
By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Oct 15, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Valedictorians Part Three by Chris

Later that evening, just as Robin and Melody were getting cozy in bed and the kissing was just starting to heat things up they heard banging on their door and then Alicia bust into their room.

"Get up, I'm calling a meeting. I got an idea." She said and then she was gone.

"Oh god that girl's timing is bad." Robin whispered to Melody who replied, "You got that right."

"Let us put some clothes on and we will be in there." Robin called out to Alicia.

"No time, get your asses in here while I got this clear in my mind."

Alicia demanded of them.

They looked at each other and then they got up and walked naked into

Alicia and Kelly's room. They saw Alicia sitting naked on the one bed and Kelly was sitting cross legged on the other bed. She was also naked and you could see a glow to her skin. They sat on the bed that Kelly was sitting on and Robin whispered to Kelly, "You know Alicia's timing is really bad."

"Tell me about it, she had me on the verge of an orgasm when she sprang from the bed and went running into your room." Kelly said just loud enough for Alicia to hear.

"I'll have you back there soon enough, just put your pussy on hold for a moment." Alicia told her and then she winked. "Now back to what I was thinking. You had said you were using the fact that you and Ezio needed to get to know each other better before marrying but now your parents are putting more pressure on you right?"

"Yea," Melody replied.

"Okay now you tell them that you want to make sure that he can be a good provider for you. Tell them you don't want to have to be the bread earner of the family. You want to him to prove that he can do it here and not in Italy. This will make your parents have to get him a Visa here and then a

job. That will take some more time but you have to sell it to your parents. Tell them you want to have children and that you can't be working and raise your kids right."

"I think that may work. I know my mom didn't get a job until I was in high school. She wanted to be home for me. That just might work but there is one problem, we still have Brigida. She has to go along with it too. I mean Ezio is her boyfriend and I know she won't let him come here without her and I can't blame her for that." Melody said.

"I think I can help there. My father is the senior senator from Maine. I think that if I turn on the baby girl charm, that has gotten me about anything I wanted from him, he will come up with a Visa for Brigida. But we will need to find a job for her to go to that will be near Ezio." Kelly said.

"Well since you two are doing your parts then I guess it is up to me to come up with a job for Brigida. Kelly, you aren't the only one who knows when to play the father's little girl role, I think a call to my father will be in order very soon." Robin said.

"I think we have the beginnings of a plan, I know we will have to tweak it a bit here and there but I think it just might work. I just have to get it started." Melody said. "Thank you all." She then added as she got up and went to Alicia and gave her a heart felt hug and then she went to Kelly and hugged her just as hard.

"Where's my hug?" Robin asked as she acted like she was pouting.

"You will get your's when get back to bed." Melody said with a wink and a slight blush.

"Sounds like that is the hug to get." Alicia said and then Kelly said "Alicia!"

"Come on Robin; let's get back to our room, I think Alicia needs to finish what she started a little while ago." Melody said as she got up and she took Robin's hand helping her up.

They were barely out of the door when they heard Alicia say, "Where's that pretty little pussy I was licking just a minute ago." Then they heard Kelly giggling which was followed up with a little moan.

Robin looked over at Melody and she saw that she was thinking the same thing that she was. They both broke for the bed and they jumped in. Their lips met a split second after they landed on the bed. As they kissed, their hands were roaming over each other's bodies and the moans coming from the other room only added to their lust for each other. Robin soon had one hand caressing Melody's breasts and the other one was at her pussy and she found it hot and wet. She ran her fingers up and down Melody's slit and she felt Melody's fingers at her pussy. She opened her legs and she felt one

of Melody's fingers enter her. She stopped kissing Melody for a second to let out a moan. They masturbated each other for a few minutes as they kissed but then she felt Melody getting restless and she knew that Melody needed more than just fingers playing with her pussy, just as she did. She gave her a last kiss and then she got up on her hands and knees and straddled Melody as she turned around. She felt Melody's hands on her ass pulling her pussy down to her mouth as she was lowering her own mouth to Melody's pussy. She used her fingers to part Melody's pussy hair and then she began to lick the juices that were flowing out of Melody's pussy. She felt Melody's tongue going up and down her pussy lips and then she felt Melody part her pussy lips with her fingers and her tongue went in even deeper. Robin was doing her own licking as her tongue went around Melody's lips and then in deeper. She would go to Melody's clit from time to time to get her close to an orgasm and then back to her slit to suck up the juices that had gathered there. They both tried to extend their lovemaking out as long as they could but soon it came time for the orgasm that they both needed. Robin slipped two fingers into Melody's pussy as her mouth went to her clit. Melody's mouth was already on her clit and she was sucking hard as

her fingers played with her asshole, teasing and caressing it. Robin was moaning and trying hard to get Melody to cum as she came and while she felt her orgasm hit first, Melody's orgasm was only a split second behind.

"Do you think Alicia's plan will work?" Melody asked her as they kissed after having the orgasms that they both needed.

"Yes I do. I really do. It will take some work on all of our parts and I know we'll have to change it a bit as we go alone but I think it will work."

Robin told her and then she kissed her tenderly.

"What if it doesn't and my parents make me get married." Melody asked and Robin could see that Melody was really scared.

"I won't let that happen. No one is going to take you away from me."

Robin said and she saw that Melody was smiling and she knew she had said what Melody really needed to hear.

Just as they were kissing, sealing the pack that they had just made,

they heard a loud moan come from the other room.

"Oh god we left the door open." Melody said.

"The outer door is closed and besides, hearing Alicia and Kelly making love only makes me more horny for you." Robin said as she turned Melody over on her back and she lay on top of her.

"Then I guess we will just have to keep it open from now on." Melody

said as she put her hand to the back of Robin's neck and she brought it down

for a kiss. And from then on neither of the inner doors were closed, just the outer door that let to the hallway. And as soon as moans were heard from one room, they were soon joined by moans from the other room.

Sunday morning as they were going out the door to go to breakfast, Kelly noticed a sign on the door as she was closing it.

"Hey, look at this!" She called out to the others who were about ten

feet away.

"What is it?" Alicia said as they turned to come back to her.

"Someone put a fucking sign on our door." She said and Robin could see that she was pissed. When she got to where Kelly was standing and saw what the sign said which was, "DIKEVILLE" in big bold letters.

"Let me have that and when I find out who did this I will make them eat this paper and then I will tear off her head." Alicia said and she said it loud enough so that most everyone on the floor could hear her.

"No, don't tear it down. Leave it right where it is." Melody said as she put her much smaller hand over Alicia's as she was about to tear the paper down.

"Why should we leave it up?" Alicia said and Robin had to admit she agreed with Alicia about wanting to tear it down but she was also curious as

to why Melody wanted to leave it up.

"Whoever put this up wanted to shame us for being what we are and I for one don't want to give them that pleasure. I say we leave it up and by doing that we are telling them that their words don't mean anything to us." she said and then she looked up and down the hall and seeing that there were a lot of doors open and girls peeking out of them, she came to where Robin was standing and she put her hand to the back of her neck and brought her in for a long kiss. Robin felt her lips and she could feel that there was no passion in this kiss but by then she knew what Melody was doing so she put her hands on Melody's hips and pulled her in close. The kiss lasted for a moment or two and then she took Robin by the hand and led her down the hall with Alicia and Kelly following close behind also holding hands.

"That was great!" Kelly said after they had gotten into the elevator

and the doors had closed. She then gave Melody a high five.

"Yea, you showed them. You're right, leaving the sign up just shoves it back into their faces. But I would still like to tear the head off the girl that did that." Alicia said as she too gave her a high five.

"You don't mind me kissing you like I did in front of everyone do you?" Melody asked Robin.

"No but I have to say that is probably the worst kiss that you have ever given me." Robin said and then she start to finish what she was saying except Melody immediately pinned her against the wall of the elevator and was kissing her and this time the kiss had all the passion that the other kiss lacked.

"Was that better?" Melody asked when the kiss ended.

"Oh hell yes!" was all Robin could think of to say. Then she looked over at Kelly and Alicia who were acting like they had fans and were fanning themselves from the heat of the kiss.

"Cut it out you two." Robin said laughing as she pulled Melody to her and hugged her tightly.

The elevator arrived at the ground floor about this time and Robin had to let Melody go so that they could exit the door. As they walked to get

their breakfast, they talked about the sign and they wondered just how long the sign would remain up before someone finally took it down. The guesses ranged from a day or two to a month but Melody hit it exactly right as two weeks later, they exited the door and found the sign gone and it never came back.

Later that afternoon, Melody called her parents and began to lay the

groundwork of their plan. When she got off the phone, she told Robin that she wasn't sure that it was going to work but Robin replied with, "You know Rome wasn't built in a day." Robin also told Alicia and Kelly to keep Melody

pumped up about the plan as she really was the key to making it work. Melody

emailed Ezio about the plan and laid out all the details. She got an email back from him on Monday and he said that he and Brigida loved the plan and to keep them up to date as to what they needed to do.

As the next few weeks went by, they made a few adjustments to their plans but over all it seemed to be working. Melody's parents accepted her contention that Ezio had to move to the US and get a job to prove that he could be a good provider for her and their future children. Kelly was well on her way to getting Brigida a Visa as Alicia was now helping Brigida get her paperwork together which wasn't easy seeing how she was in the US and Brigida was in Italy. But she was calling her every couple of days and trying to help her solve any problems that came up. Robin meanwhile had worked on her father and Brigida now had a job waiting on her. That was one of the things she needed to have in place to make getting the Visa easier. Ezio was

doing his part too as he got his paper work together. He also brought his mother and Brigida's mother in on the plan as he needed their help in getting Brigida's father to let her come to America. Both of their mother's had known about their romance for a long time, it was only the feud between their fathers that kept them apart. But slowly the plan was coming together.

Then thanksgiving came and everyone was flying home for the four day weekend. This also meant that the engagement ring that had been put away for all this time had to come out. For the week before, Robin kept telling herself that it didn't mean anything but still she hated to see Melody wearing the ring. But on Sunday before Thanksgivings, Melody pulled the ring

out of her jewelry box as she needed to wear it a few days before she got home so that it would feel natural on her finger and she wouldn't be constantly playing with it as one does with a new ring.

"You know the ring doesn't mean anything to me." Melody said as she came over and sat down on the bed beside of Robin.

"I know I'm being silly but I just hate to see you wear that ring. It's like each side of my brain is telling me different things and I can't stop it."

"Tell you what, let's try something." Melody said as she got up and came to where she was standing in front of Robin and then she got down on her knees. She slowly took the ring off of her finger and she slid it onto Robin's finger. Then she looked up into Robin's eyes and said, "When you're ready, you can put the ring back on my finger. I'll even go home without it, if that is what you need me to do."

Robin looked down at the ring that was now on her finger. She wished

that she could take it off and put it back on Melody's finger but she wasn't

that strong and that realization made her feel so ashamed of herself. She knew that her love for Melody should be strong enough to overcome this and that made her even more unsure of herself. Slowly her glasses became blurred as her tears fell upon them, she felt Melody take them off and she felt Melody pushing her back onto the bed. She lay there as Melody gently removed her clothes and then a moment later she felt Melody's naked body lying on top of her. She accepted Melody soft sweet kisses and she returned them with the passion that she felt pouring out of her heart. Melody kissed all of her tears away and then returned back to her mouth kissing her again and again. Then she went to her neck and kissed her there sucking gently on the exposed skin. Slowly she moved down Robin's body and soon Robin felt Melody's mouth kissing first her right nipple making it hard and then her left. She stayed at this nipple and she began to suck on it as her fingers teased the other nipple. The fingers caressed it and then they pinched the nipple before going back to lightly run across it. Robin felt her pussy getting wet and she began to rub it against Melody's stomach. Melody pressed down and Robin could feel the friction on her clit. Melody moved her mouth to the

other nipple and Robin could feel Melody's hand slipping between their bodies and moving on down to her pussy. She felt the fingers begin to run up

and down her slit and she let out a moan. The fingers parted her pussy lips and they began to rub a little deeper. Robin moaned louder and she began to rock her hips in motion with the fingers stroking her. Robin could feel an orgasm beginning to rise in her body and she didn't want it to come this soon but there was a need inside of her that was taking control of her body and Melody seemed to be working with that need. She moved her fingers to Robin's clit, and Robin wanted to tell her not to go there yet but she could

only moan louder and longer. Melody worked her fingers across Robin's clit and she rubbed them fast and hard. Robin began to arch her hips and then she felt Melody biting on her nipples, first one then the other. That was all it took and she came hard. She felt her juices spilling out of her body.

When she came back to, she found that Melody had settled between her legs and was licking away at her pussy. She tried to pull Melody up so that she could make love to her but Melody slapped her hands away and then her mouth latched onto her sensitive clit. She lost all control and she laid

back and let Melody suck on her clit then just as she was about to cum, Melody went back to licking her pussy. Her tongue would go in deep and swirl

around then she would suck up the juices that Robin was producing. Then Robin felt two fingers entering her pussy as Melody's mouth went back to her clit. This time she lightly licked the clit as her fingers began to fuck her. The fingers went in and out of her pussy slowly at first but then they began

to pick up speed. Robin pushed back against the fingers as she felt another even bigger orgasm start to gather strength within her pussy. She arched her hips and she felt Melody begin to lick harder on her clit, she cried out

for Melody not to stop and she didn't. She fucked and sucked her through another orgasm. This one was massive and her whole body shook but Melody didn't stop fucking or sucking her and Robin went from that orgasm into another one and finally it was the four orgasm that caused her to pass out. She was spent and there was nothing left.

