Vacation with Linda

By C. Larkin

Published on Nov 29, 1999


Vacation with Linda: Part II

C.L. Warner

I'm spending my summer vacation with my best friend Linda. Her family has a nice house on a big lake. Since I arrived a few days ago, I've been having the greatest time ever. I've gone swimming and for the first time, am getting a pretty decent tan. Just the other day, Linda and I went to this island in the middle of the lake with another friend. Tiffany. We brought some food and beer with us and had a pretty decent time. We got drunk, took our clothes off, acted silly and ended up having a jillin' party on the beach. Have to say, it was kind of neat.

Today's Friday, and we're going to a dance at a club in the small town on the lake. Linda tells me to dress sexy, which is hard for me to do. I'm not too happy with the way I look. Too much fat and pimples and not enough glamour. But Linda knows how to make me feel good, so we kind of get into the spirit of the moment and put on some half-sexy stuff. I mean, I didn't bring anything fancy with me, but I end up looking okay. I put on some tight jeans and and a shirt that shows off my boobs -- the one part of my body that I'm proud of. The front of the shirt has a nice scoop, so I can show plenty of cleavage, if I bend over. Linda also puts some makeup on me, something I never wear. Linda looks fabulous no matter what she wears. And tonight, she's a knockout.

On our way to the club, we stop by Tiffany's who's going with us. She steps out of her house looking like a streetwalker. She's got on a silk blouse that's half-unbuttoned, so her tits are easy to see, and she's got on a mini skirt, that's nearly up to her butt. As we're walking down the street, she says, "look girls, I'm ready for action tonight," and flips up the back of her dress to show a naked ass. This chick is too much.

At the club, the lights are pulsating and the music is pounding. It takes a few minutes to get used to the place and pretty soon, it's clear that everybody is on the prowl. Tiffany has been talking big time about some guy named Peter, who she's got the hot's for. Eventually, she spots him in the crowd of sweaty bodies and we make our way over to his side of the room.

Peter reminds me of some of the jocks at my high school. He's got a tall, muscular body, a face half-covered with pimples and a brain the size of a peanut. Tiffany's ga-ga about the dude, but the instant he sees Linda, his eyes are locked on her. Before Tiffany can shake her half-exposed boobs to grab his attention, Peter asks Linda to dance.

Tiffany's face darkens considerably when she hears this and I get a jolt of jealousy as Linda and Peter saunter on to the dance floor. Tiffany tries to act nonchalant about the whole matter. She turns to me and asks if I want a drink. I figure she means a soda, but she taps her purse and shows me a pint of vodka she's stashed in there. I shake my head, and she wanders off to lick her wounded pride and to take a swig.

I start looking for Linda and Peter, when a guy taps me on the shoulder and asks to dance. What the hell I figure, so we head on to the floor. I'm out there looking for Linda, and at first, don't pay much any attention to this kid. As soon as we get out there, the music downshifts from a fast, frenzied beat to one of those bear-hug dancing songs. Sure enough, this punk puts his hands around me and draws me in. His eyes are fixed on my boobs as he talks in a nervous monotone voice, mostly about himself.

I keep looking for Linda, wondering what's going on with her, while this kid keeps talking nonsense while we dance. I only beginning to zero in on him, when I realize he's slowly moved his body, mostly his pelvis up against stomach and his hands are sliding down over my ass. Sure enough, I can feel the little banana he's grown in his pants while dancing with me. For a moment or two, I ego trip on my ability to make this guy's blood race and his cock grow hard without even talking to him.

But then I see Linda, gliding around the floor with pimply Pete and my momentary power trip comes to an end, as a wave of jealousy hits me hard. Luckily the song soon ends and I see Linda disengage from Peter, so I bid adieu to my dance partner and quickly head over to see how she's doing.

Linda smiles at me, and I think, `jeez, she's smitten with this guy,' but she looks at me and says teasingly, "you didn't take long to find someone!"

I tell her he's nothing, don't even know his name. Meanwhile, Peter's hovering right behind Linda, but she continues to ignore him, much to my pleasure. He finally gets the hint and drifts away.

For the next couple of hours, Linda and I take turns dancing with different guys and sometimes with each other. None of the guys are very interesting. Even Peter asks me out on the floor. But he's like all the rest, no brains, can't dance and his eyes are stuck on my boobs. I catch glimpses of Tiffany, sometimes dancing, sometimes drinking and slowly getting more drunk as the night goes on.

