Vacuum Cleaner Boy

By Ed Rock

Published on Aug 17, 2023


Note to Archivist: David, this is chapter 9 of my story located in the authoritarian section of Nifty.

Thanks again, Ed

Vacuum Cleaner Boy 9

"Brad, you found yourself a real nice little girlyboy here. I can see you've been having fun with her ass anyway, good shade of red, goes nice with the whipped cream leaking out of it. An ass like his should be kept well-spanked. I haven't seen a better looking trailer on a boy since Michael. You remember Michael don't you, John Gulley's son? John and I used to be good friends until that time we were both drunk down at the Union Hall and he wanted to suck my cock.

I was surprised as hell... you think you know somebody really good, then they go pull some shit like that. I used to be at his house all the time... watching football games and drinking beer. Hell, I thought he was like us.

Should have guessed something was wrong though because of the way Michael was. The kid never seemed to be interested in the football game but he was always there with us. Used to fetch us beers and stuff from the kitchen, he seemed to like taking orders. One time he even made us a platter of those fancy hors d'oeuvres, little mushrooms with bacon, all kinds of pansy-type food. He'd bring that stuff in and when I reached for something, I'd catch him looking at my crotch. He was always flirting with me but John never seemed to care. Prancing around the house in skimpy shorts, 2 sizes too small for him, the kid was just asking for it. Hell, if that'd been my kid, I'd have kicked the shit out of him.

Daddy didn't really answer Jake except to acknowledge that he knew the family. Bobby, on the other hand, got a real odd look on his face when Jake mentioned Michael's name. I wondered what connection Bobby had with Michael Gulley. I didn't have much time to consider that because Jake spoke up again, only this time he was talking to me.

"Turn around boy!! Look what Uncle Jake has for you."

I managed to push myself up from the coffee table. The whipped cream that Jake aerosoled up my ass chute was not only leaking out my ass, it was running down the back of my thighs onto the carpet. Geezus, what a sick fucking bastard he was!! When he shoved in that nozzle and released the jets of cream, I never felt more violated... more used or humiliated. Jake really knows how to manhandle a pussyboy like me! My legs felt like jello when I turned toward him. He had a self-satisfied, confident smirk on his face.

My eyes stared at his crotch in utter disbelief. Both of Jake's beefy hands were wrapped around his thick sausage shaft with four more uncovered inches clearly visible behind the sheathed head. It could have been my imagination but I swear, his piss slit winked at me just before it belched up some precum... it was positively eerie!!

Bobby has a cock, Daddy has a fuckpole... but Jake... omigod... Jake has a schlong. I've viewed hundreds of male appendages in men's magazines, on the Internet and in porno films. None had the combined thickness and length of the one Jake just fished out of his shorts to show me.

"Kneel down and kiss it, boy! Milk it, make it's head come out of hiding. Get it nice and hard!"

I dropped down and skinned it back. The head was more purple than skin-colored. Apparently Jake wasn't too big on hygiene, the smell of head cheese was overpowering. My nostrils flared open to receive a full blast of his manly aroma. It was nauseating, yet so very, very sexy at the same time. I licked the pre-cum glistened tip, then bathed the exposed head with broad swipes of my tongue. I kissed it with the reverence of a Seminarian presented with the Papal ring. I was in the presence of a Male God and needed to pay homage.

Jake released his two-fisted grip on the shaft, permitting me to heft and fondle it. It wasn't fully hard yet so I still had some work to do. About two inches of the shaft base was hidden in a dense patch of pubic hair where I eagerly buried my nose. It had it's own distinct aroma of dried sweat, cum mixed with urine and a fishy smell that I assume was from a recent female conquest. Had I stayed there too much longer, I'd have run the risk of passing out from his heady mixture of manly odors. I needed to see his balls, stroke, smell and make love to them, but they were still tightly confined in his shorts. I think he sensed my predicament because he popped open the top button, raised his ass and shoved the shorts to mid-thigh.

Before sitting down, he cupped them forward, putting them on display like melons in a produce market. Since I was the only shopper, I kneaded them with my fingers, sniffed them and gave each a wet kiss. The malodorous, rank smell they emitted was an indication that these two melons were ripe but far from clean. I remedied that by bathing every inch of them with my tongue.

All my licking, touching and smelling was having the desired effect because his mammoth appendage started to raise up and sway like a hooded cobra. He grabbed a handful of my shoulder-length blonde hair and pulled me to my feet.

"It's time Timmyboy! That cream in your ass needs a stick in order to make a creamsicle!"