She woke up early the next morning to find Melody lying beside of her. She thought about how Melody had made love to her until she passed out just a few hours before. She knew that was just Melody's way of showing just who was important to her. Robin then looked down at Melody's ring that was on her finger and she realized that the ring didn't' mean anything to Melody and now it didn't mean anything to her. She took the ring off and placed it back on Melody's finger doing it gently so as not to wake her. She

then kissed her tenderly on the cheek and she lay back down beside of her. She pulled Melody in close and she fell back asleep no longer unsure of her love for Melody.

A few hours later, she woke up and saw that Melody was still asleep.

She slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom. When she came back, she saw that Melody had begun to stir. She watched as her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at her. She got a smile back and then Melody began to get up.

Robin watched closely to see if Melody noticed that the ring was back on her

finger but if she did, Robin couldn't tell. She got up and came over to where Robin was standing and kissed her on the lips, then padded on toward the bathroom. Robin had to give her credit for not making a big deal of it. For her the problem had been solved and Robin knew that Melody was right, it had been solved once and for all.

Wednesday afternoon, they all took a cab to the airport where they were all catching flights home except that Robin was going to Miami as her parents decided at the last minute to spend Thanksgivings with one of her mother's cousins. They had grown up together and been best friends all their

lives but the cousin had moved to Miami a couple of years before. They visited as often as they could and her mother had decided that the long weekend was a great time to visit. Both Robin and her father would much rather spend the time at home but they also both knew not to come between Robin's mother and her cousin so they went along. Kelly had the first flight

out and she hugged everyone but or course reserving her tightest hug for Alicia. Melody's flight was next and they both cried as they hugged and kissed. Then it was Alicia and Robin left to wait for their flight. They had

the same flight with Alicia getting off at Charlotte and Robin continuing on

down south to Miami.

"You know, I'm beginning to think that my plan just might work out."

Alicia told her as the plane rose into the air.

"Yea, everything is falling into place. When you told us your idea, I didn't think it had a chance in hell of working but I didn't want to bring everyone down, especially Melody, by saying so." Robin replied.

"To tell you the truth, it sounded great when I thought of it but as I was telling everyone, I was thinking, 'I can't believe everyone is buying into this shit!'" Alicia said laughing.

"Hell, it's working so it's cool. Just take credit for coming up with the idea and never tell anyone what you just told me." Robin said smiling.

"Too late, I already told Kelly but she told me to keep my trap shut

and make sure it works. So that is what I did." She said.

"Not to change the subject but how did you and Kelly get together anyway? You don't have to tell me but I'm curious." Robin asked.

"We're definitely an odd couple aren't we?" Alicia said more than asked.

"Well... ah... yea, you are." Robin stammered out not wanting to hurt Alicia's feelings.

"When you and Melody were having your problems, Kelly and I started to spend more time together. It was a way to get away from the tension that was in our rooms. And with her being a natural talker and me being a natural

listener, we sort of fit together. Then one night with you crying in your room and Melody crying in my room, we met out in the hall and went for a walk. That was when we decided something had to be done. We talked and talked then we sat down on a bench. It was late at night and there was a full moon out. We just sat there for a long time and then I felt Kelly's hand on mine and I grasped it. We just sat there holding hands for a while then the next thing I knew, Kelly had gotten up and she sat in my lap. She then looked me in the eyes and kissed me. To this day, she blames the full moon but I know better. We were meant to be together just like you and Melody are meant to be together." Alicia said.

"That's sweet. I'm glad that if happened for you two but I'm sorry for the trouble we caused you or rather I caused you both." Robin said.

Alicia put her arm around Robin's shoulders and said, "Hey, don't be

sorry. If that hadn't happen, Kelly and I may have never gotten together. So

it worked out in the end and that is all that counts."

"Thanks," Robin said as she let Alicia hold her a minute. Then she sat back up and they began to talk about much more mundane things. Their respective girlfriends were left behind and they just talked about life and all the ways that they would conquer it. They said this in jest but at the root of their conversation there was a truth. They both wanted to do great things and they both intended to accomplish them. When Alicia got off the place in Charlotte, they shared a hug and then Robin was left to her own thoughts for the rest of her trip.

She didn't get in until late and she was a little surprised that when her crying mother hugged her at the airport, she cried a little too. She had forgotten how much a hug from your mother could brighten your spirits as she was already missing Melody. It was about two in the morning when she finally got to the room that she would be sharing with her sixteen year old cousin, Staci. She sat quietly at Staci's computer and she turned it on. She

was hoping that the light from the computer wouldn't wake Staci and so far it hadn't. She logged into her email account and waited impatiently for her messages to appear. The fact that Staci had an old computer and they were still using dial-up didn't help anything. Finally her email popped up and she didn't have one email from Melody, she had two.

"Yes!" Robin cried out as she pumped her fist.

"Who's Melody_A?" Staci asked.

"Shit, you scared me to death." Robin said as her ass hit the seat from where she had jumped when Staci spoke up.

"Oh she's just a friend from school." Robin said as she turned to Staci resisting the urge to immediately open the emails from Melody.

"You got awfully excited to see them for them to be just from a friend." Staci said.

"No, she's just a friend." Robin said hoping that Staci would go back to bed but instead, she pulled up a chair and sat beside of Robin facing the computer.

"Well if she's just a friend, open the emails and let's see what she has to say." Staci said.

"Is your name on the email?" Robin asked.

"Nope," Staci said smiling.

"Then why should I let you read my emails?" Robin countered.

"Because it's my computer that you're using and you didn't ask if you could use it." Staci replied.

"True on both accounts but still they are personal and I need to read them in private." Robin countered trying to turn the argument more serious.

"So she's your girlfriend, isn't she?" Staci asked as she stared Robin in the eyes.

Robin thought for a minute before deciding how to answer Staci's question. She had known Staci since she was born and she knew that Staci was very smart and had always been more mature than her years would indicate. So she decided to be honest with her. "Yes, she's my girlfriend but you can't tell anyone okay."

"I knew it, I knew it!" Staci cried as she put her arms around Robin

and hugged her and in the process knocking Robin's glasses off.

Robin was surprised by the emotion that Staci was showing but she quickly welcomed it and she hugged her back.

"Just how did you know it?" Robin asked when Staci finally let her go.

"You remember when we came up for your graduation and you had to share your room with me?" Staci said.

"Yes, I had to suffer through all your snoring."

"Yea, right! Anyway as I slept, without snoring, mind you, I was awakened by someone beside of me calling out a name in her sleep. At first I

thought you were talking to me but then I realized the name you were calling

out was Melody. And I know one doesn't call out a best friend's name unless that best friend was more than a friend." Staci said feeling proud of herself.

"Has anyone ever told you that you were too smart for your own good." Robin asked as she gave Staci a hug.

"A few times," Staci replied.

"Well you are, and now can I get back to my messages, in private?"

"On one condition." Staci replied.

"And that being?" Robin asked as she arched her eyebrows.

"That you sit and tell me all about you and Melody when you are done

with the emails." Staci said.

"Can we do it tomorrow? I have been up since this morning and then on a plane all evening, I'm kind of tired and need to sleep." Robin said but then she saw the disappointment in Staci's face. "On second thought, I think I'm up for some good girl/girl talk."

"Great! I'll go get us some sodas and snacks while you read your emails and be sure to send my love to Melody." Staci said and then she was up in a flash and was out the door.

Robin couldn't help but to smile as she picked up her glasses and put them back on her nose. She then turned back to her computer and opened the first email from Melody. She was slightly disappointed to see that it only said that she had gotten home safely but would write more later. Then she added that she loved her. Robin then opened the second email and found that it was written only about an hour before and it was much longer. Robin read how Melody's parents had said that she was right about wanting to make sure that Ezio could support her and their future children. They were sure that he was a good man as he came from a good family but it wouldn't hurt to make sure of that. Her father said that he already had a job for him

and that they were working on a Visa for him which Melody already knew as Ezio had told her that in his last email. They were hoping that he would be there by Christmas but it looked like it would be the end of January before he could get there. Melody then got to the mushy part of the email and that is what Robin wanted to read as she said how she wished that they could be alone together for the four days that they were out of school. But she knew they both had other things they had to do before their time together would be for good. Robin then started her own email talking about her and Alicia talking but she left out the part about how they were both surprised that Alicia's plan was actually working. She also let her in on how her sixteen year old cousin Staci had figured out about them...

"And she sends her love." Staci said over her shoulder.

"God girl, you are going to give me a heart attack! And quit reading

over my shoulder or I won't tell you anything about Melody and me." Robin said pushing her away.

Staci laughed but she did go back to the bed and sat in the middle. Robin went back to her letter and told Melody that Staci sent her love. Then

she went on about missing her so much and too wanted to be with her alone this holiday weekend. She then signed off, sending all of her love.

"First off you do realize that when I say girlfriend, I really mean that she is my girlfriend and you understand what that means." Robin cautioned her.

"It means that you are a lesbian." Staci said.

"Yes it does. Are you cool with that?" Robin asked.

"I... I believe that I'm a lesbian too." Staci stuttered out.

"Why do you think that?" Robin said as she took one of Staci's hands

in her both of her hands holding it.

"Because all I can think about is this girl that I go to school with. Well she's more than this girl, she's like my best friend and when I'm with her all I can think about is hugging her and kissing her." Staci said very seriously.

"Oh god does that sound familiar. Have you told her how you feel?" Robin asked.

"No, I can't. I'm too afraid that she will think I'm weird or something or worse hate me." Staci said.

"I think maybe you should tell her. I know it's hard but that is the only way you'll know." Robin told her.

"You think I should?" Staci asked.

"Yea I do. Does she have a boyfriend or anything?" Robin asked.

"No, she gets asked out a lot but she keeps saying that her parents won't let her date yet." Staci said.

"Do you think that's true?" Robin asked.

"I don't know. I know her older sister starting dating when she was fifteen." Staci replied.

"Honey, you need to talk to her quick." Robin said smiling.

"You think?"

"Oh yea, I do." Robin said squeezing her cousin's hands.

"Cool now tell me about Melody and maybe I can get some ideas as to how to talk to her." Staci said as she pulled her hand away to open a bag of

chips for them to eat.

"I think what I have to tell you will turn out to be what not to do. I almost screwed things up but I had a couple of friends who knocked some sense into me before it was too late." Robin said as she put a handful of chips into her mouth and then chased them down with a drink of her pop.

"Whatever, just get on with the story!" Staci said excitedly.

"Okay where shall I start?" Robin said more to herself than Staci but Staci replied anyway.

"At the beginning, silly." Staci said and Robin had to laugh.

Robin then started at the day she entered high school and at about six that morning she had finished her story and had answered all of Staci's questions, of which she had many. They then laid down for some much needed sleep only to have Staci's mom come in at seven to wake them up so that they could help with the cooking of the Thanksgivings dinner. They both

pleaded for a little more sleep but Staci's mother's reply was that they shouldn't have stayed up all night talking. Robin got up and went to the shower hoping that it would wake her up then she hit the coffee which she didn't normally drink but she needed the caffeine bad. Staci wasn't much better off but she could see the spring in her step and she knew that her story had helped Staci out and that made her feel good. She was a sweet girl

and being a lesbian wasn't easy so any help she could give her and any guidance that she needed, she would gladly give. Later that day when the meal was eaten and the food covered, Robin and Staci went into the living room where their father's were watching a football game. Neither cared too much for football but they sat by their respective fathers. Robin leaned against her father and she felt her father kiss her forehead and then he put his arm around her shoulders. Robin felt safe and content with her father's arm around her and she started to watch the game but she only remember seeing one play before she was asleep. Unbeknownst to her, Robin's mom came in later and seeing the four of them fast asleep, she grabbed her camera and took a few pictures. Robin got a copy in a email that

her mother sent to her and melody just happen to be looking over her shoulder. Melody kidded her about sleeping in her father's arms with both of

their mouths wide open. Robin wanted to kill her mother for taking the picture as she knew every one of her relatives would have a copy of the picture.

The rest of the holiday weekend turned out better than she thought it would be. She and Melody kept communicating by emails and Staci got Melody's email address and was emailing Melody too. Robin didn't know this until she got her next email and Melody told her how sweet Staci's email was. Robin fussed at Staci for sending an email to Melody without telling her but

Staci just giggled and Robin couldn't keep up her stern look. Staci was just

too nice and sweet to be mad at long. She and Staci had fun the rest of the weekend even when their mother's dragged them out Christmas shopping the day after Thanksgivings.

She also got to meet Staci's little friend on Saturday and she knew right off that the girl had a thing for Staci and that night she told Staci that but she wasn't sure that Staci believed her. So that next morning as she was hugging Staci, telling her good bye she whispered into her ear, "If you don't tell your friend Carol how you feel by the end of week, I'll fly back down next weekend and I'll do it myself. You hear me!"

"Yes I do, but I'm still scared." Staci whispered back.

"I know." Robin said as she squeezed her and kissed her cheek.

She then kissed her mother and father and got on the plane that would take her back to school and more importantly back to Melody.

When she got off the plane, Alicia and Kelly were waiting for her and she gave them both big hugs. They sat and talked about their weekends as they waited for Melody's plane to arrive. Finally her plane landed and they all gathered near the gate for Melody to appear. The passengers began to come through the door but Melody wasn't among the first ones. Robin wasn't worried but then the passengers stopped coming out the door and Robin felt the beginnings of doubt begin to rise within her but she pushed it away. Then a mother with two small children appeared and more passengers behind her and Robin felt relief but still no Melody. Robin knew from Melody's emails that everything was going well her parents but still she wished that Melody would hurry up and get off the damn plane. Then the last person came off the plane and Robin saw Melody's smiling face and relief swept through her body.

