
By wayne unknown

Published on Mar 3, 2019


Author's Note Depravity ahoy: You have been warned.

*************************************************************** Chapter 11 Troll Town

Now that we had worked out the team dynamics through the practice run with the Ogres, it was time to get serious and complete part 3 of my master plan & raid the Trolls for their blood.

Bone Zone & Andrew recalled their summons, as the Treant & undead would only slow us down as Troll territory was about a ten minute run away.

Tom used [Mass Haste] on the party, doubling our speed for the next ten minutes. I resummoned my Ogre Skeleton Soldier & practiced casting [Haste] on it while we traveled. It was the only way to allow it to keep up with us.

By the time we worked our way to the edges of Troll territory where the 'wild' Trolls lived, my [Haste] had leveled up to level 2.

Andrew resummoned his Treant Soldier & used [Companion Transformation], his face changed dramatically, his face turning brown & rough like tree bark, his body filled out his baggy clothes, becoming broad & solid like a tree trunk and he grew half a foot taller. His strength & vitality quadrupled while his agility, stamina, and dexterity plummeted.

Bone Zone resummoned a handful of his Skeleton Soldiers & the Death Knight.

I used [God's Eye] in combination with [Hawk's Eye] to observe the entirety of Troll Territory, there were two areas with high concentration of Trolls, the Troll spawning area, which was essentially a large plain with sparse vegetation where several hundred Trolls were & Troll Town where about five hundred Trolls within a small town protected by a wooden pallisade.

The mana cost for using [God's Eye] & [Hawk's Eye] on such a large area was massive, using five hundred mana per second to use. After taking a quick snapshot of the area, I sent Blade Frenzy to lure in some Trolls from the area between the spawning ground & Troll Town.

From what I could gather, it must be about time for a spawn slaughter, usually that would mean the Wild Trolls would attack the 'Civilized Trolls' to try and gain access to Troll Town & better resources. However I planned to interfere by draining the less organised Trolls in quick succession, then sieging Troll Town from a distance.

Blade Frenzy ran off & used [Taunt] to draw the Trolls to us, drawing in a dozen Trolls from the nearby area. Andrew used [Bind] while in 'Tree form' which was twice as effective as normal, allowing his level 5 [Bind], to hold down ten Trolls down with one cast of the spell. Tim quick fired arrows into each of the Troll's feet, forcibly pinning the Trolls into place while I systematically drained each one of it's blood, using [Bleed], [Concentrate], & [Stone Jar] in quick succession.

Once I had collected the necessary blood I said "You can kill them off now."

A barrage of [Tempest Blades] from Tom & attacks from Tim's arrows, Blade Frenzy's battle axes & a motley of attacks from Bone Zone's skeletons & the Trolls were quickly eliminated.

The next batch was drawn in similarly by Blade Frenzy, in slightly higher numbers, 15 of them, Andrew & I used [Bind] pinning down 14 of them. The two Doom Wolves tore into the last. I sliced with my blade, before using [Bleed] & [Stone Jar] to bottle the blood.

After bottling their blood, I killed off the remaining 14 Trolls by using [Wind Blades], overloading the mana for the spell, increasing the size of the [Wind Blades] & the amount of damage it caused, rapidly leveling the spell to level 4 in the process.

I decided it was time to make use of my newly acquired Dark Power in order to try and boost my necromancy. I used Dark Power with [Raise Dead] & 3 Troll Skeletons rose at the same time. They tried to attack me & I overwhelmed them with my willpower (a sub branch effect of the intelligence stat) & offered them [Soul Contract] & they accepted.

Each of them would take an equal share of any experience I gained, on top of any experience they gained for themselves. My experience gain turned to shit with 5 summons active but at level 89, killing level 70 Trolls wasn't going to do much for me anyway. This way the experience would go to the Rank 1 Troll Skeletons.

Sadly Troll Skeletons were less impressive than I imagined, turns out when Trolls are resurrected as skeletons, they lose their primary advantages. With only a skeleton, rapid regeneration which restores flesh & blood quickly is rendered moot, same problem with the Trolls naturally tough skin.

