Vacuum Cleaner Boy

By Ed Rock

Published on Aug 12, 2023


Vacuum Cleaner Boy 8

I suspect young Bobby was trying to make a good impression on Daddy. Instead of walking me to the bedroom, he lifted me in his strong arms and carried me there like a bride. Since I only weigh 110 pounds, it wasn't much of an effort for a strong young buck like him to whisk me down the hall to Daddy's bedroom and deposit me in a sitting position off the end of the bed. His denuded cock was fully engorged with blood, ramrod stiff and flat to his abdomen, having gotten that way as a result of being spanked by Daddy. My cocklet stiffened with the thought of this young boy, 9 years my junior, using me like his bitch, a practice cunt to develop his fuck skills.

"Get on your knees Timmy!", he commanded. "Stimulate my nuts so I can give you a proper fucking."

The boy deserves a failing grade for originality, his words were identical to those used by Daddy earlier. They were effective though because I slipped to the carpet and did exactly as he ordered. I am such a cock-hungry bitch. Humiliation, following orders given by my sexual superiors, oh god... Daddy was so right, it's truly what I was born to do!

Two broad licks from my tongue on the underside of Bobby's balls were enough for the kid to know he was in big trouble. He had never experienced a sensation like that and he was ready to explode. With an urgency bordering on panic, he clamped his hands on my ears, pulled me to my feet, then shoved me flat on my back. His elbows hooked under my knees and his hands grasped the front of my thighs as he rolled me into a tight fuckball. His cock stabbed at my exposed pink anus, gliding on precum that oozed from his piss slit. The transition from being on my knees one second, to being on my back the next, was so rapid that my sphincter muscle didn't have time to close. He speared me, then began humping my ass with a vengeance. Young Bobby jammed in and out of me so fast that his balls made loud slapping sounds against my tailbone and asscheeks. It only took four strokes before his seed load emptied into me.

Having made his deposit, I thought he would pull out of me... but he stayed buried inside until his soft cock regenerated itself. I felt it puff up, grow in both length and thickness. Spurred to life, he started a slow, rhythmic fucking action. The urgency was gone... I was being fucked by the young bull as the old bull looked on, smiling his approval. It was magnificent.

"Fuck him Bobby... look at his face, he loves it!!", daddy said.

"You've taken ownership of him now!"

God help me... it was true! Sixteen year old Bobby had literally staked his claim. I was his and I did love it so! This was where I belonged... flat on my back, pleasing my man/boy. I thought of all the wasted years spent in denial... the useless denial of my true self. Daddy liberated me today. He understood my need for big cocks... big cocks to fill my mouth, my ass... without ceremony... without my permission. As Bobby slowly reamed my boycunt, I became lost in a dreamlike state:

Having passed the test, Daddy would allow Bobby's pubes to regrow. I prefer my men (boys) to be hairy. Strange... on the one hand I hoped that Donna would reject him. I wanted him to be my stud, not hers. On the other hand, if Donna rejects him, Daddy will have no choice but to deny him the privilege of keeping his body hair. Still, If he's successful at impregnating Donna with a male child, I'd be there to help raise him.

To hell with Liberals and their nonsensical view that everyone is born equal. Any boy who ever had to take a shower after Phys ED knows better than that! Daddy's grandson/Bobby's son will be taught that small-cocked boys are his sexual inferiors. The truth be known, their mouths are for sucking and their plump asses are for fucking. It's the law of natural selection at work.

The young master will be encouraged to invite girlyboys for sleepovers. I'll take them aside and explain this law to them. I will not let them squander their teen years the way I did! Now obviously, some will choose to avoid this reality and will be sent home. The ones who accept it will stay the night, be bathed in sweet-smelling oils, dressed in silks and permitted to sleep in our young master's bed.

My reverie was broken when I heard Bobby grunt and spew his second load of seed inside me. This time he withdrew and I heard Daddy say:

"I'll go down, heat up the pizza and phone Jake. Bobby, have Timmy clean your cock before the two of you come downstairs."

Daddy slipped on his robe and found an extra one of his for Bobby to wear. Did this mean that I was to remain naked while Daddy, Bobby and his friend Jake are clothed?

