Valentine's Days short story

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Sep 9, 2016



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Valentine's Days


The day had finally arrived for Rick Chase. He had pushed himself to the limit, and worked hours and hours of overtime, just to make that day happen. From the day Kenny walked out on him, he wanted nothing more than to get out of New York, and make a fresh start elsewhere. Everything around him brought back memories of Kenny.

Then last month his request for transfer finally came through. The advertising agency he worked for approved his transfer to San Diego. He was thrilled. There were to be no more harsh winters, and no more even harsher memories. He looked forward to a new start, and new friends, in Sunny California.

The first thing he did, was to put his condo on the market. It was well priced for a quick sale, but when prospective buyers heard that it was being sold fully furnished at that price, they figured that the furnishings were junk. They assumed that the seller was too lazy to throw it out, or donate it to charity. They were surprised and delighted at the expensive and beautiful pieces of furniture they found there. When Rick and Kenny had first set up the condo eight years earlier, they took their time furnishing it. They believed that they would be together forever, and they bought nothing but the best, and often, the most expensive furniture.

The second thing he did was to fly out to San Diego, and rent a small apartment. He could live there, until he decided where he wanted to buy, and to check out the cost of condos. While he was there he was introduced to some of his future co-workers. He didn't get any vibes that any of them were gay, but he really didn't care.

He had no problem selling his condo. He was well located, in a desirable section of Manhattan. The buyers even added a thousand dollars to the purchase price to accelerate the closing date. Rick took a week off to pack all his personal items. He deliberately took nothing with him from the condo. He was determined to bury the past, and move on. Everything would be fresh and new, and not remind him of Kenny.

While packing the clothing from his dresser, he uncovered a batch of greeting cards at the back of his underwear drawer. They were bound with a dried out rubber band, which split when he removed the packet. He smiled when he realized what he had uncovered. These were all the greeting cards Kenny had ever sent him, birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions. He thought he had thrown them out with all of his other bad memories, but somehow he had missed them. The cards were in chronological order, and right on the top, there was a Valentine Day Card.

His first impulse was to toss it out, along with the rest of the memorabilia, but he couldn't resist opening the card. The front of the card was all white with a single red heart in the middle. Below the heart, a fancy scripted text read:

Happy Valentine's Day

When he opened it up, there was a soppy message on the right side, no doubt written by a Hallmark employee, but on the left side, Kenny had written a note, or rather printed it:

I know it has only been six weeks since we met, but I am hopelessly in love with you.

I pray this is the first of 100 Valentine's Days to come for you and me.

I can't wait to climb into bed with you tonight, and show you how much I love you.


Rick grabbed the greeting cards, including the Valentine's Day Card, crushed them in his palm, and tossed them in the garbage. He began to cry, so he threw himself on his bed, and buried his face in a pillow. He hadn't meant to, but he fell fast asleep. In his sleep, his mind took him back to a happier time, and he began to dream about Kenny.

It was New Year's Eve. Rick Chase was in a celebratory mood. He had just turned twenty-three. When he graduated college the previous June, he landed a job in a small advertising agency. The experience he was receiving was good, and even better looking on his resume, but he was seeking a position with a lot more challenge and excitement. He wanted to work for an ad agency that produced ads and commercials for major businesses across the country, even across the world.

Just last week, two days before Christmas, he landed his dream job with a Madison Avenue firm. He was going to start on the day after New Year's Day. Rick thought that it was a good omen; new job, new life, and promising future. He had no idea that he was on a roll, and this evening would be the one where he would meet someone special.

He and Kenny literally bumped asses on the crowded dance floor. They turned to say, "I'm sorry," when something magical happened. The moment they looked into each other's eyes, everyone in the noisy bar disappeared. They found themselves alone on the dance floor. It was like the scene in West Side Story, when Tony and Maria spotted each other in the high school gym. The stage lights dimmed to wipe out everyone on stage, except the doomed lovers.

Notwithstanding that they were dancing with other people, they began to dance together. Other couples were gyrating to the loud music, and not touching one another, but Rick and Kenny wrapped their arms around each other and slow-danced. They put their cheeks together and dry humped their packages.

"I'm cumming," Rick stated matter of factly. "Let's blow this joint."

"Don't you want to wait until after midnight?" Kenny asked.

"I'd much rather you be the one I kiss at midnight, instead of all these strangers."

