Valentines' Day at Hilltop

Published on Feb 9, 2020



Valentines' Day at Hilltop

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Valentines' day is a big event at Hilltop. We had a special dinner dance party, but since Valentines' Day was on Friday this year it turned into a weekend long event. My pastry chef had a chance to shine and dinner with an expensive desert was profitable. You can't go cheap on Valentine's day. We also had a big banquet for Presidents day for the DAR.

I wanted to have a private party for my gay friends, but I had to postpone it to Tuesday. The Christmas and New Year's parties had been a great success. We had a lot of leftover food from the holiday parties and my staff knew how to use it well so there was little cost to the restaurant.

The Christmas seasons parties had been successful, but I didn't want the parties to be too repetitive. I assumed the partnered or married couples had celebrated earlier for Valentine Day. This party would include single and unattached men.

I suggested that guests bring a new friend. I suspected they would all like a little variety. After the Christmas parties some guests said they would like to bring a friend. I replied that friends were welcome. The restaurant was closed on Tuesday, so the day was free.

Adding up the guests and our staff worked out to potentially 40 people. Our staff was mostly gay, and they would both serve the guests and then play afterwards. I found out they had done this informally after the last parties. I thought it was better to do this openly rather than informally.

The restaurant's owners, Gus and Tommy had always been involved. Gus joked that the best deserts were served from his cock.

Some of the men from the earlier party came with guests. John Williams, the town librarian came with a library volunteer, Harry. Harry was a retired insurance salesman. Todd, the automobile mechanic came with Teddy, who sold auto parts. Duddy, a music teacher came with a guy named Andy. Andy was shy and reserved. I knew him as the preacher at a little Baptist Church.

Johnson, our Santa, came with two construction workers, Del and Dom. Del was a bald, beefy, brick mason and Dom was a half size version of Del. Both men were furry. Conrad Victor, the radio guy, came with Bunny Hop, his main rival for radio fame. Bunny was after a younger demographic and was noted for the imaginative ways he barely avoided saying fuck or shit on the air. He was with his side kick, Luis. At first, we had thought Luis was just a token comic Latino, but he distinguished himself during a tornado outbreak by an 18-hour-long stint giving the warnings and alarms in Spanish. Rufus, the park ranger, Ralph, the barber and Oliver, the florist came later with four friends, but it was too loud to get their names.

With about 25 people it was a good group

The food was on the table, with impressive appetizers and sandwiches. It was all finger foods so you could circulate. Manny, our head waiter replenished the food. He wore a leather jock strap as part of an all leather ensemble. The jock had a removable flap the allowed his cock to swing free when he wasn't serving food.

Johnnie, the bartender wore a posing strap. He was an artist and posed for art classes in addition to his work at our bar. They were with Tom, a young assistant chef. Tom was 21 but had been kicked out of his home when he was 16. He came to Hilltop essentially begging for food. Gus hired him and he quickly became a good employee, eager and smart. We pretended that we didn't know he lived in the vacant attic of the restaurant. Manny and Johnny took him under their wings. Tom liked sex a lot, but they guided him to meet a better class of men.

After about a half hour of chat, I made a little speech to the guests. "Welcome to Hilltop's Valentines' day party. It nice to welcome old friends and to see some new faces. While this is officially a holiday dedicated to love, I need to make a confession. In the past, plain old-fashioned lust has played a role. To use the local terms, we are here to mess around and have some X-rated fun."

"Nothing is required. You don't need to participate in X-rated activities. You are not discouraged from triple X-rated fun. Fun and pleasure are the key objectives in the party," I added. "We are all adults. What you do, suck, lick or spurt is up to you. You need to ask before you poke into tight places. You can shoot off any time you feel the urge. Some guys think you are making a mess, others think you are shooting the food of the gods. If you happen to mention you are close, someone might take it and make it a little easier to clean the floors. Any questions?"

"Is triple X the highest we can go? I'm aiming for quadruple X," Johnson asked. There was laughter.

"We are nothing if not open minded," I said. "If you get to 4-X, give me a shout out. I might join you." There was more laughter. The men who had been to the earlier parties began to strip. Some of the new guests took their time, but a few were naked in record time.

I was next to Duddy, Andy, Del and Teddy. Only Duddy had been to a party before. "If I were to reach out and play with your cocks, would any of you run from the room in horror?" I asked. Del dropped to his knees and swallowed Teddy's cock. Duddy put his arm around Andy, so I was able to lick both of their cocks.

"I'm afraid I will shoot off too soon," Andy whispered.

"No orgasms are too early or too late," Duddy said

"I'm just not sure," Andy replied.

"Duddy, your pal is oozing first rate cock juices. Where did you find him?" I asked.

"Andy is new to the scene. It's hard for him to believe shooting off is our objective," Duddy said.

Next to us Del sported an impressive beer can erection and Teddy was fully erect.

"I want to suck yours," Tom stated. Del stood as Tom dropped to his knees. His mouth was barely big enough to take Del's cock.

