Vampire Sex Diaries

By Phunk Factor

Published on Feb 25, 2010


Disclaimer; This is a story about characters from the television show Vampire Diaries. It is a work of fiction and the author does not claim any knowledge about the private lives of actors appearing in the show, also this story implies nothing about their sexuality. I do not own these characters, adapted for television by produced and created by Kevin Williamson, and is loosely based on the series of novels by L. J. Smith. It is produced by Outerbanks Entertainment, Alloy Entertainment, CBS Television Studios and Warner Bros. Television.

Note from Author; This story contains sexual situations and if you're under age or are offended by homo-erotic works, you should probably stop reading now. If you're not, continue reading and please comment. I'll be delighted to hear your opinions and suggestions about it at . Happy reading! :)

"Flesh and bones!", Tyler shot back sarcastically. He was reading the self-improvement tips on the notice board.

"What are you doing here?", Stefan asked in bewilderment.

"I got detention! What else do you think?". Tyler shot back. His voice was soaked in hatred and despise. Stefan couldn't understand what was it directed towards. Stefan knew if he stood around to ask him more detail, Tyler would get suspicious. Or somewhat worse, he could get pissed off and lunge at him. Tyler was after all popular for having a terrible temperament. Stefan decided he had to glamor him in order to get some details out of him.

"Tyler..", Stefan breathed slowly. Tyler turned around to register why Stefan was calling out to him so strangely. "Tyler, why are you in detention?", Stefan asked.

"I pushed Jeremy into a locker on Monday! Principal gave me detention for the whole week!", Tyler answered in monotone.

'Monday?!', Stefan thought. No wonder he didn't know about it. But it didn't matter. Stefan could glamor him into bunking detention and this would lead to even more trouble for Tyler. Plus, he wanted to take revenge for pushing Jeremy into the locker.

"Tyler..", Stefan repeated.

"Yes?", Tyler asked his eyes wide, with no signs of life.

"You are going to skip detention. You are going to go outside, get into your car and drive away!", Stefan ordered in a gentle manner. "Do you understand?", Stefan asked.

"Yes!", Tyler answered toneless.

"Repeat the instruction!", Stefan demanded.

"I am going to skip detention. I am going to go outside, get into my car and drive away!", Tyler repeated what he had been told a few seconds ago.

"Good boy!", Stefan complimented and patted his cheeks. "Now go!", he barked. Tyler unlocked the door and started walking out. When Stefan saw him disappear from his view, he crept back into the room. He glanced around the room, loving the fact that he was the only one here on a Friday afternoon. And very soon, Mr. Saltzman would be here as well.

Stefan looked around the room and saw that Tyler had left his bag. Stefan picked it up and wondered if he should phase to Tyler's car and dump it there. But he couldn't take the risk. If Mr. Saltzman showed up in that small time period, he's going to be in more trouble than he wanted. And if next week, Mr. Saltzman wasn't monitoring detention Stefan had no interest of sitting through it. He unzipped the small back pack, he wasn't nosey usually. A pack of weed, flavored condoms, a black book,a CD, an extra pair of boxers. Oh wait, a pair of dirty boxers. Stefan cursed.

"So it's going to be just you and me today?", came a voice from behind.

Stefan jumped in shock and dropped the contents of the bag. They all fell to the floor. "I'm sorry! I got shocked! I didn't hear you come in!", Stefan explained.

"And I have another theory!", the older man poked. Stefan stared at him in confusion. "I think you were looking through Tyler's bag when I walked in and the rest is on the floor. Pick it up!", he ordered.

Stefan swooped the content and dumped it in bag haphazardly.

"Where is Mr. Lockwood?", Mr. Saltzman asked resting his butt on the table.

"Don't know! He said he couldn't stand another day of detention, especially one of Friday!", Stefan lied convincingly.

"Well he was really dumb to forget that the security cameras will catch him leaving out of the front door.", he reported. "And they have!", he added. "The principal is furious! I think Tyler is in some deep shit!", Mr. Saltzman said in disappointment.

Stefan didn't care. "That's sad!", he lied. Truth was, his mind was no longer satisfied by the mere though of Mr. Saltzman, his mind actually now wanted him to go ahead and do it. Also his dick had gone completely crazy. Stefan was pretty sure, he was leaking precum in his briefs. He felt like jumping from his seat and landing on Alaric, push him down and kiss him really hard.

"Stefan! Mr. Salvatore!", Mr. Saltzman said alarmingly. Stefan had gotten lost in his thoughts. "Something bothering you?", he asked. Stefan stood up gracefully from his chair and walked gracefully towards the older man.

"Mr. Saltzman!", Stefan announced. "I'm deeply attracted to you! Everyday when you walk into the class, no matter what I'm doing or who I'm talking to, my eyes can't help but notice you!" Stefan whispered in the lowest possible volume he could manage.

"Mr. Saltzman!", Stefan murmured. "I can't stop thinking about you! There are times I'm completely awake but you have clouded every inch of my mind like a dark cloud. And don't even ask me about how many times you come into my dreams!", he continued. Stefan was standing between the gap of Mr. Saltzman's legs. "There is absolutely no doubt that I am attracted to you. And a part of me even believes, that I maybe in love with you!", he kept on saying boring it into Mr. Saltzman's mind. "And that part has me the most scared, Mr. Saltzman. I love you, Alaric Saltzman!" Stefan finally completed. His chest was heaving up and down, and he had a feeling that he had said more than he should have. But once he started, it just kept coming out.

Not wasting another moment, Stefan lowered his lips and put them on that of the older man. His tongue forced his ways through and grazed Alaric's tongue. His hands were on Mr. Saltzman's frisky cheek bones. His eyes were closed and he had completely given in. No barriers remained between him and the man Stefan loved, except for his dark secret. Stefan didn't pay attention to that detail as he explored Mr. Saltzman's mouth. And then he felt a pair of hands creep under his shirt. This was it, the moment Stefan was looking out for. This was the moment!

Next: Chapter 9

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