
By wayne unknown

Published on Mar 27, 2019


Chapter 14 Rematches

Night 40


Returned to Troll town, relieved Bone Zone & Tim of their town sitting duty, allowed them to set Troll Town as a save point and thanked them again for their help. Shortly afterwards they faded away.

Once they were gone, I decided I needed to boost the defenses of Troll Town. I used [Stone Wall] repeatedly to create walls directly behind the wooden 'walls' of the palisade. This way from the outside it looked like nothing had changed, but the Town would have stronger defenses.

I bought the cheapest 'privilege' from the God of Order or the system, an Alert, that way if my town was under attack or there was invaders, I would receive an immediate alert. The upgrade to that would be a Teleport Recall which would allow me to be instantly summoned back to help defend against invaders. I really needed more gold, because that privilege would be really useful.

Just in case my position was overwhelmed, I also started work on creating a secret tunnel back to Vampire's cave using [Tunneling]. I started the tunnel just behind my new wooden Troll King's hut (about four times as large as the average Troll's hut, to house all the extra wives and children).

Thankfully the spell did most of the work for me, so I didn't have to know how to properly shore up a tunnel. All I had to do was point and shoot & a certain amount of earth would be condensed into floors and ceilings, creating a straight tunnel forwards.

Day 41

1:30 am

I was about a third of the way to the Vampire's Cave when Alert triggered. I raced back to Troll Town to find a horde of 'Wild Trolls' attacking the front gates.

I used [God's Eye] to determine how many attackers there were. There were a lot of Trolls, roughly a thousand trolls, presumably the post clear spawn made them less prone to attack each other to gain levels & females. There's something really fucked up about seeing Troll males gang up on each other with their fists before gang banging the Troll females with their dicks.

The vast majority of the Wild Trolls were unarmed, of the massive army, only about 30 of them had weapons, armed with large rocks & tree branches as improvised clubs. Despite their terrible armaments, I wasn't eager to have my Trolls engage with them, I only had about a hundred Trolls & only about half were combatants, the rest being women & young children. Admittedly, the children from earlier in the day had already morphed into teenagers. Troll babies become adults in 32 hours. The general rule of thumb with monsters is pregnancy lasts one respawn, childhood lasts four.

One of the reasons that demon bunny subjugation quests are so common, is demon bunnies respawn every hour and if any are knocked up they'll produce a litter of adults in as little as 5 hours. During a night, it isn't uncommon for their populations to multiply drastically. They tend to end up basically everywhere because of their quick respawn rates & reproductive ability.

Having seen so many Trolls outside the stone walls, I broke down a stone wall with [Rock Break] & rushed into their midst.

I heard a manly roar and saw a Wild troll King.

I got a quest notification after I heard the roar of the Wild Troll King.

[Defeat the Troll King in single combat in order to gain supremacy over the Wild Troll troop] [Reward: Conditional loyalty of the surviving Trolls. Charisma will rise.]

The only problem was there were a couple of hundred trolls in the way. Killing them would be easy but killing them would reduce my potential gains so I had to do my best to get the Troll King's defenders out of my way without killing them, which is harder than it sounds.

I did my best to hit them softly on my way to the Wild Troll King. The first couple I punched out of my way which were insta kills. The overpowered stats rendered my punches too powerful even when holding back.

Instead I just submitted to their fists & used [Quicksand], [Bind], [Shadow tentacles] to slow them down. Then I used [Poison] on every Troll that I had slowed to further weaken them.

[You've cast Poison in quick succession, on over a hundred enemies, your presence is a plague on the battlefield, you gain the spell Plague]

[Plague: You spread a poisonous disease with every cast of this spell, which inflicts temporary fatigue and reduced intelligence.]

Once I got to the Troll King, I only had to punch him a couple of times to force him into submission. (It was far too easy after all the stats I had gained from Thad.)

[You have gained the loyalty of a thousand subordinate trolls. They will gain additional skills with appropriate leadership and training. While they do not understand human language, they will understand your intent if you keep it simple.]

That was interesting, there was a possibility to train them into better fighters.

[You have gained 5 points to Charisma]

I wondered if I could march them into Ratede and serve them to the vampires directly for a quick boost in gold. It was something to think about.

I used [Noble Insight] to check out the new troops.

[A thousand Trolls who have 50 loyalty, they will follow basic commands, if you prove your skills as a leader, loyalty will increase and their capabilities and value will increase accordingly. If loyalty drops too low, the likelihood of disobedience and rebellion will increase accordingly.]

I told the Trolls to line up against the back walls until I figured out what to do with them all.

First thing to do was to get them properly housed, then armed, then continue with my tunneling so that I could connect my town to Ren's cave in preparation for Henry's retaliation.

I started with the easiest thing, I spammed [Stone Club] till I ran out of mana, considering I had over 10000 intelligence and over 50000 mana, it took a couple of hours. [Stone Club] leveled up to level 4 & the speed of making a Stone Club improved as did my [Earth Mastery] & I had over a thousand stone clubs to go around.

The next step was a bit more complicated, the Trolls lived in 'houses' made with a mix of branches & dried mud. It looked tacky, if I was to be the God King of Trolls, my nation would be a mighty one built with earth magic. I had always wanted to live in a castle and rule over a harem of boys. Okay admittedly the cultures that had harems weren't typically nice to homosexuals or known for their castles but whatever.