Despite that, the experience they sucked out of me was useful in increasing their combat capability & leveling up [Raise Skeleton] faster. Necromancy skills leveled differently to other spells as they didn't require constant recasting to level up but were more focused on the duration of the spell & it's effect. The longer my skeletons were active and gaining experience, the faster [Raise Skeleton] would level & the faster the Mage class speciality would shine. It explained why there were always skeletons active in Death Forest, even when necromancers weren't around to manage them.

We quickly developed a rhythm for the draining & killing of the Wild Trolls. Blade Frenzy would [Taunt] a bunch of Trolls over to us, I would [Bind], [Bleed] & bottle them with [Stone Jar], then they'd be finished off by the Skeletons. Tom would provide boosts with [Mass Haste], Andrew would provide support with [Bind], Tim would fire his arrows into any Trolls that tried to escape & Blade Frenzy would go out to find more prey. Bone Zone would provide boosts to the undead using various necromancy spells, allowing them to deal the majority of the damage while he hung back.

Using this method we slowly siphoned off the strength of the Wild Trolls that were spread out, one group at a time.

I decided to deal with the 'Wild Troll King' & their elites by myself. Figured that would be the best way to level up my various skills.

The Troll King had around 30 followers around him, when I walked into their spawning ground.

I rapidly unleashed a barrage of different spells on them, I used [Quicksand] & [Fissure] to slow and disrupt, then [Tomb] & [Tomb Break] to pummel a couple of others. I used [Wind Blade] & [Fire Ball] on others.

I tried using the new spell [Poison] but it did meager damage, so I overloaded it with mana, which helped a bit but was quickly rendered pointless by the Trolls high health regeneration. I used 1 Dark Power to triple the power of the spell, which was a bit more useful and the spell morphed into a 'distortion' effect called [Deadly Poison] which seemed like a redundant name but it was the dark power enhanced version of [Poison] so I was happy with it.

I used 3 dark power & [Deadly Poison] did 9 times as much damage, which was way more useful. [Poison] the base spell grew to level 2, doubling damage & duration. I kept firing off [Deadly Poison] until I ran out of Dark Power that I could use.

I kept using [Poison] regardless, even with far less damage, it was a relatively easy spell to level & the damage would stack with each cast. I used [Poison] in combination with [Bind] to attack until only the Wild Troll King remained. [Poison] had grown to level 3 while [Bind] had grown to level 5 & it came with a nice new perk.

[Bind: summon a vine with sharp thorns to bind & bleed a target. Once bound, it's much harder for a target to escape unscathed]

[Thorns level 1 has been learned] [Thorns: you can grow thorns on anything organic for defensive or offensive purposes.]

While normal Trolls were resilient, Troll Kings were tougher still, they had twice the health regen and more than twice the stats of a normal Troll & the stone skin passive made it harder to damage them in the first place.

Instead of trying to beat it down with force, I cheated. I used [Quicksand] to halfway bury it, dug my fangs into it's throat & drained it dry, before snapping it's neck.

I used [Raise Skeleton] on it to create my fifth Skeleton summon. I only had room for 10 summons in all since I didn't have a summoner bonus to have more.

Since my [Raise Skeleton] was level 3, I could raise it with 30% of it's original strength, for 70% of the cost. Interestingly enough [Soul Contract] further reduced the requirements on intelligence by half. After the now obligatory fight then accepantance of [Soul Contract] I gained my sixth summon.

When I returned back to the group, they were busy laughing, when they saw me, they laughed harder.

After a couple of minutes, they settled down, part of me was curious what they were laughing about but I had a feeling it was about me & I didn't want the gory details on what misadventure of mine they found so funny.

During their laughter, I looked at my status & my remaining DP, I still had 20 dark power left but it wouldn't let me use to use [Deadly Poison] any more. Worst still my DP would only recover 1 point for every hour that passed. Be 50 hours until I regained the lost DP. How tiresome.

Bone Zone was the first to recover from the laughter so I went to him for answers. Hopefully he'd be less cryptic and annoying than the people I've been dealing with lately.

"Hey Bone Zone do you know why I can't use my DP for Poison any more?"

"That's odd, maybe it's a glitch, can you share your status page?"

"Yeah, I guess." I went to my options & shared my status with him. It was usually used so that experienced players could guide noobs through a detailed build.

After a couple of minutes of silence from Bone Zone, while the rest of the group huddled around whispering & laughing. Bone Zone finally said something. "Your status page is ridiculous, you've got two extra sub classes, insanely high stats, nearly 50 spells & skills & somehow you've contracted to two different Gods. Did you hack the game or something? This is absurd."