Robin watched as Melody dropped her bag and came running to her. Melody almost knocked her down as they came together and kissed. It was such a sweet kiss that Robin didn't want it to end. She wrapped her arms about Melody and held on tight as they kissed and kissed.

"I had you worried there didn't I?" Melody said when there was a break from their kissing.

"No, I knew that you'd get off that plane but you didn't have to be the last one off did you?" Robin said laughing and then she kissed Melody again before she could answer.

"I just wanted to keep you waiting and wondering, is she or isn't she going to get off that plane." Melody said laughing, then she added, "Plus I had the last seat on the damn plane so I didn't have much choice but to keep

you waiting. If I could, I would have climbed over the seats to get back to you sooner."

"You're here now and that is all that counts." Robin said and then she kissed her a last time.

"You know we can stop at a cheat hotel if you two need to stop before we get back to the dorm." Alicia said as they came up to them.

"You two would probably beat us to the room if we did." Melody said as she broke away from Robin to give Alicia and Kelly a hug and kiss.

"You got that right!" Kelly said and then she put her hand over her mouth. "I said that out loud didn't I?"

They all laughed at their blushing friend and then they went arm in arm down the terminal to a waiting cab that would take them back to their dorm.

"I've been waiting for four days to do this." Robin said as she pulled Melody into the shower and took her into her arms.

"Me too," Melody said as she put her hand to the back of Robin's head and brought her into for a kiss.

Robin felt Melody's lips touch her and she could feel Melody's warm naked body pressed against her body. "I missed this so much." Robin thought to herself as she opened her mouth and welcomed Melody's tongue into her mouth. Robin held her tight as she sucked on Melody's tongue. Then she began to move her hand down to Melody's ass and she squeezed both cheeks in her hands as her tongue moved around Melody's tongue. She pulled Melody's ass toward her and she began to rub their pussies together. Melody began to move her hips too but then she put her hands against Robin's shoulder and pushed her away.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked suddenly worried that she did something wrong.

"Nothing my dear, but Alicia and Kelly are waiting to shower and I think that our bed would be much better to do what we are about to do." She said with a smile and a wink. Then she took the bottle of shampoo and she poured some in the palm of her hand. She put her hands together and then she put them to Robin's head and started to shampoo her hair. With her hands free, Robin put them to Melody's firm breasts and she started to caress them.

"There's no stopping you is there?" Melody said but she made no attempt to stop what Robin was doing.

"Nope," Robin said with a little giggle and then she gave a little pinch to each of Melody's nipples. That caused Melody to let out a little moan. Robin continued to caress and play with Melody's breasts until Melody was done washing her hair and then Melody turned her around so that she could rinse her hair. She then got the body wash and started to wash Robin's body taking an extra moment on her breasts, ass, and pussy. Robin was thoroughly excited by the time Melody was done but again she pushed her back under the spray of the shower to rinse off. Now it was Robin's turn to wash Melody's hair and as she started to do that she felt two hands on her breasts and she felt those hands caress and tease her nipples causing them to become hard and sensitive. Robin moaned as she washed Melody's hair and she didn't want to stop as Melody's fingers on her breasts and nipples felt too good but she did push her away to let Melody rinse her hair. She then got the body wash and poured some into her hands and she started to wash Melody's body. She did her face, gently caressing it and then down to her shoulders and arms. Next came Melody's breasts, where she gave each nipple a little kiss before her hands covered them and she soaped them up as she played with them. Robin soon left them behind but not before enlisting a few

moans from Melody. She did her stomach and then she moved her hands around to her ass. She caressed Melody's ass cheeks with her hands, moving them up and down the cheeks as she heard a moan come from Melody. She then moved her fingers between Melody's ass cheeks and she went down the crack to her little asshole. She teased it with her fingers and she heard Melody let out a loud groan. She wanted to stay there but she knew she needed to move on so she brought her hands back to the front and she soaped up Melody's pussy hair. She let her fingers slip on down to Melody's slit and she could feel the juices there. She ran she fingers up and down the slit and then she pushed two fingers into Melody and began to fuck her. She used her other hand to wipe the soap off of Melody's clit and then she placed her mouth over it and began to suck. It had a little soapy taste at first but when that was gone, it tasted like Melody. She sucked and teased it as her fingers pushed in and out of Melody's pussy. She kept pushing them

in deeper on each stroke and she felt Melody's hands on her shoulders as she

sucked her clit and fucked her pussy with her fingers. Melody was moaning and moaning and she cried out how good it felt. Robin began to twist her fingers as they went into Melody's tight pussy. This brought Melody to the edge of her orgasm and her pussy them clamped down on Robin's fingers as she came. Robin removed her fingers and she stood up so that she could hold Melody up as she slowly recovered from her orgasm.

"You weren't supposed to do that." Melody said once she got her feet

back under her.

"I know but I couldn't resist." Robin said as she kissed her lightly on the lips.

"Well let's get out of here and back to the bed so that I can get you back for doing that to me." Melody said with a slight smile.

"I can't wait." Robin said as she dropped back to her knees and quickly washed Melody's legs and feet. Then she pushed her under the spray of the shower to rinse off.

They then stepped out of the shower and quickly dried off. Robin thought she heard sounds from Alicia's room but when she stopped drying herself she heard nothing so she went back to drying her hair getting most of the water out of it. Once they were dry, they took their shower stuff with them and headed out of the bathroom. They stopped at Alicia's and Kelly's door to tell them that the shower was free but they got a surprise when they did. The first thing that they saw was Kelly on her knees with her

head buried between Alicia's legs. Kelly's ass was sticking up and they got a good view of her pink little asshole and her shaven pussy and the juices leaking from between her lips. Robin had to admit that Kelly had a cute little ass and from the way that Melody was staring she thought so too.

"I don't think that they could wait." Melody whispered to Robin.

"I don't believe so." Robin said smiling and then she saw Alicia open her eyes and look at them. She gave them a little wink and Robin and Melody both smiled back at her as they eased out of the room.

"Now that was hot!" Robin said as she put her towel over her chair and she headed for the bed.

"Oh got yes!" Melody said as she came to where Robin was standing and she pushed her back onto the bed. "Now open those legs of yours and let me do what I have wanted to do for the past four days."

Robin giggled as she scooted to the center of the bed and she opened

her legs up and then pulled her knees up so that they were to each side of her breasts. She could feel the lips of her pussy open and she watched as Melody crawled between her legs. She felt Melody blow onto her hot pussy and that made her shiver. Then she felt Melody's tongue touch her clit and she almost came right then. But Melody didn't stay there but she moved her tongue down her slit and then she began to lick. This felt so damn good and

Robin let out a long moan. Melody stayed on the outside of her lips running her tongue from just below her pussy all the way up to her clit. Her juices were starting to really flow and Robin felt Melody's tongue go deeper between her lips to get at those juices. She felt Melody's finger go to her outer lips and she felt herself being pulled open. Then she felt Melody's tongue go to her entrance and she pushed her tongue into her pussy. It moved around inside of her and she moaned out again. Melody licked and licked and then Robin felt a finger enter her pussy. It moved in slowly and she felt her pussy filling up. And Melody's mouth latched onto her clit. She

was more than ready to cum but Melody's tongue only teased her clit at first

as her finger slowly moved in and out of her pussy. Her tongue moved in circles around her clit and Robin groaned from the need to cum. She then felt a second finger join the first one and her pussy felt even fuller. The fingers moved a little faster and Melody's mouth covered her clit and began to suck. The fingers moved in faster and deeper. She loved how Melody fucked her. It was just the right speed to get her going. Melody's mouth sucked harder on her clit and her tongue was starting to lick at her clit. She licked harder and harder as her fingers moved faster and deeper into her pussy. Then Robin felt Melody's mouth leave her clit and she started to protest but then she felt Melody's fingers from her other hand start to rub her clit. And she felt Melody's mouth go to where her fingers were fucking her pussy and she began to lick around them. The fingers on her clit pressed

down hard and they were rubbing her fast. It did not take long before Robin felt the first wave of her orgasm hit her body and she cried out her pleasure. She felt Melody's mouth replace the fingers that were fucking her and she felt Melody sucking up her girlcum. Then Robin gave into her orgasm and she let it consume her body.

When she came back down from her orgasmic high, Robin could feel that Melody was still licking her pussy. She was using long gentle strokes of her tongue and each swipe of that tongue sent a little shutter through her body.

"Turn around baby; I'm thirsty for your sweet juices." Robin said and she saw Melody look up and smile with her juices smeared all over her face. She then got up and she turned around and straddled Robin's body. Robin looked up and saw Melody's wet pussy peaking from between the black hair that surrounded it. Robin used her fingers to part the hair and she was looking at those pink lips begging to be licked. She put her hands on Melody's ass and pulled her hips down until her mouth was at Melody's pussy. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick. She heard Melody give out a loud moan before she felt Melody's tongue begin to lick her again. Robin worked her tongue between Melody's pussy lips and sucked up her juices. She moved her tongue back to the outer edges and licked there before going back between those lips and get more of what Melody's pussy was giving her. She then used her fingers to part the lips and she used her tongue to lightly trace the inside of Melody's pussy. This caused Melody to stop licking her for a moment and she let out a loud moan. From the moan, Robin knew she had discovered something new that Melody licked so she kept the tip of her tongue going in and around Melody's pussy.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck..." Melody cried out and she almost flooded Robin with her juices. Robin sucked then in and then she went back to teasing her with the tip of her tongue. She brought it up to Melody's clit and let the tip of her tongue tease it. She flicked it over and over again with her tongue and Melody's body just shivered and shook. Robin kept doing this and she felt Melody's juices dripping down onto her chin. Then she heard Melody cry out, "I'm cumminggg." And then Robin face was coated with Melody' juices. She left the clit and started to suck up the girlcum as Melody came. She sucked and sucked the juices as Melody came. She kept licking and sucking until she felt Melody's mouth go back to her pussy and she felt her own pussy being licked again. They both licked and sucked gently just enjoying giving each other pleasure again. When they were ready to cum, Robin and Melody both pushed their fingers into each others pussy and they began to push them in and out as they sucked on each other's clit. It didn't take long for them both to cum again and they were rewarded with more girlcum to suck up.

"That was nice." Robin said as they cuddled up together after they had licked each other clear of girlcum.

"Yes it was. I missed you so much. The whole time I was home with my

parents, my mind was here with you." Melody said.

"I know, I was the same way but your going home was worth it. You have your parents thinking just the way we want them to. Maybe you should become an actress instead of a physicist." Robin teased her.

"No way, it takes too much out of me. I went to bed each night exhausted from trying to think all the time about what I should and shouldn't say to their every remark. But let's talk about something else. I know that we will all have to meet tomorrow so that I can tell everybody what happened and if you don't mind, I just as soon talk about something more pleasant." Melody said as she gave Robin a light kiss.

"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" Robin asked.

"Well... I would like to ask you something?" Melody asked shyly.

"What?" Robin asked.

"It's just something I was wondering about but it's not that I don't

like the way your pussy looks. I meant I love every part of it but seeing..." Melody was saying.

Robin smiled and she kissed Melody to reassure her and then she said, "Kelly's pussy does look sexy shaved doesn't it. She must have done it over Thanksgivings because it wasn't shaved the last time I saw her."

"Yea it does, not that I want to do anything with her or anything, I

just want you." Melody said quickly.

"I know and I just want you but seeing your pussy shaved would be interesting." Robin said smiling.

"I mean if we don't like it we can always let it grow back." Melody said.

"Let's do it!" Robin said and she started to get out of the bed.

"What? Now? We can't do it now. Don't you want to think about it first?" Melody asked trying to pull Robin back into the bed.

"I've already thought about it and it will be fun. We can shave each

other and like you said, we can always let it grow back. Come on or are you going to chicken out on me?" Robin said goading her a bit.

"Let's see who is chicken." Melody said as she got up and pushed past Robin who was smiling as she knew just how to push Melody's buttons.

Robin went to her bath bag and pulled out a couple of new razors and

her shaving cream as Melody went to the bathroom to fill a pan with some warm water. Robin then went to her desk and got a pair of sharp scissors. Melody brought the water back and set it in the floor by her desk chair. Robin was just about to ask who was going to go first when Melody got her towel out and placed it on her chair. She then sat on the edge of the chair and opened her legs out wide.

"Are you sure?" Robin asked as she got down on her knees between Melody's legs and she sat back on her heels.

"Yep," Melody said but then Robin saw her bite her lower lip and she

knew that Melody was more than a little nervous about what was about to happen.

Robin picked up the scissors and saw that her hands were shaking. She put the scissors down and stretched her fingers out as she took a deep breath. The last thing she wanted Melody to see was her shaking hands so she willed herself to be calm. Once she felt her nerves calm down, she picked the scissors back up. She took some of Melody's hair in her fingers and she pulled it up slightly and then she snipped it off. She looked up at Melody and saw that she wasn't going to stop her so she put the hair in the trash can by her side and started to cut the rest of the hair that surrounded Melody's pussy. Once she had the hair cup down to about a half inch, she could see Melody's puffy pussy lips sticking out at her. They were

still wet from the love making that they had done a short while ago, and she

thought she saw some fresh juices easing out of the bottom of her slit. Robin got a wash cloth and she put it in the pan of warm water, and then she

brought it or Melody's pussy wetting it down.

"Mmmm... that feels nice and warm." Melody mumbled.

Robin smiled and then she picked up the can of shaving gel and she put some into her palm. She then began to spread it around the rest of Melody's pussy hair.

