Vacation of Life

By Paula

Published on Jun 28, 2007


I took a minute get my thoughts together and compose myself and then stepped out of the limo onto the busy street. Margo had the driver park a few blocks down from the club so we could stretch our legs and get some air too. We were in front of a clothing boutique with some very beautiful dresses and shoes in the window. We stopped for a moment to window shop and Margo said "I bet that black shoulder less evening gown would look great on you." She said "Hey. Did you here me?" I was so caught up with my reflection in the mirror and the remnants of cum on my tongue that I didn't hear a word she said. "No. I'm sorry. I'm still tripping on this whole new me." She looked at me and said "Your thinking about it to much girl. Just be yourself and let it happen naturally." "That's just it though. Everything I'm doing or expected to do is not myself." I said seriously and continued. "I just made out with a hot guy and then sucked him off and that is not who I am." "Did you enjoy it?" "Yes" "And did he enjoy it?" "Yes" "Then what's the problem?" she said. "I just don't know how my views could have changed so much in such a short time." I said. "That's the problem. Your views." she said. "What do you mean?" I said coldly. "You are worried because its not right for 2 men to have sex because SOCIETY says so but yet that doesn't stop men from fucking and sucking each other all the time. Does it?" Before I could answer she went on. "Who are we to say what's right or wrong. You need to open your mind and forget about the way your were programmed to think by other people and let yourself live for the moment." "So in other words If it feels good, Do it!" Margo smiled and said "Baby.

You just don't realize the wonderful opportunity you have here. You can live as the opposite sex for a month and no one has to ever know. Only me, Ling and Tony know who you really are. So as they say, What happens in Miami Stays in Miami." My mind was racing along when Margo grabbed my arm and said "Lets go. We can talk more on the way. I'm thirsty.

Watch me strut my stuff and do the same. I'm here to help you feel comfortable being a girl.

So lets go drink, flirt and have fun." "OK beautiful show me the way." I said as I put my hand on my hip and swung my ass to one side. She smiled big and pulled my arm and we started down the street. She put me on the inside next to the building so I could see my reflection in the window. She saw me looking and said "Don't look at yourself look at me. I want you to try to mimic my walk. How I swing my hips, how long my stride is, how much my arms swing, what I do with my shoulders, how my head and hair moves. Walk exactly like me for a block or 2 and when you think you got it perfect then look at your self and see how hot Danielle is." "This should be fun." I said. I did as she said and it felt naturally sexy. I realized that this was not just a way to walk but a walk with attitude. You had to look hot, feel hot and know you were hot and if you did your walk, like Margo's, was natural not practiced. My heart was pounding and an ecstacy crystal must have kicked in because I was really getting into it. Feeling it. Margo said "You go girl." as I wiggled my sexy ass down the street. We got a block up and Margo said "Look." pointing at the window. I spun my head around to the fine girl that I was strolling down the sidewalk. Hair flowing with the breeze, breasts bouncing, ass swinging from side to side and a smile from ear to ear. I looked at Margo and said "Now I see. You don't just do it. You have to feel it. I can't just be Danielle, I have to feel Danielle." "By George. I think she's got it." Margo said giggling. "Ok baby its show time." she said as she pushed through the door to her friends club. Stevie Ray Vaughn was playing and the place was packed. It seemed like every head turned and looked at us when we came through the door. Margo took the lead and lead me by the hand through the crowd. She walked up to a big book worm looking white dude and pinched his ass. He had to be 6'9 or 6'10. He turned around and picked her up and gave her a big bear hug.

She kissed him on the cheek as he set her down and she turned to introduce me as Danielle, her best friend from Chicago. "Danielle. This is John." He leaned down and picked me up too and told me how glad he was to meet me and gave me a peck on the lips. I told him it was great meeting him too and hoped it wouldn't be the last time we saw each other. Margo said "Don't worry girl. I come here all the time." John lead us to a booth by the dance floor with a reserved sign on it. There was a Latino couple sitting there and he very politely asked them to find another seat. The guy said "NO. We been sitting here for hours waiting for the band." "I'm sorry sir but if you don't find some where else to live I'll have to escort you out." John said. The guy stood and pointed a finger and John just reached up, grabbed his finger and broke it right there.

The guy and his girl started screaming and with in seconds the bouncers had them by the collars pushing them out the door. John turned to us and very calmly said "Your tables ready ladies.

What would you like to drink?" Margo said "We will have 2 of your famous Margarita's."

