Vacuum Cleaner Boy

By Ed Rock

Published on Jul 8, 2023


Vacuum Cleaner Boy

If there was blame to be assigned to my predicament, it was mine. I just couldn't keep my eyes off his crotch when he answered the door wearing only an open terrycloth bathrobe and briefs. I was cold-selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door, a job that I hated. It was a Friday afternoon and I hadn't made a sale all week. I plunged into my sales script, deviating only on the point that I should maintain eye contact with the customer. My eyes traversed from his hairy chest down to the cotton basket stuffed with a huge cock and pair of balls. There was little left to my imagination, the outline of his manmeat was bent to one side with the flared head visible through the thin material. During the course of my sales pitch, he reached down and adjusted his cock. His pouch ballooned outward and the pressure must have been uncomfortable for him. I was at the part where I asked if I could come inside and give him a demonstration. To my surprise, he said yes. This always seems to be the biggest hurdle and usually where the potential customer closes the door and sends me packing.

I was able to complete the demo without screwing up too badly. It was difficult because I just couldn't keep myself from looking at his full basket every chance I got. Normally I fear discovery so much that I'm very discreet, especially around guys this big and strong.

The main selling point of this vacuum cleaner is the better suction power over other brands. I wanted his permission to spread some dirt on his carpet but he said no. He asked how good was it at cleaning up hair. It was an odd question, one that had never been asked of me before. I said that I'm sure that this vacuum cleaner would do a good job on both dirt and hair. He said that I would have to prove it to him.

"I'm on to you boy! You're one of those fairy princesses ... a cock watcher... You like what I've got between my legs... dontcha? ANSWER ME, BOY!"

The abrupt change in him caught me offguard but I managed to sputter; "no... i'm not... i... i... have a girlfriend..."

"So, you're calling me a LIAR, is that it?"

"no... no... you're just mistaken about me... is all."

He stood, grabbed me under the arms, and lifted me up on his dining room table. I'm a little guy, 5 foot six and weigh 110 pounds so it was easy for him to hoist me. I was startled by this and tried to get back down to the floor but he gruffly ordered me to stay there. He undid the belt and top button to my pants, then closed his beefy hands around my hips. I was shocked and felt so helpless when he pulled down my pants, then proceeded to strip me completely naked. He didn't ask permission, powerful men like him just take what they want.

It was difficult for me to comprehend what had just happened. One minute I was sitting in a chair fully clothed, the next minute I was standing on a table, stripped naked. I moved my hands to cover my exposed genitals but he pushed them aside. I'm little down there and was afraid that he might laugh at me. My whole body started to shake and I would have fallen had he not steadied me by holding my hips firmly in his powerful grasp.

"What's your name son", he asked.

"T... T... Timothy", i managed to croak in response.

"Timothy WHAT!!, he said in an angry tone.

Instinctively, I answered, "Timothy Bennett... Sir!".

The Sir that I added at the end made him smile. He had seized control over me. I was his now, we both knew that.

OK Timmy, if I'm going to buy your vacuum cleaner, you'll need to prove that it has enough suction to pick up hair. First though, we'll need some to put it to the test. He left the room momentarily and returned with a pair of scissors, comb, straight razor, can of shaving cream, towel and electric razor.

"It's your choice Timmy... the hair that we need for the test has to come from somewhere.... your head or your pubes?"

I was shocked at what he intended to do.

"This has gone too far", I said. "Let me get dressed and leave. Please Sir... I won't say anything... i just want to go."

"Forget that... you're not leaving until you prove that your vacuum cleaner can do the job you promised. Now, you either make your choice or I'll have to make it for you. Stop wasting my time! If I decide, the hair will be from both places... I'll remove every hair you have on your body... UNDERSTAND!!"

Ever since highschool, my shoulder-length blonde hair was kept in a ponytail. I surely didn't want him to cut that off, so I reluctantly made a choice.

"my pubes... sir... take it from my pubes."

The first thing he did was start combing my bush. My cock is small but I have a fairly thick pubic bush... or did... before he went to work with the scissors. I stood watching as he clipped it with the expertise of a barber. At first I thought he was just going to give my bush a trim but he kept cutting layer after layer until it was down to a stubble.

"Fairy princesses like you shouldn't have body hair... it's just not natural."

The initial whir of the electric razor startled me. He planted his left hand on my asscheeks and arched my hips toward it.

"Hold that position, sweetheart!"

I strained to keep my hips forward so he could finish denuding me. He lifted my tiny balls, rolled them in the palm of his left hand and buzz cut them also. I didn't have much in the way of leg hair but he ran the razor up and down from my ankles to my hips. He told me to turn around and grab my ankles. Starting at the back of my ankles, he went straight up to my asscheeks. In my bent-over position, my ass was right in front of his face. I heard the release of shaving cream onto his hand and felt his fingers working it on my butt cheeks, then massaging it around and into my asscrack. I stayed very still as the straight razor scraped my tender flesh. Deftly, he spread my cheeks, nipping away the hair surrounding my quivering ass pucker. A few swipes with the towel and he was finished.. or so I thought.

He swooped me into his arms and sat me down on the table with my feet dangling over the edge. I heard the electric razor start up again. From the top of my denuded cock, he ran it straight up and swirled it all over my chest. What little bit of hair I had there was not perceptible to the eye but he chose to buzz around it anyway.

"Show me your armpits, cuntboy!"

I raised my arms. Within moments, all my underarm hair was sheared away.

Sir left me there on the table with my head bowed and feet dangling. He walked across the room, removed his robe and stripped off his briefs. My god! In all my 25 years, I've never seen a larger cock and thicker pair of balls. My heart raced. I didn't know what he planned next. I was both terrified and strangely excited by the prospects. His cock was pointed at me like a gun.

"There is a dust pan and brush in the closet over there. Get it and gather up your hair from the table."

He sat down in the chair and watched as I brushed the trimmings from the dining room table into the plastic pan.

"Come here to me, sweetie", he ordered.

I tentatively walked toward him and he pointed to the space between his legs.

"Dump it on the carpet right here and then clean it up with your vacuum."

All the hair was sucked up and he acknowledged that it performed just as I said it would. He said that he would buy it and to put it in the closet along with the dustpan and brush. When I closed the door, I heard him say: "Crawl on your belly over here to me."

When I finally reached him, my cocklet was hard from rubbing against the carpet. He lifted me to my feet between his splayed, hairy legs. Reaching behind my head, he removed the silver ring from my ponytail. Then he fluffed my hair until it covered my ears and draped across my thin shoulders.

"Now, you look more like a princess", he said.

There was an a tube of K-Y jelly sitting on the small table next to his chair. He squeezed some in the palm of his hand and rubbed it all over my tiny balls. He squeezed more on my silver ponytail ring and began forcing my balls through it. I almost passed out from the pain but he managed to fit them through it. When he finished, he cupped my cock and balls in his left hand and put his right hand behind my head. He drew me forward, kissed my lips and gently said: "With this ring, I thee wed."

"Now, get on your knees and worship my manhood."

He was tender and rough at the same time. My head was spinning, this was just like my dreams. I dropped down and lifted his weighty orbs, sucking the left one into my eager mouth. My tongue swirled around it, laving it clean. This was my first time with a man. I needed to pleasure him, make him proud of me... make him want to keep me. My nose was buried along side of his hard cock, deep in his thick pubic hairs. I breathed the heady aroma of his manhood... tasted his alpha maleness. I was born for this moment, born to worship and serve my new husband, my prince.

the end.

If you'd like to see this story continued, let me know.

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Next: Chapter 2

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