So they went to Rick's apartment, and made love until the dawn began to illuminate the apartment. They lost count of the number of orgasms they experienced, and they kept assuring each other that nobody else's cock tasted as sweet, nor did anybody else's cum taste better. They slept until noon, and then they showered. They went out for lunch, and spent the rest of the day in bed fucking each other.

When they finally took a break from love making, Rick started to laugh. "I don't even know your last name," he giggled. "Mine's Chase."

Kenny started to laugh hysterically. "My surname is Banks," he answered, amidst his laughter.

Kenny was still a student, a senior at NYU. He was majoring in Finance. Rick took him out to dinner, and then they reluctantly parted. Kenny had school the next day, and Rick was starting a new job. As soon as it could be managed, Kenny moved out of his furnished studio apartment, and moved in with Rick.

Rick was the only one at Kenny's graduation, not because his folks had disowned him when he came out, but because they lived in Australia. Kenny's dad had been transferred there from New York when Kenny started college. They hadn't seen each other in nearly four years, and it surprised Rick that he hardly ever talked about them. Immediately after graduation, Kenny got a job as an intern in a CPA office.

If there were statistics somewhere of how many times a week an average couple made love, Rick and Kenny would have spiked the chart. They even made an effort not to let their love making go stale. They often introduced something new and usually kinky. It was generally something they had seen in a porn film, or read about in an erotic story.

Certainly, Rick had no inkling that Kenny was not a full participant in his happiness. One day, after eight years of conjugal bliss, Kenny announced that he was bored to death. He said that they had been too young when they coupled, and he wanted to be single, and sow some wild oats before it was too late. In spite of that statement, he moved in with one of his clients immediately.

Rick was devastated, not only because Kenny left him, but that he lied about the reason. He tried to persuade Kenny not to do this, but he would have none of it.

Kenny tried to speak to Rick shortly after their split, but Rick refused to take his call, and they lost contact with each other. When Rick put in his request for transfer, he was very general about it. He would accept any position outside of New York. Kenny had no way of knowing that Rick was in process of making the move.

Rick woke up, and washed the tears from his face. He tried not to let Kenny invade his thoughts, but it happened all the time. The Valentine's Day Card had opened old and very sore wounds. Added to that bit of torture, was the fact that it was Valentine's Day once again.


Rick adapted to the California life style very rapidly. Even though he was in a high stress environment, it was laid back compared to New York. After a year, he bought a condo in a fairly gay section of the city. He even had three fuck buddies, whom he saw on a regular basis. He would have preferred to settle down, but he just didn't meet anyone special like Kenny.

Rick had a client who owned a large chain of supermarkets on the west coast. The owner, JM (Jeffrey Marshal), was a man in his mid-fifties. He and Rick got along really well, and when JM came to Rick's office to discuss advertising strategy, they always ended up having a drink and dinner together. In spite of their age differences, Rick was exceptionally attracted to JM. The man kept himself hale and hearty. He visited the gym at least three times a week, and didn't look a day over forty. Rick would gladly have taken him to bed with him, but the guy was a 10 on the heterosexuality scale. JM knew that Rick was gay, and it made no difference to him.

Rick was aware that JM had a son in his mid-twenties, who was being groomed to take over the business from his father, when the time would be right. Rick had never met Jeffrey, Jr. Somehow their paths had not crossed. He often wondered if he was as handsome as his father. One beautiful San Diego morning, Rick had an appointment with JM.

His secretary buzzed him to let him know that Mr. Marshal had arrived. Rick jumped up to greet his favorite client. He was almost at his door when it opened, and his secretary ushered in Mr. Marshal. Rick's mouth dropped open. His jaw nearly hit his chest. Standing before Rick was JM's clone, only younger, handsomer, and a bit taller.

Jeff saw the confusion on Rick's face, so as he shook Rick's hand, he started to explain.

"My dad didn't feel well this morning, and he asked me to fill in for him. I hope you don't mind Mr. Chase."

"Please, call me Rick."

Rick had lusted after JM, who was twenty-three years his senior. Now he found himself lusting after Jeff, who was nine years his junior. Rick didn't give a thought to age differences.

Rick took Jeff's elbow. "Come with me," he said. "We'll meet in the conference room." They discussed business for a little over two hours. All the while Rick kept getting a hard-on, and he was grateful to be seated.

