Vance Street

By Mike Austin

Published on Jun 17, 2023


VANCE STREET by Mike Austin

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Ivan arrived at work about 10 before noon and badged in, went to his office to check any mail, soft or hardcopy and sent a text to Alex. Alex's reply said he was running about 10 minutes behind and to fire up the coffee, he'd come directly to Ivan's office. Before the coffee had brewed and Ivan had layed out his new sketches, Alex was coming through his office doorway, grinning like a Cheshire cat. They both served up mugs of coffee and sat adjacent to each other at the worktable in Ivan's office.

"SO???" Ivan begged. Alex grinned again, "Well Cirro is Italian, about 5'10", 42 and furry as fuck and loves bein fucked hard; I think I'm in LOVE" Alex concluded and then resumed, "We met 3 weeks ago at a fund raiser, he's a bartender for a private company and I knew one of the barbacks, who actually introduced us, and as the evening was closing down, Cirro sent me a last call drink and note about meeting after his shift ended, for coffee." Alex and Ivan both stirred in their stylish Brno chairs and Alex added, "Mitch the barback conned his way into joining us and as he and I had been fuck buddies for a few years, I wasn't about to deny him, especially after he worked hard to make the Cirro meet N greet happen." "So was Mitch planning a 3-way or what" Ivan posed? Shaking his head no, Alex added, "He just wanted to watch, being a voyeur." "It was already midnight by the time Cirro and Mitch wrapped up their shift clean-up, and I had to be here the next day for some early try outs, that was about the week you had your try out/interview remember, and that was already going to be a long-assed day; so opted to just do a quick meet N greet over coffee at Hero's Coffee Shop, which was about ½ way home for me anyway. While Cirro didn't know it, Mitch and I had been there numerous times, so Cirro would ride with him then they'd get Cirro's car later. We walked in together, got seated, Megan brought my coffee and then went back for the guys' and we sipped slow hot brew, which jolted me awake, thankfully. Cirro sat between me and Mitch and we did the knee rub action. We exchanged numbers and by 1:00 a.m. I begged off and we all agreed to meet Saturday before last. Well Saturday got blown apart so we rescheduled for last night and damn did Cirro make up for lost time!!!" "SO don't torture me dude, what happened", Ivan urged. "Cirro arrived at my place on the spot, brought a bottle of my fave Merlot, damn Mitch the mouth, LOL, and we downed the bottle, ignored our dinner reservations and were in the sack w/i 30 minutes. That man loves bein kissed ALL THE FUCK OVER and when you hit his spot, he assumes the doggy position in a flash and is beggin for dick with that furry muscle hole. Of course I couldn't work him up then shut him down so had to be the gracious host and FUCK THE HELL OUT OF THAT TAIL!!!" Both guys laughed, grabbed more coffee and agreed to continue the story after they got some work done.

Alex reviewed Ivan's new sketches, they headed for his office and staging area, loaded the material to the SmartBoard app and did a run-through. The Cat People theme was echoing in the stage area and that got Ivan really pumped. He did some leaps and was just suspended in midair it seemed. When they took it from the top, with all that slow mo stepping, almost crawling and then down into the curl and flat out then erupting into Russian squat kicks and leaps, Alex saw the clock steadily cross and the timing really working well. They were able to stall the music, alter it, extend it and resume, all seamlessly. The male lead and associated male cast routines were almost finished for the 1st 20-25 minutes of the work. They sat together and drafted the female routines at varied points before restoring and adding the male routines. Alex sat back in his desk chair, staring at Ivan who was already winded and sat wiping his head and neck of sweat and only slightly panting. "You're an animal dude" Alex complimented Ivan, "If you get into sex to the degree you dance, God help your partners.................." The pair stepped off the female routines, did the inserts in the SmartBoard app, then linked Ivan's live segment, be it the male lead role or representative male group routine and suddenly the timing was at 45 minutes. The more they worked it the easier it got and realized that adding groups of people as cast would expand the finished work to the hour target performance. Alex looked up at his wall clock and nodded to Ivan. They'd been at it since about 12:30 and the clock read 5:00 p.m. but the work was damn near totally blocked and audio segments fine tuned. Alec called off any further work, said he'd take the app home and consider what existing cast members could fit the female and male roles in conjunction with Ivan's male lead and be ready to do cast walk-throughs a few times Monday morning, then be set for John Monday afternoon at 4. "Leave the Sunday cast selection to me, bro" Alex hugging Ivan, "you did great"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pair badged out and Alex suggested he drive Ivan home after all the hard work he'd invested, which Ivan accepted.

