Vacuum Cleaner Boy

By Ed Rock

Published on Jul 17, 2023


Vacuum Cleaner Boy 4

"Honey, I'm going to run your bathwater so strip off your gown and hand it to me. Delicate garments, just like delicate boygirls need to be hand-washed. I'll let it soak in the sink while I give you your bath. Afterwards, Daddy has a soft, pink teddy he wants you to wear."

"I like being dominated by Daddy but I wish he wouldn't dress me up like a girl. I'm not very masculine, I'll admit that, but I'm still a man! I love my new Daddy dearly, I do, but I feel like he is consuming me. I was proud of my pubic bush before Daddy shaved it off. I would have given it up to him willingly, had he asked. I know that I need someone strong and powerful to take care of me, make me obey. It would be better though if he were a little more sensitive to my feelings. I'm afraid he plans to take much more from me than my hair and I'm powerless to resist him. My Daddy says he loves me... I just wish he would love me by allowing me to remain a man."

Naked once again, I stood waiting for the tub to fill, when Daddy opened the cabinet below the vanity. There were three ornate urns containing bath oils presumably used by his wife and daughter when they were living here. Daddy asked me to choose the scent that he would add to the bathwater; strawberry, rose or lilac.

"da...daddy, i don't want anything added to the bathwater... they are all too girly smelling for me."

That was the wrong thing to say. I saw anger flash in his eyes and he swiftly smacked my ass with his open hand.

"Dammit! You just don't get it, do you? Bend over, you whining little bitch!"

My sore, crimson ass was being beaten again: Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

"When I want you to do something, you do it! You are more girl than boy, you just never realized it before today. That's why you will always be bathed in perfumed oils. I want you in seductive girl's panties and dresses, smelling like my girl... my bitch. What makes you think that I'd allow you to smell 'manly' like me or my male friends. Think how confusing that will be for you. Boygirls should be dressed in sexy, skimpy clothes and smell fresh, clean and flowery for their man. Tomorrow, you'll meet some of my male friends. You are my cuntboy, my bitch and I won't allow you to make me out the fool in front of them. Now, because you can't make up your mind, I'm going to choose the lilac oil for tonight.

I looked down at my feet in shame as he dumped half the contents of the lilac bottle under the running tap and turned it off. I was thinking what he said about meeting his male friends tomorrow when he suddenly lifted me up and laid me down on my back in the hot, perfumed bath. Daddy sat on the edge of the tub and dipped a wash rag into the water. He rubbed it with some kind of perfumy soap then firmly held my left arm and washed it. Then he reached across my body and did the other arm. My chest, back, face and hair were next. When Daddy told me to lean back and raise my leg, he seemed a bit less irritated with me because I did it without hesitation. With both legs washed to the ankles, he was a little more gentle with my feet, washing between each toe with care. When he finished with that he told me to turn over and get on all fours. Again, I didn't dare hesitate.

With me on all fours, daddy seemed mesmerized by the soapy wetness of my glistening buns.

"Arch your back and stick your butt high in the air!"

I made my stomach concave by inching my knees closer to the center of my body, then straightened them as much as possible. I wanted to strike a seductive pose for my Daddy to get back in his good graces. He soaped up the cloth and tenderly washed my buttocks before sliding underneath to do my little cock and balls.

Daddy stood up to achieve a more commanding view of me, his bitch. My head and ass were held high on display, like a best-of-breed winner at a Dog Show. Daddy leaned over and petted me with his right hand, tracing down the nape of my neck and along my spinal chord to the valley formed by the small of my back. He paused momentarily before continuing up my wet asscheeks. Stopping at my pink, quivering pucker, he inserted his fuck finger through my sphincter muscle. I moaned as the thick digit caressed my prostate sending waves of new pleasure through my naked body. Daddy worked a second finger inside and then a third. My boy cunt was still small and tight, despite the brutal deflowering that I had endured earlier. He sluiced my body with cups of water drawn from the tap, then scooped me up into a large terrycloth towel.

We went to his daughter's bedroom where he dressed me in the pink teddy, combed my hair and applied a fresh coat of lipstick. My cock hardened under the lacy garment when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Maybe Daddy is right... I should be a girl... no denying that I look like one. He belted a dog collar around my neck and dropped a leash beside me, on the floor. Was I to play the role as his dog now? What does he want from me? A tear rolled down my cheek as I thought about the depths to which I had sunk in just a few short hours. As I watched him walk across the room toward his computer and sit down, I marveled at the animal-like hairiness of his muscular body. I would be whatever he wanted me to be. Transitioned from man to cuntboy, cuntboy to cuntgirl, and now to his collared dog, I was losing my will. 'Please Daddy', I thought... 'please love me, half as much as I love you...'