As they were winding down, Jeff said, "My dad tells me that when you meet in the afternoon, you have drinks and dinner together. Let's do that next time."

"Yes, of course, but until then, are you free for lunch?"

"For sure," Jeff said.

JM had never told Rick that his son was gay. He had worked hard to arrange this meeting, and back in his office, he wondered how things were going. He also neglected to tell Jeff that Rick was gay. He thought that he would play a little game with Mother Nature, and see how it all turned out. It turned out that his set-up was going very well.

Half way through lunch, Jeff confided that he was still living at home, but he wanted to get his own place, so that he could have a sex life occasionally. He innocently asked where Rick lived. When Rick told him, Jeff looked surprised.

"That's right in the heart of the gay section. Doesn't that bother you?"

Rick laughed. "Why should it bother me? I'm gay myself."

Jeff put his palm on Rick's forearm. "So am I," he said quietly, and the two men smiled at each other.

"The turnover rate of apartments in my building is very high," Rick said. "Would you like me to keep an eye out for you?"

"Yeah. That would be great. I'd like that a lot. Would you be uncomfortable having a client living in your building?" Jeff asked.

"Maybe, it'd bother me for some clients, but not you," Rick answered, and once again the two men smiled at each other.

JM had rubbed two stones together and ignited a spark. Now the spark had burst into flames. Rick hadn't felt this way since he met Kenny on the dance floor. If anything, his emotions were running higher, his passion was stronger.

"Can you get away this afternoon and show me your building and your apartment?" Jeff asked. "It'll give us an opportunity to see if anything is available."

Rick whipped out his cell phone. He called his secretary and told her that he had an all afternoon business meeting with Mr. Marshall. At the same time Jeff called his office, and left word that he had an afternoon meeting with Rick. Word got back to JM, who smiled the biggest smile he had ever smiled before.

Both men were parked in a public ramp at the next corner.

"Let's get our cars and you can follow me home," Rick said.

"Okay, but give me your address. If we become separated, I'll use the navigator in my car."

They did not get separated, and reached Rick's apartment in record time. Jeff parked in a guest spot and Rick took his appointed space. There was one other unit owner with them on the elevator going to the fourth floor. It was Rick's next door neighbor, who had been trying to seduce Rick since he moved in. Rick introduced him to Jeff. He winked at both of them, and went his way.

Once they entered Rick's apartment, they dropped all pretense.

"I really enjoy making love in the afternoon," Jeff yelled, and he undressed at super hero speed.

Because of their impatience they fell onto Rick's bed in a sixty-nine position. They hardly had a chance to get used to the taste of each other, when they came spurting into each other's mouths. Quickly they twisted together and kissed sharing their spunk with each other.

When they came up for air, Rick said, "That was wonderful, but way too fast. Spend the rest of the afternoon with me. Then let's go out to dinner, and spend the night together. I want to make love to you, but not like this. I want to go slow and give you as much pleasure as I am capable of."

"You've got a deal," Jeff said, "but I'm still a little boy living at home. I've got to call my folks and let them know that I won't be home tonight."

"Will you tell your father that you're with me?" Rick asked.

"You can bet your bottom dollar."

When JM heard that his son was spending the night with Rick, he pumped his fist and said silently, "Yes!"


A short time later, Jeff put a down payment on an apartment in Rick's building, and the two men, who were so hopelessly in love, were delighted, until Rick began to think about it rationally. They were sleeping together almost every night. One evening, he said to Jeff, "Don't buy the apartment. Move in with me."

"It's all I want to do, but my down payment is non-refundable. You should have spoken up sooner."

"There are alternatives," Rick pointed out. "You could rent it, but better still, there are always waiting lists to buy into this apartment building. If the seller could get a better price, I'll bet he'd refund your deposit."

"He doesn't have to."

"I know, but it's worth a try."

Actually, the day after the seller accepted Jeff's offer, he got two other offers. One was slightly below Jeff's and the other was substantially higher. However, there was no way he could renege on the signed contract of sale. When Jeff made him the proposal to void their deal if he could get a better one, the seller crossed his fingers, asked to think about it, and promised to get back to Jeff within twenty-four hours.

He immediately called his real estate agent, and explained the situation. The agent then called the prospective buyer with the higher bid, and it was a go. After the new contract was signed, he was happy to void Jeff's contract, and return the deposit from his escrow account. After all, his commission was going to be larger.

