Vacation with Linda

By C. Larkin

Published on Nov 29, 1999


Vacation with Linda: Part I

By C.L. Warner

Summer vacations were never big deals in my family. We never had much money to do anything fancy, other than stay at a beach motel for a few days each summer, all of us crammed into little rooms with wet suits, sand and junk food spread everywhere.

So when I show up at Linda's summer camp, I'm in for a surprise. Linda, who's my best friend and also my kinda' girl friend, spends her summers at her family's very own house on a large lake. Her family is pretty wealthy and I'm impressed with the setup. Their house isn't fancy or big, but it doesn't look like a regular house. There's lots of windows and exposed wood and a big room where everybody hangs out until bedtime.

Linda asks me about the bus ride and I just tell her I slept most of the way. I don't mention the young mother next to me, whose boobs were so full of milk, she asked me to nurse some of the pressure off. I was so hungry, on account I left my food in the bus terminal by accident, that I couldn't say no. Things got a little steamy. Mostly it was the mom who got turned on when I sucked on her boobs, which was kind of strange `cause I thought she was one of those conservative Christians. But I got my stomach full with mother's milk, which is kind of sweet and warm.

Linda's mom, dad, younger brother and younger sister are at the house too. Her sister also has a friend visiting. So the place is like a hotel. The good news is that Linda and I get to share our own room. The bad news is that there isn't much privacy, so Linda warns me that the house is probably going to be off limits if we feel like getting lovey-dovey, but she says there's a million places we can go to be alone.

I don't mind, I'm just happy to away from my family and all the problems I seem to have back home. The first couple of days are new and different. The house is right on the lake with its own dock. We can swim right there. Linda is a good swimmer and she looks great in her two piece suit. It's hard not to look at her in a dreamy sort of way. At first, I won't wear my two-piece suit. Not only am I kind of pudgy, but I'm pale as a ghost compared to Linda and her family. But by the third day, I start to get some color (mostly sun burn) and I feel less inhibited in front of the family, so the two-piece suit goes on.

A couple of houses down from Linda, there's another girl, Tiffany, who's about our age. She seems to think she's Linda's chum, though Linda tells me the girl is a bit of snob. I don't care for her too much, but I'm not jealous of her. She's kinda' plump like me.

One day, the three of us decide to take a canoe out to one of the islands in the lake. Linda knows of one that's got a nice little beach on it. I've never rowed, I mean paddled a canoe before, so Linda just puts me in front and says she'll take care of the steering. Tiffany sits in the middle and gabs away, mostly about her boyfriends and all the other girls in her school she can't stand.

The island is small,but nice and deserted. We throw down some blankets on the sand, slap on some tanning lotion, and open up the cooler, which Linda has stocked with food and some beer she stole from the fridge. It's a warm day and pretty too, with little lacy clouds in the sky and a soft breeze blowing off the lake, making little tiny waves.

I notice Linda and her friend like beer and they both have drunk a couple bottles each before I've even finished half of mine. Tiffany is going on about something totally uninteresting, when Linda sits up and announces that she wants to get a good tan and is going to take off her top. Tiffany says "cool," and decides she's taking her's off too. Linda looks at me and smiles. That's her "come on, you can do it too," signal. So without saying anything, I join the two of them topless.

I've got the biggest boobs of us all, but their the one part of my body I'm proud of, so I don't mind showing them off. Getting half-naked like this, seems to spice up Tiffany and Linda, who crack open yet another beer and start talking about boys. I realize I'm the least experienced of all three, so I have little to say.

I can tell Linda is getting drunk. She's laughing quite a lot and saying silly things. Finally, I'm starting to get a buzz from the beer too, when Linda stands up, wobbling slightly, and announces she's got to pee. She peels off the bottom of her suit, walks naked to the water's edge, then turns and, facing us with a smile, she squats and starts to pee.

Tiffany lets out a shriek of laughter, even I'm giggling at Linda's crazy little act. Tiffany, who's even more looped than Linda, says she's got to pee too. Off comes the rest of her suit and she walks buck naked to the water's edge and, just like Linda, starts to squat. Only when Tiffany squats down and begins to pee, she loses her balance and her ass lands in the water. She starts laughing, but she can't stop peeing, so it keeps coming out in a little arching stream, except when she laughs her stream of pee keeps stopping and starting. Linda and I are almost hysterical at this sight; we've got tears coming down our eyes. If Tiffany only knew how silly she looked.