I had all the Trolls evacuate their 'houses', I was kind of glad there was no one around to watch me do this... It was a little bit cruel & unusual but sometimes you have to murder a few rain forests for progress, not like I was killing a rain forest but logic has no place here. I think I may be losing my mind.

Anyway, long story short, I had the Trolls leave Troll Town with their new weapons to clear the Ogres by themselves & I tomb broke their houses ... I used [Tomb] around their shitty houses & [Rock Break], and destroyed their houses. I even destroyed my own recently acquired premium hovel because I'm an equal opportunity mad man.

Once I had essentially leveled Troll Town until there was only a hole in the ground leading to the tunnel, I started stage two, building stone houses. It took me about half an hour to finish the first house, it took me a while to decide on how to build it & how many rooms it should have & what kind of archways it should have & how to properly support a stone roof.

Eventually I settled for a stone house with 7 foot high ceilings, 4 large rooms & rounded archways between rooms. I had no idea how to make a stone door, so I'd just let the trolls deal with how to fix that problem.

The next house didn't take as long as I had already figured out the general template so it only took me five minutes... After ten houses & an hour later, I had gained [Stone House] & simply used mana to create a house from the earth. The spell allowed me to create a house in ten to twenty seconds depending on how much mana I used. After I made a couple hundred houses the level of [Stone House] rose to level 2, making construction easier & faster.

I built myself a mansion out of stone in front of the hole, blocking it from sight, it was complete with a basement befitting vampire tradition connected to the tunnel. My new house could fit at least a hundred people in it alone. I had basic rooms set up for Tim, Tom, Bone Zone and a fancier room for Ren and myself.

I'd need more stuff before it was complete, as it was just a very large empty shell devoid of people & furnishings.

Before I could proceed with further redecoration or construction, my Trolls returned.

I got a new notification

[For bringing your Troll subjects into the stone age, with stone housing & weapons, you gain Nobility 2, which grants Tactics, Taxation, Knighting & Vassals. You can now have vassals swear fealty/homage, pay tribute, knight loyal subjects & make use of tactics to wage war on enemies or on acts of conquest.]

[Tactics: It's 10% easier to relay & deploy troops according to a design.] [Knighting: You can now knight a subject as a reward for loyalty or military contribution, granting them higher prestige. Current Limit 1] [Vassal: You can have a subject declare their loyalty to you with a homage or oath that is binding] [Taxation: you can assign a tax on your subjects in the method of your choosing]

Hmmm I especially liked that last one, I could do with more resources. Next time I sent them to kill Ogres, I'd have to figure out a way to get them to bring the Ogre bodies back with them so I could sell them for profit. Could I make a wheelbarrow out of stone?

I wondered if I could make the Trolls pay me, bugger, would I have to create an economy for them? I'm starting to think being a feudal lord was going to be a lot of work. UGH. The things I have to do to have my own private army.

I gathered the Trolls I took with me to the Swamp to test out the vassal & knighting system. I decided I would knight the level 93 Troll King and have him as my second of command, it seems easier than trusting another champion/ player to behave. Not that I necessarily trusted the Troll King but he'd have to do until I found someone truly loyal like Ren or... well Ren's pretty much it.

I used Blood Pact on the former Troll King, except now there's two of them, so the high leveled one, fuck it, I needed to name the important ones to keep track of them. His intelligence & dexterity increased by 800 for the next couple of days.

Then I pulled out my sword, told him to kneel.

"You kneel as the former troll King & rise as my personal knight Sir Gulch. Arise Sir Knight." (It was the first name that sprung to mind.)

He rose & I received more notifications from the system/God of Order

[You have named & knighted your first monster subject, Gulch will gain greater capability for learning new skills and be granted recognized skills based off previous experience. Previous experience grants it leadership, command, insight, club mastery level 2.] [You have reached the limit for knighting subjects, develop a knight's order to train more knights.] [You can personally name 19 additional subjects at this time.] [Loyalty of Gulch increased by 10] [You can name more monster subjects by increasing nobility or progressing as a Demon King candidate.]

I named another 19 Trolls, the other 9 Trolls who had come with me to the swamp & the wild king & 9 of his Elites. The former Wild Troll King got named Beta, then the remainder got named Charlie, Delta, Echo, Fox, Galf, Hyde, Indigo, Jewels, Killer, Lemon, Mike, Novo, Oscar, Puppy, Quebec, Romeo, Sandy and Tangles. I can't say I took the process too seriously, using a mishmash of phonetic language & whatever sounded funny for that letter.

With every Troll named I gifted them with [Blood Pact] & made them vassals, granting them first dibs on a room in my new stone mansion & a house and the land it was on. [Blood Pact] boosted random stats as my stats dropped.

I would have to talk to Lord Ratede as to whether there was a method to selectively reduce my stats via blood loss so that I could deliberately pick the best stats to grant my Thralls.

I spent the next hour or so assigning another 180 vassals, giving them land & houses to look after, they'd be in charge of each house & the Trolls within.

5:30 AM I got another alert.

Jesus Fucking CHRIST, WHAT fresh hell is this?

I used [God's Eye] to see what was going on outside.

It was Damon and Thad and for some weird reason, they don't look happy, wonder why. Thad kept using [Fissure] to send waves of earth at the wooden gate. I guess it was his way of knocking.

I went out to meet them.

