Vacuum Cleaner Boy

By Ed Rock

Published on Jul 17, 2023


Vacuum Cleaner Boy 5

"Answer the door Timmy, it's probably Bobby with our pizza. Remember to give him the tip!"

The moment had arrived, the one I dreaded ever since daddy made the phone call for pizza delivery. I looked through the peephole and sure enough, it was Bobby. I was a bit stunned just how good-looking this kid was. He was fairly tall, dressed in blue jeans and tank top. I could see a thick matting of fur sticking out from his lowcut neckline and underarms. Donna must like boys who resemble her daddy; tall, muscular and hairy.

I had the exact change for the pizza in my hand. I opened the door, blushing with embarrassment at how I was dressed in red silk panties and padded training bra. I followed the script that daddy fashioned for me. After Bobby's mouth dropped open when he saw me, he recovered enough to hand me the pizza box.

"That will be eleven dollars.", he said.

I gave him a ten and a one and started to close the door. He looked at it and said angrily... didn't you forget my tip!"

I asked him to step inside. I couldn't resist looking directly at his crotch. It was full, the material was faded more than the rest of his pants. Boys often bleach the crotch of their pants and put a sock down there to draw attention to it. It worked with me... I stared at it too long because when I looked up at Bobby, I knew he caught me looking.

Brad Robbins (I found out that was daddy's name when he phoned-in the pizza order) was sitting on the sofa across the room, watching us.

"Hello Bobby.", he called out. "How have you been?"

"Fine, Mr. Robbins. Have you heard from Donna lately, I sure do miss her since she moved away."

"She asked about you the last time I talked to her on the phone. She told me that her mother won't allow her to call you. She said my wife caught the two of you screwing on her bed... is that true?"

Bobby looked all flustered.

"no... no sir... we were just cuddling... she was mistaken."

"Thats Ok... my wife can be a real bitch... believe me... I know!"

That seemed to calm Bobby down. He looked at me again, puzzled I'm sure as to who I was and why I was dressed in panties and bra with red nail polish on my fingers and toes.

"Where is my tip?", he asked me.

They were the key words that daddy had scripted.

I pointed to the pouch of my silk panties.

Bobby became flustered again. Daddy laughed and asked him to come over to where he was sitting on the sofa. He tentatively walked over to him, seeming to be more confused than ever.

"Sit down Bobby. We're just playing a little joke on you. Your manager told me this was your last delivery and that it's OK for you to keep his money until tomorrow. The boy's name is Timmy but he answers to 'cuntboy' among other names. He likes to dress in girl's clothes... a real fagboy, this one! I'm sure you noticed how he looked at your crotch... just can't help himself, I guess. He likes big cocks... do you have a big cock, Bobby?"

Bobby was shocked that daddy would ask such a question but recovered enough to give the pat answer, "I haven't heard any complaints!"

"I figured you did... Donna always said she wanted to marry a boy just like her daddy. Now Timmy here... that's a different story. He has a very small cock... don't you Timmy?"

Could this get any worse! I couldn't believe that daddy would humiliate me like this in front of a sixteen year old.

"Answer me Timmy... you have a small cock... don't you?"

"y... yes Sir.... i guess i do.", I said in a barely audible tone.

"That brings us back to the joke, Bobby. You see, Timmy here thought it would be funny to have you work for your tip. He has 3 dollars crumpled up inside the pouch of his panties. Do you want it enough to fish it out?"

"NO WAY!! I'm not queer, Mr. Robbins... he can keep the money!"

"That's a shame, Bobby... it doesn't mean you're queer if you use a fagboy. Matter-of-fact, me and my friends do it all the time and none of us are queer, quite the opposite. I have an 11 inch cunt-stretcher in my pants and my buddy Jake has one even bigger than that. You're still too young to appreciate what a cuntboy with a cute ass can do for you... you'll learn though, I'm sure."

"Turn around Timmy! Show Bobby what a fine looking ass you have."

This was going too far. I managed to summon up enough courage to refuse my daddy again. I started to tremble when I said:

"i... i... don't want to."

Daddy eyes got huge, the anger I saw there, scared me. I looked down at the carpet and waited.


I walked to where he was sitting but stayed out of arm's reach. Bobby moved aside and sat down next to daddy.