"The upside of being a dhampir I guess. There are definite down sides though."

"I hope so or otherwise you're going to break the game."

"This game is already broken, there's a whole city of vampires & they are so much more powerful than I am, they could kill the entire kingdom in one night. It's weird but more importantly according to my dead but soon to be resurrected boyfriend I lose out on the unlimited resurrections we so called 'Champions' enjoy." I even did the air quotes thing when saying Champions, adding in an eye roll for dramatic effect.

"Oooookay. The reason you can't use the 20 Dark Power is because that is under the domain of Abyss. From what I can see, you've got 20 General Dark Power which you can use for either, which I'm not sure how that's possible but moving on. Then there's 30 Dark Power that is under Terminus's domain."

"Domain does what exactly?"

"How can you not know that ?"

"I only got the priest class unlocked a couple of hours ago. I haven't really had the chance to read up about it since. Been kind of busy trying to bring my boyfriend back from the dead."

"Ok then. Short answer is Terminus gives you bonus power to things like necromancy & spells that cause death like poison since Death is his domain, so he has power over that. Abyss gives extra power to shadow & darkness manipulation. For some reason your boost only triples the effects while mine quintuples it."

I knew it, it had been way too easy to become the priest of two Dark Gods, there was of course a catch. Instead of getting 5 times the power from each God, I got 3 times from each. I got more power generally but less specifically.

Thankfully there weren't many players around the Troll territory, so our weird conversation wouldn't get much attention. A lot of players preferred to skip past the Trolls in order to attack the Giants as they made easier targets & they gave better experience. Frankly Trolls and their high health (over 12000) and rapid regeneration (10% regeneration a minute) were a pain to kill if you were a melee warrior (which a lot of players were).

Typically the only people who cleared Trolls was the kingdom's army & that was more of a once a week thing as the Trolls tended to wage wars against themselves for the most part so they weren't considered a threat to human populations.

We resumed the Troll hunt, where I bound, bled & bottled the Trolls. One or two out of every ten Trolls we came across ended up dead before I could drain it, usually because of overeagerness from the Doom Wolves or Skeletons.

After an hour we worked our way through Troll territory & the only thing left was Troll Town. This would be where things got a little more complicated. 'Civilised' Trolls were the Trolls that lived inside the wooden pallisade of Troll Town & were the survivors of the frequent interspecies battle. They were usually smarter, stronger & better armed than their counterparts.

Bone Zone pulled out a Zombie Troll from his summon inventory & everyone but me backed away.

A zombie had higher durability than a skeleton and had a powerful passive skill that caused a plague in the surrounding area. It's mere presence on a battlefield was a bio hazard.

The zombie inflicted a percentage of it's health as damage over time, which made it able to kill something on it's level within a few minutes just with it's plague passive if the target was within range. It was too dangerous to have around human party members because normal health regeneration couldn't keep up. I on the other hand had over twenty thousand health & high health regeneration and this would help to boost my poison resist.

The others backed up to a safe distance of a hundred meters with the Doom Wolves protecting Andrew while he was in 'Tree mode', the Skeletons providing melee support for the twins and Blade Frenzy. The Lich hung back behind with the Death Knight.

Bone Zone moved back to be with the others as I advanced, flanked by a Zombie Troll & a Treant Soldier.

I used excessive amount of mana for a flurry of [Fireballs] suffering severe mana backlash after each one. I ignored the pain & my fluctuating health & watched as the wooden palisade caught on fire.

The wooden gates were opened by several large Trolls who ignored the flames & the burning damage to focus on me. I rushed into their midst, slicing, biting & twisting necks.

Bone Zone had his undead advance in a semi circle around the opening to block off the Trolls from advancing too far out of their burning wooden stake walls. We made full use of the bottle neck. Tim & Tom attacked from afar as the trickle of Trolls became a deluge of Trolls.

I made use of the time to drain the blood directly from a hundred Trolls gaining 900 strength, 100 agility, 100 intelligence, 300 stamina, 1800 vitality. I also bottled the blood of hundreds of other Trolls but a lot were simply killed as the fighting got intense quickly as they broke through the blockade and bottling of blood took a back seat to survival.

