Vacuum Cleaner Boy

By Ed Rock

Published on Aug 21, 2023


Vacuum Cleaner Boy 10

I laid my head back on the impromptu 'pillow' Jake fashioned for me with his limp cock and balls. What sort of future was he planning for me? Jake said he was taking me home to live with him. He didn't bother asking Daddy or me. I suppose he felt there was no permission needed. I was Daddy's property... Jake defeated him... so now I belong to Jake. I am merely the 'spoils of war' transferred to the victor.

My allegiance to Daddy will be difficult to ignore. He made me realize that I'm a cuntboy in need of a master. If not for Daddy, I'd be sitting alone in my apartment again, incapable of giving or receiving physical love.

I have a good view of him, standing naked on top of the coffee table. Bobby started with Daddy's feet. Every toe had a tuft of hair, making them appear more simian than human. I heard Daddy whimper when the cold metal of the blade touched the first one. Ten quick passes with the clippers had his toes looking smooth and clean.

Daddy isn't permitted to speak during this process. Jake made that point crystal clear after bitch-slapping him upside the head. He appears so docile waiting for Bobby, his new teen master, to shear him like a sheep. It is payback time! His cock is wilted, drawn up toward the furry recesses of his thick pubic bush. Trouble is, his cock is so large that no amount of shrinkage could hide it from view. The man is surely gifted in the cock department... no question about that. Until I saw Jake's serpent, I didn't think they grew any larger than the one hanging there, waiting to have it's pubic hair shrubbery trimmed down to a nubbin.

Bobby finished clipping all the hair from Daddy's torso that he could reach. The single exception was his groin. I guessed he was saving the best part for last. He ordered Daddy to get down on all fours, then sheared the hair from his back. Bobby barked another order for him to lay down, flat on his back. He looked so sad and defeated. Here was a grown man, responding to orders from a sixteen year old boy like a frightened schoolgirl. Bobby completed trimming his upper chest and neck then roughly denuded his armpits.

My Daddy looked so different now, his bared body was a stark shade of pinkish white, similar to the breast of a broiler chicken.

Bobby's almost evil-looking eyes fixated on Daddy's groin. He hesitated, seeming to savor the moment. He put the clippers down and picked up the comb and scissors. I saw Daddy's body began to tremble. The last vestige of his manhood was about to be combed and removed by this revengeful teen.

Apparently the whole scene got to Jake. I felt his cock harden underneath my head. What a man he is! The strength of his rising hardness pushed my head upwards, pressing my chin tight against the front of my neck. Then it slid off to one side, scraping my ear as it snapped upward and saluted the ceiling. The back of my head dropped down on his soft, twin ball-cushion. He groaned and pushed me to the side. He got up and walked over next to Bobby who had knelt down. Bobby started combing Daddy's gnarly pubic bush, gathering clumps of it together, then snipping them off at the base. Jake stood there watching with his engorged manflesh at the ready. It needed servicing of some kind, either oral or anal. He first eyed up Bobby's naked ass then Daddy's mouth. The mouth won! He stepped across, straddled Daddy's chest and sat down. Jake put his cockhead to Daddy's lips, skinned back his sheath and ordered him to open wide. I got up from the floor in time to walk over and see tears rolling down Daddy's cheek. He was dutifully sucking on Jake's hog, while Bobby barbered his pubic bush.

Slated to become Jake's boywife, I didn't know if I'd get another chance to service my teen master. With Jake's back toward me and his full attention directed elsewhere, I decided to seize the moment! I laid down behind Bobby, parted his sweet, young asscheeks and kissed his pucker. He trimmed and I rimmed while Jake was being sucked. The only telltale sign of our indiscretion appeared under the coffee table. Bobby shot a load of boyseed, a minute or so after I began swabbing his anus and asscheeks with my wet tongue. Jake's load was expelled soon afterwards but that evidence wound up inside Daddy's stomach.

Jake had Bobby spread shaving cream from his neck to his feet. Daddy knew enough to lay completely still as Jake expertly shaved him with the straight razor. I thought he was going to pass out when Jake scraped around his cock and balls. Daddy submissively rolled on his stomach when Jake ordered it. Bobby soaped his back, asscheeks and legs then stepped aside to watch Jake glide the razor in long, effortless strokes from neck to ankles. Following Jake's instructions, I grabbed one asscheek and Bobby the other. We parted them, allowing Jake to nip the hair follicles growing around his virgin pucker. I moved in with a towel, removed the excess cream, and watched while Jake and Bobby took turns mounting him.

Bobby got dressed and was the first to leave, saying he needed to get home before his mother got worried about him. Daddy appeared to be sad when Jake told him that I was going home to live with him. He told Daddy to fetch a pair of wire cutters and snip off the silver ponytail ring around my balls. It was Jake's way of dissolving the marriage between us.

Jake was already dressed but my clothes were on the floor next to the dining room table where Daddy had stripped me. I started to put them on but Jake intervened. He handed me the pink camisole to wear. It was a moonless night but I was still concerned that someone might see me. The bench seat of Jake's truck was cold on my bare asscheeks. It only took about five minutes to get there. Jake lived in a modest row home with neighbors on both sides. Two young guys about my age were sitting on one porch chatting across to a younger guy on the other.

When Jake and I walked up his steps, it was like walking a gauntlet. Their conversation ended when they saw that I was naked from the waist down. Jake didn't seem to care... he introduced me, then chatted with them for a few minutes. The men kept staring at my tiny penis and bare legs. I heard them laughing so I turned toward the door, forgetting that my bare ass was also showing.