"Hello again Thad, how's it going?"

"You bastard, how dare you be so flippant with me."

"Blah blah, get to the point, I've got better things to do, some of us are trying to build a citadel."

Thad looked confused for a second before getting angry again & literally spraying me with his spit as he ranted. "You took my blood & power & now you must suffer & make restitution."

"Fuck you & fuck that. Trolls attack these assholes."

A wave of Trolls rush out

"You can't honestly believe Trolls will stop me a second time, you got lucky last time."

He activated [Mana Shield] while Damon rushed forth with a blood sword to attack the incoming Trolls.

I used [Quicksand] to slow Damon, which Thad countered with earth mastery to raise the earth beneath Damon's feet.

I rushed forth to drain Thad again... but this time he used earth mastery to make himself a square of stone to stand on, which he used like a surfboard to ride waves of earth he used to move around on and attack with. He used earth magic to drive the earth upwards in the form of stone spikes to impale & kill Trolls as he went around land surfing. He was essentially curb stomping my Trolls.

It wasn't going too well for me as they were both far stronger than Trolls.

I decided that Thad wasn't going to fall for the same trick as easily, maybe I'd have more luck with Damon.

I attacked him with everything I got, [Bind] [Shadow Tentacles] [Quicksand] & [Poison] to slow & weaken him and [Aura Blade] to keep him off balance. I even threw a few [Blood Missiles] his way. All in an effort to distract him from my real goal.

I got close enough to grab his leg & bit into his femoral artery.

He didn't expect me to bite into his upper thigh, using his sword & shield to protect his upper body.

I had a bloody smile as I dug into his thigh & took some of his sweet stats for myself. I only drank from him for a few seconds but with [Bleed] & [Concentrate] I got more than enough to weaken him & strengthen myself. Then I had to disengage & roll away since he tried to use his sword to decapitate me. Rude bastard, interrupting my tasty meal.

I called a retreat and had my Trolls fall back behind the walls. They had served their purpose & they'd be slightly safer behind the walls than out in the open. My stone walls wouldn't be much of a defense against Thad who could use earth magic to easily destroy the walls but it would buy a little bit of time. The darkness wouldn't last much longer, the sun would rise soon.

Then it was just the three of us.

"So what's your plan now?" Damon asked..

"That's a good question."

"You might as well just give in and take your punishment like a man, it would be easier in the end."

"I've got a better idea, why don't you two fuck off before I kill the both of you for annoying me. It's been a long day & I'm in no mood for your shit."

Thad raised a well manicured eyebrow "You think you can kill us?"

"Absolutely no doubt about it."

"Bring it." Damon said his sword raised high, ready for an attack.

I simply sighed "you asked for it."

I used all 5 abyss power, and the 5 general dark power that had recovered & all my mana on [Dark Tentacles]. The pitch black tentacles rose in such numbers that they rose like a wave around the two vampires & struck with the power of a dark tsunami.

There was a violent mana backlash from using an absurd amount of mana where I lost most of my health in a second as I wielded true darkness as a weapon & wrapped them in darkness & squeezed.

I could hear their bones crunch under the veil of darkness that covered them. A moment later, I couldn't hear anything & my distortion or dark miracle faded into nothingness.

Neither of them were there. I laughed when I saw that Thad had used my own tunnel to escape me. That was ironic, or dumb or funny. I didn't have the energy necessary to chase them, my health would recover shortly, my mana would take longer & my dark power would take hours to recover.

[You have gained Darkness manipulation]

[Darkness manipulation: You can make use of true darkness to crush your enemies.]

[Abyss is amused that you're already using your powers to attack those of your own alignment. He welcomes further acts of betrayal & viciousness.]

"Whatever." I looked around, Thad & Damon had made a mess, there were dead Trolls everywhere along with bloodied and broken rocks. I stashed the dead bodies into my inventory & returned to Troll Town to take stock of damages.

I tallied the dead and over 200 trolls had died in a few minutes. The Trolls needed more agility to dodge attacks or better armor or some better ranged support. My to do list was just getting larger and larger.

I started work on creating some small stone shields & creating light weight stone armor & while I did that I sent thirty or so Trolls to gather more wood to fix the damaged wood gate.

7 am

Another alert...

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. Who is it now?"

I used [God's Eye] and discovered a group of 50 people outside Troll Town, a couple of Fire Mages had just set the Wooden outer gate on fire. The Trolls had replaced the damaged wooden gate not that long ago with fresh tree trunks & vines.

800 Trolls should theoretically have the numerical superiority to win against 50 humans but they wouldn't without my help. They relied far too much on physical strength & resilience, they were vulnerable to long range attacks and magic. There were at least 10 mages & 20 archers along with a mix of pikeman and swordsman out there. This is a bad match up.

I could help my Trolls win the battle but it'd cost me dearly. These were kingdom troops & if I killed them then my infamy would rise & I wouldn't be able to visit Jason again.

More importantly the kingdom would want me dead as well & they'd just send more troops to wipe out Troll town next time. I called together my twenty Named Trolls & told them to evacuate the remaining trolls underground while I dealt with the Kingdom's forces.

As soon as they started gathering their comrades, I started using [Rock Break] on the stone walls with the least amount of mana I could...