The Death Knight, the Skeleton Soldiers & the Zombie became a blockade stemming the tide of Trolls rushing out of the Troll Town.

Andrew in 'tree mode' used [Bind] & [Thorns] to pin down & weaken the Trolls. The Treant Soldier helped to root enemies to the ground literally with it's roots while pummeling them with sturdy branches.

The Doom Wolves double teamed Trolls, one would use [Gigantism] to increase their attack power while the other would use [Alpha's Roar], then the boosted Doom Wolf would pounce & eviscerate the Trolls.

Tom used [Tempest Blade] to attack, [Tornado] to slow & [Mana Shield] to defend.

Tim just sniped Trolls after they were drained & weakened while racing in and out of waves of attacks. He occassionally made use of [Arrow Storm] to weaken groups of Trolls but it was a scattershot attack that had low accuracy so it only had limited usefulness.

Blade Frenzy would [Taunt] Trolls towards him, only to race around them subjecting them to a [Frenzy] of ax attacks.

The Lich just rained [Death Bolt] upon the Trolls.

Eventually the Trolls stopped streaming out. I used [God's Eye] & [Hawk's Eye] every couple of a minutes in order to keep track of how many Trolls were left, there was a little over a hundred Trolls left. The Troll King, his elites & a bunch of non combatants.

Before we went in I asked "Okay guys, now that we've successfully killed off most of their resistance, I need your help to pin down the elites & capture them all."

"Capture them?" Bone Zone asked.

Tom & Tim explained about how Troll blood was the favored blood for the vampires as it was a high order health potion, a skill source & if fresh provided useful stats.

While I had managed to bottle the blood of several hundred Troll, a lot of Trolls had died before they could have their blood drained & bottled. Even with this batch drained, I wouldn't have enough Troll blood. If I could get some Troll captives, I could sell them to Ratede & use the money to buy the remaining fresh Troll blood I needed to resurrect Ren.

I entered at the head of the party, targeting the Troll King. The rest of the party kept the twenty elites busy while I worked out some aggression by beating up on the Troll King.

The Troll King was the evolved/boss version of a typical troll with Rapid Regeneration 2 which restored 20% health every minute & [Stone Skin] which reduced physical damage, it was a pain to kill. Especially so as it was a civilised Troll & had higher intelligence stats than a typical Troll King & it's tree trunk spear was also annoying.

Thankfully civilised Troll Kings only ventured out to raid wild Troll Kings otherwise it would render the entire area impossible to farm. Most players used strike and retreat tactics to take out the normal trolls before bombarding the Troll King with skills & spells.

I used [Bind] and [Quicksand] to slow the Troll Kings movements while I repeatedly punched it which worked with [Frenzy] to stack on the damage a little more every time. Eventually I lowered his hit points enough to get in close and drain it's blood. After that it lost consciousness.

The remaining trolls surrendered immediately. We had succeeded in our raid and I gained some interesting benefits.

Title: Troll Slaughterer Troll Slaughterer: You've killed over a hundred Trolls in a very short period of time. You deal 10% additional damage when fighting trolls.

Title: Troll Town Conqueror Troll Town Conqueror: You can occupy this territory and reign over the Trolls that respawn in this territory as your strength and vitality overwhelms them. Do you accept dominion over these Trolls as their new Lord.

I checked with the others and only Bone Zone got the Troll Slaughterer title and I was alone in getting the Troll Town Conqueror. I thought about it for a second and accepted the offer.

[You have claimed Troll Town as your own, ten percent of all loot and experience gathered by the trolls in the town will become yours as taxes. In exchange you must protect the Trolls from external danger or you will lose them & control of the Town]

It was a curious development but before I could think about what it meant more notifications appeared.

[You have gained the passive skill Nobility as the ruler of a territory. Nobility can only be improved after meeting certain conditions] [Nobility level 1: You've gained Leadership, Linguistics & Noble Insight] [Leadership level 1: Grants a 10% bonus to a party of 10 that you command] [Noble Insight: Allows you to determine the loyalty of those under your command as well as their skills. ] [Linguistics: You can make your intentions known to those that don't speak your language]

[You have gained 5 stat points to charisma and intelligence]

[You have gained 5 points to Dark Power from Terminus for raising the dead to murder their former kin]

[Demon King Mission has been unlocked] [The God of Chaos, The God of Death & God of War offer the opportunity to those who have demonic blood to strive to become the master of monsters. Conditions: Rule over 10 monster races Rewards: ??? Difficulty: Unknown ]

[As a reward for gaining dominion over Trolls, you've been granted [Rapid Regeneration] level 2 ]

That could be interesting.

