Vacuum Cleaner Boy

By Ed Rock

Published on Jul 12, 2023


Vacuum Cleaner Boy 3

As I watched Timmy pad naked up the stairs to my bedroom, I couldn't believe my good fortune. To think a prize like that just came knocking at my front door, uninvited.

His crimson, well-spanked butt jiggled on each step upward, calling to me like a beacon. Geezus, there ought to be a law against a boy having an ass so plump and sweet. It is going to feel so good, hearing him beg me to skewer it with my fuckpole.

Since this is his first time, I should at least try to make it special for him. The kid thinks this is his wedding night, for god's sake. My instinct is to burst into the room and just start furiously fucking him, with abandon. If he were any other kid, that's exactly what I'd do.

Maybe it's his long hair and tiny vagina-like penis and balls that makes me feel this way. He reminds me so much of Donna, my daughter. My wife, the bitch, left two months ago with her. Most of Donna's clothes are still in her bedroom. The bitch managed to take all her stuff though, probably didn't have enough room in the car. That's so like her, she never thought of anybody but herself. So what if I loved my daughter more than her... the bitch left herself go... got fat and ugly. I have needs too, goddamit!

I wonder if Donna's white, babydoll pajama top is in her closet. It would look perfect on Timmy.

He was stretched out on my bed when I came in, lying face down, no doubt because his ass still hurt from his spanking. It was all I could do to restrain myself from smacking it a few more times. Timmy looked up at me with doe-like eyes, disappointed that I was wearing my robe again. I had it cinched closed around the middle, hiding my cock and balls from his view. That didn't prevent the little vixen from staring at it though. This boy knew what he wanted, but I had other plans for him at the moment.

"Babyboy, are you ready to please your daddy?"

"i...i'm ready Sir. i'm ready for you to deflower me, daddy."

"I will princess, but first, follow me into the other bedroom. I have something I want you wear for me."

Timmy's eyes widened when he saw that the other bedroom obviously belonged to a teenage girl. There were posters of the Hanson brothers and the Back Street Boys pasted on the wall next to a pink, canopied bed. The bed was the best clue however, because he had similar posters in his own bedroom when he was still in highschool. Thinking back to that time, he wondered why his parents didn't think it strange. After all, why would a teenage boy have posters of other half-naked teenaged boys plastered all over his bedroom. To this day, they never asked and he never told.

Before I went to get Timmy in my bedroom, I draped the frilly pajama top over my daughter's vanity chair. I picked it up and slipped it over his head. It was a perfect fit. The frilly lace hemline fell about an inch below his balls and stretched taut across his red asscheeks. I had him sit down at the vanity and used a brush to fluff up his hair.

Timmy was shocked at the image of himself in the vanity mirror. He looked just like a girl, and it scared him.

"do... do i have to wear this Sir? it makes me look stupid."

"I think it makes you look pretty, so you're overruled. It's my cock that needs to be stimulated. It's my cock that has to get hard enough to deflower you properly. Seeing you dressed in pretty things is for my benefit, not yours. Sometimes you can be so selfish, Timmy! When you spit out my seed, how do you think that made me feel? I think you need to be paying a lot more attention to my needs. Like I said before, if you aren't willing to do anything I ask, I'll find a boy who will!"

"i... i'm sorry... i am selfish... i will do or wear anything you want daddy... please... please forgive me."

"It seems that's all I've done since the moment you knocked on my front door. I'll forgive you again but I think it's time that you grow up. You're twenty five years old and you act more like you're five. Let's just let it go for now, but I think you've earned yourself another punishment session."

"y... yessir, i promise i'll be good from now on."

"Now let me see... there ought to be a shade of lipstick here to match the spanked hue of your asscheeks. I want you to look your best, it isn't every day that a boy loses his virginity. I want to stay hard for as long as I can. Seeing your lips, all pouty and red, will help do that. Just knowing that you got yourself gussied-up for me, just like a little whore working the streets, makes me hard."

I picked up a lipstick from the vanity and smeared it over his lips... I really didn't give a shit what color it was... my cock was stirring again... the little cunt bought into my arguments, hook, line and sinker. Right now he would walk through hot coals for me. The boy is so gullible... so deliciously naive... this is almost too easy.

"I love you Timmy, my sweet little princess."

Timmy was in tears now. He wanted his master, his daddy, to take him, right now... here on the vanity... or on the floor... or the bed.. or against the wall... or wrapped in the half nude poster of that cock-teasing rocker, Taylor Hanson. His pathetic little wiener was hard... his tiny, ponytail ring-encased balls were aching for release. His master said he loved him... that's all he needed to hear.

"I'm going to carry you back to my bedroom, across the threshold in your white, wedding gown. First, I want you to hike up your dress for me and bend over."

Timmy stood up and submissively bent over. I cruelly used the lipstick to write the word 'whore' on his left ass cheek and 'boy' on the right. I had him hold his cheeks apart and smeared the lipstick on the outside of his virgin pucker. Then I jammed it deep inside, hearing him moan with pain at the unexpected intrusion.

"It's time, my little painted-up whore-boy, time to give it up to me."

That said, I swooped him up in my arms and walked back to my bedroom. I sat him down on the end of the bed, grabbed his ankles, held them high in the air, pushing them back toward his head. My rock-hard cock stabbed at his tight sphincter, missed several times and slid on the painted words, until it finally zeroed in on his tiny pucker. I jammed my hips forward and broke through. Like two wrecking balls simultaneously demolishing a building, my hairy sacs slapped his tailbone. He was skewered. Vacuum cleaner boy finally got what he wanted and screamed like a banshee.

"OH MY GOD!", he cried out. "Take it out daddy.... take it out... it hurts too much!"

His screams were like music to my ears. I piledrove him again and again. Nothing was going to stop me, he wanted this from the moment I opened the front door and his eyes riveted on the full pouch of my cotton briefs. Seven.. eight... nine times I pulled back and long-cocked his ass chute. My first explosion of cum filled him. My second overflowed and shot back out, drenching my balls and my bedspread. I laid down flat on his body, spent of my seed and desire for him. When I pulled out, he begged me for more.

"please... please daddy... fuck me again!"

"Not until you clean up the mess you made.", I said.

When I stood up, he turned on his stomach, slid off the end of the bed and started to vacuum the bedspread with his tongue. When he finished, I slapped his ass, pointed to my cock and balls and watched as he greedily lapped them clean.

"Time now for a nice, hot tub bath. Would you like that, princess?"

"whatever you say, daddy!"

the end for now.

I'd like to hear from you. Should I continue or just leave the rest to your imagination?"

emails to

Next: Chapter 4

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