"Ohhh that's cold!" Melody said as her eyes opened wide.

"Sorry," Robin said and she picked up the razor. She started at the top and began to shave her friend. She was being very careful as she didn't want to nick her. She shaved from the top down and she slowly shaved the hair away. She took her time but soon she was down to the top of Melody's pussy. Melody was watching closely as Robin moved to the side of her pussy. When she got that area clean, she took Melody's left pussy lip in her fingers and pulled it out and bit and she carefully shaved the hairs that were there. She saw that Melody was watching her carefully but Robin could tell that she trusted her. Robin went to the other side and she pulled that pussy lip out and got the last of the hair there. From there she went on down and she shaved the lower portion of Melody's pussy. She got the area nice and smooth and then she wiped the rest of the shaving cream from Melody's pussy. She ran her fingers around Melody's pussy and she felt the soft smooth skin. It felt so different and so sexy to her. She felt a couple of places with a little stubble and she got some gel out and coated those areas

before shaving the stubble off. She then saw that Melody was starting to move her hand down to feel.

"Not yet. I'm not done!" Robin said slapping her hand away.

"Where else, I only got one pussy last time I looked." Melody said laughing.

"Just get up and turn around, then put your knees on the edge of the

chair." Robin instructed.

"You're going to shave me there too?" Melody asked.

"Yes, if we are going to do this then lets do it right." Robin said as she reached out and pulled Melody from her seat. Melody looked at her funny but did as she was told. Robin got the wash cloth and wetted the area around

Melody's pink asshole and she saw some hair in the area between Melody's asshole and pussy that she missed with the way Melody was sitting before. She didn't have much hair around her asshole but there were a few hairs. She got some gel and spread it around Melody's asshole and she began to shave it clean. Once she was satisfied, she took the wet cloth and wiped Melody clean. She took her fingers and ran them across Melody's freshly shaven pussy. The skin felt so smooth and sexy. She ran her fingers up and down Melody's slit and she heard Melody moan. She then moved her fingers on up and she ran them along the sides of Melody's ass cheeks and then she went deeper and ran her fingers across her asshole and she saw how Melody flexed it and she heard her moan. As she caressed her asshole, Robin had to feel what Melody's shaven pussy felt against her tongue and she moved her mouth down and began to lick. She liked how she didn't have any hair in her way and how smooth her lips felt against her tongue. Melody moaned more and she stuck her ass farther out. Robin went deep between Melody's lips with her tongue and she tasted more of her sweet juices. She licked away as her fingers played with her asshole. Melody was moving her ass around as she groaned and moaned from Robin's tongue. Robin then took her tongue away, and she placed two fingers at the entrance of Melody's pussy and she pushed them in. It was so cool to watch her fingers disappear inside of Melody's pussy. Even as wet as she was, Melody's pussy was still very tight.

Robin fucked her a few moments then she turned around and put her head back against the seat of Melody's chair and she sucked Melody's clit into her mouth. Melody moan aloud and she lowered her ass down further so that her clit was forced deeper into Robin's mouth. Robin sucked and sucked as her fingers fucked Melody's pussy faster and harder. Robin used her tongue to flick the end of Melody's clit as she twisted her fingers around as she fucked Melody's pussy. Soon she felt Melody begin to shake and she knew that she was about to cum and then she did and Robin quickly removed her fingers from Melody's pussy so that she could drink in her girlcum. She sucked up all her juices and then she helped Melody to her feet.

"Oh god that felt good." Melody said as she bent down and kissed Robin.

"I'm glad you like it, now go get some lotion so that I can put it on you so that you won't chaff." Robin said.

"That's okay I'll do it, I don't trust your fingers near my pussy right now. I have cum enough tonight." Melody said with a wink. She kissed her again and then got her lotion and Robin watched as she spread it about her freshly shaven pussy. Robin could tell she liked how it felt against her fingers.

"Now it's your turn young lady. Get up in the seat and let me at you." Melody said with a mischievous grin.

Robin felt her stomach turn over as she looked down at the hair covering her pussy. Her mind turned back to when she first started to sprout hair down there and she knew that she was finally becoming a woman. Suddenly having her pussy hair shaved off didn't seem like such a good idea but she knew she couldn't back out now. Melody had let her shave her pussy and now it was her turn on the hot seat. She got up, not letting her knees shake and she sat in Melody's chair. The towel under her was a little wet from when she had shaved Melody but that only served to booster her resolve. She sat on the edge and she spread her knees out as wide as she could. She wanted to give Melody all the room that she needed. She watched as Melody got down on her knees in front of her and she picked up the scissors.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Melody asked as she looked up at her.

"Yes, I'm sure. You like yours shaved don't you?" Robin asked.

"Yea I do. It feels so cool. I kind of wished I had done it long ago." She said.

"I'm glad you didn't." Robin said.

"Why?" Melody asked.

"Then I wouldn't have had the pleasure to shave you and then be the first one to touch your bare pussy." Robin said smiling. Then she trapped Melody between her knees and took her face in her hands. She bent down and kissed her.

"Now get to work, my pussy slave." Robin said and she saw Melody's face go red but she also heard a sweet giggle come from her and she had to giggle too.

Robin opened her legs back up, now sure that this was what she really wanted. She watched as Melody took the scissors to her pussy hair and began to trim it down. She saw the black hair disappear and she could see her dark pink lips begin to appear. She could feel her pussy get moist again

and she knew that Melody noticed it too. She then looked at Melody's face and she saw the concentration etched across it. Robin watched as Melody pulled her lips this way and that to get the hair trimmed down and she had to admit that every touch or brush of Melody's fingers across her pussy only

served to excite her more. Eventually Melody got most of the hair cut away and she dampened the skin around her pussy with the wet cloth. She then picked up the shaving gel and she put some into her palm. She spread it around her pussy and she picked up a new razor. Melody looked up at her and Robin smiled at her and Robin saw Melody begin to concentrate back on the task at hand. Robin felt the cold of the razor on her skin and she felt the pull of the razor as it began to cut the rest of the hair away. She watched closely as more and more of her skin was revealed, skin that she had not seen in years. Melody worked away and slowly she got all the hair shaved away. She then got the cloth and wiped the shaving gel away. Robin looked down and she could see her inner pussy lips sticking out a little from her outer lips. She had to admit that it did look sexy to her. She started to reach down and feel it only to feel a sharp slap on the top of her hand. She

looked at Melody with a look of surprise and she saw Melody shaking her finger at her. It was then that she remembered doing the same thing to her and she had to laugh. Robin then sat back and she felt Melody running her fingers across her bare shin and it felt so good. It was like her skin around her pussy was a hundred times more sensitive than it was moments ago. She could also feel the juices leaking from the bottom of her pussy. Melody the put some gel at certain places and shaved a bit more to get the spots that she missed.

"Turn around." She heard Melody say breaking her from her excited thoughts. Robin got up and she turned around and she put her knees on the edge of the seat. She felt the warm cloth on her ass and after a moment she felt Melody's fingers spreading the shaving gel between her ass cheeks. Next she felt Melody pushing her right cheek away opening her ass up even more. And then came the razor as it cut the hair that surrounded her asshole. Melody worked slowly and Robin could feel her fingers at her asshole and that made her moan a bit. Melody worked a moment more and then came the warm cloth as it wiped the rest of shaving gel away.

"All done." Melody proclaimed.

Robin started to look around at her disappointed that Melody hadn't done to her what she had done when she finished shaving Melody. Then she saw Melody's hand go back and "whap" as her hand slapped her ass.

"Ouch!" Robin cried as she reached back and rubbed where Melody had slapped her ass.

"Sorry but I couldn't resist." Melody said giggling.

Robin started to come back with a comment when she felt Melody's hand on hers and she removed it from her ass. She then felt Melody kissing her ass cheek where she had slapped it. She kissed it again and again and then she began to move her mouth to the center of her ass but she didn't stop. Her kissing lips moved inward down the slope of her ass. Then her lips

were at the side of her asshole. Robin wondered just how much closer she would go when she found out as she felt Melody's lips gently kissing her asshole. The sensation about made her cum right then. They had played with each other's assholes before but only with their fingers but now Melody had taken it a step further. Robin knew she had to return the favor as it felt so damn good. Melody kissed her a few more time there before going on down to her pussy. But her fingers replaced her lips and they ran around the rim of her asshole and then made her moan more. She felt Melody licking around her pussy lips and damn if it didn't feel even better without her pussy hair

to get in the way. Robin stuck her ass out further so that Melody could lick a little easier. She felt Melody's tongue go around her outer lips and she could only moan louder. Melody worked her sensitive pussy with her tongue and Robin knew that she couldn't hold out long. Then she felt Melody's fingers leave her asshole and she felt two of them at the entrance of her pussy and then they pushed deep inside of her. She felt Melody turn around like she had done to her and then her mouth was on her clit sucking away. The fingers began to fuck her hard as her mouth sucked and licked at her clit. After cumming so many times already tonight, she was at the edge of what her pussy could take but her moaning urged Melody's fingers to fuck her even harder and her mouth to suck and lick harder and faster. Robin felt her

pussy spasm and she let loose with a long moan as her pussy exploded with a massive orgasm. She felt Melody's mouth at her pussy sucking up her girlcum as she felt one spasm after another course through her body.

As she came down from her orgasm, she felt Melody guiding her to the bed. She pulled Melody to her body as they spooned together. Robin could feel Melody's butt against her now bare pussy and it felt good. She really loved that feeling. It was that thought that was in her mind as she fell asleep.

"Oh fuck!" Robin said as she woke up and saw that it was twenty five

after seven.

"What?" Melody said sleepily.

"Wake up, we've overslept! It's almost seven thirty and we both have

classes at eight."

"Shit! Why didn't Kelly or Alicia wake us up?" Melody said suddenly awake.

"I bet they're still asleep too. Grab our towels as I go wake them. We both smell like sex!" Robin said as she rushed out of the room. When she entered Alicia and Kelly's room she saw them both sound asleep.

"Wake up girls! We overslept!" She said as she shook them awake.

"What?" Kelly said rolling over.

"We overslept and we need to get going!" Robin said as she rushed into the bathroom where Melody was already under the shower. Robin jumped in with her and then she felt the cold water hit her warm body.

"Fuck girl, didn't you turn on any hot water?" Robin complained loudly.

"Yes I did but you know how long it takes for hot water to get to this floor. I'm freezing my ass off too." Melody said as she shivered.

They both did a quick wash, mainly just washing their armpits and pussies to get the smell of sex and sweat off of them. Then as they were getting out, they were met by Alicia and Kelly coming in a hurry. So as they

exited the shower, they entered it. This was quickly followed but two girls crying, "Fuck this water is cold!" Robin couldn't help but to laugh and Melody quickly joined her. Neither Alicia nor Kelly stayed in the shower long and then there were four girls by the mirror trying to brush their teeth and dry

their hair.

"I think there were two girls that got a little over exuberant with their razors." Alicia said and everyone stopped what they were doing. Robin looked at Alicia and Kelly who were both looking down at hers and Melody's now shaven pussies. Robin felt herself blushing and she saw the redness on her face. She then looked down at Alicia's body and she saw no hair there either.

"We weren't the only ones that got a little heavy with the razor." Robin said.

"Yea, Kelly and I decided to surprise each other so we shaved our pussies while we were off, how about your two?" Alicia said.

"We noticed Kelly's pussy last night and we both decided it was sexy

so we shaved each other last night." Melody said and Robin could see Kelly blushing a bit.

"That is what we should have done; we could have as much fun as I'm sure they did." Kelly told Alicia who nodded her head. Then she said, "So do

you all like it?"

"Yea, we do and then Robin noticed the time on the clock in the bathroom and she had ten minutes to get dressed and get across campus. "Hey lets discuss this tonight, right now I have got to get to class."

"Shit, I do too. Alicia get your fat ass in girl. We've got to go." Kelly said.

They all rushed into their rooms and threw on the first thing that they saw, and then they grabbed their book bags. Robin put on her glasses then immediately handed them to Melody as Melody handed her the glasses that she had picked up. Robin knew they needed to get glasses that didn't look so much alike but then again she always got a laugh when she realized that she had Melody's glasses on. When they got outside, they all went in four separate directions, each going to their class, promising to meet for supper to go over the plan and everything else. Robin made it to class and she was only five minutes late which drew her a angry stare from the professor who had just started her lecture.

Robin got back to the room about two and she started to study. She heard Kelly come in a few minutes later and they talked for a minute before Kelly disappeared into her room and Robin heard her entering data into her laptop. Alicia arrived about an hour later and then Melody brought up the rear as she had a late lab so she usually studied in an empty room until her

lab time. Robin looked up and she welcomed the kiss from Melody. They talked a minute discussing their day then Melody plugged in her laptop and she started to work. At about six, Robin felt her stomach begin to rumble and she felt her back muscles begging to be stretched.

"You about ready for supper?" Robin asked Melody.

"Five minutes," Melody said never taking her eyes off her physics book.

"I'll go get our partners in crime going then." Robin said as she got up and she gave Melody a kiss on the cheek and then she went into Alicia and Kelly's room.

"You girls ready to eat?" She said and they both looked up from their computers.

"I was ready an hour ago. I'm starving." Alicia said as she saved her document.

"You're always ready to eat." Kelly said as she started to save the document she was working on.

"I didn't hear you complaining when I was eating you last night." Alicia said as she winked at Robin.

"Alicia! Don't be so crude!" Kelly said as her face turned red and then she turned to slap Alicia on the arm.

"Hey you love it when I do that and you know it." Alicia said laughing.

"Love what?" Melody said as she entered the room.