All the Trolls bowed to me, which was about as subtle as a sledgehammer.

I sighed, this didn't exactly go as planned but it'd do.

The others looked at me in confusion & I explained that I had 'conquered' the town.

Bone Zone asked the obvious question "How come you conquered the town when no one else has ?"

I looked at the unlock conditions and explained "To capture the town you need to have strength higher than the Troll King & beat it in a one on one match of physical strength without killing him, so he can submit. The defeat must be witnessed by several Trolls so they acknowledge your victory & strength. I'm guessing most people would kill off the weaker minions before killing off the Troll King so it's just dumb luck."

Andrew asked "So what now?"

"We head back."

We returned to the Vampire Cave with the Trolls following behind, making a very weird procession. Some players, who were presumably disappointed about the lack of Ogres saw us passing through, which would have been a problem if I could work up the energy to care about that sort of thing.

[Clearance Reward: For a novel achievement, you've been granted a premium ring of Regeneration] [Premium ring of regeneration: Hp regeneration 20% a minute]

There was no way this wouldn't bite me in the ass. Unfortunately it's bonus wasn't additive, it was an extra 20% on top of my current total regeneration.

We returned back to Vampire Cave & I had the Trolls make themselves at home within Ren's cave inside the former prison that I expanded with [Rock Break] & [Earthern Construction] to handle them all. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with them yet. They could cool their heels in what had become a very large room with no door. I essentially locked them in while I went to deal with my party.

Before I could come to the conclusion on what to do with my Troll subjects, Blade Frenzy grabbed me by the hips and said "Work's over, settle up." and pulled me backwards, so that my rear end was firmly pressed against his thickening cock.

"I guess you're due for a reward." I reached backwards and stroked his growing cock.

"I'm going to go grey for 20 RT until you guys work out your hormones" Bone Zone said, allowing no time for a reply or rebuttal before he promptly went grey, becoming an intangible grey statue.

The others didn't seem to care much as they unequipped their equipment, leaving them naked with hard cocks and hungry expressions. I gulped, this could get very rough...

I shrugged and gave in to the madness. I should be able to get more than enough Troll Blood to resurrect Ren so a naked celebration before I did would be a good way to relieve some tension or something. I unequipped my own armor.

Blade Frenzy ground his stiff cock against my rear end while Andrew, Tom & Tim moved in front of me, stroking their stiff cocks. I bent over and reached out for Tom & Andrew's cock while my lips wrapped around Tim's cock.

Blade Frenzy took advantage of my position to ram his stiff cock all the way into me. It stung, forcing my mouth open which Tim took full advantage of to ram his cock past my tonsils & deep into my throat.

"That's the stuff." Blade Frenzy groaned as he started to buck his hips.

Not to be outdone Tim grabbed at the back of my head "Fuck yeah, take it, you horny bastard." He started throat fucking me with short hunching thrusts.

Meanwhile Andrew & Tom got half assed handjobs as I was fucked from both ends, with increasing intensity.

I tried to regain control over the action by moving to meet each of Blade's Frenzy's thrusts, pushing backwards, impaling myself on his cock every time he pulled back, giving me a little bit of breathing room from Tim fucking my face.

After several minutes of fucking, Blade Frenzy's thrusts got faster & faster and he started becoming far more vocal. "Oh yeah. I'm close, want my load deep inside you?"

Considering my throat was still being stuffed with Tim's cock, all I could do was moan in answer.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to blow." Blade frenzy said before howling through his orgasm, his cock throbbing & unloading into me as it pistoned in and out of me. He slumped over me. "Fuck I missed doing that."

"He takes it like a real champ." Tim said high fiving the somewhat recovered Blade Frenzy.

Blade Frenzy pulled out, leaving me feeling empty inside. "I'm good for now. Laters." With that Blade Frenzy disappeared, logging out, presumably so he could log back into the capitol.

Tim asked "Which one of you wants to use his ass next?"

Andrew & Tom both looked at each other before both saying "He can."