Around midnight, I'm feeling lonely for Linda, so I finally corner her after a dance ends and ask her to come with me. We walk down a hall and find find a dark corner where we can be alone. I kiss and embrace Linda, telling her all these horny boys are just making me miss her more. She says likewise, and we start to get passionate, when we hear some heavy breathing and muffled voices coming from the door we are leaning against.

Linda and I slowly push the door open and catch a glimpse of Tiffany and Peter. In the dim light we can see that Peter's pants are down around his ankles and Tiffany is slobbering all over his stiff prick. She's bobbing her head up and down and Peter's letting out some whimpering moans.

This goes on for just a little bit before Peter suddenly pulls away from Tiffany and, rather roughly, shoves her on to a pile of what looks like dirty laundry. He flips up her short little skirt and starts poking his cock between her legs.

I can see Tiffany is quite drunk. She seems oblivious to where she is and tries to wrap her legs around Pimply Peter's butt as he starts banging away. I whisper to Linda, "Wonder if he'd fuck her, knowing Tiffany was humping a beer bottle at the beach," referring to our little episode on the island the other day. Linda starts to giggle but covers her mouth.

Tiffany is moaning as Peter rides her, but I can tell it's not from pleasure. "I think I'm gonna be sick," she slurs at one point. Peter's only response is to stop and and make her kneel on all fours. He mounts her from the rear and, and for the first time, I see why they call that position doggie-style.

Tiffany continues to make sickened moans, but Peter's too much into his own pleasure to worry how she feels. Before Linda and I can turn away, Tiffany suddenly makes this retching noise and begins to hurl. A stream of watery vomit pours out of her mouth and the sight makes me gag. Worse, Tiffany's vomiting seems to only excite Peter more, who bangs his prick and balls against Tiffany's ass even harder. After a few more thrusts, Peter moans with self-satisfaction as poor Tiffany gags and coughs up her vodka-laced stomach. Linda and I turn away in disgust and leave. For the first time, I feel sorry for Tiffany.

It's Saturday, the day before I leave. Linda and I are in a quiet mood. Last night's dance turned sour after we witnessed what happened to Tiffany. As much as we both dislike Tiffany, we are really dismayed with the way that guy Peter treated her. But what can you do?. We also realize that we've got only one more day left together before I leave.

Luckily, the weather gods are on our side and it's a beautiful day. We plan another canoe ride to the beach we first visited with Tiffany. I pack a load of food into the cooler while Linda pilfers some beer from the fridge. Soon we're off, paddling across a calm lake that's arched by a achingly blue sky. The warm sun beams down on our backs as we glide across the water. I feel calm and peaceful, in a way I have never felt before.

We land on the island, and after a quick check, we find it's deserted, just like the first time. We set up our little base with blankets and the cooler.

I tell Linda, I don't care what she thinks, I'm going to get buck naked, because it's probably my only chance to be on a deserted island. Within seconds we both pull off our suits and start whooping like a bunch of Indians.

Linda declares that we're the last of a lost race of Amazons, living outside the boundaries of male society. I find some pieces of charcoaled wood left over from an old campfire and tell Linda we need war paint. We take turns drawing designs all over each other's bodies with the charcoal. I put all sorts of markings over Linda's face, stomach, boobs and butt. She does the same to me.

We both get a kick out of the way we look, kind of like those primitive warriors you see in National Geographic magazines. For the next hour we prance around the island, two naked Amazons, whooping, hollering and giggling like two free souls. Finally, I plunk my plump body down on the blanket and tell her that I'm one hungry squaw. We open the cooler and dig in. I love eating and, with Linda's purloined beer, we are soon having a proper party.

We sit and munch our food and drink our beer while musing on how we could live our lives as naked beachcombers. Except for the occasional mosquito, I tell Linda I am quite ready to forsake life in the suburbs for a life by the edge of the sea, or lake, whichever comes first. Linda agrees that this is the ideal sort of life, as long as it doesn't rain or get cold.

After consuming much food and beer, Linda and I decide to have a contest to see who can pee the farthest. We figure this is the kind of thing Amazons should do, so we stand at the edge of the water, spread our legs and, on the count of three, begin to urinate. Linda soon starts laughing, and quickly her stream weakens and begins to trickle down the side of her leg. I keep up a good flow and am able to get most of it out without wetting my legs, so I'm the winner.