"Oh nothing, just Alicia being her normal crude self." Kelly said but then she leaned over and received Alicia's kiss.

As they went out the door, Robin gave Melody a quick recap of what Alicia and Kelly were talking about. Then Kelly tried to get Melody to take her side about Alicia being crude sometimes but Melody wasn't about to go there. They all knew that was just Alicia's way, she told things as she saw them and held nothing back while Kelly was raised to be PC. But Kelly didn't

fuss too much as Alicia would always say what Kelly wanted to say but couldn't. When they got to the diner and had ordered their food, Melody gave Alicia and Kelly an update of what had happen over Thanksgivings with her parents. Everyone agreed that it seemed to have gone well. Then everyone talked about their part of the plan. Kelly said that Brigida's Visa to come over was set with Alicia's help. Robin replied that she had talked to her parents and Brigida would be staying with them until she could be set up with an apartment. This was something that she hadn't told Melody yet and it earned her a kiss on the cheek. Alicia said that Brigida would be arriving right after Christmas. Melody said then said that Ezio wouldn't arrive until

mid January but that would work out well as it would be better if they didn't arrive on the same plane. With everything going well, they went on to other less stressing things like the pros and cons of shaving your pussy hair off.

Of course, they did this in quieter tones than the other part of their conversation. They all had decided that they liked the feel of being shaved and Robin had to admit that even talking about this made her pussy wet and she noticed that as the conversation went along, the three other girls at the table were beginning to squirm in their seats. Robin knew that as soon as they all got back to their rooms, the clothes would be flying and they were.

Robin and Melody were both naked long before they got to their bed and the lovemaking was soon in process.

Come Tuesday morning it was back to school only this time they remembered to set the alarm. With four girls and one bathroom meant that getting up earlier than they wanted to was really necessary. Plus they all liked to go eat before trying to listen to a professor talk for an hour or longer. The rest of the week went by without anything thing having to be changed on the plan which was just as well, as they all had to start getting

ready for finals. They all had papers to finish researching and then put into final forms. Kelly was the best writer of the group so she was doing a lot of editing for the other girls.

Sunday evening as Melody finished her weekly call to her parents, Robin checked her emails and as she was answering them, an email from Staci arrived. She read it through and couldn't believe what she was reading. She wanted to scream her delight but she knew she couldn't with Melody on the phone but she did write on her note book "Hurry up and finish, I got to read you an email from Staci!" Melody gave her a strange look but she did start to finish up her call to her parents.

"What's so important, you know I have to concentrate when I talk to my parents so that I don't screw up." Melody told her when she was done.

"I know but you have to listen to this. You know I told you about Staci and her little friend that she had a crush on." Robin said with her voice still showing her excitement.

"Yea, you told me all about them and how you thought her friend was cute." Melody said with a wink.

"You would have to remember that I said that." Robin said with a laugh but then she went on, "Anyway, I told her as I was leaving that if you didn't tell her friend how she felt this weekend that I would come back and tell her myself."

"Tell me you didn't do that to that poor girl. You know you felt the

same way about me at that age and you didn't tell me how you felt until two years later." Melody said frowning at her.

"I know but they are best friends and you didn't see how this girl looked Staci, she was in love with Staci, I just knew it. But anyway let me read you her email before you tell me I did wrong." Robin told her and she started to read before Melody could say anything else.

"Robin, you can't believe what happened to me this weekend. Never in

a thousands years would you believe it. I still don't believe it except for the fact that it all just happened and I have you to thank for it happening." Robin glanced up from the screen and she looked over at Melody, who she could see, was trying not to smile. "What happened was this, Carol's parents

were going to the beach for their anniversary and they let Carol stay at home but only if I would stay with her and my parents checked up on us. Of course I said I would stay with her and I got my parents to agree to go along. Anyway I went over there after school and we mostly hung out Friday night, watching movies and eating pizza. We stayed up till about one in the morning when we decided to go to bed. So anyway, we were in her bed talking and I thought about you telling me to tell her how I felt. I thought about it a minute then I got real scared and I had to run a pee which really ruined the

moment. Well anyway when I can back, Carol asked what was wrong and before I knew what I was doing, I was telling her everything. When I stopped talking I knew she was going to tell me she hated me or tell me to leave and never come back but you know what she did? You will never guess; never in a million years will you guess. She KISSED me!!!!!!! I won't tell you what happened after that but I will say it was what I'm sure you and Melody do when you are alone, hint hint. Thank you, you are my hero. Staci. PS give

my love to Melody." Robin then looked over at Melody feeling full of herself.

"As much as I hate to admit it to you, but you done good." Melody said softly and she had a sweet smile on her face. Then she leaned forward and kissed Robin on the lips. Robin put hand to the back of Melody's head and she kissed her back. They kissed a few minutes but Robin finally had to pull back. As much as she wanted to pull Melody up and take her to bed, she knew they both needed to put in a couple of more hours in studying.

The next couple of weeks went by fast for everyone as they studied hard to keep their grades up and then came final's week. And what made it worse was that they all four decided to have their periods during this week.

All their nerves were on edge and it was only because they had become so close as friends, that they made it through the week without killing each other. But they made it through and then it was off to their respective homes for Christmas break. At least here Robin had the advantage as they lived in the same city and close to each other while Kelly lived in Maine and Alicia in North Carolina. As the waited for their planes, Robin and Melody left Kelly and Alicia to themselves but soon Kelly's time to board came and she hugged they all goodbye and as she hugged Melody, Robin saw her slip an envelope into Melody's purse. When she stepped back Robin looked at her and she gave her a little wink and Robin sensed that Kelly didn't want anyone to know what she had done so Robin kept her mouth shut.

"Look in your purse." Robin finally told Melody once they had took off and they were on the way home.

"Why?" Melody asked as she reached under her seat to get it out.

"Kelly put an envelope in it as she was hugging you." Robin said.

"What was in it?" Melody asked as she started to open her purse.

"Hell, I don't know, just find the envelope and open it." Robin said.

"Don't get your panties in a wad there, I was just asking." Melody said looking at her.

"I know but I'm just curious as to what she was doing." Robin said as she leaned over to see what Melody was pulling out of the envelope.

"It's just a note." Melody said.

"And it says what?" Robin asked getting irritated at Melody for taking her time but then she looked at her eyes and she saw a little bit of a gleam

in them and she knew that Melody was pushing her buttons just like she did to her.

"Let's see...," Melody said and then she hesitated for a moment but this time Robin didn't bite instead she just sat there acting a lot more patient than she really was.

"Melody, I know that Brigida and Ezio will need some money to get an

apartment and stuff. Take her to the First Southern Bank on Peach Street and have her present her passport. I have set up an account in her name. It is just a little start up money that I have taken out of my trust fund. Tell

her that it is a loan for tax purposes but in reality, she doesn't have to ever pay back. You know I have plenty of money and I won't miss what I put there.

I'm giving it to her but it is more for you and Robin. I know I could have just given it to you so that you two could just run off together. That was what I was going to suggest before Alicia came up with her crazy plan, which at the

time I thought had slim to none chances of working but I have to give her credit as she has made it work, with all of our help. But now I realize how much getting to go to school at MIT means to you both so this is the best way. Plus we get to bring two people together that may never had gotten together without Alicia's plan. Oh one last thing, you can never tell where the money came from, not even Alicia. And that means you too Robin as I know that you are reading this note over Melody's shoulder. If either of you do, I'll have Alicia beat the shit out of you, even if she doesn't know why she is doing it, she will do it for me. Love, Kelly."

"Kelly has a heart twice as big as her body, you know." Robin said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Yea," Was all Melody said and Robin put her hand around Melody's shoulders and pulled her against her.

"Can I ask you something?" Melody asked as she sat back up and turned to face Robin.

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"If Kelly had offered us the money, would you have taken it?"

Robin thought a minute as she had asked herself the same question when she had read that part of the note. "I don't know but I know that I would have thought about taking it but she was right. I want to get my degree from MIT. I need to know if I'm as smart as I think I am. You know what I mean?" Robin said then asked.

"Yea, I do. I worked to hard to get here and so did you. I want to finish what I started." Melody replied.

"I'm glad it never came to that. Alicia came up with this goofy plan and it's actually working so alls well that ends well." Robin said as she leaned in and gave Melody a tender kiss. When it ended, Melody leaned back against Melody and they sat silent for a moment then Melody said, "I thought the plan was crazy and would never work but I didn't want to say anything since Alicia and Kelly had done so much for us."

Robin smiled within herself but she kept her mouth shut. It was weird that none of them thought the plan would ever work but none was willing to say what they thought. Then through determination, hard work, and a little blind luck, it was going to work.

On the way up the ramp from the plane, they stopped and let the rest

of the passengers go past before they embraced and kissed then they headed up the ramp to where their parents were waiting. They separated at that point and went their own way.

They talked via phone the first couple of days that they were home as they had to spend time with their parents, and then when their parents went back to work, Melody quickly made her way out the door and she went straight to Robin's house.

"What took you so long?" Robin said as she opened the front door and

held her arms out for Melody who came to her and they kissed.

"I ran every stop sign coming over here, what else do you want from me?' Melody said and she had a wicked grin on her face.

"This," Robin said as she took Melody's hand and dug her through the

house and into her bedroom.

Once there, she began to pull Melody's knit top up as Melody pulled her top up. They were doing this as they kissed. They stopped kissing only to allow their tops to be pulled over their heads. Then they came back together

to kiss and caress. Robin put her hands to Melody's back and she unhooked Melody's bra. She felt Melody doing the same to her and soon their bras were lying on the floor with their tops. They lips were almost glued to together as they kissed with their lips and their tongues. Robin's hands went to Melody's back and she ran them up and down her smooth skin. Soon they were down to Melody's ass and she gave it a squeeze and that caused Melody to groan. Robin then felt Melody's lips leave her lips and she felt her mouth move down to her neck. Robin tilted her head back so that Melody could kiss and suck on her tender neck. She felt Melody bring her hands up to her breasts and she felt her squeezing them. Robin kept her hands on Melody's ass, caressing and squeezing the cheeks. Robin felt Melody's mouth move on down and as she arched her chest back, and then she felt Melody capture her left nipple in her mouth. Robin let out a loud moan as she felt Melody sucking on her nipple and her tongue teasing the tip of her nipple. Robin squeezed Melody's ass cheeks harder as she felt her panties getting very wet. Robin moved her right hand to the back of Melody's head as Melody went to her other breast. She moaned as Melody sucked hard on her nipple and then she groaned aloud as Melody began to nibble on her sensitive nipple. Robin was about to the point that she couldn't take it anymore. She needed to have her pussy touched and she needed to get at Melody's pussy. She put her hands to Melody's head and pulled her off her tit.

"I need to get you naked girl." Robin said with a very lusty voice as she dropped down to her knees and she unsnapped Melody's jeans. She then put her hands to Melody's side and she pulled Melody's jeans and panties down in

one motion.

"Someone has just shaved." Robin said as she held Melody's jeans so that she could step out of them.

"Just for you baby," Melody said as she put her hands on Robin's shoulders and pushed her onto her back.

Robin watched as Melody dropped onto her knees with one on each side of her legs. Melody reached out and unbuttoned Robin's jeans. She then began to pull the jeans and panties down. Robin lifted her ass off the floor

so that Melody could get her jeans and panties off. Melody then put her knees on the inside of Robin's legs as Robin opened them out wide. Robin felt Melody put her hands to the insides of her knees and she slowly ran them upwards. Robin began to moan and her moans got louder the closer Melody's fingers got to her pussy. Robin began to fidget as Melody slowed her fingers

just as they approached her pussy. The fingers then went around her pussy feeling the smooth skin as Robin had shaved when she took her shower that morning, just as Melody had done. The fingers played all around her pussy but they never touched it. Robin was moaning and she was moving her hips trying to get Melody to touch her where she needed to be touched. This went on what seemed to forever to Robin and she could feel her juices running out of her pussy and down across her asshole, then on to the carpet.

"Melody please..." Robin finally pleaded.

Robin then felt Melody's fingers moved downward and then she felt them on her clit where Melody gently left them. Robin felt an orgasm suddenly erupt from within her pussy and she arched her back as she came. The orgasm came on her so quickly, she wasn't prepared for the intense pleasure that it brought. She felt her head swimming and then things went black for a moment.

When her senses came back, she found that Melody was laying on her stomach licking at her pussy. Robin wanted to reach down and pull Melody up to her but her arms felt like dead weight and she didn't have the strength to raise them so she laid there and let Melody lick away. She felt her tongue go up and down her slit and then she felt Melody use her fingers to spread her pussy lips out wide and her tongue went into her entrance. Robin let out a long loud moan. Melody's tongue was going deep into her pussy and it felt so

damn good. Melody swirled her tongue around inside of her then it went to her clit. As she did this, Robin felt two of Melody's fingers enter her pussy. The fingers slowly filled up her pussy and Robin let out another long moan. The fingers began to fuck her pussy as Melody's mouth started to suck on her clit. Robin arched her back as Melody licked and fucked her toward another orgasm. This one came on a little more slowly and Melody kept on fucking her pussy with her fingers and sucking on her clit making the orgasm

keep on going until Robin had to push Melody's mouth away from her sensitive clit. Robin was about spent as the last of the orgasm washed over her. As tired as she was from the intense orgasms that Melody had given to her she was determined please Melody just as well.