"Is it too big for you?" Del asked.

"It's a fucking dream come true!" Tom replied. "For your information I like to take cum." Del was in his forties, but I had a feeling he had looked adult since he left Junior High. Teddy appreciated an experienced cock sucker. While Del would have made Atilla the Hun look like a girly boy he seemed to go with the flow; he was a gentle giant.

Johnson came over to us to connect with Andy. I suspected he wanted to take Andy on as a project. I had a sense that Andy was afraid of gay mannerisms. Johnson was testosterone driven, macho gay man. Andy was good looking and Johnson liked that.

I moved on to Rufus and his pal George, who was also in the park service as a staff archaeologist. George was tall, on the edge of being fat and had the social skills of a night-dwelling toad. If I hadn't recognized the type, I would have thought he was rude.

Rufus was a nice guy, so I assumed there was more potential in George than met the eye. George seemed to be all balls and no cock. I was semi erect from my time with Andy, and that seemed to inspire George's cock. It was a grower not a shower. It was long, thick and hefty. I bent over and licked it and George was off to the races. When freed from the foreskin, his knob was sensitive and almost delicate. Every lick caused him to shiver and ooze.

A minute later we switched to the 69 position. George was like a stranded man in the desert who suddenly finds a watery oasis. It was as if George discovered gold in my cock. He was crazed, pulled off, and then sat in my cock. Rufus came over and fed his cock to George as George bounced on my cock. That was almost enough sexual penetration to calm him down.

When we finally broke up, Conrad Victor came over and fucked George doggy style. George was a local boy who and woken up to Conrad's morning show since he was in high school. Conrad was a celebrity and George loved it. I was as if Elvis was fucking a fifteen-year-old fan at the height of his fame. I think Conrad liked it as much as George. Harry, John's friend, joined Conrad and George's group. He was soon one of Conrad's pals.

I went off and saw Johnson with Dom, Bunny Hop and John. Bunny Hop was well into his forties and was trying to look younger. You could tell he had once been in better shape. John was about the same age and build but had no illusions. Dom was just over five feet tall, very muscular and pleasant. He and Johnson were mostly testosterone and muscle in a fur covered skin. Bunny and John were attracted to that. Bunny had been the big man around town seen mostly with a buxom blondes . That was all a PR stunt.

Bunny and John wanted to be with a macho man but were afraid of being rejected. For Bunny a short macho man, Dom, did the trick. Johnson did the trick for John. Somehow, I provided the utility cock or ass as needed for the men.

I was surprised at the intensity of the sex and the quick transition from oral to anal sex. Bunny Hop explained it to me. "Everyone knows me and coming out as gay would end my career at the station. I'm lucky of I can get a quick blow job in a storage room. The chance to fuck a guy and take a cock in my ass is a dream come true," he explained.

"There are some big ones here. Some might be too big," I said.

"When Conrad invited me, he told me there was a good chance of "rain with a chance outbreak of sperm." I told him that interested me, and he said he knew some guys who could stretch my hole. That was Johnson.

"Did it work?" I asked. Bunny smiled, nodded and went off looking for a top.

Johnnie, the bartender came over to me.

"I'm a bit embarrassed, but if I told you I would like to fuck the guy who writes my paycheck, would you be offended?"

"I would probably laugh in your face before I bent over," I said. \

Johnnie laughed and asked, "Is possible to do you on your back? That give me the most control." I told him that was fine.

Johnnie's cock was long and thin. It was an easy fit. Johnnie was handsome and had the figure of a Greek god. He was an artist model and his well-defined muscles were visible, but they were not the steroid enhanced like most modern musclemen. I tightened my sphincter muscle once his cock was in deep.

"Damn, this isn't your first rodeo is it?" he asked.

"Let's just say my ass has been tried and tested for close to forty years," I replied as I squeezed my sphincter. He moaned a little. "I've learned a few tricks."

"I get a lot of young guys. I like being with a man who knows the score," Johnnie said. I tried to grab his cock. He asked if I would mind if he shot off in me. I said it was okay. He shot off seconds later and must have completely emptied his balls. When he pulled out, Tom took his place in my just vacated ass.

I think getting screwed by the youngest member of the staff is not recommended in executive handbooks. Apparently, this was Tom's first time fucking a pre-fucked ass full of another man's cum. I found out later that Tom had a crush on Johnnie, and the trip into my ass was the closest he had come to sex with him. Tom was an enthusiastic fucker. I had the feeling my ass was the butter churn and Tom was turning Johnnie's cum into sperm butter.

Tom added his own ingredients and produced Tom & Johnnie's Special sauce. Johnnie seemed to like watching and when Tom pulled out after he shot off, Johnnie licked the sperm drool from my ass. I had a suspicion that Johnnie's cock would spend a lot of time in Tom's ass after they left the party. I was wrong about that. They fucked an hour later.

