
By ozzalone65

Published on Oct 27, 2021


This is a fictional story in the That is giving us a very noted character form the 'with the Ramgards' tale. Val Val is the seemingly most important ramgard as he is the one that finds all the person's needing aide to exit perseccusion. So I fekt that this big balled beast needed a story all his own.

I love the ramgards creatures. Half Ram, half man in "furry tale" land with hybrid humanoids. This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Val (5)

... I happened a few years into this odd yet fun relationship I had been having with my teacher Tim several years and many fine sexual encounters with him. He was my teacher in more than words and numbers. He teacher in sex and pleasureable experience So it was with much dismay that I was shocked that he had turned on me when we were discover in the throws of pleasure. How he quickly turned on me, saying I had seduced him. Saying that I was the one who initiated the acts. That I would tell everyone he did it anyways. So he had to. And as it got to my father I was cast from my home. Then shunned by everyone. Being called sinner and vile and all manner if horrid names.

"Get out!" I remember the shouts from my father "I shall nit have someone like you under my roof" "Leave. Leave!"

So I took my belongings and left. Not only my home but the village itself. There had to be somewhere else I could go that I would not be treated in such a manner. And the guards at the main gate to the village gladly let me go as the word had spread of my sin. One of them actually spit at me.

"Go out there and die sinner!" He shouted. "You will die out there alone"

I cursed them back. Wishing I'll to the entire village. Then walked out and into the wilderness. Afraid of what lie ahead. But knowing I had little choice. I would find a new place. Maybe a new village somewhere out there. There had to be other humans somewhere. That was my hope. But if there were not I was to find someplace and build myself a a new home and live off the lands.

"Well then." I huffed as I walked away from the village "Lets see where the road takes me."

I walked for several hours. Moving up into the hills beyond the village I was born in and grew up in. I looked back at the tiny hamlet that was my former home. Swing how utterly small it was by comparison to the lands around it. This place that to me when younger seemed so big. Like it was the entire world was but a speck in the vast forests that surrounded it.

"Soo small" I huffed

I pondered whether or not just to go back. To try and deal with what had happened to me. But knew that in such a closed minded place it was a futile thing to try. I then turned back and away from the sight below. And no longer looking at my village as I moved back and over the hill. On the other side I head back down and into a denser looking forest. I was watching at the sun was beginning to dip down into the horizon. I would need to make camp soon. To find a place to lay my head down. But I wanted not be seen it detected from the beasts that roamed this wilderness. I had heard if wolfen and bear kings that easily would kill a man without thought. I just knew I had to bed down for the night as I was tired. I found an area with some fallen trees and hunkered down under some of them. This providing me with some cover. I ate and then closed my eyes to sleep. Waiting for the morning to come.

"Quiet sleep" I said as i dosed "Just quiet and uneventful sleep"

It was what I wanted. But did not get. Images flashed through my mind of beasts discovering me and tearing me apart where I lay. So I would jolt up from sleep constantly in the night. Luckily nothing horrifying did happen. I awoke again when hearing the chirping in the trees of birds. Then as I turned I felt the warmth of sunlight in my cheek. I opened my eyes and look about. I had been at least safe on my first night in the wilderness. Thanking the gods that I was okay. I got up after eating a bit and drinking down some water. Then packing up my things in my pack and heading out once more. I decided to head in the direction of the nearest river as I would need water soon. My water pouch was more than half empty already. So as I had gauged from the tree line the day before. I had an idea which way the river would be. So I went off into that direction. I was down and deep into it when I did hear something. Voices. I did not know how far I was from the river but I stopped and hid in some heavy brush that I came across. Ducking down and between the thick bushes. I did not know who or what it was. But took no chances.

"Whom ever you are" I said softly to the people or creatures passing not to far from me "Just go so I can feel safe"

I heard the voices as the seemed to stay at least some yards from me. And as I was so far from them the voices were as mumbled sounds to me. So I did not know what they were saying. But as I glanced through the bushes and trees separating me and whom a very it was I saw pale bodies of grey passing through the spaces between the trees and shrubs. Then I thought I saw horns. Big curls up horns.

"Beasts" I then surmised. "I must stay here and wait for them to get far enough away.

My heart was racing in my chest. Thumping in there like thunder. I prayed that I would not be seen. And even holding my breath now as the fear in me grew. But this somehow did not slow my racing heart. Fear had it going. But then the voices started to fade. And so did the sounds of the creatures moving through the forest. And in minutes following, I was again alone.

"Ohh God!" I finally breathed

I then began to breath normally again. My heart began to slow its beating drum. But I stayed there for a bit longer though. Not trusting the distance that was left between myself and the beasts that had passed through there. But then I cautiously got up and returned to my journey through the forest. I looked around and hoped I remembered the direction I had been going originally. I needed to find the river. I looked about to get my bearings again. Then saw the direction I believe was the original path. Then headed there through the trees again. It was another hour or so when i then heard the river. It was faint at first. A distant yet constant 'whisp' they seemed to move and fade as I hear it first.

"That way" I huffed "That has to be it"

I headed towards the sound. It began to grow louder. And then I heard the rush if water. So yes I was close to the river now. I pushed through some brush as I heard it ever so close now. And when I did I near fell into the river. For as I tumbled and grabbed at the bush near me I saw the river, below me. I was a good 10 feet below me from where I was. It seemed that the river passed through a deep groove in the land here.

"Now how do I get down there?" I wondered.

Now other than just making off the ledge and falling into it (and I doubt it was deep enough here to jump into). I would leg if I did. And the ledge basically just fell off the land there. So I hand to move down a way some more. Soni followed the edge of it fir as far as I could. But as what seemed over a mile passed I was no closer to the river itself. The ledge seemed actually father down to the water than before. Not much more. But a few feet at last. It was near midday already. And I was tired and needed to sit for a bit. I would eat something and then. Try and continue.

"There has got to be a way.." I huffed disheartened. "I need to get down there." "But how"

After eating undecided to see if I could climb down the cliff edge and down to the water. The rocks there where I stepped near were still too steep. And the drop looked to be closer to 15 feet now. And as I stepped into the edge. Those rocked there were very unstable. I almost fell to injury as I tried to gauge their strength. And the problem was not falling to the water itself. The river was about 30 feet at its widest. But only the center most 15 plus feet looked deep enough not to cause injury. But it was the edges if it that were shallow and where a fall from this height would sure cause injury. I grumble out a few obscenities and decided to just continue on. Even though I was very low on water. So I grabbed my things and continued on again

"Has to be someplace" I huffed again

Then a quarter of a mile down the river took a turn to the right. There the ground began to slope downwards a bit again. And the river again got closer. I then saw an clearing where the land fell down to the based of the river there it seemed to widen more. I almost ran there as I was finally going to be able to get to it. I was finally going to fill my water bag. I reached the rocky shores there. And the river had really widened. It had actually separated into a second fork there. I grabbed my bag and stepped into the water. Then lowered it down to collect what I needed. As I collected water I looked around. Listening to the birds as they chirped away. But then I looked over to the fork in the river again. And that was where I first saw him. That was where I first saw Val... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 6

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