
By wayne unknown

Published on Feb 11, 2019


Author's note

Warning: Night 14 gets super weird & depraved. Sometimes I worry how easy it is for my characters to run amok.

On other news, donating to Nifty is helpful to keep it up & running.

Chapter 7 Resupply, Reconnaissance & Realizations

Day 11

Logged out during the day to deal with some real estate management stuff.

Night 11

When I logged back in, Tom was fucking Ren while the Doom Wolves watched, not an unusual circumstance considering we lived together & Ren was almost as horny and perverted as I am. I unequipped my clothing & joined in the fun, my hard cock filling up Ren's open moaning mouth quite quickly.

Raided the Doom Wolves with just Tom, Ren and me (Tim was busy with some girl). Ren & I gained 200 strength, 400 dexterity, 400 agility, 200 intelligence, 200 stamina, 100 charisma, 200 vitality.

I was happy that Ren & I both had Blood Digestion 2 and I would gain the same amount of stats that he did after draining a target. I figured that with the way Ren burned through stats, I might be able to catch up with him after a couple of weeks. I didn't like being second best, I could be oddly competitive sometimes and I wanted my stats to be as good as or better than Ren's.

The bad news was that it'd take 10000 more drainings to increase [Blood Digestion] to level 3, or roughly 100 busy nights, learning that, I was a tad discouraged but I was in no particular hurry.

After the raid, Tom mentioned that he was running low on mana potions and needed to visit the town of Erand soon. He had mostly followed us on hunts when he was online or practiced his magic during the daytime with Ren so he hadn't had a chance to restock lately.

I realized that I had been so preoccupied with Ren & learning about being a dhampir that I had entirely forgotten about Jason. I felt terrible that I just forgot about my previous lover & also completely failed in delivering anything to Ydris in weeks. I needed to go apologize to Jason and Ydris and also stock up on potions while I was at it.

While there I could also sell my share of the loot to Jason's master Ydris, who usually bought all the various monster carcasses I ended up with. I probably would have made more money selling my unnecessary loot to a merchant but I was lazy and it was easier to do all my buying and selling at once & resume the fun of hunting & killing monsters.

Day 12

After arriving at the city, I was annoyed to discover that I received a constant amount of damage from the city's [Sanctuary] spell. [Sanctuary] provided a constant healing effect to all citizens and also did damage to any undead & demons that managed to sneak past it's walls.

In addition to feeling weaker from being out in the daylight, the constant damage over time was making me irritable. As a partial undead demon, it meant I lost 50 health every second but with 11% regeneration a minute, I regained 2200 health a minute. I had about twenty or so minutes to get everything done before I'd die from the accumulated damage.

I told Ren to wait outside Erand while I took care of resupplying as Ren was effected more than me, because the game system lowered the pain I felt to a mere itch. Ren suffered the feeling of being burned & through our telepathic link I could feel the echo of his suffering.

Tom went off to the Mage Guild where they offered cheaper prices for registered mages for Mage essentials, such as scrolls, spell books & mana potions.

As Ydris alchemy store only operated during the day, I had to suffer the sunlight penalty to visit Jason as he worked & lived upstairs with the other apprentices. My stats were reduced by 69% but I could handle most monsters with ease regardless. The only thing that made me anxious was other players.

While my stats were absurdly high compared to most players of a similar level, there were still 'juicers', 'twinked out players' & 'heroes' that might see me as an opportunity to profit.

'Juicers' are those whose stats are high due to ingesting elixirs & monster meat (prepared by a high level chef) regularly. 'Twinked out players' were players who wore high grade to legendary equipment at lower levels in order to progress faster, common with some guild players & rich players. 'Heroes' were those who paid extra for a hero template, which gave them higher base stats & more stats per level than normal players.

I rushed to Ydris's apothecary store & used the inventory transfer function to dump piles of carcasses into Ydris's special compression box. The box was a common item for merchants who received large shipments of monster materials. It compressed a monster corpse eg an Ogre to the size of a matchstick, Trolls were slightly larger matchsticks, thousands of Monsters ended up stacked in a box the size of a standard cardboard box.

Once a 'matchstick' was removed from the box it would gradually regain its original size in ten minutes.

I knew a lot about the process as I spent quite a lot of time at the store before I met Ren.

"Where's Jason? I need to see him now."

Ydris looked confused by my urgency but he pointed at the door behind him that led upstairs "He's upstairs in his room."

I rushed past him.