For the longest time, Daddy seemed to totally ignore me. He was sitting with his back toward me at the computer desk. I could see the image of naked bodies on the monitor, entangled in an embrace. Finally, he ordered me to pick up the leash with my teeth and crawl to him on my hands and knees.

I heeled next to his chair and sat back on my haunches. Daddy reached down, patted my head and said: 'Good doggy!' He took the leash from my teeth and snapped it on a D-ring attached to the collar. He wrapped the leash taut in his fingers and directed his gaze back on the monitor. Working the keyboard, he pulled up another erotic image of naked young boys, meshed together with one boy's mouth buried in an armpit of the other.

Daddy dropped the leash and put his hand in front of my face. I was a bit confused but assumed this was a cue to lick his palm and fingers. Pet dogs do that to their owners. This seemed to turn him on because his cock slowly rose up from his thick pubic bush. He grabbed the leash and pulled me closer to him, swiveling his chair until my nose was mere inches from his aroused manflesh. I lapped his balls first, then worked my tongue up the shaft of his cock to the piss slit and back down again. Abruptly, he stood up and pulled me to my feet. Our height difference had my mouth level with his hairy pecs. He pushed my head between them and waited while I gave them the homage they deserved. I kissed my way to his right armpit and swabbed the hairy cave, imitating the boy on the computer screen. He seemed to like that because his hands roamed down my back until he slid them up inside the teddy and caressed my fleshy ass cheeks.

"You're my bitch, aren't you girl? My pretty, lilac bitch with painted lips and long blonde hair. My seductive bitch with a girly thin waist and plump ass. Tell Daddy want you want him to do, tell daddy how much you want him to make love to you."

Reluctantly, I pulled my nose from his sweaty armpit. The musky odor had my head spinning and my knees weak.

"take me daddy... fuck me... i belong to you... please make love to me."

He kissed me... my daddy plunged his tongue inside my mouth and sat me down on his lap. Strong hands cupped my buttocks under the teddy and then moved up to clasp firmly around my girl-sized waist. He lifted me up high enough to center my ass over the tip of his cock and slowly lowered me onto it. It broke through my sphincter muscle sending pulsating waves of pain through my whole body. His thick manflesh snaked up my anal chute and with one final pull downward, I was fully impaled, sitting bolt-upright in his lap. My asscheeks rested on the thick matting of his pubic hair, the back of my shaved legs on his thickly muscled, hairy thighs. His hands traveled up my chest and rolled my nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. I whimpered as the pain gradually subsided, my ass becoming accustomed to the length and breadth of his love muscle, buried deep inside me. He bear hugged me with his arms under my ribcage and stood up , forcing me to bend at the waist. I felt like a ragdoll, skewered on his fuckpole, unable to move, bounced forward and back. Finally he pulled out, dropped me to my knees and walked in front of me. I looked up just in time to receive a spray of daddycum all over my face. Using his index finger, he smeared his seed down from my nose and cheeks on to my painted lips. His daddycum mixed with my lipstick and tasted like a new flavor of breakfast jelly. I closed my eyes, savoring it with my tongue before swallowing. Fingerful after fingerful was delivered and devoured until all of it was gone. I opened my eyes just in time to see daddy plop his wet, soft cocktip on my tongue. I took it in my mouth and sucked like a newborn on a mother's teat. When I finished licking and nuzzling, Daddy repositioned his chair under the desk and sat down. I crawled between his legs, buried my face in his balls and waited until another computer image aroused him enough to grab my ears and brutally fuck my mouth cunt.

He powered down the computer and made a phone call to someone named Jake. Jake agreed to arrange a poker game to be held at Daddy's house. Daddy promised to provide the food and drinks along with some special entertainment. I guessed that it had something to do with me because Daddy patted my head when he said it.

"Come with me sweetheart, we both could do with a hot shower before I order a pizza for supper. You can lounge around in a pair of Donna's silk panties and bra until the delivery boy gets here. I'll ask for Bobby, he used to date my daughter. I'm sure he'll recognize them, the little horndog was always over here, sniffing around. After a new coat of lipstick, some nail polish and your hair done up nice, hell, he might even make a move on you. He's only sixteen but you could pass for that too. Would you like that, Timmy?"

I didn't answer because I was too embarrassed for words.

the end for now.

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Next: Chapter 5

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