"Come here baby." Robin said as she reached down to pull Melody up to her. Melody got up on her knees and she came up Robin's body who was a bit surprised when she kept coming. She had planned on getting her to lie on top

of her but obviously Melody had something else in mind. She kept walking on her knees until her pussy was over Robin's head. Robin knew what Melody wanted and needed. She took one look at Melody's smooth pussy and she could see the juices leaking out of the slit. Melody spread her knees out until her pussy was touching Robin's mouth. Robin put her hands on Melody's ass and she began to caress the firm globes as she stuck out her tongue and began to lick up the juices flowing out of Melody's pussy. She licked all around the outer lips before going to the slit and she began to split the lips with her tongue. She licked all the way up to Melody's hidden clit, giving it a lick or two before licking her way back down, only to start over again. Up and down the slit her tongue went as she fingers found Melody's ass crack and she ran her fingers up and down the crack going ever deeper until they touched Melody's asshole. This caused Melody to moan and she pushed her pussy down a little further onto Robin's mouth. Robin licked harder as she used the fingers on her left hand to caress Melody's asshole. She circled her right arm around Melody's leg and she put it to the top of Melody's pussy. She used her fingers to spread open the skin over Melody's clit exposing it to her mouth. She licked her way back up to it and she sucked the small sensitive clit into her mouth. She felt Melody shake as she sucked. She knew

that Melody was close to an orgasm so she licked harder on the clit. Melody arched her back and she moaned loudly as she came. Melody fell on back and she ended up lying on top of her. This exposed Melody's pussy and now her asshole to Robin's mouth. Robin could see the girlcum pouring out of Melody and Robin raised her head and she licked it up. Some had run on down to her asshole and Robin followed the girlcum on down until she found that she was licking Melody's asshole. She heard Melody moan again and she found that she kind of liked licking Melody's asshole. She licked a little harder and she got a stronger response from Melody. She began to lick and lick the asshole.

She moved her tongue around the rim and then she put the tip of her tongue at the center of Melody's asshole and she pressed inward. Melody tensed for a second and then she relaxed and Robin felt her tongue go inside of Melody's asshole. She moved it around and then she let it slip out. Then she

pushed it back in and thus began to fuck Melody's asshole with her tongue. As she did this she moved her right hand to Melody's pussy and she began to rub her clit with a circular motion. She did this for a few minutes then she

used a back and forth motion. This got Melody going and she could taste Melody's juices as they ran out of her pussy and down to where she was fucking Melody's asshole with her tongue. She began to rub Melody's clit harder and faster until she felt Melody's asshole clamp down on her tongue and she felt Melody's body arch as she came. Robin put her hands to the top of Melody's thighs and she began to caress them as Melody rode out her orgasm. She also moved her tongue to the bottom of Melody's slit and gently licked up the girlcum that flowed from her pussy.

"Baby, let's move to the bed, this floor is getting a little hard, especially with your lard filled body lying on top of me." Robin said and she got a pinch to her thigh for the lard remark.

"Pull me up," Melody said as she put her hands towards Robin who took them and helped Melody into a sitting position. "Now what did you say about lard filled body?" Melody said as she began to bounce on Robin's stomach.

Robin laughed but then the bouncing was putting more pressure on her

rapidly filling bladder. "Hey cut it out, your going to make me pee."

"So," Melody said bouncing a little harder as she giggled.

"You'll think that's funny when you have to help me clean pee out of

the carpet." Robin said as she tried not to giggle but seeing Melody giggling and bouncing on her belly made her laugh in spite of herself. Then she felt a drop of pee come to her urethra and she pushed Melody off of her. She then jumped up and ran to the bathroom. She just made it to the toilet when her pee came flowing out. Melody then appeared at the door still laughing.

"As soon as I get off this toilet, your ass is grass and I'm going to be the lawn mower." Robin said as the last of her pee ran out of her body.

"Catch me if you can." Melody sang as she took off laughing. Robin quickly wiped herself and she jumped off the toilet and took off after Melody who she saw was waiting at the end of the hall. She then took off again laughing. As Robin ran after her, she couldn't help but to keep her eyes to Melody's ass as she ran in front of her. Melody went into the kitchen and

Robin knew she was trapped. The only exit was a door going to garage and both garage doors were open. Melody wasn't going to run outside buck assed naked.

"I got you now!" Robin said as she looked across the table at a still giggling Melody.

"You think so?" Melody said as she feigned going to her left and Robin went with her. She then changed direction and slipped around the table and just made it back out the door that they both had entered.

"Shit!" Robin said as she chased after Melody. They went through the

living room, then the den and back to the bedrooms. Melody ran into Robin's parents bedroom and she went into their bathroom and circled out the second door and she was back in the hallway. She then headed down the hallway and she entered Robin's bedroom. Robin ran into the bedroom after her only to get to the center of the room and found Melody no where to be found. She was momentarily confused as she knew Melody had come in there. She then heard a giggle and as she turned around, she saw Melody come from behind the door and she tackled her. They fell onto the bed with Robin on her back and Melody laying on top of her.

"Now who has who?" Melody asked smiling.

"You got me." Robin said as Melody lowered her head and she kissed her. Robin wrapped her arms around Melody and she held on tight as they kissed.

"God this feels good." Melody said as she rolled off of Robin and she lay beside of her.

"I know, I enjoyed being back home with my parents but I missed you so much." Robin replied.

"Yea, I hate what my parents are making me do with this marriage thing but that is just their way. I mean I still love them and enjoy being with them, if that makes sense." Melody said.

"I know, maybe when this is all over, they will realize how wrong they were to try and make you marry someone. Just because it was the right thing for them doesn't mean that it is the right thing for you." Robin said.

"Or they will disown me." Melody said sadly.

Robin wanted to tell Melody that would never happen but she knew that was the most likely ending for this story. So she said nothing and instead put her arm around Melody's shoulders and pulled her in. Melody rolled over and she laid her head on Robin's chest and the lay there as Robin caressed her back and kissed her forehead. They lay there for a long time before they began to stir. They finally got up and went to the rest room to wash off, then they walked back to Robin's bedroom to find their clothes and put them and then their glasses on. They had told their parents that they were going shopping today so they knew that they had to actually go and buy some presents for everyone. They had decided with Alicia and Kelly that they would have their Christmas when they all got back together. So they went out and did their shopping.

It was a couple of days after Christmas when Robin came by and picked up Melody at her house. Brigida was due in about mid morning and they wanted to be there long before she arrived. Robin wasn't sure who was more nervous that morning; this was the actual beginning of their plan. Everything had to start off right or the plan would go down the toilet quick. Robin took Melody's hand as they waited by the gate. When Brigida's plane arrived at the gate, Robin could Melody's hand shaking just a bit.

"It's going to go fine." Robin told her.

"What if she doesn't like it here or she gets homesick and goes back

home?" Melody said.

"She wouldn't come this far to turn back now. Besides this is her only chance to be able to marry Ezio. If she stayed at home her father and Ezio's

father would never let them marry. That's why this will work. Now put a smile on your face, they are starting to come out the doors." Robin told her

and then reminded herself to do the same.

"There she is." Melody said pointing to a short, slightly plump girl in a long sleeve blouse and long skirt. She wasn't anything like what Robin had pictured her to be but she had a big smile on her face when she saw Melody waving at her. She came right to Melody and they hugged and then kissed each other on the cheek.

"Brigida, this is my friend Robin. Robin this is Brigida." Melody said as she introduced them.

Before she could say anything, she found herself in Brigida's arms being hugged tightly and then kissed on the cheek which she returned.

"Nice to meet the friend who stole my cousin's heart," Brigida said with an Italian accent.

"It's nice to meet you too. Your English is very good." Robin said and then wondered why she said that.

"Thank you, I've been practicing since Melody told me about your plan. I have always dreamed about living here and now I can. Plus my sweetheart will be here too. I was so afraid that Melody would take Ezio away from me and to be honest I wanted to kill her."

"Well I'm glad that you didn't." Robin said laughing.

"You're happy, how do you think I feel." Melody said laughing too and then Brigida joined in once she realized that they were laughing with her and not at her.

"I do want to thank you for getting me a job and letting me stay at your house until I can find a place for Ezio and me." Brigida said as they started down the terminal to get her bags.

"Hey, it was no big deal. My parents are happy to help you and you may be able to find a place of your own sooner than you think." Robin told her.

"Well I'll have to make some money first. I don't have any money to start out with." Brigida said.

"Actually you do." Melody said and Robin saw Brigida looking at her and she knew that Brigida was wondering just what was going on.

"What do you mean?" Brigida asked.

"We'll explain it tomorrow. Today let's just get you settled in." Melody told her and then she took her by the arm and led her on down the gateway.

Robin and Melody got Brigida settled in and Melody stayed around until Robin's parents got home to meet their new guest. Robin could see how nervous Brigida was but her parents quickly put her at ease. That was one of

the things that Robin loved about them. They really were caring people and that part came out of them as they ate dinner that night. They slowly brought Brigida into the conversation and by the time the meal ended, Brigida was telling everyone all about her country and the small town that she lived in. That night Robin talked to Brigida about her and Melody and how they loved each other. Brigida admitted that she was very religious and her religion forbid that type of love but after talking to Melody during the

summer and now with her, she could see that maybe love in whatever it's form was good. Robin then leaned over and gave her a hug.

The next morning Robin took Brigida over to Melody's and they took off for the bank. Brigida kept asking what this was all about but it wasn't until they got to the parking lot that Melody turned around to face Brigida.

"It's time but we need to tell you something before we go into the bank."

"What's that?" Brigida asked Melody.

"You know that there is more than Melody and I doing this." Robin said.

"Yea, there's Alicia and Kelly, I have talked to them on the phone and Ezio has gotten emails and talked to them." Brigida said.

"Well someone has decided to help you and Ezio out and they set up a

bank account in your name. Don't ask who because you won't get an answer." Melody said. "Now let's go in and get started on the rest of your life."

They all went in and Brigida went to the service desk and presented her passport. Robin and Melody waited as Brigida signed a bunch of paperwork. After about thirty minutes, she was presented with two bank books and she came to where Robin and Melody were waiting and walked on past. Robin looked at Melody and they rushed out the door after her.

"Well how much was in there?" Melody asked when she caught up with Brigida.

"I guess that answers that question, it wasn't you or Robin that put

the money in the account. So that leaves Kelly or Alicia." Brigida said.

Robin looked at Melody and said, "You have one sharp cousin."

"Of course I do, she's kin to me isn't she." Melody popped back and Robin gave her a "yea right!" look.

"So anyway, how much is in your accounts?" Robin asked Brigida.

"Ten thousand in the checking and forty thousand in the savings," Brigida said calmly and then she turned to Robin and Melody and handed them the bankbooks. "Tell Kelly that Ezio and I appreciate her help but we can't accept the money. We have to earn out way here, it can't be given to us."

"How did you know that it was Kelly that put the money there?" Melody asked surprised that Brigida had figured it out so quickly.

"Because Alicia once said during one of the phone calls that she came from a small farm in North Carolina and I know that farms don't make enough money that they can give fifty thousand away. So that left Kelly and she does come from money so it was really easy to figure out. But even if she can afford it, we still can't accept it. I know what Ezio will say, "Give it

back."" Brigida said.

Robin looked to Melody for an answer as she didn't know what to do. She knew that they couldn't go back to Kelly and tell her that Brigida refused the money. She saw that Melody was thinking and she could only hope that she came up with something that would convince her cousin to keep the money.

"Let me suggest something Brigida." Melody said.

"Okay," was her reply.

"Why don't you keep the money temporary and use what you may need to get started. Then once you and Ezio start to get ahead, you can replace the money that you used. When you know that you and Ezio are on your feet, you can call Kelly and ask her to take the money back. That way you would not be accepting the money but instead just taking a short term loan. I know

I would feel better if I know that you have some money to fall back on. Robin and I have our parents to help us out of a jam but with you being so far away from your family, you don't have that. You see what I'm saying?"

"I don't know..." Brigida said but Robin could tell that she was thinking about it. "Maybe it might not hurt to have the money there just to fall back

on. But tell Kelly that I will buy a notebook and keep an accurate account of every penny that I spend. Then once a month I will send her a copy just so she will know that I'm not wasting her money."

"That's a good idea but why don't you send the copy of your expenses

to Melody first and let her look it over, then she can give it to Kelly." Robin put in before Melody could say anything.

"Yea, that's a good idea. She can tell me if I did wrong before Kelly gets it." Brigida said.

"I would be happy to do that for you." Melody said as both she and Robin breathed a sigh of relief.

The rest of the holidays were spent getting Brigida settled in which

was good but that cut out Robin and Melody's lovemaking. When they all got back the day after New Years, all four girls headed to their rooms and there

was more than a few moans coming from both rooms. The following morning they went out to their diner and over breakfast, Melody and Robin told Kelly

and Alicia all about meeting Brigida at the airport and then how Robin's parents took a instant liking to her. They left out the money issue and they

had no plans of ever telling Kelly that Brigida had every intention of returning the money eventually. They had decided to cross that bridge when they came to it. When they returned to the dorm, they gathered in Robin and Melody's room and exchanged gifts with Kelly playing the elf. She had actually bought an elf suit while they were off and she made the rest of them wait until she had changed into it in the bathroom. Robin had to admit they she looked sexy in her outfit as the tights were very tight fitting and

thin giving the other girls a clear view of her cute little ass and also left her with a little bit of a camel toe. She then gave out one gift at a time and she made each person open it before giving out the next one and that included herself. They was lots and "ooo's and "ahhh's" and of course more than a little kissing and hugging going on during the exchange of gifts. There were

stuffed animals, clothes, and a few gag gifts and then the more serious gifts. For her main gift, Robin got Melody a heart shaped locket with both of their pictures in it. This got her a long deep kiss and then Robin opened her gift from Melody and it was a charm bracelet with two girls on it and when Robin looked closely, she saw that it had hers and Melody's names on it. Once the gift giving was completed they sat and talked for a while before Kelly made an excuse to go to her room and Alicia was quick to follow. It wasn't long before Robin could hear moans coming from their room.