I heard him say on the way out "Come on Alex, help me move all this into the work room, Renald watch the store. "

I rushed to Jason's room. He was in the middle of mixing a potion.

"Derek where have you been? I thought you left to the Capitol or something without saying goodbye." He asked standing up, moving away from his work bench, potion forgotten.

"I'm sorry, it's been a hectic couple of weeks & I didn't mean to leave you in the lurch."

He looked me up and down, concerned. "Are you well?"

"Yeah, I'm better than ever but I've got a lot of things to tell you & I don't have much time. Can you meet me outside the city gates tonight?"

"I don't know, I'm supposed to work in the store tomorrow morning, I can't just leave the city for no reason."

"Please." I dropped down to one knee & looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and nibbled on his crotch playfully.

"You're lucky I like you. Guess I won't be getting much sleep tonight."

"Sleep is overrated." I kissed him goodbye, copping a feel of his cute little ass at the same time. "See you tonight."

"I have some time now." He gave a pointed look at his narrow single bed.

I had many a fond memory of fucking him & a couple of his apprentice friends on that bed, my cock hardened at the memory.

"I'd love to but I don't have the time." I gave him another kiss and a squeeze of his cock before rushing back out of his room.

I got back downstairs & talked with Ydris briefly & received some potions & gold in exchange for the carcasses I had delivered.

Night 12

Jason came out to meet me and I introduced him to Ren & Tom who had returned from his visit to the Mage Guild.

He said a cautious "hello" & shook both their hands before looking back at me for an explanation.

"Ren's my boyfriend."

"What?" Jason looked confused & angry, which honestly made him look cuter, his face all scrunched up, his brown eyes narrowed in anger while his soft lips were pouting. He looked a bit like an upset puppy.

I sidled up next to him, "We're not an average couple, we like to have fun together." With that Jason looked to Ren who smiled as I kissed his neck.

"We do play rough sometimes" Ren moved closer & bit into Jason's neck.

Jason wen't limp in surprise, I held him up quite easily as Tom laughed in the background. "Seriously guys, double teaming him already. Shouldn't you give him an explanation first?"

I kind of ignored Tom while I had my right hand rubbing Jason's hard cock while my left was squeezing his butt.

Ren didn't take more than twenty seconds to finish drinking 60% of Jason's blood. He used [Clotting] to close the wound & [Heal] to restore Jason's health.

Jason's gaze went vacant & he kept blinking for several seconds before he finally recovered. My hands were still busy shamelessly groping him. I had forgotten how nice his butt was, his cock was also nice, though of same size as mine.

I told him basically everything, how I was now a dhampir & I couldn't go out into the daylight without suffering from fatigue & weakness which was part of the reason I couldn't visit during the day. Also that I drank blood now instead of eating food & my stats were crazy high now. I asked him to keep my secret.

I also told him that I could also grant him strength in order for him to progress faster as an alchemist. If he was stronger, he wouldn't have to rely on others to gain monster material & plants within the Beast Forest.

I used [Blood Pact] on him, it boosted his strength by 190 & his vitality by 170. It would last 2 days.

His stats drastically improved from being a level 10 alchemist with basically zero practical combat ability to someone that could survive a few strikes from the low level monsters that inhabited Beast Forest.

Combat minded alchemists tended to use poisons & potions to fight, it could be very effective but it was also very expensive as their fighting methods used a lot of expensive consumables.

Jason still looked shell shocked but I figured since we were here that we might as well help him level up with some night hunting in the noob area.

Since Jason's stats had drastically improved, I gave him a shield, sword & armor, that would usually require a level 50 warrior to carry conveniently. With his strength drastically increased, his damage output increased and the movement penalty for heavy equipment was lowered as well.

We took him through the Beast Forest, not venturing too deep, Ren & I took the vanguard position, killing off any creatures that got in the way as we progressed to the boss monster of the Beast Forest. Tom provided ranged support & kept pace with Jason, chatting him up a bit, from time to time we had Jason kill off the weaker monsters so he could gain some real combat experience.

The highest leveled creature that lived in the Beast Forest was the Monstrous Boar King, the level 20 Boss monster whose skills were [Charge] & [Body Slam]. We had Jason attach the Night Stone, (a crystal used in the dark to provide light) to his necklace as he was the only one that didn't have night vision.