"Well, I guess we will" I said as I crossed my legs and leaned back against the soft cushion. I was a little warm so I took my jacket off letting my hair hang down on to my bare shoulders. It felt so nice and I started grooving to the music, swinging my head and swaying my shoulders. It was only seconds before a guy came up to me and asked me to dance. He was a very attractive white guy with a great build and clean shaven face. Margo said "Go for it girl." I smiled at him and explained that we just got here and that I like to get a couple of drinks in me 1st. I promised to dance with him a little later and he took my hand and kissed and said "I look forward to it Beautiful." I smiled back and said "Me too." as I found myself staring at his crotch and wondering how hung he was. Boy was Danielle alive and well tonight. I watched his tight ass move as he walked away and smiled at Margo as I liked my lips. She just busted out laughing.

We had a few drinks and fought the guys off and danced with 5 or 6 guys as we talked until the band started. I was amazed at how my movements on the dance floor were so feminine and how easily I danced in heels that I had never worn until a few hours ago. Some of the guys were good dancers and I was really high by now and really enjoyed there wandering hands on me. Touching me. Caressing me and telling me how desirable I was. I was beginning to enjoy the feeling of be a sexy woman that men were lusting over. The music was a little laid back to get busy. They played a variety of Jazz, Blues and R&B. One of my favorite slow songs came on and I looked up and the cute white guy was standing there. He held his hand out and said confidently with a pearly white smile "Sorry but I got tired of waiting." I glanced at Margo as I put my hand in his and said "Be back in a few." and slipped out of the booth. I smiled at him and he said "I'm Mike" "I'm Danielle." All I could think about on the way to the dance floor was, let him lead, let him lead. We got to the edge of the dance floor and he took my hand and raised it over my head and then lead me through a slow twirl around that landed me conveniently and comfortably in his arms. He had definitely done this before. He had one hand holding me firmly in the small of my back guiding me along while he had my hand in his other hand pressed up against his chest.

He told me he put my hand there because he wanted me to feel his heart racing with excitement over dancing with me. I told him he was very sweet and put my other hand around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder. I just let go and let him take control and we moved in unison swaying to the music. He pulled me closer and my breasts flattened against his muscular chest and I could feel his bulging cock pressing into my hip. I continued to move with him but made subtle movements to grind against his cock. I felt him grow hard and was proud of how I could turn any guy on so quick. I leaned back and smiled at him. Then I took my hand off his chest and placed his hand on my hip and put both of my arms around his neck and looked in his eyes. Our lips were about 3 inches apart and we stayed there for a while until he leaned in to kiss me. I pulled away from his lips and smiled and then put my lips close to his teasing him. He leaned in and I pulled away again and moved my lips close to his again. He opened his mouth to say something and before he could utter a word I quickly put my lips on his and kissed him passionately sliding my tongue through his open lips. We kissed for a couple of minutes grinding to the music and the song ended. He hugged me tightly then walked me back to my table trying desperately trying to hide his bulging cock behind me. We got back to the table and he said he had to leave but he wanted to see me again and handed me a card that said his name, # and executive sales manager for IBM. I told him we would see and he kissed me again and with a confident smile he said "I'll see you again." and he kissed my hand and then Margo's and excused himself. I told Margo "Lets find some place that's jumping. "I know just the place." she said and she waved for John to come over. I reached down and grabbed my jacket and flung my hair to one side and flipped my jacket over the hair free shoulder. It was things like that, that I did naturally, that made me wonder. She told John we had another stop before we met Tony at Kings at midnight so we would be going. He said "You know I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave." Margo laughed and stood up and hugged him and told him we would see him soon. He leaned down threw his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek and said to Margo "Please bring this Sexy woman back to see me." I smiled and said thank you and felt Margo's hand in mine pulling to the door. I knew « the place was watching us leave so I wiggled my ass a little more than usual as we went out the door.

We stopped outside the door to enjoy the fresh air and I put my jacket back on. One of the guys that asked me to dance came out and said "Yo girl. How come you danced with those other guys and turned me down. Am I not good enough for you to dance with." This guy was black, about 6', nice body but was dressed like a thug. He had the crotch of his pants down around his knees, a baggy shirt untucked barely covering the boxers sticking a foot over the top of his pants. He had 2 thick gold chains around his neck with some kind of large medallion one of them, a gold watch with stones all around it, his hat on sideways and an unkept beard and mustache. I looked at him and said "I'm sorry honey but its nothing personal. Your just not my type." Wow. I didn't even know I had a type of man I liked but I guess I did. I thought back about the guys I danced with and they all had the same qualities. Clean cut professional types with nice builds and confident smiles. Race had nothing to do with it at all. He looked me up and down and said with an attitude "And what type is that." I explained about liking clean cut well dressed well groomed guys and that I didn't like the thug look. "You think I'm a thug." I quickly said no but his style simply turned me off. He said "I am a record producer making 7 figures a year. I give thousands of dollars to charity every year, I go to church every Sunday with my grandma and you think I'm a thug." "No honey I don't think that at all. I can see you're a handsome man and you take good care of yourself. But in my opinion you would be much more attractive in suit and tie and I'm sure other woman worth your time would agree but again that's just my opinion so don't take it personal." Suddenly there was that voice again. " D. You got a problem with my girls." D turned and his eyes got real big and he said "Rikki. No man no problem here." "Is that true ladies?"