Jeff moved in with Rick a week after he was legally released from his contract. It just happened to be Valentine's Day, and Rick never thought about Kenny at all. Best of all, JM happily helped his son move, and he asked Rick to please call him Dad outside of their workplaces. Rick hugged JM, and agreed gladly.

About six weeks later, the seller of the apartment that Jeff almost bought, moved out. The next day, when Rick went to pick up their mail from the bank of mail in the lobby, the building manager was changing names on the box belonging to the new owner. He was just leaving when Rick got there. Of course Rick glanced at the name of the new condo owner, and his heart stopped beating. The name on the mailbox was Kenneth Banks. He totally freaked out.

What could be the odds? Even if it was Kenny, he was totally over him; he had Jeff now. He loved Jeff, and Jeff loved him. But Jeff was as young as Kenny was when they met. What if Jeff grew bored, and thought he had missed out on life by committing at too young an age? That's what Kenny believed, and he left Rick. But the hypocrite lied to him. He committed to another relationship instead, but what if it was an open relationship, and Kenny had the best of all possible worlds?

Rick's head was spinning. He didn't know what to do. He rushed up to his condo, stripped, and got into the shower. A nice hot shower always relaxed him. While he was `relaxing,' Jeff came home. When he realized that Rick was in the shower, he stripped rapidly and joined his lover. Rick grabbed him and started to sob.

"Don't leave me," he cried, and Jeff looked at him like he was crazy.

"What's all this about?" Jeff laughed. "There is no way in hell that I would ever leave you. You'd have to kill me. Now tell me what happened."

"Let's dry up and get dressed. Then I'll tell you. I'm scared, Jeff."

"What are you scared of? I'm here, baby."

"I'm scared of myself, and I'm not sure you can help me there, honey."

"Wow! That's deep. You better explain yourself."

Rick sat down on the sofa, and motioned for Jeff to join him. He took Jeff's hand, and said softly, almost inaudibly, "I just found out that the new unit owner is named Kenneth Banks."

"I know. I found that out a few minutes ago. I met him on the elevator, but what about it?"

"My ex-lover, the one who walked out on me after eight years of what I thought was bliss, his name is Kenny Banks."

"The guy I met is old enough to be your father, maybe even my grandfather. He told me that he just retired. His wife passed away last year. He had always lived in New York when he was a kid, and he decided to finish out his life on the west coast. He likes the life style here better."

Rick breathed a sigh of relief, and Jeff was prompted to ask a question, he was afraid of the answer to, "What if it was your ex? What are you so afraid of?"

"Old feelings, Love, old feelings. Forgive me."

"Well, I'll have to forgive you, if for no other reason than we can then work more harmoniously in the kitchen. Mr. Banks' furniture isn't coming until tomorrow, and I invited him to dinner.

"Shit. We better get busy then. What are we going to make?" Rick sounded panicky.

"Relax, I have a fully cooked meal I made the other day to surprise you. There's enough for four people. I took it out of the freezer last night and put it into the fridge. It should be defrosted by now."

"I love you," Rick said. "Let's get dressed and we'll start working on dinner. What did you make?"

"A standing rib roast with roast potatoes."

"Okay. I'll take out some red wine."

They got as busy as a couple of little boys. What slowed them down was that they were constantly grabbing each other. At last there was a knock on the door, and there stood Ken Banks with a bottle of red wine. Rick let him in, and thanked him for the wine. He introduced himself and seated Ken on the sofa.

"Everything should be ready in about fifteen minutes," Jeff said. "Shall we open a bottle of wine now or would you guys like something stronger?"

"Let's save the wine for dinner, guys. I for one want a scotch and soda. How about you two?" Both men opted for a scotch and soda.

When everyone was comfortably seated, Ken said, "I'd like to get to know you guys. Tell me about yourselves." Jeff glanced at Rick. He made his living with words, and Jeff always deferred to him when it came to telling stories.

"Well, it must be obvious to you, that we are a gay couple." Rick began. "Jeff's father actually introduced us. Ain't that a hoot, and a break from stereotypical stories about fathers of gays?"

Ken smiled, but said nothing.

Jeff's dad owns a chain of supermarkets, and I'm his ad rep. My firm does all their advertising. That's how I met JM, Jeff's dad. We became great friends. I never knew he had a gay son, until he did a little matchmaking. God bless him."