That left Melody and Robin alone and they quickly came together and began to kiss. Soon their eye glasses were put to the side and they began to

kiss a little more passionately. They were in no hurry so they kissed and caressed before they started to remove each other's clothes. Once naked, they continued to kiss and just let their fingers roam where they wanted. They caressed each other's breasts and slowly moved to each other's pussies. They tenderly caressed the pussy lips of the other one. Robin caressed Melody's clit then went back to her pussy letting her fingers go between her lips. She did this tenderly and slowly brought Melody to an orgasm. Melody's fingers were doing the same to her so it wasn't long after Melody's orgasm; she had one of her own. Robin then moved around and she got into a sixty nine position and they began to lick. Robin licked up all of Melody's girlcum from her previous orgasm then she went deeper to get the fresh juices. Robin could feel Melody's tongue working up and down her slit as she sucked and licked her pussy. Again they weren't in any hurry so they licked and sucked and when Robin sensed Melody need to cum, she went to her clit and let her cum and Melody had that same ability to know when Robin needed to cum and she would bring Robin to orgasm. Then they would go back to licking until they exhausted themselves. At that point, Robin came around in the bed and they kissed a few minutes before falling asleep in each other's arms.

They slept until the ringing of the phone woke them. Melody beat her

to the phone which was just as well as it was Brigida on the phone wanting to tell her about her first day at work. She told her that it was confusing at first but then by lunch she was doing fine. She was all excited and she talked for an hour going over every part of her day. Then over supper Melody relayed every thing that Brigida had said on the phone to everyone else.

Everything went back to normal as school restarted and everyone got back into their routine, until the last weekend of January when Ezio was to arrive. Melody's parents had sent her a ticket to fly home to greet him. Melody wanted Robin to come along but Robin told Melody that she didn't need any distractions. She wanted to come but she knew it was best for her to stay at school. She enlisted Alicia and Kelly aid in convincing Melody that she really did need to go alone. But that didn't keep Robin from worrying about Melody from the time she put her on the plane until she returned Sunday afternoon.

"I have missed you!" Melody said as she ran into Robin's arms upon her return. She then started to kiss her lips and face not allowing Robin to utter a reply, not that she needed to as her own kisses were telling Melody that she had missed her too.

"Tell me about your weekend." Robin said after the kissing slowed down and everyone that had been watching them had gone looking for their bags.

"Later, right now I just want you to hold my hand and give me kisses

until we get back to our room and we can do something a little more loving.

"That I can do." Robin said as she took Melody by the hand and walked with her to the baggage claim area.

When they got to their room, Robin noticed that Alicia and Kelly were nowhere to be seen and she knew they had done that on purpose. Robin helped Melody in with her bag and then as they were standing in the center of the room, Robin reached up and she slowly took off Melody's glasses and laid them on the nightstand. She then took her own glasses off and lay by Melody's glasses. She then stepped forward and put her fingers to Melody's blouse and began to unbutton it. She stared in Melody's eyes as she took Melody's blouse off. Melody's bra was front snapping so she unhooked it and slipped it off her shoulders, leaving her topless. Still keeping her eyes on

Melody's eyes she dropped to her knees and she pulled Melody's boots off as Melody placed her hand on Robin's shoulder for support. Her socks came next and from there Robin went to Melody's jeans. She unbuttoned them and she pulled them down over Melody's hips and on down to her ankles. Melody stepped out of them and Robin went for Melody's panties. She pulled them down over her hips and she could see that Melody was already wet. When Melody was finally naked, Robin stood up and silently guided Melody over to the bed and helped her to lie down.

Once Melody was in place, Robin stepped back and just looked down at

her naked friend. Melody's breasts were rising and falling with her breathing and Robin could see her wet pink pussy from between her parted legs. Robin could feel that her own pussy was soaking her panties. She tried to undress slowly but that was hard to do, she just wanted to get her clothes off and get into bed with her lover who was obviously ready for her. She peeled off her tee shirt and jeans before going to her bra and panties. She then walked

over to the bed and she got on her hands and knees. She crawled up to Melody with her hand and knees of each side of her body. She lowered her head and she kissed Melody lightly on the lips. Then as soon as their lips parted she kissed her a little harder and a little more passionately with her tongue moving into the kiss. She felt Melody sucking on it as her arms went around Robin's head holding her to the kiss. Robin's tongue moved around Melody's mouth as Melody sucked and used her tongue to caress Robin's tongue. Robin slowly ended the kiss and she slipped her head from under Melody's arms. She moved down in the bed and she lowered her mouth down to Melody's left nipple and gave it a tender kiss. Melody let out a soft mew

of pleasure. Robin then went to the right nipple and gave it a similar kiss.

From there she went back to the other nipple and sucked it into her mouth. As she did this she felt Melody's hands cupping her breasts and she felt her

squeezing them. Robin had to release Melody's breast from her mouth to let out a moan. She then went right back to sucking the nipple back into her mouth. Melody's fingers went to Robin's nipples and Robin could feel her teasing them. Robin went to Melody's right nipple and began to nibble on it which caused Melody to moan aloud and she also squeezed hard on Robin's breasts. It was almost to the point of hurting but Robin didn't care as she knew that she was getting to Melody. Robin went back and forth between Melody's breasts biting and sucking them. Melody was starting to moan and twist from the attention that Robin was giving them.

But then Robin felt Melody's hand leave her breasts and go to her shoulders pushing her downward none to gently. Robin smiled to herself as she left Melody's breasts and quickly settled between Melody's legs. She used her fingers to pry open Melody's pussy lips revealing the wet pinkness inside. She moved her mouth down and she began to lick. Melody was overflowing with juices and Robin was doing her best to suck them all up. She didn't want to waste a drop and she didn't. Her tongue went to the bottom of

her slit and worked her way up to Melody's clit. She used her fingers to pull back Melody's hood and she began to lick on the small but very sensitive clit. Melody planted her feet flat on the bed and she pushed her pussy up against Robin's mouth. Robin had wanted to bring Melody along slowly but she could tell that Melody needed release and she needed it now. So she moved her index finger from her left hand into Melody's pussy and began to fuck her as

the fingers from her right hand held the hood back so that she could lick directly on Melody's clit. Her finger was going in and out of Melody's pussy in an ever increasing speed and her tongue was keeping up with her finger. Melody groaned and moaned as she got close to an orgasm. Robin put a second finger into Melody's tight pussy and she fucked her hard as her tongue flicked across her clit. Melody gave one last shove upward of her hips and then she came. Robin continued to fuck and lick her making Melody go from one orgasm to another until Melody pushed her mouth off her clit. Robin then went on down to her pussy where her finger had just left and she began to lick up Melody's girlcum. She licked tenderly and gently for a while as Melody recovered from her multiple orgasms.

"Turn around; I need to taste that delicious pussy of yours." Robin heard Melody say sometime later.

Robin smiled as this was her favorite position to make love with Melody. She could feel Melody eat her and she could still be able to lick Melody's pussy. She quickly got back on her hands and knees and turned around. She then lowered her pussy to Melody's mouth as her mouth returned to Melody's pussy. Melody was still very sensitive from her orgasms

so Robin concentrated on her pussy lips and entrance as she felt Melody use her fingers to open her pussy up. She then felt Melody begin to lick and she

let out a loud moan. Melody worked her tongue in deep and she moved it around and Robin pushed her hips down a little more trying to get more of Melody's tongue in her. It felt so good to have Melody licking her again. She felt the tongue slip up to her clit and she let out a loud moan as Melody flicked her clit with her tongue. She was using short fast strokes and it was driving Robin wild. She knew that she couldn't take this long and as she felt an orgasm approach, she felt Melody's tongue leave her clit and go back to her pussy.

"Nooo..." Robin cried but she was glad that Melody was going to stretch it out and make her wait for her orgasm. Melody's tongue went up and down her slit and then up and over her lips which her fingers had left as they were now on her ass caressing her butt cheeks. Melody's tongue would then go between her lips and she moved them up to her clit and she would lick it a time or two then go back down. Robin then felt Melody's fingers ease down the crack of her ass. Robin tensed a bit as Melody's index finger touched her asshole; and then she let out a long moan. The finger moved across her asshole and then back across it. On the next pass it settled at the center. Robin felt Melody press her finger inward, not pushing it inside

of her ass but creating a nice tension and made her body shiver with pleasure. Melody moved her mouth to Robin's clit and she sucked it into her mouth. It was at this point that Robin gave up trying to lick Melody's pussy. She was getting too close to cumming and that had all of her attention. Melody sucked hard and she flicked Robin's clit with the tip of her tongue. Robin felt her orgasm begin to start in her pussy and it spread quickly to the rest of her body and she felt pure pleasure as her orgasm hit her. Melody then licked her clit harder and Robin felt the finger that was pressed against her asshole slip inside and that sent her orgasm to a whole new level. She cried out, "Oh fuck yes!" as she collapsed on top of Melody.

When she came back around she found that she was now lying on her back and Melody was on top of her kissing her face and lips.

"Have I told you how much I love you lately?" Melody asked her as she raised her lips from a long lingering kiss.

"Yea, but I like hearing it again." Robin said smiling.

"I love you." Melody said again.

"I love you too!" Robin said as she put her hand behind Melody's head and brought her down for another long kiss.

"I think our friends are getting impatient." Melody said as the kiss


"I know, I can hear them whispering, I wonder when they got back?" Robin asked.

"I don't know, I was kind of busy there." Melody said as she gave Robin a sexy grin.

"Yes you were." Robin said smiling.

"Well lets get up and take a quick shower then we can go to supper and I can let everyone know what happened this weekend. I know they and you want to know." Melody said and Robin could see for the first time that the weekend had been a strain on her.

"Let me see where I need to start." Melody said after they had gotten seated and had ordered their food.

"We don't need all the details; just tell us the main parts, the parts that really affect our plan." Robin said hoping to relieve Melody of having to try to remember every detail.

"It's okay, I don't mind. The main thing is that Ezio played his part perfectly. I think he mentioned something about getting a call from a girl named Alicia just before he left telling him everything that he needed to know and reminding him of what not to say." Melody said as she looked at Alicia who was blushing which was something that she didn't do often.

"He was supposed to keep quite about that." Alicia said.

"Anyway, he says thanks; the call gave him some confidence that he needed. He was so scared that he would screw it up and give the plan away. And now back to the weekend." Melody said much to Alicia's relief.

"We went to the airport and his plane came in about noon on Saturday. Ezio came out of the door and you could see the nervousness on his face but he came up and me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Mom mentioned something about a real kiss for his future wife and he came back that he wanted to save that for when we were alone. I thought that was quick thinking on his part but I knew that Brigida would kill him if he actually kissed me." Melody said laughing and everyone else joined her. This also broke the tension and Robin could see Melody relaxing again and then she settled back and told the rest of the story.

"So we go home and mom and dad are taking about the wedding and when we should get married. We both kept quite and let her talk for a while.

Then later that afternoon, I told them that I was going to show Ezio around town but of course I took him to see Brigida, who was waiting outside of Robin's home. As soon as we were out of sight, Ezio jumped into the back seat with Brigida and all I heard was kissing. I have never heard such a ruckus in all my life." Melody said seriously.

"We have haven't we Kelly?" Alicia said just as seriously.

"Yea, it gets so bad sometimes, I have been tempted to come into your room and get you two to hold it down to a decent level of moaning." Kelly said and then she laughed.

"Yea, right, like you two don't make any noises!" Melody said as she

threw her napkin at Kelly.

"So anyway, I drove around until they got it out of their system and

then we stopped at a coffee shop to talk. Brigida said that she had found an

apartment near where she works, it was more than she wanted to pay but with both of their paychecks, she knew that they could afford it. I warned them to be careful as to when they got together. I knew better than to try to prevent it from happening as I know I couldn't resist seeing Robin knowing that she was in the same city as I. So anyway we decided once Brigida moved into the apartment then Ezio would start to look for one for us to live and just happen to come across the same apartment. I'm not sure how they would work that especially if my parents want to see it as I'm sure that they will

but they assured me that they would work it out. We went from there to see the apartment and I returned with Ezio to the house after dropping Brigida off. The rest of the weekend went fine and Ezio did drop the hint that maybe it would be better if I finished my education. That way I would have something to do after the children are raised. My parents didn't comment but the seed is planted in their minds."

"That was a good idea; I thought that would come later but the sooner the idea is planted, the sooner it will grow. You've done good Melody." Kelly said.

"Actually Ezio did that on his own. He doesn't want to marry me any more than I want to marry him. He loves Brigida and I love Robin so he has just as much on the line in not getting this marriage going." Melody said.

"True, I hadn't thought about that but you are right." Robin said.

"Of course I am dear." Melody said with a straight face.

"Hey, that's my line!" Robin said laughing and she watched Melody begin to laugh with her, and then they all were laughing. The conversation went on, some of it about the plan but mostly about other things that weren't so serious and more fun to talk about.

The next couple of months went by fast as Brigida got the apartment and about month later Ezio took Melody's parents to see the apartment that he had supposedly found for him and Brigida. It was completely furnished and ready to be lived in, he told them. Brigida had convinced the landlord to let her put her things in the apartment next door while Ezio and Melody's parents were there and he played along with their game but it did cost Brigida a month's rent on the empty apartment. She fussed about this but Ezio convinced her that it had to be done to make the plan work and it did. Ezio moved in the next week.

