs; before settling on a 4' tall variegated dracaena that would remain vertical and not get bushy and then perhaps a similar small one for the bar in a smaller but matching container. Dave, Towns and Ivan agreed and left with the pair of plants, saucers and containers along with a small bag of extra potting soil and some gratis rocks to help with drainage. Arriving back at the apt building, they found Gordon Jackson loading his car as he prepared to head out on the road, Chuck Young returning from his bike ride and the handsome black guy, Peter Grace from apt M, loading some instrument cases in a cab. Peter took time to greet Dave whom he knew and Dave then introduced Ivan as the new tenant in apt L. Peter and Ivan shook hands then he got in the cab and left hastily. The three made their way with plants, containers, soil and rocks up to apt L as Ivan opened the door and announced "voila" to the other two and laughed at his really open space. It was obviously the same layout as Dave's just in reverse and faced the alley vs the street. Towns stretched his arms wide and suggested they imagine him as a fabric panel, as he stood where the panel might hang. Ivan grew more excited at the prospect as they prepped the containers and transplanted the plants into their new containers. The tall plant took a position in the corner but near the window while the smaller tabletop plant sat at the window end of the bar. You saw both as you entered the apt now and imagining the fabric panel divider at edge of the door swing, the new apt really began to take form. Ivan was eager to get the panel up and show his folks the new "look". Dave and Towns said their good-byes and Ivan thanked Towns again for driving; then settled down to enjoy the plants and imagined he and Steve in bed.

Ivan's cell rang, it was Alex with an update on the cast selection and said he'd just emailed Ivan the selected dancer candidates for Ivan's review and links to some of their recent performances and skills to consider. Alex suggested a total cast of 9, Ivan as lead, then 4 each male and female dancers with Alexi being the #1 male dancer of the male routines in the male group. Alexi would pair well with Joyce the primary #1 female dancer as they'd danced together before. While Alex gave Ivan the preferred set of 8 cast members, he also gave 8 alternates for Ivan to review in case there was a schedule problem etc with the initial casting. Ivan agreed to review the email and links then reply after his review. Ivan quickly entered email and viewed the selection, focusing on each one, still astonished at Alexi and delighted with Joyce's grace and energy. Ivan offered only one question about the last male dancer as possibly being too weak and Alex made note then invited all of the initial cast to meet he and Ivan at 8 a.m. Monday morning for a possible walk-through and copied Ivan. All was set now for Monday's walk-through and John's eval. Ivan was amazed at the speed with which they'd brought CAT to near life. He took pride in and excitement from his efforts and future with the Company. While lost in his dream state, his cell went off, it was Steve calling to report the end of his appt schedule and availability if Ivan had time?

"Well sure I have time" Ivan replied and confirmed "#21 Willis apt #7, 6:30, it's a date I mean a go" then ended the call. He had just enough time to clean up and get to Steve's place. He was eager to see the apt but more excited about seeing Steve nude up close! After cleaning up and as he walked to #21, he phoned his folks and brought them up to speed on things and said he'd send pics when the divider was up, then wished them a great day and week ahead before ringing #7. The buzzer released the door lock and Ivan went up to the the 2nd floor and apt #7 finding Steve waiting in the doorway, shirtless. Ivan found Steve's apt really Spartan but very sleek and contemporary, almost gym-like. Steve offered water, juice, protein shake and took Ivan in his arms and kissed him deeply. Ivan flexed each of his own muscles at Steve's crush, stirring Steve even further as the pair slammed their crotches against each other. Ivan moved his hands to Steve's glutes and squeezed, finding the hard glutes respond to his grip. Ivan broke free and moved his mouth down Steve's torso, throat, sternum, each pec and nip, pausing to nip and suck each thick nub, before returning to Steve's neck and ears. Their passion was on a launch trajectory, when Steve urged "let's slow down some bro and make this last some". Ivan eased away and Steve led him to the small bedroom. While not a much bigger apt than Ivan's it did have a real bedroom and in lieu of a kitchen bar, had space for a table and 4 chairs, but similar galley kitchen. All of Steve's appliances were new however and the bldg. interior had been refreshed and recently painted. Laying across the bed, they resumed their make-out session but slower this round. Steve groped Ivan who was beginning his slow growth and Steve's moans revealed an interest in seeing the dick, he'd only spied from afar. Ivan complied and rolled from his side to his back, arched up his midsection and Steve helped unbuckle Ivan's shorts and tug them down along with his blue boxer-briefs, before taking Ivan's Tshirt and tossing it aside. Steve had already shed his gym shorts and his own hardon was rigid and leaking. Ivan worked the thick cock in his hands as Steve dove down on his new bud from across the alley. Steve found Ivan's growth astounding as it continued its growing erection and revealed the bulbous well-lubed head, with thick black pubes and low hung balls. Steve deep-throated Ivan who now stretched back, legs and arms wide and let Steve feed on his meat. Steve was machine like going down deep and back up, then diving down again and swallowing; his throat like an active cock sleeve. Ivan was getting close and he shoved Steve off his dick and lay him out wide, diving down on the body builder dick that stood like an arched super structure from the hard abs and musculature base of his totally shaved smooth crotch. Steve, enjoying the blow job, responded by tweaking his own nips harder and harder before Ivan took control of them and their responses. The pair then moved to a 69 scene, each feeding and being fed and each pumping their dicks hard into the other's mouths and throats. Steve maneuvered Ivan into a doggy position over him as they continued their 69. Ivan's long balls hung above Steve's forehead and Steve fingered Ivan's hole some, probing the hard muscle ring; as Ivan mirrored work on Steve's ring. Steve's balls were tight and sucked up close to his torso while Ivan's remained hanging low and gently swinging. Both guys grew closer and closer to cumming, but each remained focused on the other and not their own orgasm. Suddenly Steve tightened hard, reached behind Ivan's head and slammed his muscled hands hard driving Ivan deeper on the dick down his throat as he fired round after round of body builder protein down Ivan's hungry throat. Ivan was relentless and continued sucking, forcing the dick to give up another load. Steve was frantic, panting, aching from the 2nd load and now exhausted. He wanted Ivan's load, but Ivan, ever the edger, withdrew. "Cock tease" Steve pointed out, then grinned. They kissed again and Steve savored the taste of his remnant cum in Ivan's mouth; it was starchy if a bit sweet he noted. Ivan glanced at the alarm clock beside Steve's bed, 8:30, and spat out "holy fuck, 2 hours, we've been at this 2 fucking hours bro". Steve's sole reply "NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE" and smiled. Ivan apologized for needing to leave, but asked if they might spend a night together soon, maybe Friday night if he was free? Steve gave a thumbs up, a grin and walked Ivan to the door after watching him dress. They parted with one more kiss then Steve watched his young stud go down the stairs and into the street. Waiting at the window, Steve watched for the apt #L to glow and his new guy appear at the window with a wave. Ivan did not disappoint......

Birdie and friend got fed, Ivan checked emails again, stared once more at Cy's and still held off reading it, but would not delete it either. His dick was still semi hard and needy but he'd already decided it was cum control time in advance of his dance routine rehearsal and test run for John tomorrow. He needed a good night's rest but also needed chow. "Protein shake" Steve had offered. Ivan recalled his own stash. In no time, the blender was being used for the first time, with a hefty blend of milk, chopped ice and 2 scoops of the dry protein powder. Ivan downed the refreshing brew and felt it mix with Steve's cum, the perfect bedtime drink, he thought and smiled before stretching out in bed and going sound to sleep.

Next: Chapter 12

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