He spun me around, grabbed my hips and skewered me on the tip of his schlong. The full anal coating of whipped cream helped to grease his entry but I wasn't prepared for his girth. The pain was so intense that my brain started a light show rivaling a 4th of July fireworks display.


He bounced me on his lap until his impossibly large cock had disappeared and my asscheeks rested on his pubic bush. I've never been fisted... but it couldn't be much worse than this!

Fully speared in an upright position, he alternated between bouncing me around like a ragdoll, then taking short rest breaks with me impaled on his bone the whole time. Through the searing pain, I looked over and saw Daddy humping my sweet, young Bobby. Bobby was staring at me the whole time with a look of longing. Was he jealous because Jake was fucking me or jealous because Jake wasn't fucking him? I kept waiting for Jake to spew his manseed up my sore, aching rump, but he just kept pumping and resting. Somewhere along the way, I started begging him to fuck me harder! His huge pole, combined with his bodily odors, were the stuff of my dreams. This manly beast kept relentlessly humping me. After what seemed like an hour, he pulled out completely and forced me to turn around in his lap. He impaled me again, only this time I sat facing him. He removed his teeshirt and pressed my head into his hairy pecs.

"Kiss them, Timmygirl. I bet you like making love to a man's tits... cunts like you are all the same."

Of course he was right! I leaned toward his chest and felt a sharp pain from my ass to my gut. His cock was so far up inside me that movement of any kind hurt like hell. I kissed one tit and then the other.

"Lick the sweat from my hairy armpits. Get your nose under there girl, take a good whiff. That's a man's smell... no deodorant, just all man!"

He raised his left arm and rested it on top of my head. I buried my nose inside the hairy wet cavern and breathed deeply. A stale, musky odor enveloped me. It was a men's locker room smell, condensed down to it's purest form. Jake was an alpha male pheromone factory! Every part of his body seemed to generate it's own unique smell. My god... I could learn to love this man!

I swabbed his underarm hair with broad, flat strokes of my tongue then reburied my nose until he grabbed my hair and pulled me out. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting sight to interfere with my sense of smell. He released his grip after shoving my face in the other armpit. I inhaled this new, unwashed cavern and delayed cleaning it as long as I could. I liked it just as it was, rank, dank and deliciously aromatic. Reluctantly, I completed my assignment just in time for him to start bouncing me up and down on his cock again. He groaned and finally erupted inside me.

He lifted my spent little body off his cock, let me slide between his splayed hairy legs and ordered Bobby to join me there. We shared his gigantic creamsicle, Bobby licked up one side of his shaft and I licked up the other.

To our surprise, Daddy knelt down between us and took Jake's helmet into his mouth. In a matter of minutes, the three of us had it sparkling clean. I looked up at Jake's face... the smirk had returned. He looked at Daddy, kneeling before him and his smirk turned to disgust.

He stood up, put his clothes back on and told Bobby to fetch the shaving gear.

Daddy pleaded with him:

"no Jake... please... anything but that... I don't know what came over me... i'm a stud, just like you... it's just that seeing the boys licking your cockshaft... it got me so hot! don't jake, don't embarrass me in front of my boys... please sir!"

"Stop that goddamed whimpering! You sound like a pussy and now you're going to look like one! John Gulley and now you!! Am I the only real man left in this fucking town?

Bobby must have thought that Jake's question was directed to him. He took the electric razor in his hand and said:

"I'm only 16 years old but I'm more a man than he is... I fucked little Timmy real good before you got here. I was the one who beat his ass red, not him! I made Timmy wear the girl's bed clothing... not him! His daughter is my girlfriend and she's gonna be fucked good right in front of him. You can screw her too... I don't care. He clipped and shaved off all my body hair, tried to make a cunt out of me. LET ME SHAVE HIM, I want the sonofabitch to know what it feels like!"

Jake looked at Bobby, smiled and said: "OK little stud, you got your wish!"

Daddy started pleading again but Jake slapped him behind the head.

"You heard THE MAN! Get off your knees and stand up on the coffee table! I swear Brad, if you say one more fucking word, I'll let Bobby cut off more than your hair!!"

I heard the whir of the clippers and watched as Bobby ran them all over Daddy's naked body.

Jake sat on the sofa, unzipped his fly and told me lay my head down on his fat, limp cock and plump balls. He said I looked tired and could use them for a pillow.

"After this is over, you'll be going home with me, son! I'll be putting you to bed early. Young boys need their rest. Tomorrow, we'll talk about your household chores, dress codes, naptimes etc. How are you at making that pansy food?"

the end for now.

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Next: Chapter 10

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