There were typically 3 monsters that inhabited the Beast Forest, Demon Bunnies (level 1- 10), Demon Deer (level 5 – 15) & Monstrous Boar (Level 10 – 20). Sometimes goblins would show up (level 20-29) but usually they were just strays grabbing a meal before scurrying back to their dens in the Death Forest.

Luckily we didn't run into any stray Doom Wolves as it would be hard to guarantee Jason's safety if there was a pack of level 50 Doom Wolves. While they had low vitality for their levels, they were fast & dangerous to low health individuals such as Mages & crafters.

I drained Jason's blood every time he gained a level & stored his blood in a [Stone Jar]. At his low level it wasn't worth much but every little bit helps. Also I had become much more practiced at it after using [Bleed] & [Concentrate] so often on our captives.

By the end of the hunt, Jason's stats were

Jason Level 20 – apprentice alchemist Strength: 30 + 190 Dexterity: 80 Agility: 80 Intelligence: 80 Stamina: 30 Charisma: 30 Vitality: 60 + 170

Alchemists (natives) tended to gain 3 points towards intelligence, 3 to dexterity, 2 to vitality, 1 charisma & 1 stamina. Since alchemy, at least the medicinal variety (apothecary) required intelligence to invent & follow recipes, dexterity to mix properly & stamina to mix them for hours. I had no idea about the logic as to why vitality & charisma rose as well.

Having successfully completed a hunt we celebrated by gangbanging Jason's butt.

It started off relatively innocently, I gave him a kiss, which lead to more kissing, which lead to groping, which quickly developed in our pants being loosened for easier access, then his soft lips wrapped around my hard cock until my raw cock was sliding into his tight ass. It felt great to be fucking someone again, lately I had been bottoming a lot, which I didn't mind but it was good to be on top again, dominating a horny guy again.

Meanwhile Ren was on his knees sucking Tom's cock. Sad to say I didn't last as long as I would have liked, it had been far too long since I fucked a nice tight ass and I emptied my balls into Jason's willing butt far too soon. I pulled out & I tagged Tom in, Tom was all too eager to pound a new butt.

Tom quickly filled Jason's loosened ass, holding him against the tree as he eased himself in.

Ren & I shared a kiss, before Ren pushed me down & I started sucking his cock.

When I glanced over, Tom had started a nice steady rhythm of fucking & Jason looked as happy as a pig in mud.

Ren slowly fucked my mouth while he waited for his turn.

After twenty minutes, Ren was the one fucking Jason on the road leading back to Erand. The road was 'protected' by a row of mana stones that was part of a monster repelling formation.

As for me I was on my back, with Tom fucking my ass like a madman. After Ren & Tom had both blown their loads, the night was effectively over.

I told Jason I'd be back in 3 nights in order to power level him some more. I decided that I should alternate between using [Blood Pact] on Angus, Tom & Jason, granting it to each of the once every three days. That way they'd be empowered by the [Blood Pact] two out of every three days.

I could have power leveled Jason in the Ogre Forest but as he was a poor native, he hadn't bought a second life & a moment of distraction on my part or his could leave him permanently deceased. Also I was of the firm opinion that power leveling should be done in stages so that they can improve their skills at low levels, so they don't become a high leveled noob.

Having sex in places that had high likelihood of discovery was how I gained one of my three Titles, Pervert. It's only effect was that my infamy rating rose & noob players were a little more wary of me, when they joined my party.

I had two other titles, one was Guardian, as I regularly protected noobs from player killers & monsters, this title provided me with a 10% stat boost when defending someone lower leveled than me.

My third title was Instructor, also from training various noobs, from various classes, it provided a 10% boost in training speed for party members when I was the leader. It helped to offset my infamy somewhat. Not that I cared that much, I tended to power level noobs for a few days to a couple of weeks (depending on how much I liked them), giving them tips & sometimes old equipment before parting ways. A lot of the the time the noobs I helped train would quickly overtake me in levels once they left my company.

Night 13

Troll hunting with the whole crew. We snagged us a Wild Troll King as a captive, he got his own spacious room & I gained [Stone Skin] from draining it. [Stone Skin: Reduces damage from physical attacks significantly & grants minor fire resistance]. Ren said I could have this Boss's ability since he gained the Ogre Chieftain's [Smite] last time. He said he'd get the next Troll King.

Everybody's levels rose from the Troll Hunt, mine rose to level 73, Ren's to 72, Tom & Tim to level 70 Barta's level rose to 69 & Angus's to 68.

Night 14

Ren took me to meet with the infamous Damon & Thad.