There was a lull in the activity after this. Most of the men had shot off at least once and they needed to refill their balls. Gus, Manny and Tom served drinks and snacks. Everyone was feeling mellow and relaxed.

Gus and I were sitting with Del, the hairy giant, Andy the preacher and Oliver's friend, Ron. Ron was a fifty-year-old guy who lost his job in a corporate restructuring and was now apprenticing with Oliver to become a florist.

"Damn, this is like my best dream ever," Del said.

"I never had a dream this good," Ron said.

"I did know this sort of thing existed," Andy said. "I'm not supposed to like it."

"I don't like it; I love it," Del exclaimed. "I've never been with so many men who like what I like. I can ask a guy if I can fuck him and so far, everyone has said yes."

"For years I pretended I didn't like sex with men. It happened once and a while when I was out of town or had been drinking. I was lucky. I realized I was out of town a lot and drinking too much. I was lying to myself," Gus said. "Once I admitted the truth my life turned around. I met Tommy and his friends. He got me to see things more clearly. He taught me to enjoy men and sex with men. It had been hard for me to regard sex with men as awful, but knowing it was so intensely pleasurable."

"I was always too big and ugly to attract anyone," Del said. "It turned out I was trying to attract the wrong type. When you go to the movies or watch TV everyone is slim and pretty. I thought that was what you were supposed to want. I met Johnson and he set me straight. He was all man, I was half-man, half Bigfoot. He taught me too big doesn't apply to a cock."

"It looks too big to me," Andy said. Everyone laughed.

"My cock has been in many tight spots, but it has massaged a lot of special places too," Del said. "The guys didn't seem to mind that their hole had been stretched some. I do have one problem. I can't control when I'm going to shoot. I used to tell guys that I would warn them when I'm going to shoot. I shoot when I'm going to shoot, without warning."

"Did they get mad at you?" Andy asked.

"Well, it seems to me they usually came back for more," Del replied.

"I knew I was gay but was too afraid it to admit to anyone including myself," Ron said. "The corporation I worked for wasn't exactly gay friendly. I worked for them for 25 years and I was out the door with a fifteen-year gap between losing my job and cashing in on my retirement. I both had nothing to show for my job and no sexual life."

"You have some catching up to do," I said.

"There isn't enough time left," he said.

"Well, you can hitch yourself to my cock and it's big enough to fill in the gaps," Del said. There was more laughter.

"I would be glad to help you out too," Gus added.

"You are partnered," Tom said.

"Tommy and I realized a long time ago there is enough of us to share," Gus said. "We both had old friends and were interested in new friends. We tend to have the same tastes in pals. We share friends." he paused. "I was thinking it's time to do more sharing."

Luis came by and said, "I'm afraid cum may be dripping from my ass. Is there anyone here who could plug it?"

That comment produce laughter and offers to help. Andy was won first prize. I was surprised, but he got on the floor and had Luis sit on his erect tool. Luis pretended to be a rider on a bucking bronco. Technically Andy was fucking Luis, in fact Luis was jerking off Andy with his sphincter. Whatever it was, it was a success. Andy shot off in Luis's ass. Luis was a nice guy and he was affectionate to Andy after the orgasm.

Tommy and I moved on to Ralph, the barber and his two friends Doug and Mack. I had seen both men around town, but never met them. Mack was a cook at the Blue Moon Diner. The Blue Moon had been a dive, but was under new management, and was becoming more respectable. I hadn't been there yet, but I knew people who liked it. Mac was a beefy six-footer. Doug was a handy-man, jack of all trades. He had once been handsome, but he had a bumpy time in Iraq due to a run in with an IUD, and it showed. He fixed things, he wasn't fast, but they did get fixed and his rates per hour were good. Doug and Mac were shy and uneasy. Most of the group at the party were out going, so they felt out of place.

"I'm sort of the welcome wagon here," I said. "If I told you I like to suck the cocks of our new guests, would you jump back in horror and say no?" I asked.

Mac looked puzzled. Doug said, "I think we could bear it." I dropped to my knees and sucked Doug. Tommy took care of Mack. Doug went from zero to sixty and about three seconds. He had a modest soft cock that became an impressive erect cock. His cock was six inches long and almost as thick. He had been watching the other men and his oozing thick sweet pre-cum was trapped in his foreskin. It was a taste treat.

Tommy and I switched playmates. "Is it okay if I suck you," Mack asked. I told him that would be fine. Mack was a master of the butterfly kisses of cock sucking. his tongue was everywhere on my cock, although he focused on my cock head and oozing slit.

Tommy had Doug's cock in his ass and was clearly enjoying it. I was sucking Mack by then. He had a wide slit and I was trying to get my tongue in deep enough to taste the cum in his balls. I failed, but Mack appreciated the effort.

Gus came over and the two chefs sampled the other's precum. They both oozed a rich brew. Rufus connected with Doug. Rufus had been in Iraq too, and they shared stories and cocks. The night was still young....

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