"But before that?" Ken asked. "I can tell you aren't from California, Rick. Your accent is pure New York. So is mine. Tell me about before."

"Now you're being a regular Sherlock Holmes." Rick laughed. Yes, you're correct. I am from NYC. I was in my first, and only serious relationship for eight years, and my lover walked out on me. It hurt too much. There were so many memories. I sold out everything I owned, and got a job here in San Diego. I was shooting for L.A. but now I'm glad it didn't work out. I might never have met Jeff."

"Your turn," Jeff said. "Tell us about you."

"I am (was) an engineer. I worked for a major international company out on Long Island. I had a big house, a beautiful wife, and a son. We wanted more children, but it never happened. Just as my son was starting his college career, I was transferred to Melbourne, Australia. It was a great opportunity that I couldn't turn down. We kept promising to visit our son in New York, but my wife was always getting ill, and we couldn't make the trip. She died two years ago of colitis. I had her body cremated. There was no service, and my son did not come out to Australia."

Ken sounded a little bitter, and Rick was sorry he had pushed the issue. Ken continued.

"Without my wife, I felt no obligation to keep working as hard as I did, and I ached to get back to the states. Like you Rick, I decided to return, but far from New York's memories and weather. After so many years in Australia, I didn't think I could tolerate winter in The Big Apple. So here I am."

"Do you mind if I ask you when you saw your son last?"

"When he left for college, and we moved to Australia."

"Did he keep in touch?"

"Oh yeah, an occasional letter, and an even rarer telephone call. I think they call it being estranged. He wasn't always like this. We were in constant touch at the beginning. He wrote us that he was in a relationship with a beautiful girl, but after a couple of years, he said that he was unhappy being in a monogamous relationship, and he was starting to see other women. After he left his girlfriend, we rarely heard from him again. The only thing I know is that he flitted from one relationship to another."

"Did he ever send you pictures of his girlfriend, or tell you her name?" Rick had a bad feeling and he had to probe.

"It's the strangest thing. He never did. I know what you're getting at Rick, and you may be right. When my son was seventeen, I discovered him having sex with our gardener. I could never confront him with it, so I kept it my secret. I'll bet his one serious relationship was with a man, and all his flings were with men also. If that's so, I feel that I failed as a father, if he was afraid to tell me."

Jeff had to interject. "Are you aware that you bought an apartment in a predominantly gay neighborhood. Are you gay, Ken?"

"No, I'm straight. For your information I don't care what people do in their bedrooms, especially if they love each other. I have no heir, except my son. This will be his place when I die. I bought it hoping that someday he would want to settle down and live here."

"One more question, Ken," Rick asked. "What is your son's name?

"Same as mine. He's Kenny Junior."

Rick began to cry, and both Jeff and Ken put their arms around him in an attempt to console him.

"What's wrong?" Ken asked.

"I was with Kenny for eight wonderful years. He said he was leaving me to play the field, but he went right into someone else's arms. Thank you for telling me that he told me the truth. He wasn't much for monogamy."

"Dinner's ready," Jeff announced to a very somber crowd.

The fact of the matter is, that after that night, Ken became very friendly with Rick and Jeff. He even went to a gay restaurant now and then with them. Then about two years after he moved in, Ken told Rick that Kenny was coming for a visit in less than two weeks.

Rick remained calm. "Should we clue him in before he comes, or should we surprise him?"

"Please," Ken said, "Let's go for the surprise. If he knows that you're here, Rick, he may not want to come, and I desperately want to see him."

"You know, Ken," Rick said, "I want to see him too. He hurt me, and I need closure, but he also inadvertently hooked me up with a partner he can't hold a candle to, so I want to thank him also."

He and Jeff hugged and Ken smiled at them.

"I'll pick him up at the airport," Ken said, "and then I'll tell him that my neighbors invited us to dinner. I'll let him know that our hosts are a gay couple, and lead him to believe that I'm giving him a head's up."

"That should be a hoot," Rick said rather sarcastically.

Later that evening, when they were alone, Jeff was strangely quiet. It was obvious that he was disturbed. Finally, Rick asked, "What?"

"Am I going to lose you?" Jeff asked fearfully.

"Yeah, when hell freezes over."

"Am I forcing you to choose?"

"Choose what, choose who? I love you completely, dufus. There is no choice to make."