I think Tiffany knew we were kind of laughing at her, so she tells me its my turn, maybe hoping I'll make a fool of myself and she can laugh at me. At this point, I don't really care, so I strip off my bottoms and walk to the water's edge. Except I don't want to lose my balance, so I don't squat. I spread my legs far apart and let out a nice steady stream of pee, almost like a guy. Linda gives me a little ovation when I finish and I bow.

By this time, we're all famished. So we crack open the cooler again and start eating. Normally, I would cover myself with a blanket or at least slip my bikini panties back on, but I guess the beer has loosened me up. So the three of us sit around buck naked as if we did it all the time, eating and talking and drinking some more beer.

Once again, Tiffany and Linda get going about boys and sex. I know Linda has had some experience with guys and apparently Tiffany has too. They discuss blow jobs and jacking off penises. Linda says she hasn't had intercourse yet, and I'm privately relieved she hasn't gone all the way. Tiffany, on the other hand, has apparently slept with a parade of guys, not to my surprise. More and more, she seems to be quite slutty.

It's clear that Tiffany can't hold her liquor very well. She's laughing the loudest and saying things I would never say. I notice she keeps kind of squeezing her thighs together and squirming around. When she says that all this boy talk is making her horny, I realize what's going on.

Very matter of factly, Linda suggests to Tiffany that maybe she should start jillin', meaning to masturbate.

"Only if you guys join in," she responds coyly.

I don't say anything, but Linda sort of drawls out an okay. Then she looks at me and smiles again. "Join in," her smile is telling me. "Join in and have some fun."

And then it begins. We sit in a circle, facing each other. Tiffany spreads her legs and begins to touch herself. For the first time, I notice she's got a mound of dark pubic hair, whereas Linda has this lovely little tuft of blondish hair. It's quite becoming, compared to Tiffany's. I'm sort of in between.

I take a long swig of beer and shyly start, once I see Linda's hands between her legs. Soon it grows quiet, though Tiffany keeps giggling from time to time. I've got to say, my initial reluctance soon melts away under the warm sun and with a belly full of beer. I haven't been alone with Linda for weeks, and if this is the closest I can get, so be it.

Linda is exploring her own luscious body, massaging her breasts and delicately stroking her button. God, she looks so beautiful right now. Watching her makes my heart flutter quite fast.

Tiffany, in contrast, is going at it with a determined look on her face. Her giggling has stopped and now she's grimacing and grunting. There's a kind of an animal-like quality to her. "God I wish I had a cock inside me," she says hoarsely at one point. Linda picks up an empty beer bottle and hands it to her. "Use this," she suggests.

Tiffany grins and says, "oh yeah!" She slowly slides the head of the beer bottle into her slit and, soon, she's plunging the whole neck of the bottle in and out of her pussy. By now, Tiffany is laying down on her blanket, her feet are raised in the air and her hand is slamming the bottle in and out rapidly. I look at Tiffany and her hair is all over her face, but I can see her features are all twisted up as she begins to lose control. She moans and grunts, then cries quite noisily. Finally her belly and boobs starts to jiggle with spasms as she climaxes.

Linda and I are going at it more slowly, Our eyes are locked on each other, enjoying the rapturous view of each other. I've never really watched her this way. It's quite sensuous. I find myself becoming aroused in unison with her. When Linda starts to flush, I feel my own flush spread across my neck and shoulders. After Linda touches her breasts, I touch mine, doing it the way that she likes, which means to cup and squeeze them, then tweak the nipples until they are quite erect.

Then I lose it. I feel the tingles merge into an intense glow deep in my loins that spreads out the rest of my body. I pull hard on my nipples while my fingers flick my button faster and faster. When my orgasm hits, I almost lose my balance. I look up at the sky and then close my eyes as my body is wracked by a wonderful throbbing sensation that lasts longer than usual. My eyes are still closed when I hear Linda's sweet voice cry out. I look at her just in time to see her body in the throes of an equally glorious orgasm.

Meanwhile, as we slowly float back down to earth, Tiffany has fallen in love with the beer bottle. Once again, she's shoving the glass phallus in and out of her. Linda and I play footsie as Tiffany remains oblivious, her eyes closed and her mouth open, letting out long moans and grunts of carnal pleasure. I wonder if anyone across the lake can hear her.

An hour later, after a quick dip to cool down our hot, sweaty bodies, we slowly, laboriously paddle back to camp. Despite the oncoming hangovers and the sore clits (and one sore pussy), it has been quite a nice day.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 2

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