Daddy left and Bobby stood in front of me with his robe tightly belted to his waist. I looked in his eyes and saw a youthful arrogance that wasn't there before.

"Follow me!", he ordered.

The tone of his voice left me no choice. I got up from the bed and traipsed after him with my head bowed and shoulders bent in the classic submissive posture. We entered Donna's bedroom and Bobby went straight to her closet. He found a sexy pink camisole and tossed it toward me.

"Put this on, honeyboy!"

When did I become his honeyboy? Sure, he fucked me... but that was lust... there was no indication of tenderness on his part. This boy was riding a high... taking things for granted... taking me for granted. His pride at being able to perform the physical act of love (rape) had him arrogant beyond recognition. Wasn't it he who was on his knees, licking Daddy's feet a short time ago? Wasn't it he who knelt side-by-side with me and sucked Daddy's nuts... Jeez, what a turnaround he had made! This cocky arrogance of his made me mad. I wanted to take him down a peg or two.

"Fuck you Bobby! I'm not your honey and I'm not your boy! You're NINE FUCKING YEARS younger than me! I'm a man, GODDAMMIT! Just because you were lucky enough to be born with a big cock..."

I stopped in mid-sentence. Bobby's facial expression was confusing. He was looking behind me with fear in his eyes. I turned, Daddy was there, standing in the doorway... he saw and heard everything that just happened.

"Well, Bobby? What now? Are you just going to stand there and take that from your cuntboy! Who's in control here... you or him?"

"i... i am Sir.", Bobby said in a little-boy voice.

"You don't sound very convinced. Take charge Boy! Show him you mean business... as much as I'd like to... I won't interfere. This is your problem... not mine. Timmy wouldn't dare speak to me like that. Am I wrong, Timmy?"

"no... no sir... i wouldn't... i'm sorry Sir... it's just that Bobby is so much younger than me... it's difficult for me to give him the same respect as i have for you Daddy."

Daddy looked at Bobby and said again that it's his problem to solve. He turned around, left the bedroom and we heard him walk downstairs.

Bobby looked at me with hatred in his eyes. I had shamed him, made him look the fool in front of Daddy. Physically, he is so much taller and stronger than me. I knew that a fight was simply out of the question. My body language confirmed that for him. I slumped my shoulders, bowed my head, looked down at my feet and kept silent. I fucked up and would be punished severely for it... of that I was certain.

Bobby walked behind me and stood so close that I could feel his robe against my naked ass. I didn't dare look at him or show any signs of defiance. The first blow came so quick that it startled me. Crack!!! His open palm smacked my ass harder than any Daddy had delivered to it before. I lunged forward and grabbed my stinging asscheeks with both hands.

"Ouch...", I said involuntarily. This immediate corrective action got me thinking that I was wrong about Bobby. He was younger than me but had the same kind of confidence in himself that Daddy had. He wasn't about to take any more shit from me, that's for sure. It just goes to show how fucked up I really am. I could never respect a man or a boy who wasn't willing or able to put me in my place. My place was one of servitude. I needed to be totally submissive to a stronger, sexually more endowed master. The thought of being ordered about, made to obey... that's what turned me on more than anything else.

"Bend over, pick up your camisole and put it on!"

It was still on the floor right where it landed when he threw it at me earlier. I leaned down to pick it up and received a second slap that felt even harder than the first. I slipped it on... it was so short that it barely concealed my little cocklet, letting my ass completely exposed.

He walked around and stood directly in front of me. I could see his terrycloth robe billowing out where his cock pressed against the belted middle. God, this boy is such a stud!

"Kneel down and use your teeth and tongue to untie my robe, then lick my balls and cock clean."

Fortunately for me, he had used a bow to fasten it. I sank to my knees, placing my hands on the back of his thighs. I was able to untie the belt on only the second try. His robe fell open, allowing his huge cock to peek through and point directly in my face. The terrycloth belt made my dry mouth even drier. The combination of his sweat, cum and my ass juices on his cock would slake my thirst. I laved at them with a renewed sense of submissiveness. When his cock started to leak precum, I greedily lapped that up as well.