I gained [Rock Crumble]

[Rock Crumble: weaken rock to cause it to crumble into loose dirt, causes little damage to surroundings]

Once the walls were turned into piles of dirt, I moved onto the stone houses. It took less than a couple of minutes to destroy hours worth of work.

Fifty of the newest Trolls were sent off to die, delaying the humans while we left.

I was down to less than 850 trolls. It had been a rough morning.

If I was to have a private army, I'd need to have healers, mages & some faster infantry. I had an idea about that but before that I'd have to fall back even further for now.

I closed up the hole behind me & lead the Trolls through the tunnel towards Ren's cave. 5 minutes after our escape I got a new notification.

[Troll Town has been occupied by hostile forces. You can no longer assign vassals or knights and you can't claim taxes. Reclaim your territory quickly or face further consequences. Existing knights or vassals will have decreased loyalty every day until their land is reclaimed.]

I had the Town for less than a day before losing it, hopefully the next wave of Trolls will satisfy the Kingdom's army & they'll bugger off. A problem for later, we kept going forward.

Thad had progressed through the tunnel quite a bit before surfacing. There was a hole not too far from the Vampire Cave.

I used [Tunneling] the remaining way back to Vampire Cave & led the remaining Trolls back to Ren's cave. Tunneling grew to level 3, increasing the length of the tunnels & the speed the earth was compressed and reducing the mana cost.

I was tempted to finish things with Damon & Thad when I got back to the Vampire Cave but I had a more important fight to prepare for first. I also had to talk to Lord Ratede and find out if he got any answers about Ren and get some tips from him about being a vampire & running a city. I felt like I was floundering under all this new found responsibility. I wasn't a fan, I much preferred indolence & hedonism but this was necessary to secure Ren's existence.

After building a few more underground layers to my cave using [Earthen construction] & [Tunneling], so they'd all fit, I had the Trolls rest up.

Then I left by myself, leaving my Named in charge in my absence.

I felt relieved when I left my cave, looking after silent Trolls was both mentally draining & time consuming. I enjoyed the solitude as I made my way back to Ratede.

Met up with Lord Ratede who gathered Commander Keiran & five Dhampir Guards to come with us. Zombie Ren had been left in the Dhampir guard house.

Once we were inside Vampire Cave, Lord Ratede ordered his men to inform all the other vampires within to keep a low profile & not engage the enemy as we would take care of it.

Lord Ratede followed me back to Ren's cave & told me the bad news while we were alone. Ren's soul had been sold to the God of Death & to reclaim him for a complete resurrection would cost the equivalent of a million bottles of troll blood.

I was not happy. I asked Lord Ratede if he could pay for it.

"No. Sadly not."

"Why not?" I could hear the whininess of my question but my inner 13 year old girl was not liking being told no.

"My position as head of this city is already teetering on the brink, there are already those leading other factions who are using this situation in a bid to take control. I already have a couple of black marks from favoring Ren so much. If I were to pay so much for a faulty dhampir son who died without ensuring his revival, I'd lose my position.

"Faulty? How dare you!"

"Enough we don't have the time for this. After this, Ren will be your responsibility & if you want to raise him up, you'll have to do it yourself. According to Sharn, Terminus took Ren's soul as he was your patron god & bound with your soul, you'll need to talk to him to find out if he has better terms for Ren's resurrection."

Shit. Was this my fault? Was Sharn being a bitch because I picked other Gods to form covenants with? If so I'd find a way to get Ren's soul back without giving her anything and I'd destroy her for trying to extort me. Fucking Gods, toying with my fragile sanity. I'll show them all.

A Schwarz always makes their enemies pay. It's why my family got into the arms business in the first place. We would get the enemies of our enemies to pay us money for weapons to kill our enemies faster & easier & get paid in the process. It was surprisingly effective & was the origin of our family's wealth & the founding principle which the patriarchs relied upon. All debts would be repaid, especially the bloody kind.

"How do I talk to a God?"

"You'll need to get your priest class higher so you can gain Entreaty, it's a form of prayer that will allow you to communicate with your god to ask him for clarification of his wishes."

"But my priest class is locked at 50 until I hit level 100, damn level caps." The morning battles had helped max out my Darkness/Death Priest skill experience requirements.

"By the end of today you should be able to resolve that issue. I'm sure your paladin will bring his friends this time, their deaths should help with your problem."

I asked him other questions relating to targeting Blood Pacts to optimize blood thralls, how to convert a human into a dhampir & what [Master's Vengeance] entailed.

I learned about how to maximize conversions, though Lord Ratede suggested I practice on something expendable as getting the right ratio could be tricky.

He used [Telepathy] to teach me [Master's Vengeance] and [Blood Filtration]. [Master's Vengeance] would give me a trump card against those I converted & [Blood Filtration] would allow me to selectively lower specific stats.

He asked me for details about my take over of Troll Town and I explained how it happened & asked how come no one had figured it out before.

He explained that Sharn had originally taken control of many monsters before she ascended into god hood, however all following attempts by ambitious vampires & Dhampirs ended with brutal purges either by Crusaders or through internal strife. Lord Ratede warned me of the risks of being too visible, it'd put a target on my back.

The talk was very valuable, information is power after all & I needed all the power I could get.

I asked him about the general dark power that I had gained from Henry & asked him questions about how being a high priest worked. He gave me some general details & told me that being a Blood Priest increased the progress of blood magic & was considered a necessary path to follow for the Vampire Nobility.