Rikki said. Margo started to speak but I interrupted her and said "There's no problem honey. We were just talking. He is actually a very charming guy." D just looked at me with a sigh of relief on his face. Then he looked at Rikki and said "Home boy. How do you find all these fine woman." Rikki told him he just stays in shape and dresses nice and they find him. Then he walked towards me and as he put his arm around me he said "This beautiful woman here is going to be my fiancee. She just doesn't know it yet." He looked down at me with a smile and those green eyes piercing my soul. I pulled close to him laying my head on his shoulder and lifted my leg and ran my inner thigh up the inside of his inner thigh and ran my long nails through his chest hair and told him how sweet he was. D just smiled and said "Ladies it was nice talking with you but I have to scoot. Rikki. Nice seeing you again." "Stay out of trouble D"

Rikki said as we watched D head down the street. I looked up at Rikki with a seductive smile while I moved my hand from his chest to his crotch and found his cock. I gave it a firm squeeze and asked "Does this mean I need to thank you again for saving me." "I'm sure we can figure something out tomorrow like maybe having dinner with me." My heart melted because he didn't expect sexual favors but my company was good enough. I knew right then that the next time I was alone with him I was going to seduce him and then fuck his brains out.

"Enough of this mushy shit. Lets go party." Margo said Rikki leaned over and kissed me deeply on the lips and said see you girls in a little while. "Your not coming Honey." I said sadly.

"You girls have fun and I'll see you later tonight." and he headed towards the limo. We went the other way strutting our stuff and I was feeling carefree enjoying my 1st night as a woman. My sexy walk came natural now and our heels clicked and our breasts bounced in unison as we went down the street. "You Margo, That Rikki is such a nice guy. I'll be honest with you though. I'm terrified of having a cock forced into my ass but I wish I could feel Rikki's cock in my pussy to see how it feels." "Why didn't you fuck him in the limo?" "Ling said I had to let Tony pop my cherry." "Ling meant your cherry ass. You can fuck whoever you want with your pussy girl."

"Now you tell me." I said with a sly little smile. Another couple of blocks down we came across a couple of street walkers. Margo said "Hey girls." One was a very tall thin black girl with average breasts and the other was a short voluptuous white girl with huge breasts and ass to match. They said "Hey Margo. Who's the new hottie your running with." "This is Danielle my friend from Chicago." "Well keep her ass off the street or we gonna starve to death said the black girl" in a husky voice. We just laughed and Margo said "If she behaves I won't make her come down here. Take care ladies and be safe." We walked a little more and Margo asked me if I noticed anything about the 2 girls. I said not really. She told me that the black girl was really a transsexual hooker. I said you mean a girl with a cock and she said yes. "Do they turn tricks with men or woman." I said. "Both. Whoever has money." "I guess that's the best of both worlds when you think about it." I said. "Do you think you would enjoy having some passionate sex with a girl like that" Margo asked me some what seriously. "Well I seem to be infatuated with sucking cock but not quite used to the idea of making love to big hairy men so I think a sexy girl with a hard cock might be a perfect fit for me for now anyway. At least until I get more comfortable with men." A huge smile came across Margo's face and she hooked her arm in mine and whispered in my ear "You are one hot bitch." Damn right I am." I said as she dragged me through another door. As we walked into this new place I could only think that Margo already was planning to hook me up with a Sexy girl with a hard cock to rock my world in a gender bending way.

This club was thumping with bump and grind music. It was dimly lit and it took my eyes a minute to adjust. There were pool tables on the left and a big dance floor on the right and a bar in the middle in the shape of an L. At the corner of the L was a girl in a bikini swinging around a stripper pole with dollar bills hanging out of her G string and guys offering bills from there seats.

The dance floor had 3 poles along 2 walls with 3 other girls wrapped around them as well. As my eyes focused more I could see towards the back of the place. It was dark back there but I could make out some tables and booths and a few girls giving lap dances for some horny guys.

We stepped up to the bar and Margo said "Hey Zack." A tall handsome guy with a 3" scar across his cheek looked up and said "Hey Beautiful. Where you been keeping yourself. I've miss that sweet ass of yours." "Your such a charmer. We'll have a couple of Margarita's honey." "Sure thing Sugar. You want to start a tab." "Yes sir. My Sexy friend will pay before we leave." I took Margo arm and whispered in her ear "I don't have any money or credit cards or even and ID."