Later, after drinking more beer and getting more drunk, we try pissing in different positions. We squat, kneel and even lie down on our backs and our stomachs. Then we bathe in the cool lake waters, frolicking like seals before finally dragging our wet, drunk bodies on to the sandy shore.

I tell Linda I'm worried about getting a burn, and so she grabs some lotion and begins to slather it on while I continue standing. Linda takes her time and slowly massages the oil all over my arms, shoulders, breasts, stomach, butt and thighs. By the time she finishes, I'm quivering with excitement.

Linda pushes my legs apart as I continue to stand, my back to the water. Linda then kneels in front of me and begins to lick me between my legs. I can't describe how intoxicating this feels. I'm standing completely naked on this beach, the warm sun beaming down on me while a cool breeze occasionally passes over my skin. And beautiful Linda is on her knees between my legs, licking and sucking on my clit.

As soon as she begins, my knees start to buckle, so I have to put my hands on her shoulder. Within seconds, my nerve endings are on fire and I'm sopping wet. Soon, Linda's tongue is accompanied by her probing finger, which plunges into my wet slit. I become totally uninhibited and begin moaning loudly as the excitement builds inside of me. Suddenly, I'm gripping Linda's shoulders tightly, digging my fingers into her flesh, as my legs give way and the the intense pleasure of an orgasm sweeps over me.

We tumble to the ground and roll around in a long embrace, our legs intertwined. I've never kissed Linda so passionately before. Now it's my turn to explore her body with my mouth and hands. I massage, lick, tweak and softly blow on her little breasts, making her soft nipples grow hard and erect.

My mouth remains locked on these rosy treats, while my other hand reaches down and begins rubbing between her legs. Linda is already quite wet, and soon, I can't resist. I move myself between her legs and begin to feast with my mouth. Compared to mine, Linda's clit is large and it stands out like a tiny pinkie finger. I nibble, lick and massage the little member with my tongue, bringing poor Linda to the edge of an orgasm before backing off. I tease her several times like this.

With a sudden desire to try something new, I push Linda's legs further apart and slide up so that now my boob is right on top of her clit, I begin to rub back and forth, and my own erect nipple flicks the end of Linda's inflamed button. Linda's now in a frenzy, crying out loudly and digging her heels deep into the sand. With my nipple pressed hard against her, I feel Linda shudder and her pelvis bucks up and down as an orgasm sweeps through her body.

Emboldened by her response, I continue to make love to Linda. Once again I try something new. After massaging her dripping slit for several minutes, I kneel in front of Linda and slide one very wet finger down to the tip of her anus. The finger rubs and lubricates the puckered, closed hole. and then with slow pressure, begins to slide in. Linda is jolted by this new sensation, and groans, "Oh my god!"

With the juices of her swollen pussy continuing to drip down the crack of her rear, my finger remains well lubricated as it slides in and out of the tight little hole. I push Linda's legs up in the air and she grabs on and pulls them back so I can get better access to the glories between her legs.

I continue licking and nuzzling her clit-button with my tongue while sliding my finger in and out of her anus. I can feel the sphincter is more relaxed now and so I start to wedge a second finger inside of Linda. Half-panting, she tells me that it feels incredibly good. For the next several minutes, I keep up a steady movement: two fingers slide in and out of her rear, while one on my other hand sloshes in and out of her slit.

Linda's beautiful face is flushing crimson. Her eyes are closed and she's almost grimacing as she moans softly under the warm summer sun. Once again, she begins to lose control as her body shakes and convulses. Then, the most incredible thing happens. As she climaxes, I withdraw my finger from her slit and this stream of liquid comes squirting out of her, splashing on my hands and wrists. For a moment, I think that Linda has lost control of her bladder and has peed. But it can't be pee, because it doesn't smell or look like it.

Linda is too far gone to respond. She's completely out of breath and takes a minute or two before finally murmuring sweet words of thanks. I tell her what happened and she says that, once before, when she was masturbating on her bed, she squirted some liquid out. We're too exhausted to say much, so I just roll over, giggle, and then for the next 15 minutes hold Linda's hand as we bask in the sun.

Finally, we cool our fevered bodies off with one more dip in the water. As we slowly paddle back to the dock, the sun is low in the sky and I realize I'm just a few hours away from returning to the reality of my home life. Saying goodbye to Linda won't be easy. She will remain up here for several more weeks and I don't know what I will do without her. The good times always seem so short to me.

The End

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