They all laughed, I would have laughed too, if Tim's hand on the back of my neck didn't keep me from moving my mouth off his cock.

Tom continued "We fuck him all the time, have at it."

"He might be too broken by the time I'm done with him?"

Tom smiled & said, "It's cool, he'll be fine."

Andrew shrugged. "If you insist, don't say I didn't warn you."

Andrew started changing, his wiry body, bulking up & getting much hairier & larger, his cock swelling in size, becoming much longer, thicker & redder. A result of [Companion Transformation] granting the ability to morph into a blend of a human and Doom Wolf or 'wolf mode' it increases his agility & dexterity allowing him to strike faster in battle or escape a losing situation. Or in this case becoming a literal horn dog.

Thanks to Blade Frenzy's recent orgasm, my insides were slick enough to take Andrew's enlarged cock without too much difficulty. His paws were heavy on my shoulders & his claws dug deep within my flesh. Andrew had a tendency towards sadism. He pressed the full weight of his furry body onto me, his furry torso pressed against my back as he drove his cock deep into me. He fully covered me with his body. He bit into my neck with his sharp canines & my dick painfully throbbed as his teeth drew blood.

"That's some seriously kinky sex." Tom said. Before I could even attempt to reply to that, Tom had positioned himself closer to my face, pushing his cock against his brother's. Tim pulled out a bit allowing enough room for Tom to shove his hard cock into my mouth along with his brothers. I could only take about a third of both their cocks but it seemed to satisfy them as they grinned down at me with near identical faces but totally different expressions. Tim had a devious grin with one side of his mouth showing teeth, while Tom grin was all perfect teeth and closed eyes and relaxed expression.

I didn't have much more time to think as Andrew started thrusting. He fucked me like a wild vicious animal, all teeth and claws and quick wild thrusts. It was intense & bloody and brief. Andrew HOWLED & came hard, with each spurt of cum, his cock swelled even thicker, until it practically doubled in size. It felt like he shoved his arm up into my ass. (Don't ask how I know what that feels like)

Tom & Tim pulled out of my mouth. "Are you okay?"

"Uh yeah, just been a while since he's done this."

"Jesus Christ that's some fucked up shit." Tim said.

"Damn right." Tom agreed

"Pfft this is nothing. You want to see something really funny I can kill him with my cock."

"NO" Tom & Tim shouted.

I didn't have a moment to even work up the energy to shout before Andrew's cock tripled in size. I panted out. "Fucking hell." while digging my nails into and through the stone floor. My vision went dark & my throat grew drew as dust & my head pounded...

Thankfully it was over in thirty seconds. Andrew pulled out of my wrecked hole. I kind of just collapsed on the ground, thankful that the pain settings were set to 10%, otherwise that would have been far worse.

"What the fuck was that?" Tim asked

"Nature's avatar. It allows me to make use of the skills of any of my companions. I just used Gigantism while in wolf mode. Surprised he didn't die though."

"You're fucking mental."

Andrew laughed maniacally and I was reminded of why I hadn't talked to Andrew in a while, he had more of a eagerness for blood than Blade Frenzy the actual barbarian berserker. He was crazy for blood shed, he really went into the darker aspects of Darwinism & survival of the fittest. That and he really loved animals... in the wrong kind of way.

Hard to judge him too much considering that the majority of us were here to indulge in our darker urges by killing virtual monsters & living out a medieval power fantasy.

Fuck my ass stung though.

"Next time, I'll show you what Nature's avatar can do while I'm in tree mode, it's even weirder & kinkier."

And he was gone. Logged out.

"Well that was relatively benign, I guess." Trying desperately not to think of how a tree would fuck me up. Unfortunately I had a vivid & twisted imagination & I had a terrible foreboding about roots & splinters.

"Benign? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? That dude just ripped up your insides with a monster sized dick." Tim shouted.

"You have no idea how weird he can get. That was just a different weirdness than I expected but at least he didn't kill me this time."

There was a long awkward moment of tense silence before Tom asked "Seriously, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Back in a sec."

I logged out & back in within a couple of seconds, still naked but completely recovered.

"Shit. I totally forgot about the log in trick."

If you logged out & in, you could recover all your health or any unnatural conditions, useful for champions who've just lost a lot of health or an arm & don't want to pay for a restoration. Admittedly it was only useful near save points otherwise it was a hassle to make up the lost time but it was a useful trick for noobs who got wrecked near Erand's city gates.