Lord Ratede said "While Priests & Paladins can be dangerous, the power that can be stolen from them is quite tasty."

We shared a dark smile as we thought of the blood that would flow from Henry and friends ...

Just the thought of pinning down Henry & drinking his blood while he was helpless to stop me got me a little worked up. Lord Ratede was quick to take advantage. He pulled me close, tugging at the neck line of my tunic, pulling me in for a rough kiss, that quickly devolved into him licking my neck, then biting my neck, his busy fingers adroitly groping my cock while peeling my clothes off me. I bit him back, bypassing the gorget, we merely tasted each other's blood, rather than attempting to drain each other. He helped me take off the layers of medieval armor, that protected him and soon enough his hard cock was down my throat & shortly after driving into my prostate over and over again while I was back on my hands & knees getting well and truly fucked like a pro...

Of course about then I was reminded of the fact that he hadn't come alone when Commander Keiran's cock was jammed into my open mouth. "Hope you don't mind me joining in Father?"

Wait WHAT? Keiran was Lord Ratede's son ? What the fuck? Ren never told me this, all he told me about him was that Keiran helped him train with a sword (with little success) & popped his cherry when he turned 16. Little fucker, keeping such juicy gossip to himself. I'm going to give him such grief about that when I get him his mind back. I could have been enjoying more brother dp's... mmm fuck. I'm being spit roasted by a father and son, that's hot. Should try and think about something. I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

"Not at all, you know I love it when we spend together as a family." With that they were full on frenching each other hungrily, driving their big hard cocks deeper within me. It's a good thing being part undead, meant I didn't need to breathe that often. I guess I should have seen the family resemblance, they were both handsome men with heads of thick dark brown hair with broad shoulders, 9 inch cocks & a kind of lean muscularness with a soft coating of manly hair practically all over thier sexy bodies. Ren on the other hand was mostly hairless & up until recently was of the narrow & skinny variety, which made his 9 inch cock more prominent.

I couldn't speak, so I just grabbed onto Keiran's ass, his firm toned ass, that flexed as he ground his cock further against my tonsils in small concentric circles, teasing me as he blocked my airways.

At some point he pulled out of my throat, it was hard to keep track of when, since I was feeling a little light headed and giddy. He grabbed me by the throat, while his dad, Lord Ratede, or L.R for short, if he was going to fuck me so much, I shouldn't bother with such formality. L.R held me firmly by the hips as Keiran pulled me up so I was facing him, he was so hot, while Ren was cute in a boyish way, Keiran was square jawed, with high cheekbones & hazel eyes that burned with fierce intensity. Keiran was so BUTCH & manly. "Think you can take the both of us?"

"Yes. Fuck yes." I panted out. I may have been a little delirious with lust & mild oxygen deprivation.

"Ren said you were a greedy boy. He said that's part of the reason he fell for you. You had hungry eyes for a human."

I didn't know what to say about that. I wasn't given much of a chance to respond as he tweaked my right nipple with his right hand, while his left grabbed onto my cock. I worked desperately not to cum in his hand like a horny teenager being touched by someone else for the first time. It was painfully hard. I was painfully hard. He bit my left nipple. It hurt, it helped to clear the fog of lust a little and knock me off the brink of blowing my load too soon. I wanted to enjoy this.

In a second I was lifted up, L.R stood behind me, lifting me unceremoniously up into the air. Keiran lifted my feet up over his shoulders and with unerring accuracy his cock was pressed up against my hole & with a hard push, his cock drove deep inside me, along with his father's cock.

"Fuckkkk" I drawled, they were both big men...

"Feel free to scream if you want. No one will mind." L.R said with the usual vampiristic sadism.

Before I could think of something clever to say, Keiran was kissing me roughly & LR was biting my neck again & they were both moving slowly inside me. Then Keiran was biting the other side of my neck while L.R was biting my ear.

Then I kind of lost track of things again as their hands groped & squeezed & sometimes clawed into me as they both started properly fucking me at the same time. They quickly fell into a rhythm of thrusting, grinding their cocks against each other's inside of me. It was a bit of a tangle of teeth & tongue as they nibbled, bit, licked & kissed me and each other. The sounds of moans, groans and soft urgent words echoed from the cavern walls, surrounding me in a symphony of passion and lust.

I was squeezed between their hard chests and bodies as they picked up their pace. They both drove their teeth into the nape of my neck as they held me tightly and fucked me like there was no tomorrow.

I was reduced to a mindless animal endlessly repeating "Fuck Fuck fuck."

They both came within me, within seconds of each other.

"Well that was entertaining." Keiran said easing out of me.

"I do agree." L.R said easing me onto the ground.

I lay on the ground, my cock still rock hard & aching for release. The sex had been so intense, I had been stuck on the brink of orgasm for what felt like hours but was probably closer to several minutes. I felt wobbly as jelly and about as intelligent.

So when I heard "Can we go next sir?" It took several long seconds to turn my head and look at the 5 Dhampir Guards in various stages of undress but all with hard erections, watching us intently & me in particular.

I should have felt embarassment or something but I was a little out of it to engage my brain thoroughly.

"Have at it boys."

"Thank you sir!" One of them said, he was completely naked, lean, muscular, with large biceps and the sort of intensity one would find from an eager recruit or premium kiss ass. He looked about 18 but was probably much older. He had a very thick looking 8 inch cock with a fat mush room head. He was hairless practically everywhere, minus his eyebrows, his head shaved to a 0 on a shaver, his pubes non existent. It was a strange mix of pre adolescent & hot young adult.