When I showed up at their cave, I was shocked at what I saw when Ren turned their cave wall to rubble.

The first thing I saw was the Troll naked on his hands & knees, with an earth golem fucking its face while a very beefy, hairy & well hung man who I assumed was Damon due to Ren's previous description was fucking it's ass. I guess I couldn't call it an it, since I could see it's hard dick bouncing up & down as it was spit roasted. Damon kept pulling out what looked like a baseball bat sized cock (long & thick) out of the Troll's ass & slamming it all the way back in over and over again.

The second thing I noticed was a lean man, with wavy black hair & a 9 inch cock, sitting behind the unusual threesome on a stone throne, watching while idly stroking his cock & petting a level 120 Doom Wolf King. The Doom Wolf King was the most disturbing as it was seated, grinding it's horse sized red cock into the ground as it watched the fucking action panting eagerly.


"Hello, how's it going?" Damon asked while thrusting at a steady pace, seemingly undisturbed by our presence or my outburst.

I looked at Ren, who merely shrugged and responded with "We're well thanks and you?"

"Can't complain I guess. Your new friend looks like he's outraged by something. What's the matter Eric?"

I took a deep breath before speaking. "The name's Derek actually. What are you doing with that troll?"

"What's it look like he's doing you rube, he's fucking it! Isn't that fucking obvious?" Thad replied.

The sound of Damon's balls slapping against the ass of the Troll echoed throughout the cave as his thrusts began to speed up.

"This is totally fucked up. What is wrong with you?" I asked, my vampire claws digging into the palms of my hands while I struggled to remain calm.

"Your new boytoy is kind of cute but he's not very bright."

"I'm right here you know. Do you think I'm going to let you get away with this kind of depravity?"

Thad laughed, his grip on his cock got firmer & he started stroking faster as if he was aiming to match Damon's thrusting speed, the golem was also thrusting faster which struck me as absurd. "How very human of you, humane and yet so hypocritical, don't you murder the Trolls in droves?"

"That's different. That's quick & necessary. This is just cruel & unusual."

"Oh so you don't have any Trolls that you keep confined in a tiny little room so you can drain them of blood for profit. Isn't that cruel & unusual as well. "

I didn't really have a comeback for that. It was getting hard to concentrate with the Troll's grunts, the wolf panting, Damon's groaning & Thad's cock being stroked faster & faster right in front of me. I was kind of getting hard despite my anger.

Damon sped up wildly, slamming the poor Troll mercilessly, he grabbed onto it's shoulder & his hips became a blur & a moment later he grunted out a "That's it." and stopped suddenly. He pulled out & his position was immediately replaced by the Doom Wolf King whose bright red erection sunk deep into the Troll's gaping hole. The Troll let out a muffled grunt, his mouth still stuffed full of Golem cock.

Damon's huge cock hung heavy as he stood, I couldn't take my eyes off, it was at least a foot long & thick too. It was slimey with cum & it glistened.

I watched in stunned silence as the Doom Wolf King rabbit- fucked the Troll for about a minute before howling and slumping onto the Troll with a wolfy grin. It was charcoal black with streaks of silvery grey & the size of a small horse. (At level 100 Doom Wolves gain another ability and double in size)

"That was a good show" Thad said. His stomach and pecs were covered in cum. I must have missed his climax while distracted by the bestiality, not that I felt like I missed out on anything. He was a monster & I was definitely not interested in him. No matter how good looking & fit & hung he was... not at all interested.

While I was telling myself that I wasn't interested, my cock was throbbing painfully in my pants. A soft moan on my right drew my attention to a now shirtless Ren who was having his neck nibbled on by Damon. Damon's hairy body looked even better with a light sheen of sweat. His priapric erection stood high as he kissed my boyfriend & tugged at his pants. For some reason I thought of the greek myths about Pan & the minotaur. Damon was a furry sexy beast, primal & unstoppable, like a force of nature.

I turned to Damon " Hey what do you think you're doing?"

Damon ignored me & spoke to Thad instead, "you can have him, I'm going to play with Ren for a bit then we'll swap. "

"Sounds good."

Thad walked towards me & for a naked dude he was making me nervous. I pulled out my sword & pointed it at him & it just made him chuckle, his erection bobbing up & down with his laughter, distracting me. The next moment my sword was knocked out of my hand by a [Blood Missile].

"You can struggle if you like but it's pointless. You can't fight me."

