
By ozzalone65

Published on Jan 7, 2022


This is a fictional story in the That is giving us a very noted character form the 'with the Ramgards' tale. Val Val is the seemingly most important ramgard as he is the one that finds all the person's needing aide to exit perseccusion. So I felt that this big balled beast needed a story all his own.

I love the ramgards creatures. Half Ram, half man in "furry tale" land with hybrid humanoids. This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Val (6)

... I was crouched there at the waters edge of the river. Just a few feet in near the rocks where the water cascaded over than. I was filling up my water bag there when I saw him. This tall magnificent gray haired creature. He stood there at the fork and was doing as I was. He has just risen from filling up his own satchel with water. He was a spectacular specimen. The above average height man beast had a muscular physique unlike any man I had ever known. And save for the head and horns of a ram he was simply gorgeous to behold. I was lost in his body and almost frozen in my stare But the beast saw me.he saw me there on the opposite banks from where he stood. Then he pointed out to me. Then he called out to me.

"Ohh no!" I crowed he saw me.

I quickly pulled my satchel out. I quickly plugged the end and then grabbed my bag. I looked to see he was not alone. He had called to others with him as he saw me. Then he was moving across the shallower part of the river. I could not hear him as he called at me. The rushing sounds of the river were too loud. But I knew I had to go. I did not want to be caught by these beasts. God only knew what they would do to me. I tried to move fast as I did not want to be caught. But as I did run I kept looking back to see if they were behind me. And that was when I took a tumble. Tripping over a broke tree limb that lay on the ground. Then I fell forward and hard. I.must have hit my head for I was out in seconds. The darkness swept over me as I lay there on the ground. I felt cool air on me and around me as I lay there unconscious. Peaceful in the quiet in my head. Then when I woke up and opened my eyes I was still laying there looking up at the trees and sky. But when I turned my head I saw them. Several beasts as they stood by me. Then one was crouched down next to me. A look of concern on his face.

"He is awake" he said

The others looked at me. All seemed curious about me. Then the first one asked me if I was okay. His voice soft and tender.

"Are you alright?" He asked "Yes" I replied "Just fell. That is all" "Come. Let me help you up" he then said back

I felt his hand grab hold of me and then he picked me up. He was a very strong beast. I gazed at his awesome body again as I arose from my fall. It was truly a stunning thing to behold. String and very muscular. Especially up close to him. The beast smelled of spice and it was intoxicating. I felt my loins actually throb as I inhaled him. I stood up and looked around at him and his companions. The three of them tall statues of physical perfection. I half smiled as I still was not sure what to make of these creatures. They seemed kind enough, but it was a scary world.beyond the walls of the village i had lived in.

"You really should not be out here aline friend" the beast said "There are wolfen out here" "And they will kill you"

I knew if what he spoke. But I had no choice and I told this beast this. He frowned and showed sadness to my plight. Then the big ram creature placed a hand on my shoulder. Then said that I needed to go beyond the hills to east. He turned and pointed out that direction.

"It os a long multi day journey over the mountain and into the far valleys." He continued "There is a land beyond there" "A place for discarded members of your society" "This is where you should go"

I looked at him again. Those ever so strong arms, that broad chest and powerful body. His crotch was covered in a loin and codpiece. So I could not see what he possessed down there. But there wad a bulge at the crotch area. So I surmised what may lie beneath it. One of his companions then turned and said to him that he should guide me at least part way. That it would safe from harm.

"You should guide him Val" he said "I am sure he would thank you most likely?"

I saw his eye brow cock up as he spoke this. Then the one called Val turned back to me and asked if I anted his help. I actually appreciated that he would help me. I was fearful of the wolfen out there. And he seemed genuinely to want to help me. And he seemed capable of defending himself and me as well with the long staff he carried.

"That is so very kind of you" I said "But I do no wish to separate you from your friend" "We are fine" the one beast saud "We are ramgards. And we can handle wolfen" "You my friend are not so equipped."

He was right. I had a knife and that was the most of my protection. They had those staffs and knives. And woth those bodies I surmised the skills to take on the wolfen. Then I recalled what he called his group. Ramgards. I had heard of these creatures before. Strong noble creatures that have been known to help a normal person when in aide out here. Many a caravan has been saved from wolfen and other foul beasts due to their intervention. So I soon felt a calming in my chest. Feeling that i may just indeed be okay with this beast as my guide. He would fend off all matter of horrible things.

"It would be most kind of you sir" I said "Thank you" "It would be my pleasure sir"

Then Val and I headed off. Headed for This place of safety. This Zion for people like myself. Abandoned by our villages. I looked at the beast as we walked. Looked at his stunning physique. The broad shoulders and muscular arms. The big meaty chest that tapered down to his athletic stomach. He was truly an impressive specimen to behold.

"This way" he said as he leaf me across a river

I followed him with out question. Trusting that this beast would get me to a place that i could he safe. As we went across the river. Partly wading through some of it. I was able to see his bulging lower half. As he rose up out it the water on the other side the loin clothe was clinging to his very noticable crotch area. The bulge was quite something to see. Big and full. And a surprise I had not seen or noticed it before.

"My God. Look at him" I huffed silently "That has to be quite large"

He lend me his strong hand and pulled me up and out of the water. And as we were fully out he reached down and adjusted his large mound. My eyes were glued to it. Frozen to the gaze on his lower body.

"My God" I huffed again "What?" He asked back

I them realized he heard me say that... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More to come

Next: Chapter 7

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