He gave his boss an open mouth kiss & got a squeeze of the ass and a "Give him Hell Rowan."

I used [Check Status] on Rowan & he was a level 150 Dhampir Guard Sub commander.

With not a word, he slid his thick cock into my ass and just as I opened my mouth to say "Hey, you could at least say hello first, what is this a bath house gangbang?" my mouth was filled with another Dhampir Guard's cock. Having gotten their bosses approval & seen their sub commander slide right into me. The rest of them had descended onto me like starving hyenas on an injured deer.

They were a spectrum of men, from skinny & lean to beefy & hairy & a couple of flavors of in between. The only thing that united them was their hard cocks & horniness.

Rowan fucked me with hard, quick thrusts as his friends/subordinates took advantage of my inability to say no to have their wicked way with me. I would have objected (maybe) but one horny recruit wrapped his eager lips around my aching cock & swallowed my load happily when I blasted it down his throat. Rowan added his load to my butt a few seconds after, pushing my orgasm along nicely...

Rowan pulled out of me abruptly & walked away. His position was quickly taken over by another horny man who was still wearing his aketon (the quilted jacket thing worn under armor), whose 7 inch dick slid in easily into me, my hands were full of cock somehow.

One of them, no idea which one said "Flip him over."

I was flipped onto my back and the cock sucker sat himself on my cock while fucker 2 shoved his hard cock back into me.

Another one whined, "Let's do him together!"

I couldn't comment as one of them was still fucking my face.

With a moment of shuffling and repositioning. I was back to being double fucked, this time by two guys with 7 inch dicks, while getting face fucked.

"FUCKKKK !" Rowan shouted. I used [God's Eye] with less juice & 'saw' Rowan sitting on Keiran's cock, while L.R was slamming his cock into him.

I knew how that felt, wonderful and kind of terrible in it's intensity.

My attention drifted to my own... foursome? fivesome? So many dicks were pistoning in and out of wet holes, most of them mine, that I was kind of losing focus.

Not long afterwards, another couple of loads were added to my insides & face fucker moved over to ass fucking me while the previous ass fuckers drifted over to join the others.

Cock sucker guy moved onto kissing me, now that my mouth was free again, which gave me the time to notice how cute he was in a kind of weird quirky way, he had a lopsided grin, and a kind of narrow face with uneven eye brows. He was the least conventionally attractive vampire/dhampir I had seen. It gave him a kind of charm, he looked a bit like a stereotypical nerdy boy next door type rather than a 'perfect' pin up guy with rock hard abs & symmetrical features. I stroked his 6 inch cock as I used [God's Eye] to watch the others...

The previous dp ass fuckers were 69ing while being fucked by Rowan & Keiran, while Keiran was being fucked by his dad... Fuck this [God's Eye] is like watching porn during sex...


I blew my load into cock sucker's ass, which triggered former face fucker into cumming.

I took a minute to recover before joining the others by sticking my hard cock into Rowan's nice ass.


Lord Ratede said "They've arrived, I can feel the vibrations of their movement through [Earth Awareness] & there's 3 of them."

Only three? I expected more of them. Then again it only took one to kill Ren & bring me to the brink of death & reset most of my progress as a stat sucking dhampir.

I re equipped my armor while I watched the others put on clothes. I felt a tiny bit guilty for having sex for hours while we waited but it's rarely mentioned how tedious it is waiting for an enemy to arrive, when you don't know when they're coming or how many are coming. Sex is a great way to relieve stress & kill time especially in a world without tv or video games.

We file off in the direction of the attackers. The Dhampir Guards including Keiran all summon their Doom Wolves, they're all at least level 100, while the guards range from level 100 to 150, Rowan being highest below Keiran's 200.

When we get there I see the 3 of them and I use Check Status to check their levels & info.

There was a Level 155 Templar (the upgraded version of a Paladin) named Arthur, he was equipped with silver & gold plate mail armor with a large great sword in one hand & a large Templar Shield. Henry, now a level 125 Paladin with similar outfit but with less gold in his outfit & his shield is about half the size. I'm tempted to point out how small he is compared to his friend but dick jokes would undermine how much I want to kill them all. Then there was the level 110 Priest named John Paul dressed in the typical Helios priest get up, white cassock, with golden trim and equipped with an expensive looking holy staff.

The Doom Wolves were sent in first led by Keiran's level 150 Doom Wolf King.

Arthur & Henry were in front to protect the priest from damage slashing at the Doom Wolves with their swords while John Paul used [Sanctuary], [Heal] & [Divine Blessing], which multiplied holy damage of party members by 500%. The holy damage did no extra damage to the Doom Wolves and their rapid movements made it hard for either of them to land finishing blows. Watching them fight futilely, I could better appreciate the value of having a force made up of those who were utterly immune to your main weakness.

It looked like the Dhampirs didn't consider the attackers worth their effort and were leaving it up their minions to wear down the invaders.

The Doom Wolves howled in fury, attacking with more viciousness, alternating their uses of [Alpha's Roar] & [Gigantism]. I didn't care about the Doom Wolves or the Templar or even Henry, my target was the priest loitering in the back.