So everything was going just as everyone planned until Ezio and Brigida had lived in the apartment about a month and then Melody got a phone call. "You all did what?" Melody shouted into the phone. This got Robin's attention and she got off the bed where she and Melody had just made love. Robin went over to where Melody was sitting and she watched her write "GET ALICIA AND KELLY NOW!"

Robin ran to Alicia's and Kelly's room and saw that Alicia had her face buried between Kelly's legs and Kelly had her hands on the back of Alicia's head holding her in place.

"Girls, you got to come quick. Something's bad wrong, Melody wants you in there now!" Robin shouted as she ran back to her room. In a moment Alicia and Kelly came in smelling of sex and still naked just as Robin and Melody were.

They gathered around Melody who was furiously writing on the notepad in front of her. Robin started to read what she was writing.





Robin knew the last comment was Melody's and she was thinking the same thing. She looked over at Alicia and Kelly and the redness that was there seconds before was now replaced by paleness. Robin could hear Melody trying to talk to Brigida and convince her that wasn't the smartest thing for them to have done. Robin knew that Melody was losing it and that wasn't going to solve anything.

"Let me talk to her." Robin said as she took the phone from Melody's

death grip. She then motioned for Alicia and Kelly to get Melody out of the chair and over to their room. Once Melody was out of the room, she sat down and began to talk to Brigida. She was upset with her but she kept her voice calm and she tried to stay calm. She talked for about thirty minutes and when she got off the phone, she felt better about things but still it was a complication they didn't need.

"Why in the hell did you take that phone from me! Brigida is my cousin and you didn't have the right to do that!" Melody hollered at her. "This is my life we are talking about, not yours!" Melody continued as Alicia went to her and was finally able to pull her back down on the bed.

Robin was taken aback by Melody's outburst and wanted to strike back

at her but she swallowed the anger that was rising in her and spoke calmly, "I know that she is but you were about to lose it in there. I just wanted to

help you out, and it isn't just your life that is affected, it's mine too."

"I know, I'm sorry I said that but it's just that the plan is fucked now. I know my parents will want to find me another husband and I will have to tell them to go fuck themselves. I was stupid to go along with their plans in the first place, I won't do it again." Melody said as she started to cry.

Robin went and sat beside of her and she pulled her in close and kissed the tears away. "I don't think you will have to, things aren't as bad as we thought. We can still make the plan work."

"How can you sit there and say that?" Melody looked at her in disbelief.

"Listen to me here. Brigida and Ezio thought this out before they got married. They didn't tell us until afterwards as they knew what we would all

say. Anyway they went to a town outside of Atlanta to get married and they haven't told a soul and they don't plan to do so. Second, they have no intention of letting Melody's parents find out what happened. They both know they're here together because of us and they don't want to mess that up but when Brigida realized that she may be pregnant then she had to get married. That is just the way it is. All this has depended on deceiving Melody's parents and we can still do this. Besides we can't change what has been done so let's work with it. They're married and Brigida is pregnant. We

all knew this could blow up in our faces at anytime so what difference does this make." Robin said and she saw all three girls thinking it over.

"She's right, you know. They were living together anyway so what difference does it make that they are married. It doesn't change anything." Kelly said.

"Yea, this just makes the plan more interesting. I say the more complications there are the better. It makes us think that much harder." Alicia said.

"True," Melody said as she finally gave in. "I guess I had better call Brigida back and apologize to her for getting upset with her."

"Yea, you do that and Kelly and I can get back to what we were doing." Alicia said as she took Melody by the hips and pushed her up off the bed. She then popped her on the ass causing Melody to cry out "ouch" and rub her ass as she went out the door. Robin got up and as she walked out the door, she saw Kelly jumping on Alicia and they were kissing.

Melody already had Melody on her cell phone by the time she got into

the room. Robin noticed that she was much calmer this time and she was listening to Brigida talking. Robin heard a moan come from Alicia and a mean

thought went through her mind. She came over to where Melody was sitting in her chair and she turned the seat around so that it was facing away from Melody's desk. She then got down on her knees and she put her hands on Melody's knees and pushed them out wide. Melody shook her head no as she knew what Robin was about to do. Robin just smiled as she leaned forward and began to kiss her way up Melody's thighs. Melody tried to push her away but Robin held fast and kept kissing her thighs. Robin then put her hands on

Melody's ass and she pulled it to the edge of her seat. Melody allowed her to do that but then she pulled Robin's head up by her hair and she violently shook her head no. Robin just smiled and she lowered her head to Melody's pussy and began to lick. Melody was still trying to pull Robin's head up by her hair but Robin noticed that she wasn't pulling as hard now. Robin pushed Melody's legs out wider opening Melody's pussy to her mouth and she began to lick harder. She heard Melody moan and then she heard her telling Brigida

on the phone that it was nothing. Robin licked up the juices that were now pouring out of Melody's pussy. Robin then heard Melody ending the phone call.

"You fucking bitch!" Melody cried to her as she put her legs up on Robin's shoulders and she pulled Robin's head to her pussy. Robin tried to smile but her mouth was full of Melody's pussy so she went back to licking. She moved her tongue up and down Melody's pussy before going to her clit and she sucked it into her mouth. She flicked her small clit with her tongue

as Melody bucked her hips against her mouth. Soon Melody flooded her mouth with girlcum that Robin licked up.

When Melody finally released her head, Robin looked up into Melody's

face and she saw that Melody had a devious grin on her face. Melody put her feet on Robin's shoulders and she pushed her backward onto her back. Melody then jumped off her chair and before Robin knew what was happening, Melody's pussy was above her head and she felt Melody's tongue start to lick her pussy. Robin put her hands on Melody's ass and brought her

pussy down until she could reach it with her tongue and she began to lick. Melody's tongue was going up and down her slit and she felt Melody gently rubbing her clit with her fingers. Then she felt Melody's other hand reach for her ass. The fingers went between her ass cheeks and touch her asshole. Robin let out a loud moan as she felt Melody's fingers work her asshole and clit as her mouth licked deep into her pussy. Robin tried to keep licking on

Melody's wet pussy but it was hard with as much stimulation as Melody was giving her. Robin put a finger to Melody's asshole and she played with it causing Melody to let out her own moan. They both licked and played with each other until Robin finally couldn't take it anymore and she came. She could feel Melody's tongue slurp up the girlcum that was now pouring from her pussy. Robin let her head drop to the floor for a moment as she came then she went back to licking Melody wanting to make her cum again. She pressed her finger against Melody's asshole as her mouth clamped down on her clit and she began to suck hard. Robin felt Melody's asshole relax and she pushed her finger inside. This brought about a loud moan from Melody. Robin began to move her finger in and out of Melody's asshole as she sucked and licked on her clit. Melody was soon arching her back and she filled Robin's mouth with her girlcum that Robin sucked up with delight.

To everyone's surprise, Ezio and Brigida were able to keep Melody's parents in the dark about their marriage and Brigida's pregnancy. The winter

turned into spring and everything went along fine. The four girls decided to

attend summer school so after a brief visit home they were all back together. Melody told her parents that going to summer school would mean that she would finish sooner and thus she and Ezio could get married sooner.

This seemed to work so they went with it.

Their second year, Kelly decided that they needed an apartment so she went out and rented a large two bedroom, and they all moved in. They had more privacy this way or would have if they had bothered to ever close their bedroom doors. But they had gotten so use to being open with their relationships that they never bothered to take advantage of this. They continued to walk around naked and it was no big deal to walk into the living room and see one couple or the other making love on the couch. The only time

that changed was when Ezio came up to see Melody but of course he always brought Brigida who was now well into her pregnancy. Melody and Robin would give up their bedroom and bunk with Alicia and Kelly, who had a king bed. It was a tight fit with four girls on one bed but they made it work. Even making love here was no big deal but they kept to themselves. Neither couple

had any desire to swap partners, they loved each other too much and the respected their friendship to chance doing anything to damage it.

As that year went along, Melody noticed that her parents brought up the marriage less and less. She wasn't sure if they were now satisfied that the match was made and that they would get married or if it was something else. Melody wasn't about to question the lack of pressure from her parents choosing to let a sleeping dog lie. Brigida had her baby and it was a cute little girl that they named Melody Robin after the two women that made their marriage possible. Robin and Melody made a trip home to see the baby but they did it without their parent's knowledge. Robin took one look and she could see that it was Brigida made over except for the curly hair that she got from Ezio. They made a big fuss over the baby and Robin could see the pride that they parents were feeling.

"You know something?' Robin asked Melody on the plane trip back.

"What?" Melody said looking up from the physics book that she was reading.

"I know this was a lot of trouble and more than a little heartache involved with all that has happened but it was worth it. Just seeing Ezio and Brigida with their baby makes me feel good. This would never have happened if it weren't for your parents wanting to get you married. We helped to bring two people who love each other together and now there is a beautiful baby that has come into this world. We had a part in that."

"Yes we did, didn't we?" Melody said as a soft smile came to her face.

"I love you." Robin said as she leaned over and gave Melody a tender


"I love you too." Melody said as the kiss ended.

When the baby was able to travel, Kelly paid for them to come up so that she and Alicia could see the baby. They of course made a fuss over the baby and to Robin's surprise it was Alicia who held the baby the most. Once she had her in her arms, it was a battle to get her to give it back up. She fed and changed it not letting anyone else a chance. As big and intimidating

as Alicia could be, she was just as tender but Kelly knew that all along. She saw that side of Alicia from the beginning. And when Brigida and Ezio left for home, it was Alicia who missed the little girl the most. She wouldn't admit it but everyone else could see how much she missed the little girl.

By the time that Robin and Melody graduated, there was a second child and it was also a girl and this time Brigida and Ezio named it Alicia Kelly. Alicia loved this child just as much as the first one. When Ezio and Brigida visited, Alicia was always with the children. When she wasn't playing with Melody Robin, she was feeding and diapering Alicia Kelly. When they would leave, Alicia made them promise to return soon and they did, just as often as they could. The girls loved their four aunts and Brigida and Ezio loved the break from parenthood.

But like every plan there has to be a conclusion. This planed worked

for four years and the end would come at graduation. Melody worried for a month before their graduation as she and Robin had been accepted to the graduate program at MIT. They both wanted to get their doctorates from there and they were able to get scholarships. Kelly and Alicia were moving to North Carolina where they had each gotten jobs. Kelly also agreed to loan Melody and Robin the money they needed to pay for the apartment and living expenses.

The day came and Melody's parents came up for the graduation and Melody waited for them to mention the marriage. Ezio conveniently had to work that weekend so he had to stay in Atlanta. She waited for one of them to mention the wedding but neither did and she sure didn't. Robin was just as nervous as she was but she was busy with her own parents so she couldn't spend as much time as she wanted to with Melody during the day but they would talk about it at night. The graduation went fine and they got their degrees both finishing in the top ten percent of their respective colleges. Then after the graduation, Melody's parents left to go back to Atlanta again

not mentioning the marriage.

"So what do you think?" Melody asked Robin later that night as they lay in their bed.

"I don't know, I really don't." Robin admitted.

"Should I tell them the truth? I mean they do deserve to know." Melody asked.

"When they ask, then tell them but until then I'd say keep your mouth shut." Robin told her.

"I guess..." Melody said as she turned onto her side so that she could spoon with Robin.

To both Robin's and Melody's surprise, Melody's parents never mentioned they marriage again. They were able to get their doctorates and they returned to Atlanta where they got jobs teaching and doing research at Georgia Tech. It was years later that Melody learned the truth from her mom.

"I saw Brigida and Ezio and their children yesterday, they seemed like a real happy family." Her mom said as they sat on the porch of her parent's home.

Melody was at a loss as to what to say but she knew the time had come to confess to her mother what she had done. "You know I need to tell you something about them."

"I know all about your plan, I've known it for years." Her mother said with a slight smile.

"How did you find out?" Melody asked.

"I was getting suspicious about you and Ezio at the end of your first year of school. Then one day I was at the hospital visiting a friend when who did I meet but a very pregnant Brigida. I had heard that she had come to America but her mother would never quite tell me where. As soon as I saw her, I knew the baby she was carrying was Ezio's. She has had a crush on him

since she was a little girl. I cornered her and being the honest girl that she was, she confessed the truth. I was pissed at first but she wouldn't let me leave until she told me everything. By the time she was done talking, I knew

that she and Ezio were always meant to be together. She then told me I was a fool to think that I would make two people fall in love. I admit I didn't like a young woman telling me what was right and wrong but in my heart I knew she was right. By the time she left, she had made me promise not to say a word about what I had learned and I didn't. I just told your father that I had changed my mind about Ezio and you. I told him that you should find someone on your own and he was never to mention it again. He knows when to listen to me and this was one of those times." Her mother said.

"I'm going to have to have a talk to Brigida soon." Robin said with a smile and then she turned serious. "You know I found the person that I love long ago."

"I know that too but..." her mother said leaving the rest unsaid.

Melody did have that talk with Brigida but she waited until Alicia and Kelly came in for a visit. She got the five girls together and then she told

about her conversation with her mother. She had left Robin in the dark about it as she wanted them all to be together when she did it. Robin was surprised at what Melody's mother had known but she enjoyed Brigida trying her best to explain why she did what she did but Melody wasn't giving her much of a chance. But in the end she came to Brigida and gave her a hug. And

then she thanked her for making things right. Once they all had a laugh, Alicia excused herself so that she could go play with the kids.

Robin and Melody then had the life together that they both could only dream about when they were in high school when they dreamed about each other every night.

The End.

And my thanks to Melissa for her help with the story and the Spanish names and words.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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