I looked over at Ren but he was already naked and lowering himself onto Damon's cock. I was not jealous at all...

"Do you want to take off your armor yourself or shall I rip it off you myself?"

"Fuck you."

"Sure that could be fun, first things first though."

The next second the earth swallowed me up to my waist, trapping my hands by my side, leaving me practically defenseless.

I used [Rock Break] to free myself, but it didn't help as the next second I was buried even deeper into the earth up to my neck. I had no idea what kind of earth magic he was using against me but I guessed it had to be advanced.

He knelt in front of me, his thick cock jutting out.

I opened my mouth to protest & it was quickly filled with his cock.

I looked over to Ren & he was fully impaled on that monster cock & started slowly moving up & down. Damon laughed & just lifted him up like he weighed nothing & started fucking him like there was no tomorrow.

Ren whimpered and moaned like the horny bitch he was.

I used [Rock Break] with half of my mana & freed myself again. My armor & sword got damaged, I stashed them in my inventory.

"Troublesome human, you're starting to irritate me."

"Then the feeling is mutual. "

Two Earth Golems popped out behind me, grabbing my arms, I exploded them both with [Rock Break] but they were replaced in seconds. Thad walked up to me & ripped my remaining clothing as easily as if it was tissue paper. Now I was naked as everybody else, my stiff cock exposed. Thad walked behind me & a couple seconds later, my butt cheeks were spread apart & his warm tongue was bathing my hole with saliva. The golems on either side of me were holding my arms & both had 9 inch rock cocks. It was disquieting how quickly my mind went to wondering how they'd feel inside me.

His tongue was quickly replaced by one finger, that dug in deep, I moaned like the horny bitch I am & another finger was added, then both fingers were removed & replaced with Thad's cock, which he shoved straight in. I guess he wasn't big into foreplay & honestly with my boyfriend's high pitched moaning in the background I wasn't in the mood for it either. I just wanted to be fucked already. Thad took a firm hold of my hips & just started going to town on my ass. Luckily for me, Ren had already opened me up already during our post hunt fuck previously or this would be much more painful.

I lost track of how long Thad was fucking me before Damon & his big cock showed up in front of me along with an embarassed & limping Ren.

Up close, Damon was 6 foot 3, with broad shoulders, solid furry pecs & large biceps. He had a thick furry treasure trail leading to his large cock & balls. "Suck it" he said without apparent emotion & the golems pushed me onto his cock.

His cock tasted of cum & ass, & a weird flavor of something gamey which I guess was the flavor of Troll's ass. He tried shoving his entire cock down my throat but it didn't go so well, I tried to protest but he didn't seem interested.

"Hurry up" Damon said. " I want to fuck him too."

"Give me a minute, I'll be done soon."

Thad's thrusting got harder & the grip on my hips became brutal, the pleasure from the prostate pounding & the pain from his grip was competing with each other, leaving me feeling off balance...

Not long after, I felt Thad slow down, then he pulled out. My hole felt wet, I was surprised that Thad made no noise at all when he came.

Before I could stand, Damon had grabbed me by the waist & lifted me up like I weighed nothing and impaled me onto his monster cock. It hurt like a mother fucker & before I even had a chance to get used to it's massive size, he was already railing me like a cheap whore.

I found myself clinging onto him as he fucked me ruthlessly. I couldn't think, my world shrunk down to his cock & how it felt inside me. For a long time there was only pain, then it became this intense stretching feeling & then there was only a drifty sleepy feeling as if I was slipping into unconsciousness.

I woke up later to find Thad riding Ren's cock while Ren was slow fucked by Damon. I wasn't even shocked any more just kind of amused, the earth golems with erections & a panting Doom wolf king just adding to the absurdity of life.

I felt stiff after lying on the ground. I stretched and sat back down waiting for them to finish.

After quite some time passed & they finally had settled down, Damon & Thad gave us our hunting assignments for the next two weeks.

We hobbled our way home.

Day 15

Tom & Tim told us they were going to set up in the capitol in order to take advantage of the better hunting spots, primarily the Giants & Manticores. I was a bit disappointed that they weren't going to be staying in Ren's cave any more but I understood why they wanted to leave. Especially Tim as he didn't have earth magic to let him leave whenever he needed to. Also the Capitol had better stuff & they would be visiting every couple of days anyway to join in hunts & get a boost from [Blood Pact] so it wasn't like they were abandoning us like my other proteges.

Next: Chapter 8

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