"On your feet, honeyboy!"

I stood up and he grabbed my nuts and cocklet in his left hand. He squeezed them so hard that I thought I'd pass out. He backed up with me in tow, sat down on the vanity chair and made me lay across his lap. What followed was an intense beating of my ass with his open palm.

Crack! Splaat! Crack! Crack! Splaat!

I tried to be brave... tried to endure the punishment and pain that I deserved without crying.... but failed. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"please... please stop... please Bobby, Sir... i'm sorry... i know i was wrong and won't ever defy you again... i love you!"

I don't know how many times he hit me, it had to be at least 50. I suspect he stopped only because he got tired, not because of my pathetic pleading. When he finished, he let me slide off his knees to the carpet below. I groveled there... kissing his toes, his ankles, the soles of his feet. He was my teenaged superior, my second master, a boygod and I was his adoring servant. As I continued kissing his feet, I kept whispering that I loved him... begging him to forgive me.

He lifted me to my feet, kissed me on the forehead and said he loved me too. It was exactly what I needed to hear.

We went downstairs and ate the rest of the pizza with Daddy. Just as we finished, the doorbell rang.

"That must be Jake", daddy said. "Timmy, go open the door for him. I promised him dessert and you're the first course!

My hands trembled as I opened the front door. He looked like a larger version of Daddy. My eyes averted away from his powerful stare. He was wearing a wife-beater tee-shirt and an obscenely small pair of denim shorts. Both looked as if they hadn't been washed for a very long time. Thick shocks of black/grey hair were sticking out from everywhere. A large grapefruit-sized lump in his shorts pushed against a fully extended zipper. His thick legs were covered in black fur from the leg openings of his shorts down to the sandals on his feet. I stood there with my eyes riveted on his lump, so shocked I was unable to move.

He didn't seem fazed at all by what I was wearing, or should I say; what I wasn't wearing.

"You must be Timmy! Aren't you going to invite me inside?"

"y... yessir...", i managed to croak."

Daddy and Jake exchanged greetings and he was introduced to Bobby. Jake took the chair next to the sofa where Daddy and Bobby were sitting. Daddy ordered me to sit on Jake's lap. He casually stroked my smooth legs while making small talk with Daddy. There was a strong musk smell about him that made me somewhat light-headed and giddy. My back was against his chest, my ass rode on top of his mammoth lump and my camisole had worked its way up to where my cocklet was on display. Jake idly fingered it while continuing his conversation as if this were a normal, everyday occurrence.

There was a low coffee table between the sofa and Jake's chair. Jake told me to stand up on it and strip off my camisole. I was so embarrassed that my legs trembled. Jake commented about how nice my ass looked. He said he was fond of bubble butts, especially those that were well-spanked. No mention was made of how tiny my cock was... I guess Jake just took that as a given. Bobby was put in charge of serving beers to Daddy and Jake while I continued to be the naked centerpiece on the coffee table. Three beers later, Jake told Bobby to fetch a can of Dream Whip topping from the fridge and 2 spoons. It was time for dessert. Jake ordered me to lay down on my stomach. He completely covered my asscheeks with whipped cream. Daddy and Jake used the spoons to casually scrape it off my buns while watching a basketball game on the TV. Bobby was then told to disrobe, kneel down and lick me clean.

Jake was impressed with Bobby's large, denuded cock and said as much to Daddy. When Bobby finished his job, I was told to turn over and lay on my back. Jake filled my armpits and crotch with dollops of cream. He and Daddy spooned, talked and watched the game until halftime. Bobby got to lick my armpits and crotch clean before Jake made me stand up and bend over. I was horrified when he stuck the nozzle up my ass chute and began filling it with cream. The aerosol propellant was so cold that I lurched forward onto the coffee table, trying desperately to get away. Jake put the can down on the table and slapped my ass.

"Now you be a good little boy, Timmy. Uncle Jake is going to make a creamsicle for you and Bobby to suck on."

The next thing I heard was the sound of Jake's zipper!

the end?

Note to readers: I'm looking for a good way to end this story.

Should I just leave the rest to your imagination?

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Next: Chapter 9

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