Vacuum Cleaner Boy

By Ed Rock

Published on Aug 7, 2023


Vacuum Cleaner Boy 7

I expected Daddy to fuck me after he was finished with Bobby but he stepped into the shower with him instead. Through the steamy glass door, I saw Bobby soaping and sponging him. When they got out, Daddy stood while Bobby toweled him dry. Daddy had him use a hair dryer and comb to fluff his pubic bush. Seeing Bobby on his knees, combing and blow-drying Daddy's thick bush was very erotic, especially since the boy just had his own removed against his will. When he finished, Daddy ordered me to towel off Bobby's asscheeks and groin. Then he sat down on the toilet lid and made Bobby lay across his knees. What followed was a stern session of ass-smacking. Bobby must have liked this humiliation because his dangling, denuded cock, stiffened and pressed tight against the underside of Daddys hairy thigh. On feeling this, Daddy gave him a few last slaps before allowing him back to his feet.

"Okay Bobby, I'm going to give you another chance to prove yourself. Take Timmy into my bedroom and make use of that prodigious boner between your legs. If you want to become a stud like me, you need some practice fucking a pussyboy before you're ready to fuck a real pussy."

I was jealous of this 16 year old kid who now seemed to be Daddy's favorite instead of me. A pecking order was emerging with me on the lowest end. Shouldn't I be the one to fuck Bobby? After all, I'm 25 years old and he is a mere boy of 16! The answer wasn't long in coming.

"You see Bobby, Timmy will never be able to satisfy a woman with that little weenie of his masquerading as a man's cock. It's up to alpha males like me to guard the gene pool. In nature he would never be given an opportunity to mate with females. You, on the other hand, at least have the necessary physical equipment to do the job someday. When I found out that you were dating my daughter Donna, I needed to see for myself if you qualify to father my grandchildren. The sow I married wasn't able to produce a male child for me, in fact after Donna was born, we found out she would never be able to have another baby. I invested a lot of time with my daughter. She prefers hairy, big-dicked boys like you because I trained her to like them. If my daughter chooses you to impregnate her, I won't stand in the way. The male fruit from her womb, my grandson, must have a big cock. Your genetic seed will make that happen. Unfortunately, nature doesn't permit it or I'd just go ahead and impregnate her myself."

"You're not my first choice by any means. You're weak, Bobby! A real man wouldn't have allowed himself to be shaved without a fight. A real man wouldn't have enjoyed groveling at my feet, sucking my cock and be fucked up the ass the way you did! Donna seems to have chosen you, that much I can't change. You'll need some training before you can satisfy a woman. I've chosen Timmy to provide that service. This is a test, Bobby. Timmy is both your study partner and your exam paper. If you're able to successfully mate with Donna, I will provide them with manly nurturing. In other words, your job ends when you deposit your seed in my daughter's cunt. If Donna wants to keep you around after that, fine, but your male offspring will be mine to rear. I won't permit them to become weak like their father! My grandsons will never become cuntboys like you and Timmy!"

"You will gain the technique to fuck my daughter by fucking Timmy. Don't fret though, I will continue to use you as my bottom boy even if my daughter rejects you. I will let you regrow your hair, only because my daughter is more receptive to hairy boys. If you fail to satisfy her and get dumped, off comes your hair! You are still a cuntboy and as you know, cuntboys don't deserve to have body hair. Do you understand all that I've told you?"

"yes... yessir... Mr. Robbins, Sir! i will try to do what you said. i realize now that i belong to you sir! thank you for allowing me to mate with your daughter, i will try to impregnate her and give you male grandchildren. i'll fuck timmy and imagine that he's your daughter... i can do it... i know i can! i want to serve you in every way i can... you are so masculine... i want you to fuck me, Sir. i want to make love to your cock, suck the seed from your manly balls. i love you, Mr. Robbins, Sir."

I wanted no parts of this arrangement. Who the fuck do they think they are! I have feelings too. I decided that I would leave, the very first chance I got. I'll be damned if some snotty-nosed teenager is going to use me like a practice dummy. Just because the little wimp has a big cock... fuck him... i don't need it! Just when I thought I knew what I'd do, Daddy spoke directly to me. His words had me beaming with pride!!!

"Don't worry Timmy! I plan to continue fucking you as well. You will move in with me and share my bed. I expect you to clean my house, cook and perform all the wifely duties that she never did. You're a much better fuck that she ever was anyway. During the first few months, Bobby will fuck you until he gets it right, but after that, I want you all to myself. You're a cute little guy... sometimes I'll expect you to dress like my woman but other times I will allow you to be my boy. I need practice in raising a male child... you can help me with that! I might want to bottle-feed and burp you, bathe and powder you before bedtime... all the things that a doting grandparent does with a young male child. You'll be disciplined when you're bad and rewarded when you're good."

"It might be confusing because of all the roles you'll be expected to play. Sometimes I'll dress you like a girl, times when you'll be dressed like a little boy and other times when I'll keep you naked all day. When I have friends over to the house, you will play whatever role they require. My best friend Jake will keep things interesting for you, he has quite an imagination. So, Timmy, what do you think?"

"i... i can't wait. i want to serve you... and Bobby ... and Jake ... and all your friends! I will be your wife... your baby... your cuntboy... your lover. i am going to make you proud of me daddy!

"Then it's settled! Bobby, take Timmy to the bedroom and fuck him... i'll be critiquing your performance. Afterwards, we'll go downstairs, finish the rest of that pizza and invite my friend Jake over for dessert.

the end for now.

thanks to all who emailed me and asked that this story be continued... I appreciate it very much.

emails to

Next: Chapter 8

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