I bypassed the Templar and the Paladin. The Templar having seen me trying to target the priest used Divine Protection, a level 150 class skill that protected all party members from any damage for 10 seconds. It was an OP skill, the flaw was that it didn't last long and it only worked within a certain area of use, by the looks of this is was a space of 3x 3 feet and it required Divine Power to use & there was supposedly a long cool down time for it.

While they were under [Divine Protection], they recast their strongest abilities, Henry used [Might] which doubled physical damage, Arthur used [Retribution] which reflected damage done back onto the attacker. John Paul cast [Devotion] which allowed the targets to ignore fatigue, increased attack speed & attack power for some period of time depending on skill level & mana used.

Paladins & Templars were powerful tanks with strong defense & resilience and mediocre attack power (unless dealing with undead or demons). Their main weakness was their low speed due to heavy armor. Doom Wolves with their quick attack power & high burst damage was a good counter to their defenses.

While I waited for [Divine Protection] to fall, I cast [Bind] which couldn't damage them, but could hold them down. Of course Henry & Arthur easily slashed through [Bind] but I just kept recasting it.

Henry had chosen to face me directly while Arthur The Templar took position on the other side of John Paul the priest. The Priest was spamming divine blessings on them to increase attack power.

Once the melee attackers were sufficiently distracted cutting through the vines, it was a simple matter to get behind the busy priest while the Templar were busy trying to hack at the vines while blocking the attacking Doom Wolves.

I drained the priest, I gained some stats, & 3 general dark power from the priest. Then I snapped his neck & gained 3 levels & another 2 points of Abyss dark power for killing a second level priest.

Lord Ratede spoke for the first time, "Which of them killed Ren?"

I pointed to Henry "That one."

A second later Lord Ratede had grabbed Henry by the throat. "It's a shame you're a Champion & I'm not able to properly make you pay for killing my son but I'll give you a warning, no one who enters this cave will survive if they are not one of mine." With that he ripped into Henry like a wild animal, clawing through Henry's guts, tearing through armor as if it was wet tissue paper, he seemed completely unaffected by holy damage of their weapons & armor or by [Sanctuary].

Henry is lucky pain is set so low for champions as being literally torn apart limb from limbs looks excruciating painful.

I attacked the Templar, he blasted me with [Holy Light] which I ignored, rapid regeneration made the damage irrelevant.

I drank from his flesh and gained more stats, 4 general dark power & 3 abyss power from tearing his head off. I gained another 8 levels for killing him.

[You have reached level 100, you gain Aura Mastery & can now select a new sub class, current sub classes can be advanced to level 100, sub class levels can not exceed level 100.]

Between being slowed down and numerous Doom Wolves pinning them down, they didn't have much of a chance even with the Dhampirs and Vampire Lord barely participating. Doom Wolf Blood Thralls were far superior to normal Doom Wolves of the same level because of Blood Pact.

2 Doom Wolves had died during the fight though they'd be resurrected in a few hours. Lord Ratede received some damage from the holy attacks which would take longer to recover from but his health was crazy high, so it wasn't an issue.

I invested my new stat points to intelligence and decided I would move from the Vampire Cave to the Troll Town. I didn't want to deal with the memories. I'd visit Ratede once I figured out how to rule over Trolls and keep them secure.

After all the build up & stress, that was one of the easiest fights I had today. It probably would have been a lot harder without all the help from the pack of Doom Wolves.

Thanks to the level cap removal on priest, I could now pick specialties. I picked Necromancy for Terminus priest hood & shadows for Abyss. The Necromancy specialty would further reduce the costs of necromancy spells, while specializing in shadows would allow me shadow movement, increasing speed in the shadows & giving me the possibility of movement through shadows.

I collected the blood of the former Wild Trolls before leaving with Lord Ratede to Ratede where I sold off all the dead Trolls, dead Lizardmen & Troll blood to the alchemist. I got some much needed gold & learned that Lizard men blood was considered very valuable in times of danger, which the increased Church attention merited. That confirmed my next target.

I picked up Zombie Ren from his dad's mansion, this time he was dressed in basic leather armor.

I sighed, this was not good enough, I took him to Elandra's and spent the extra coin to buy him better armor. I sold the cheaper stuff that had ended up in my inventory back to her for a slight loss.

I asked her about apprenticeships for Magic Scholar or blacksmiths. She said that both were available. She had blacksmiths & magic scholars working for her. She had her own little harem of men. Vampire women had the pick of men. Vampire men outnumbered women by 9 to 1. Probably the reason why homosexuality and bisexuality were so common with vampire men.

I left Zombie Ren with the Trolls in his cave. It was disturbing how quiet all my minions were. Not that Ren was a minion, though he felt more like a rogue toddler I was baby sitting, except more dangerous since he could rip out a throat in a split second. Maybe that's a poor metaphor. What can I say? I'm a trust fund brat not a fucking poet.

I went back to Troll Town alone, to check to see if the coast was clear. The Kingdom's troops had returned back to Erand, which was a relief but I wasn't sure whether it was better to reclaim the territory when it was possible for another attack by Champions or Damon & Thad at any point.

I picked up Ren & the Trolls, reclaimed Troll Town with little issue & rebuilt the houses & Tunnels. (Tunnels disappeared after 8 hours since I hadn't bought the environment control privilege).