En route Ivan began, "So what's Mitch like and might he like a dancer like me?" "Fuckin A dude" came Alex's reply and grin. "I think Mitchy would love to be tormented and be tied in place as you walked around slow jackin and edgin your dick to tease him, sorta like my bro Dave likes" Ivan froze at the thought of Dave in that capacity. His eyes and stare frozen, looking at Alex, and before he could ask, Alex interjected, "what, you think I don't know what Davey and Towns do, uh like, uh enjoy and did with that student Peter"? "Well I guess I did, but just wasn't prepped to hear it is all" Ivan acknowledged. The rest of the ride home focused on some dance parts and cast possibilities as Alex pulled up in front of #14 to deposit his co-choreographer in charge. Waving and a "ciao" Alex made for the corner and Ivan headed up the stairs, greeted by jazz, a piano practice, and solo by Katia.........

Once inside #L, Ivan fed his charges and searched for the body builder's window. The light was on, shadows criss-crossed the walls in the unit across the alley. Standing, patient, eager, the unknown body came to the window, then staring back at Ivan, nodded and raised a glass of wine as a greeting. Their slow edging routine began. Ivan was already excited from the work out, the story of Cirro and then of Dave, Towns and Peter. In no time he was nude at his own window and stroking his growing 9" uncut dick; watching the stranger edge his cock as well. This time neither man had too much endurance, and within 15 minutes both were blasting cumloads across their window panes. Ivan was ready to collapse after hours of dance and now this intense orgasm!!! Suddenly he felt a hunger pang, gave a slight wave to his jack buddy and set his sights on prepping supper. He found the smoked ham his mom had brought, still wrapped in the butcher paper and thought how good that ham and swiss cheese on the dark wheat would taste and as he pulled out the ham and cheese, heard a loud argument erupt in the stair landing. Ivan was alarmed, opened his door to learn what was happening as did neighbor, Gordon Jackson to find Jack Kitchens and his sister Margaret Sams (units I and J) having some argument in the hall. "What the fuck you two want, you want some of this too" growled the threatening neighbor Jack. Margaret shrieked and as she started to close her apt door, Jack pressed it back open and continued his tirade. Adam Scott was climbing the stairs by this time, screaming at the two, "I called the cops and you two better fucking chill or you're both out". Ivan stared at Gordon, standing framed by his doorway, in full view for Ivan's scan. The shirtless neighbor was a hunk, thought Ivan, or was he still just horny from the recent J/O with his anonymous body builder? The two nodded confusion at the mayhem and Ivan, nodded for Gordon to join him. The new neighbor seemed ok and Gordon nodded, reached for his keys and crossed the short space to Ivan's apt.

"WTF is that all about and is it a usual event" Ivan began, then paused to introduce himself, "sorry I'm Ivan Markilev and you are.....", "oh damn man, I'm Gordon, Gordon Jackson" as hands were shaken. "Bout to fix a ham and swiss sandwich wanna join me" offered Ivan to his new floor mate Gordon. "Sure, sounds great, I got some iced beer at my place, I can go get" Ivan agreed and set about getting plates out etc as Gordon left and returned with a pair of icy brews. Ivan's cock throbbed seeing his neighbor up close and wondered if this new man might be dessert? The two ate, the ruckus silenced and Gordon filled Ivan in some blanks about the bro/sis pair and their periodic yelling-screaming matches. "They're sorta like the Full Moon, it happens about once a month; sometimes twice, but amounts to nothing more than a brief dust up, Adam Scott threatens eviction and they go back to their separate corners and stew for another month in silence" Gordon shared. The sandwiches and beer done, Gordon thanked Ivan, welcomed him again and said he was heading out on the road Sunday so still needed to get laundry done and get packed and to take care leaving with, "Good to meet you man and welcome to #14" waved a goodbye and returned to his apt across the hall. Ivan's hardon was now precipitous and after watching the man's pecs and biceps as they ate and drank, and his shoulders and lats as he walked away, Ivan needed to nut again. Not even wasting time cleaning up his kitchen he hauled his dick out and stroked off as he straddled a barstool; his cum flying across the floor toward the other end of the bar. Shaking the last remnant of cum off his dick, lapping his fingers clean, Ivan stowed his dick away and cleaned up the kitchen. Fatigued but not ready for sleep, Ivan brought up You Tube and watched a British Sitcom episode and then another, before the edge taken by his recent cum, finally dissipated and he relaxed. If his mom had been here when all that erupted in the hall, he considered, she'd have been out the door with a broom after the two of them, he chuckled to himself. Without realizing it, Ivan drifted off to a deep sleep, as he sat on his loveseat.

Next: Chapter 11

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