By now, I was so terrified that I couldn't move... so terrified that I pissed my panties. It wasn't a whole lot, but enough for daddy and Bobby to see a wet spot appear that wasn't there a moment ago.

Daddy leaned over and grabbed my arm. He yanked me between his thick thighs and closed them, trapping me there.

He turned to Bobby and started talking to him like he was a teacher or something.

"Bobby, one thing I want you to remember about pissy fagboys. You can't be too nice to them or they'll take advantage of you... every time! Never allow them to refuse an order from you. FAGS NEED DISCIPLINE! They must know their place! Timmyboy here is a perfect example. I asked him nicely to show you his ass. Now that wasn't unreasonable, was it Bobby?"

"I guess not, Mr. Robbins. I don't have much experience with fagboys though."

"Well, maybe it's time that you get some, Bobby."

Daddy grabbed my arm and pulled me over to stand between Bobby's legs. Bobby was surprised... he didn't know what to do with me... I stood there with my head down, unable to look into the sixteen year old's eyes. Daddy saw that and started to give him instructions.

"Pull his panties down to ankles, Bobby."

Bobby looked extremely nervous but he put his hands on my hips and yanked my wet panties down to my knees and then pushed them down to my ankles. The crumpled dollar bills fell down between Bobby's feet. He looked at my tiny penis and balls. I don't know how or why but I began to get hard. In the space of a few seconds, my penis rose up at a 45 degree angle and was pointed directly at young Bobby. His face flushed with embarrassment, looking almost as uncomfortable as I must have.

"What do you think, Bobby. Did you ever see a more pathetic sight in your life?"

Bobby fumbled for words... he said he was surprised I didn't have any pubic hair. He compared the size of my cock and balls to those of his eight year old brother.

"Fagboys aren't allowed to have pubic hair... I shaved his off and probably will have it removed permanently with electrolysis if I wind up keeping him. I might decide to castrate him later on... make him a eunuch. Those sorry little balls of his could never be used to impregnate a woman, so why keep them around?"

"Gee, Mr. Robbins... isn't that against the law or something?"

"Not if he signs the right papers... you will sign the papers, won't you Timmyboy?"

By now, I would agree to anything... I just wanted to get this over. Strangely, the thought of being castrated by daddy seemed exciting, even necessary in my case. I do have this stubborn streak in me. I heard somewhere that losing your balls makes you less aggressive, something to do with testosterone. Despite everything, god help me, ... I still love my daddy... more now than ever before. He is only doing this because he loves me... i deserve it, i shamed him in front of a 16 year old boy. I know that I must be punished. I wanted to please him so much that I said:

"yes daddy... i will become a eunuch if that's what you want... i love you... you still love me too, don't you daddy?"

"We'll talk about that later! Right now I want Bobby to learn how to treat a cuntboy like you. Turn him around Bobby and look at his ass."

Bobby grabbed my shoulders and turned my body around.

"I see what you mean now, Mr. Robbins. His ass is even better looking than Donnas... er... sorry... i meant... than most girls i know.

Daddy smiled when he heard Bobby stumbling over the reference to his daughter's ass, because he agreed with it. He loved the way my ass looked. He made no secret of that.

"Go ahead, take a feel, squeeze it Bobby. I know you want to... hell I can't keep my hands off it or my cock out of it. That's what I was telling you earlier. Fagboys are made to be fucked by straight studs like us. It's one hell of a lot better than jerking off, believe me!"

Bobby cupped my asscheeks in his hands... I heard him breathing harder... he was aroused.

"Take out your cock and fuck him Bobby... we're both men here, you don't have anything to be ashamed of. Donna told me all about you. What do you have... eight... maybe nine inches? You're still a growing boy, it will probably wind up as big as mine in a year or so."

All this talk and the feel of my ass had Bobby so horny, he was beside himself with lust. I heard a button pop and a zipper go down. He grabbed my hips, pulled me back and clumsily stabbed at my ass pucker with the inexperience you could expect from such a young bull.

the end for now.

Pizzaboy fucks Vaccuumboy... Daddy fucks Pizzaboy? Let me know if you want to read more about it or let the rest to your own imagination.

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Next: Chapter 6

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