
By ozzalone65

Published on Jan 21, 2021


This is a fictional story in the That is giving us a very noted character form the 'with the Ramgards' tale. Val Val is the seemingly most important ramgard as he is the one that finds all the person's needing aide to exit perseccusion. So I fekt that this big balled beast needed a story all his own.

I love the ramgards creatures. Half Ram, half man in "furry tale" land with hybrid humanoids. This is a sexual tale of man and man beast. If it bothers you. please move on Otherwise do enjoy.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Val (1)

His name is Val. The big strong and utterly awesome man beast I know and adore. I met this awesome beast many years ago now. This saviour to all in need. The member of the ramgards that are well known in these lands. This man beast creature that helped me leave the hatred my village had for people of my kind. Homosexuals. I was lead to find this awesome creature and his kind by a man in my old village where i had lived in my youth. A place where i had lived with my parents. A deeply religious folk that followed the rule of the villages religion to the letter. A religion that i personally loathed.

'Be as a follower to the law of God' was the phrase I always heard. 'Be a follower, and obey your gods law. Least ye shall perish and fall into darkness'.

"Blah, blah, blah" I always said "It all nonsense to me" "How can you follow such teachings that are always in contradiction to themselves."

I was many a time punished for 'my insolence'. Being told I could be banished 'pr worse' for defying the rule of law that was religion. And it was only worse for me as I had desires that were simply forbidden per the text on the sacred scrolls and books. I was a young lad who desired the comfort of a man's touch (not a woman's). I saw the male form as beautiful and a woman's as just odd. Breasts were just odd globes to me. The only globes i had interest in was a mans balls. That lovely sack that held a mans seed. And after testing and trying my own out on several occasions, the delicious slightly sweet taste of it.

"Hmm" I sighed as I pondered that flavor

I wanted to be with a man. And that was as easily understandable as it could get. But this foul religion detested such acts if sexual desire. "A man shall not lay with another man" it proclaimed "This is abomination"

"Phfaa!" I chirped aloud to myself "It is all just a way to control the populace" "Religion is a lie."

My mother was a good woman though. She loved me dearly. She would not condemn me. She would it beg and warn me of my fates if my sins were to be discovered. That I should try and just comply with the 'rule of law'.

"I cannot mother" I chirped at her "I cannot deny what I desire" "Would you fail me in such?"

Again she would say she loved me and only wish me safety. That these forbidden desire would bring me much pain and suffering. But she never did fail me. She never exposed me to the temple guards and the church who would so easily cast down their pious punishments to make themselves feel better. My father on the other hand wanted me gone. He wished me dead and wanted another son. A better more manly son. But as I had not acted upon my desires he had no telling proof of my sins. And to commit false claims was yet another sin in the eyes of the church. And he certainly did not wish to come off as a sinner to his church. So we both bored our times. Avoiding and ignoring one another as best as each one could. Only seeing each other at dinner time for a small while. With little words exchanged between us. And then he would go outside and I to my room.

"Filth" he would say under his breath whenever we were in the same room

And I not to antagonize him and get his wrath said nothing back. I just stayed quiet until in my room by myself. Then I would sit there an contemplate the men I had seen that day.and there were delicious men out there in my village. But again I could not act upon my want for a man. I could only gaze at them longingly as I viewed their manly bodies and bottoms. And there were even some older boys in school that were built so well they could have been men. Strong young, taught bodies that looked very nice a s well. Bit I preferred the sight of a big full man. Especially if he had manly hair on his face or body.

"Look at that man" I said while walking home from school one day "Look at his arms." "Look at how he sweats"

I saw some men building a structure in an opened field one day. It was a warm day and the men there were shirtless and glistening from their sweat. But one stood out. Big meaty and bearded. His arms massive to my eyes and his chest big broad and hairy. Sweat was drenching his fantastic frame and it made the man appear utterly stunning. I slowed as I walked passed them. Staring intently as he moved. Lifting large heavy item with his bare hands. His brawny masculine face intense with hus struggle. I was so glued to this mans body and face that I did not see where I was going and slipped in my step and fell over to the ground. Hard.

"Ouch!" I cried out from my fall.

The big man looked over when he heard my yelp. He only glanced iver for a moment before turning back to his work. Unconcerned as I had only injured my pride and nothing else. I sat up from my fall and looked over at him. He looked like he was laughing at me. I got up and brushed myself off and left in a huff. "Jerk" I said to myself about him. When I got hime I noticed there was some blood on my trouser leg. I pulled them off and say I had scrapped my calf quite a bit. I told my mother and she wondered how I got that injury. I just said I fell. She place a balm on it to help with stopping infection. Then said to be careful out there.

"Mother" I said in memory "You were dear to me" I said "Through it all you were dear to me" "I hope you are well"

I pondered these and many things of my days before leaving the old village. Leaving for freedom and finding a connection. A special connection woth the ramgard that helped me to freedom. A special friendship and sexual kinship woth the fantastic beast Val.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 2

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