"Looks like you're gonna have some fun tonight Mr. Barton!", one of the men said to Jake.

"You guys don't know what you're missing! A tight boyass may not be as good as a cunt but it's a damn close second. Hold on, let me turn my light on so you can get a better look."

I was horrified when Jake opened his door and flicked on the porch light.

"Stand in the middle and bend over so everyone can see you.", Jake said.

I bent down and felt the camisole ride up my back. My ass was completely exposed to the three men. They laughed nervously. Then Jake told me to stand up straight.

"Take that off so they can see the rest of you."

I stripped off the pink camisole and heard more nervous laughter.

"See the tiny cock he has, it isn't much good for anything but pissing. Now, her ass is a different story. Feels are free, guys, I don't mind. Timmygirl loves the feel of a man's hands on her tush. If ever I'm not around and you think she deserves it, you may spank her, but only with an open hand. Just don't let me catch any of you fucking her without my permission. She may be a bitch but she's my bitch."

More nervous laughter...

Jake opened the door and said: "Inside with you, young lady! All the flirting you've done has my neighbors hot and bothered. You're such a slut in front of men."

I stepped inside and Jake closed the door behind me.

"The bathroom is at the top of the stairs on the right. Fill the tub with hot water. I'm going to have another beer and will be up in about five minutes. I want to get you cleaned up and in my bed early tonight... we both had a tiring evening. Tomorrow we'll go shopping for some pretty things for you to wear."

I started up the stairs when Jake called me back, saying that he had forgotten to tell me one of the house rules.

"When you leave or enter a room I'm in, you will kiss the head of my cock as a sign of respect. I rarely wear clothes around the house so most times, my cock will be exposed. If it isn't, you are permitted to just kiss the material covering my crotch. Is that understood?"

"yes master, i understand!"

"Tomorrow, I'll review all the rules along with the list of punishments you can expect to receive if they are broken."

"yes master."

Before I had a chance to kiss the front of his shorts, Jake unzipped his fly and let his cock flop out. I leaned down, gave it an opened mouthed buss and padded naked up the stairs.

When Bobby got home, he went up to his bedroom and thought about all that happened to him that evening. He would never be the same naive, young boy who knocked on Mr. Robbin's door to deliver a pizza. He finally lost the burden of virginity. He had been fucked up the ass and liked it... but not nearly as much as fucking Timmy's ass. He sucked a man's cock and liked that too... but it felt so much better when Timmy sucked him. He had submitted himself to a dominant male so totally that it scared him, but when Timmy submitted to him... he knew that he was born to be a dominant top. He laid back on his bed and smiled, thinking of the sweet revenge he exacted from his girlfriend's daddy. He got to shave and fuck him... life was sweet!

He fingered his denuded cock, concerned that he looked more like a cuntboy instead of a stud. The symbol of his manhood was gone. Mr. Robbins had taken it with his clippers and straight razor. How could he have allowed that to happen? How was he going to explain this to his friends! He decided that he'll just have to skip showering in the school locker room until it grows back.

Timmy living with Jake was a problem also. He needed someone like him to dominant and fuck... someone to suck his cock everyday. Masturbation wasn't going to be enough after tonight's experiences.

Then he remembered Michael Gulley.

He was surprised to hear Jake mention his name. Michael was in his class at school and one time, several years ago, he made a pass at Bobby. At least he thought it was a pass. They were in the lockerroom together after Phys-Ed class. Michael kept looking at Bobby, watching as he toweled off after his shower. He had to admit that he sort of liked the attention. Bobby was proud of his body, having just turned 13 and sporting his new pubic bush. Most of the other kids were either devoid of hair completely or had only a few wispy strands. Bobby's was thick, black and starting to wend it's way up his stomach and chest.

Instead of turning away, Bobby lowered his towel, allowing Michael an unobstructed view. He put one foot up on the bench, causing his limber six inches to dangle. Michael's mouth dropped open and their eyes met briefly. He turned and seemed to wiggle his naked ass in Bobby's direction. Michael was a tall, skinny kid but his ass was plump. It curved away from his thin waist, begging to be caressed. That night, in the confines of his bedroom, Bobby masturbated while thinking of Michael instead of Donna Robbins, his new girlfriend.

The next day, Michael seemed to be everywhere, smiling at Bobby and striking sexy poses when he saw him looking. He found a note in his algebra book, 'Meet me under the stadium bleachers after school', and was signed Michael G. To this day, Bobby regretted that he didn't do it.

Bobby awoke from his reverie and reached for the phone book. He found Michael's number and called him.

"Hello, this is the Gulley residence."

"Michael... this is Bobby Kimmel, I was wondering if I could come over to see you tomorrow. I met someone who knows you and I'd like to find out more about him."

"sure... i guess that's OK. wha.. what's his name?

"Jake... Jake Barton, he said he used to be your Dad's friend.

"JAKE! ... i... i... i thought he moved out of town!"

"He did... but he's back now! I'll be there tomorrow at noon, we'll talk about it then."

"yeah... sure Bobby... OK...see you."

Bobby hung up the phone without saying goodbye. Michael sounded excited and a bit scared when he heard Jake's name. It was best to keep him that way. Bobby pictured Michael's ass in his mind. Jake was right... it might even be better looking than Timmys.

the end for now.

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