Jeff started to cry, so Rick wrapped him up in his arms. "Let's make love," he whispered in Jeff's ear.

"I want you to fuck me tonight," Jeff said. "I want you to fuck me as often as you can. I want you inside me forever."

Rick rose to the challenge, and he somehow was inspired to cum three times far up Jeff's ass. "If that doesn't affirm how much I love you, I don't know what more I can do or say," Rick sobbed, as he enveloped Jeff in his arms.

The fateful day came too quickly. Jeff and Rick outdid themselves with a dinner that would be for a reunion of two old lovers. They started with an appetizer of shrimp cocktail. The entrée was an individual Cornish hen for everybody, with asparagus and baked sweet potato. They had peach Melba for dessert. The table was amply spread with wine, dinner rolls and apple sauce. Rick loved apple sauce with chicken. He found the white meat to be too dry, and apple sauce gave it much needed hydration.

Ken expected to arrive home about 5 PM. He would offer Kenny a shower after his long flight, and before joining Rick and Jeff for dinner. Rick figured they would be at their apartment about 6:30. He also wondered if Kenny came out to his father when Ken told him that he and Jeff were gay.

He didn't have to. The way Ken put it was, "Look Kenny, I know you're gay. You don't have to try to hide it from me anymore. In fact, the neighbors who invited us to dinner are a gay couple."

"Wow, Dad. That's good to hear. How old are they?" Kenny was still obsessed about age.

"I think the older one is about thirty-four, and the younger one is about twenty-five."

Instead of pleasing his son that their hosts tonight would be his contemporaries, Kenny said, "They're way too old for me, but maybe they can fix me up with some younger guys while I'm here. That would be nice of them."

Ken immediately saw his son's problem with any kind of relationship. He grew a little bit sarcastic. "How many young kids want to sleep with an old timer like you. I can see some flab where there was none last time I saw you."

"Touché, Dad, but as long as I have a few bucks to flash, I'll make out just fine."

Ken was almost sorry that they were going to Rick and Jeff's for dinner, but then, he thought, maybe they'll be a good influence on him. He thought about it, but he didn't believe it himself.

His knees shook as he and his son knocked on their hosts' door. Jeff answered it, adding a few moments to the tension Ken and Rick were feeling. Rick was standing back, so Jeff stood aside, and said, "Kenny, this is my partner, Rick Chase. We're in the midst of planning our wedding." He fibbed a little, but he thought it was a good idea. He was being very insecure at the moment.

Kenny was stunned. "Rick, you fucker, what are the odds?"

As for Rick, it only took him one quick glance at Kenny to know it was over. Still, he greeted him warmly with a manly hug. "I thought the same thing when I met your dad, what are the fucking odds?"

Jeff made cocktails, and the four men sat on the sofa catching up. Out of the blue, Kenny showed his insensitivity. He looked at Jeff, who was at the upper limits of his age availability fucking list, and asked, "Are you exclusive?"

Jeff almost choked on his drink. He took Rick's hand and said, "You can bet your fucking life on it."

Kenny laughed. "How can you stand to look at the same cock every night?"

"I don't look at it. I make love to it. I caress it and show it how much I love it, and I get more excited every time we make love."

Rick jumped up and kissed Jeff. "That's the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me, even you." There were tears in his eyes.

Suddenly Jeff realized that there was a straight man in the room. "I'm sorry, Ken. I didn't mean to get so graphic. I guess I got carried away."

"Don't for one moment apologize. I get great pleasure out of seeing how much you guys love each other, and knowing how passionately you express your love. I loved my wife, but she was always ill, and we could never be passionate."

Kenny was silent. Finally, when he felt the silence had lasted too long, he said. "I'll be here until Sunday morning. I've pretty much filled up my dance card with contacts I made on the internet, but I'm free Wednesday evening. I'd like to take you all out to dinner on me, for old time's sake."

"Gee, I'm sorry, Kenny," Rick said, "but Wednesday is Valentine's Day. My future husband and I have big plans for Wednesday, and it's just for the two of us."

Kenny returned to New York all sexed out, and as smug as ever. Not only was he out of Rick's system, he was out of his father's also. Ken became like a father to Rick and Jeff. He remained a father figure even after he married a beautiful young widow, who worked with Rick. They were married on Valentine's Day. JM had shot his Cupid's arrow into the hearts of his son and Rick, but there was room on the bow for another arrow for Ken and his wife.

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