I led the Trolls to the Swamp, using Haste the entire time on my Named Trolls, until I got Mass Haste, then I used Mass Haste until I got it up to level 4. At level 4 [Mass Haste] allowed me to increase the speed of 8 Trolls at a time.

Once we reached the edges of the swamp, I used [Earth Mastery] to form a platform by raising the earth. Then I had the Trolls follow behind me. I created a trail back to the first lizard village that we had found yesterday. This time I had the benefit of the auto map to direct me back there, which reduced travel time. By the time we arrived, I had learned [Raise Earth] & it had leveled up to level 3.

This time I used [Rock Crumble] on the Lizard Men's walls & had Gulch & the other Named lead an army of 200 Trolls to restrain the Lizard Men. I drained the new members of the Lizard Men tribe of blood which I stored in stone jars & stashed in my inventory to sell later. I picked 50 of the lowest leveled Trolls and told them to kill the Lizard Men with their own spears. The 50 Trolls gained levels & I drained them of blood & stored their blood for use later.

I told the 50 Trolls to keep the spears off the dead Lizard men & gained 50 Troll Spear men.

We marched forward, we found a few villages, some with more Lizard men, some with less, it didn't matter, blood was drained from Lizard Men & Troll alike.

We even ran into a Devil Snake, a truly monstrous anaconda type beast, 30 feet long with venomous fangs that shot out at a target to pierce & poison. The venom was truly vicious neutoxin that caused paralysis then death. We lost a couple of Trolls in that engagement but a lot of Trolls gained levels from the fight. I took their fangs into my alchemist storage, one of the more immediate benefits of the alchemist class, you gain an additional storage for all the weird odds and ends necessary for potion making.


By the time we finally found the Lizard men Town it was night time & I had to let the Trolls eat some of the dead lizard men as I had forgotten that they would need food in all the excitement of the day.

The Lizard Men Town had over two thousand Lizard Men on an island, it was practically human civilisation by monster standards, it had stone walls & stone houses and the Lizard Men were well equipped with spears & javelins.

Their island was raised, they had the advantage of higher ground, walls & long range weapons. It would be a hassle to crack, I didn't want a long bloody engagement, I'd probably lose too many Trolls to make it worth it. Also I wouldn't be able to protect Ren & wreak the necessary havoc at the same time. I needed to build a stronghold to keep him safe while I took care of business. I'm such a carring warrior husband or something.

I walked over to their walls and used [Rock Crumble] to ruin their walls all the while ignoring the poisoned javelins thrown my way.


Lizardmen were geniuses compared to other monsters, they had all the necessary advantages for being a true apex predator, they were bipedal, had opposable thumbs & most importantly had the intelligence necessary to find new ways to kill anything that looked tasty. Most importantly for my purposes they were smart enough to understand some human language even without being a subject of mine.

The Lizardmen spoke some English, admittedly somewhat garbled & sibilant thanks to the snake like tongue and wide jaws but still better than most humanoid monsters in this kingdom.

I was greeted by a larger specimen of Lizard kind.

"What you want?"

I used check status to determine his status. Bingo. Level 100 Lizardmen King Assassin.

"I want to claim this territory as mine, protect Lizard Men from other humans."

"You lie. You reek of dead kin."

I shrugged "They weren't smart enough to accept my offer. They died."

It was a lie, I didn't offer them anything, there weren't enough of them to be worth the effort. I needed my Trolls to be stronger & the lizardmen were more use to me dead than alive. I had gained a lot of Troll Lords from leveling them in this stupid swamp.

"What is offer?"

"I'll provide better weapons & magic, along with these fine Trolls to be meat shields."

"We have magic now. Trolls help how?"

This conversation was getting tedious. "While you guys hang out in the back, the Trolls will block melee attackers so they can't get close to you."

The Lizard King seemed unsure "Why trust you?"

"Well I can offer you a recipe for creating strength potions, make your troops stronger. If you decide you don't want my help after a couple of days I will leave."

"They stay, you come."

I walked over to the Lizard King getting deeper into their territory, now I was surrounded by Lizard Men.

I gave him the recipe for basic strength elixirs. Then I used [Blood Pact] on him, boosting his vitality & strength.

I told him what I wanted from his people, which essentially boiled down to their blood and for now a temporary acceptance of my 'help' in regards to alchemy, weapon upgrades & military matters.

He accepted. From his end, a one off payment and a token acceptance of my leadership temporarily in exchange for strength potion recipes & an avoidance of messy and bloody warfare. It was an easy choice to make.

[You have gained temporary control over an enemy faction through diplomatic treaty.]

[You have gained Diplomacy]

[Diplomacy: Increase prestige with third parties through conversations.]

[You have gained control over a second monster race]

[You have completed Demon King level 2]

[You have gained Camouflage]

[Camouflage: You blend into the background]

Authors Note: As always if you have comments or feedback, feel free to email me & I will get back to you presuming Outlook doesn't plot against me...

This chapter took a while to pump out, got a lot more porntastic towards the middle than I expected, horny dhampir guards, I guess barracks life can get boring & fresh meat is always nice... Or something.

I think Derek maybe becoming unhinged due to stress & repeated conflicts. I guess time will tell if he becomes a ruthless warrior king or just another homicidal maniac in a medieval VRMMORPG.

On other news if the wait between chapters is too long, feel free to check out my other entry on Nifty... (Yes this a shameless plug)

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Next: Chapter 15

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