Valyrian Boys - Founding of Dragonstone

By LittleSubBoy

Published on May 11, 2020



This is a Game of Thrones fanfiction set before the cataclysmic disaster known as the Doom of Valyria but it may not be completely compatible with lore (any true fan of GGRM would know that his histories are deliberately distorted and biased views of the world) . It is also my first attempt at writing erotica and thus I would deeply appreciate any constructive criticism of the text. I hope you enjoy and please contribute to Nifty, smut needs $ and any contribution would be highly appreciated.

P.S. @The_Narciso (Robert Smith nifty conributor), you are the reason for my interest in writing erotica sir and thus this is dedicated to your superior being.

I woke up to sounds of blaring horns. Faint sun rays drifted into the small chamber causing the mage steel armor next to my feather-bed to shimmer a faint silver. I pulled myself out of the bed and dressed myself in loose red silks from Yi-Ti. I then looked into the metal mirror and saw my unkempt silver gold hair which I proceeded to brush into submission and lilac eyes with faint dark-circles underneath them accompanied by some grime in the corner of my eye. I splashed my face with some water and slapped my cheeks hard so as to regain some semblance of. I open the door to a sky, colored yellow by the rising run aboard Balereon?s Fury. The ship was massive even by Valyrian standards, capable of bearing 1500 men to row, accompanied by massive sails making it faster than it had any right to be.

I strode from the main-deck towards the bow. The horns that awoke me had signaled land and as I reached the bow, I was able to make-out a faint landmass on the horizon. I met up with the captain Taecelon Taenarris and my friend Vigel Taenarris, his distant relation. Taecelon was a cheerful portly man of about forty with a protruding belly, head bereft of hair with purple eyes being the only indicator of his heritage. Vigel on the other was taller than most men with an enviably muscled body and a regal face that simultaneously radiated authority and youth. His hair was sheer platinum shimmering like a sea of silver liquid in the sunlight and his eyes were a deep purple contrasting heavily with his pale face. He was stood on the edge of the bow focused on the landmass ahead.

Taecelon greeted me with a hearty "Good Morning" which I replied forthwith. "The island is visible now and we expect to reach it by the afternoon" Taecelon said and I nodded.

Vigel turned, he was already in his armor, and scowled at me"What are you waiting for "Go put on your

armor and come back, I want to leave immediately!" he ordered.

I muttered an apology and rushed to my cabin. Him screaming at my incompetence was no novelty, deservedly so, owing to me frequently falling shortof his standards. He was only a year older to me, a sixteen to my fifteen, but he was definitely the leader and me the follower in our unequal friendship. I reached my cabin and solicited the help ofone of my slaves to armor myself. After doing so I ran back and while doing so I saw Galaegor and Viron above the ship, Viron was my dragon and Galaegor was Vigel's. They both were descending at an incredible pace towards our ship. Galaegor was pure black and seemed to suck the light from the rising sun as he approached, while Viron was a pale green with interspersed light blue scales. They must already have been summoned by Vigel I thought as I reached the bow. Vigel?s mood seemed to have improved as he saw Galaegor and he said ?I guess you aren?t a complete disaster after all?, a generous statement given my tardiness. As Galaegor flew parallel to the ship Vigel jumped on and sat on the ostentatiously gilded saddle studded with sapphires and rubies. Following his lead, I climbed onto Viron?s comparatively austere saddle as Viron took a position similar to Galaegor. We both lifted the reins and both dragons soared into the air. Vigel tugged on the reins and his dragon slowed and I followed suit. He shouted ?I?ll race you to the island, whoever loses has to kiss the loser?s feet? and took off without caring to listen to my reply. My reply was obvious, ?yes? I said inaudible to Vigel who already flown ahead. This was a common occurrence, Vigel would make bets that he knew I would loose with forfeits being varying degrees of humiliation depending on his mood. I remember a bed we made as ten and eleven years old where I was forced to lick his armpit after his sweaty training sessions. I knew I wasn?t going win this time either, his dragon was older than mine, large enough to not be slowed down by his weight and small enough to be more agile than mine.

I participated in the race whole-heartedly lest I deprive Vigel of a satisfying victory. We raced with the wind blowing past heavily, deafeningly so. As we flew the island appeared in its entirety. A large island with a mountainous eastern half that flatten as the eye moved west. The smoke from the volcano was visible now, reminiscent of the grand fourteen flames, though it paled by comparison. Nevertheless, it would a fine seat for a freeholder family should they choose to civilize this barbaric land. Vigel?s father Vanyx Taenarris had ordered him to survey and capture this island. His goal was to make it into a trade post to facilitate trade between the savage Westerosi land and the great Freehold to the east. Personally, I did not know what the savage kings had that could be valuable to our great Freehold but then again, I did not know much about trade. I had of course followed my friend here to maybe in this way repay some of the great debt my family owed to the Taenarris family. I knew that I was sent to be fostered under Vanyx, not for my personal enrichment but as a hostage so that my father did not default. I did not mind, if not for Vigel I would be a disgrace to my family and being close to him was deeply fulfilling.

Vigel had reached the island and I was only minutes behind. I pulled Viron?s reigns and he landed close to Vigel atop a small hill of volcanic rock and soil. As always, I dismounted and approached Vigel who was still sat upon Galaegor. His smirk was clearly visible and that sent shivers down my spine. He beckoned me forth and pointed to his boots made of prized dragon leather. I did as he bid, removed my helm and kissed his right boot and heard his delighted snicker and as I went to kiss the left one, he kicked me hard in the face and begun laughing.

'Hahaha, how do you liked that!". In response I hid my face pretending to rub my bruise, he was right, something felt right about him kicking me for his pleasure but to betray my true feeling would be humiliating. I murmured my pretend disapproval, although this again was not novel, I still had to keep up appearances. He dismounted and knuckled my head and smirked again, then declared, "This island would make for a fine trade post but a fortress would be necessary to be able to guard it." . He then motioned into the distance northward and said, "I think I saw a small village there, let's go greet my soon to be slaves" and with this he again climbed onto his dragon and took flight, assuming that I would follow like a dog after his master, and I did.

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