Valhalla: Meeting Jordan Part I

By moc.liamtoh@yruffoluos

Published on Aug 5, 2009



The characters and events in this story are completely fiction. Any resemblance or likeness to real-life people is coincidental. I guess I retain all rights to this story. If it makes you uncomfortable, then I suggest maybe finding something that suits you. Enjoy! Oh! and please don't copy without permission!

"You know whats disgusting? and do you have a five?" I ask.

"What's that?" replies my bro, my actual brother, Drake. "and nopers, go fish loserface!"

To be honest I'm bored out of mind, but theres not much else to do here up at the Grandparents' cottage. We just came back from catching crayfish, and it won't be long before the sun would be fully set. Also my rents want to take us out for some stupid nature hike thing up at the provincial park, only once they got back from town that is.

For the past few days its been a drag for me because this year I wasn't allowed to bring my best friend Danielo, the italian stallion. So I've been pretty much moping around this place by myself. Like this morning, I went canoeing, by myself, it was thrilling. But my parents think that this may be the last time I spend the summer with my grandparents together so I stay true to whatever they want, what else can I do. Tough out hanging with my lil' bro until this weekends over then I'm home sweet home, only four days left.

"Leeches," I mumble as I draw a card from the middle. "there's one on your leg right now." I pick up an ace, and I have another pair to add to the threes, sixs and jacks layed out before me.

"HA, I ain't stupid bro! You gotta' five?" he laughs back. His stupidness amazes me.

Not only that, I just asked him for a five.

"Ya, but seriously -- you have a leech on your leg." I toss him my five. It's actually on his ankle and theres a sickening trail of blood dripping down his foot onto the floor.

We're in the kitchen and theres barely enough room for the fridge and stove in here, let alone; a table, freezer, island counter and a fish tank. Ya, a flippin fish tank. The bamboo floor (my Grandparents love China) is pretty much scratched to shit, and is now being stained by the blood dripping of Drake's foot. The windows are thrown wide open, to allow for a cool breeze to rush through the kitchen to air out the interior, man it feels good. Although the slight humidity and smell of fish off the lake has me wanting to peel of my white v-neck t-shirt. Luckily though it only seems to be getting colder as the night settles in, perfect for the trail hiking we have ahead of us.

"WHAT THE -" Drake stammers, as he looks down to the floor and I can only let out a snicker.


Drake dashes to the cupboard and scrambles to find the salt, I on the other hand have paper towels and take my time to clean up his mess off the floor. He plunges his foot into the sink, disgusting, but I get up and turn on the tap, to help him clean up before our dad comes in and get even angrier.

I dash to my "room" once we got all cleaned up in the kitchen and throw on a Hollister sweater while grabbing my sandles. I end up racing my brother to the van, and win.

Me and my brother look nothing alike. He stands a few inches less than me (like two?) and has messy blonde hair. Where it comes from is a mystery to me. But he does have the coca-puff brown eyes of our mother.

We all fit into our family van including my one set of grandparents, from my mothers side. They all seem melancholic as we make our way through the twists and turns of our cottage area. Doesn't take long before our parents and grandparents are engaged in a deep conversation about the effects of global warming on fig newtons.

You see, my dad is a chemical engineer, and the husky burly type of dad. You know, the kind you call "Mr." and you would not want to step out of line around. My mom on the other hand is what holds us all together, keeps our heads on our shoulders. She's a high-school teacher, and I always imagine how caring she is there too, at the high-school. My grandparents are of course retired, but both have good reputations to their names. My "opa" (so what if we ain't italian) is a retired biomechanics something or other, whil my "nona" used to work in med-sciences.

Then theres me, I want to be a stripper. Just kidding.

"MAN, I cannot wait to pick up on some babes," pipes my brother on our way there. "admit it, they be all over me like cheese on a cheeseburger." And then he grins, that stupid dimpled grin that makes me want to punch him in the face. Coming from me, his brother, you can say it's kind of cute, and not a wonder why some girls might fall for it.