"That reminds me, when Ren recovers, I should introduce you to Damon and Thad some time, they're even freakier than Andrew."

"I'm starting to get the impression you have poor taste in friends."

I shrugged "I have very eclectic tastes in acquaintances. So want to double penetrate me? It's been a while since the three of us had the place to ourselves."

Tom & Tim shared a look that said volumes before Tim laughed & Tom just rolled his eyes. "Fine. Whatever."

I just smiled evilly. "We don't have to if you don't want to. Wouldn't want to twist your arms or anything."

A minute later I sat on Tom's cock while Tim eased his cock alongside his brothers' in my hole. They took their time, steadily fucking me as we worked to a mutual climax. This was the kind of intense fucking I thoroughly enjoyed.

After several minutes of double penetrating goodness I exploded, my cum splashing all over Tom's abs and the twins were quick to follow with a double load up my ass.

Afterwards we sprawled out naked with me in between the two of them in a loose cuddle. Each of my hands lightly rubbing one of their nipples, enjoying the feel of their solid pecs, while they both casually groped & squeezed one of my butt cheeks. I was kind of tempted to initiate a round two in a few minutes and have them tag team me or spit roast me. All the options seemed so fun.

"Want us to come and kick this guys' ass with you?" Tim asked, kind of ruining the sexy mood somewhat but I still felt grateful for the sincerity of his offer. It warmed my cold jaded heart just a little.

"Nah I'd rather have you guys stay out of it for now & keep an eye & ear out for any gossip as to the church's movements but you can help me out by escorting the Trolls back to Troll Town & keeping watch over them. They could be a useful weapon later after a bit of work."

Bone Zone "Can I join with you guys? This looks like more fun than hanging out with the other Necromancers in the Necropolis."

I had no idea when he had gotten back but I said "Yes. I'd love your help with babysitting the Trolls. " I knew what Necropolis was like & it was weird & depressing.

Necropolis was the city where the majority of good & neutral necromancers hung out. Necropolis & the kingdom had the second highest population of necromancers in the continent/server. Most of the 'evil' necromancers were helping the Unholy Empire with the war with the Church of Helios.

The city was filled with necromancers & undead, with basically no outside tourism or trade. Necromancers were unpopular with 'Champions' & Natives for a host of reasons too long to get into. Only a few merchants would act as go between between the capital and Necropolis.

I didn't have an issue with necromancers & after becoming a dhampir death/darkness priest, I had grown even more resistant to death magic. Now that I knew necromancers buffs worked on me because of my 'undead heritage' it wouldn't hurt to build better relations with necromancers & Necropolis. Bone Zone could really help me out with both.

Tom & Tim looked to me "That's fine, I'll introduce you to the Trolls, before I leave you in charge of them, then when that's done. I'll go resurrect Ren."

So I knocked down the wall between the Trolls & us, then I talked to the Trolls, "I'm just going to drain some of your blood, so I'll just make a small wound & heal you up after I get your blood." It was disturbing how they just stared blankly at me as I said that and responded with a simple nod. Having a hundred plus Trolls nod at you was surprisingly freaky.

After using [Wind Blade] to cut, [Bleed] to make the wounds more bloody, [Concentrate] to reduce blood volume, [Stone Jar] to store the blood then [Heal] repeatedly, I was finally done.

"Okay guys I'm going to get you to follow these nice people, they'll be in charge of you until I return in like 6 hours. Behave."

"Bone Zone I'd like you to help level up the Trolls rapid regeneration & their poison resistance with Zombies."

Bone Zone gave me a odd smile & a nod in response & I directed him to leave with the Trolls while I had Tim & Tom hang back for a moment. "I'm going to need you to keep an eye on Bone Zone & the Trolls. Mostly Bone Zone, just to make sure he doesn't screw me over. I might need to make use of the Trolls later. "

"Sure sure." Tim said, making me doubtful of his sincerity as he said it like a teenager promising to clean his room.

"I'll take care of it." Tom said, his response was much more trust worthy.

They left to follow the Trolls & Bone Zone & I looked around an empty Ren's cave feeling empty & sad. I shook off the bad feelings and resolved to resurrect Ren come hell or high water.

Next: Chapter 12

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