I wouldn't.

"Well good luck because I think its really only going to be our family there bud," I smile as I break the sad news to him. "but I'm sure you'll find a nice toad to make out with you sick-"

"GRIFFIN," my mom so happily interjects. "be nice, its going to be a fun experience, you'll learn something new!" she chimes with that motherly smile from the passenger seat. She's sometimes too happy it scares me. "Me and your father used to go on these night hikes all the time didn't we?" she says in that oh the old times days tone. My father replies with a grunt.

Oh. Dear. God. It's really the only thought that somes to mind as we pull across the bend to where we meet for the hike, and it seems theres only about my family and roughly 30 other people coming with us on this hike. I glance over to my bro, and he's already halfway out of his seat scoping for his soon to be ex-girlfriend.

I wish I was as enthusiastic as him.

We all fall out of the van and into formation, grandparents lead followed in order by our parents then me and my little brother. I can distinctly hear my grandparents already telling back in the day stories from WWI and I can only try to hide myself as they get louder and louder, and more detailed. Not only that, my parents are getting mushier as we get closer to the crowd.

The trail is called the sidewinder, like some bad amusement park ride. It circles through some forest and then onto the lake, then curves back to the beginning. Or so the diagram says. The buzzing of mosquito's and smell of fresh pine intoxicate my senses, and I can faintly hear murmurs of poison ivy and west-nile from the crowd but a few feet away. I'm peeing my pants with excitement, or is it nervousness? I attempt to look casual by ignoring my family, and stroking my chest as I stretch. I'm getting glances from some not-so-attractive pre-pubescent girls, maybe its my legs which are aching to kick a soccer ball or run me up court for a slamdunk lay-up. My 6"3' frame is too much for these midgets to handle, and this sweater only hugs my body tighter than a baby koala to its mother. Which reminds me, I still need to do my medicine ball and push-up workout when I get back to the cottage! As my hockey coach always says, "the key to a great player is their core!" Which has me loathing the return to high school, and the nagging I'll get from Mr. Brouwer for 'not working hard enough'.

Wait, did I just hear my mom say remember when we got naughty on this trail?

We start to make our way into the crowd, away from the trail sign, and it parts like the Red Sea. We must have leoprasy or something because noone seems to want to stand close to us. This is just kind of embarassing.

"Shit," I say. I need some sort of excuse just to leave and be stuck at the back by myself and away from my crazy family. "I uh, forgot to put on bug spray mom, be right back!" I try to leave as fast as I can, which isn't hard as there is a clear trail back to our vehicle.

I get to the van and sit in the drivers seat for a while. I glance at the vehicles clock and notice this thing isn't supposed to start for yet another ten minutes, and more and more people are showing up by the second.

But then as I'm scanning the crowd, admiring how dressed up people got, someone catches my eye.

He is about my height, has brown? maybe a dirty blonde hair, I can't see too well it's getting darker. He's wearing a blue with white vertically striped long-sleeved dress shirt. It looks perfect with the chester brown cargo pants he's wearing. And he's not by himself either, he has three sisters. Great, I think to myself, I think I even found Drake's ex-girlfriend. I hop out of the car in an attempt to follow them.

"HEY," my brother yells.

"Holy -, you little twerp," I grab him and punch him twice in the arm. Hard. Then the lightbulb went off in my head, ya I have a lightbulb, its energy efficient. "I think I found you a girlfriend," I tell him, bringing his ear closer to my face, "all you gotta do is keep quiet and stay near me aight?"

He now has this what the fuck is going on expression on his face, I ease my grip on his arm and he reluctantly replies, "fine, she better be a babe."

So here's the short intro guys! What will happen next? Will they meet or will Drake screw things up? Well I dunno.

I had a little trouble with the tense, as past or present. Whoops. I'm not really good at writing sex scenes:( I tried and it was a mess

E-mail me comments me! suggestions are great too! thanks!

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