She just smiled at me and looked at the stripper pole and said "I guess you will have to earn some spending money somehow." I swallowed deeply as the bartender hand us our drinks. I had a real good buzz but I wasn't sure I could handle stripping in front of all these people. A couple was just leaving so we grabbed a couple of seats at the bar. Our drinks came and it wasn't long before the guys were all over us. Some asking to dance, some asking if we were strippers, and some asking for lap dances. Margo said "We only have about 45 minutes til we meet Tony at the club so lets have some fun bitch." "Hot Bitch to you" I said laughing as I strutted towards the dance floor. I was ready to shake my ass and said yes to about every guy that asked. We did some pretty dirty dancing and even danced a couple of times together which all the guys loved. I was feeling real good and I had just taken a drink of my drink when a guy came up and ask me to dance. He was a cute guy. A little skinny but it was probably because he was barely 21. I thought it might take my mind off swinging around a pole or it might work in reverse and get me in the mood. Plus I liked the song so I said yes. Margo smiled and said "Go shake that ass girl."

As I walked to the dance floor I started wiggling my shoulders and ass and took my fingers and ran them through my hair in a very sensuous way fluffing it out and then swung my head side to side to let it flow free. He stopped at the edge of the dance floor and started to dance but I took his hand and dragged him through the crowd to the front wall that was mirrored. Call me vein but I wanted to see myself in action. I turned my back to him looking at the mirror as I worked my new sexy body trying different moves to see how it looked and felt. I loved the way my ass movements had a direct impact on how my breasts bounced. And I loved how my hair flowed with my moves in such a seductive way, tickling my shoulders and my back. I decided to have some fun with this young boy so I bent over a little and backed my ass up against his groin. He was a little shocked but responded quickly and started grinding against my ass. I didn't want to push him into anything but I was high and horny and wanted to have some fun. We danced erotically until the song ended and we hugged and had a light kiss. We were about to go our separate ways when he stopped me and asked me point blank "Would you do a serious lap dance for my little brother. He just turned 18 and I still think he's a virgin but really not sure. I'm not rich and I'm sure you can get 10 times what I can offer you but you are the finest woman I've ever seen and I would love to give my Bro a present like you." I was so touched by his sincerity that I said "What did you have in mind." He held up $50 and said whatever this will get a young inexperienced guy from the hottest girl on the planet." I almost let him keep his money but I remembered my tab, and the stripper pole and decided that this would be much easier and much more fun. I said OK and he pointed to his brother. He was a big guy and in great shape but very naive innocent look on his face. "Give me a few minutes to get my shit together and I'll go see your brother." He handed me $50 and said I know your good for it."

I went to Margo and took a long drink of my Margarita and smiled at her and said "I'm going to be bad. This might take a while." She pointed at her watch and said "You got 15 minutes before we have to leave do your thing quickly. I walked over to the birthday boy and blocked his view of the stripper on the pole by sitting on his lap. His head swung around and he looked in my face and froze. I took his hand and lead him to the dark area in the back. "Its OK honey. Your brother paid me to be nice to you but when I found out it's your 18th birthday, I would have done this for free." I leaned over to him and let me hair dangle in his face. I leaned up to him, our lips inches apart and said "Do you like me baby." He just shook his head without saying a word. I stuck my tits in his face and said "Lets see how much you like me." as I reached down and grabbed his cock through his pants. He flinched and scooted back in his chair. I told him to relax and enjoy as I grabbed the back of his head and pressed it into my tits and straddled him at the same time. I reached down and grabbed his hands and placed them on my hips as I started to grind my pussy against his cock. He was getting into it because he was moving his face around in my tits and was moving my hips trying to get a rhythm going. I could feel he was already rock hard and nice sized so I slid out til I was sitting on his knees and unbuckled his belt and pants. I reached in and pulled his cock out of his underwear. He really had a nice cock for a young boy and I knew I could make him cum quick so I decided to go down on him and give him the time of his life. I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth before he knew what was happening. He moaned heavily as I bobbed up and down on his cock. I swallowed him whole and worked my throat around his cock and thought for sure he was going to shoot his load but he just swelled a little and kept going. He must have jacked off before he came out. Typical old boys trick to keep you from cumming to quick when you have a chance to get lucky. Then I remembered Margo said I could use my pussy and I thought. What better way to loose your virginity than with a virgin. I stood up and popped my breasts out of the corset so they were easily accessible and turned my back to my horny young lover. I pulled my thong to one side and sat down on his lap. His hard on was raging and I grabbed it and started rubbing it in between my pussy lips. I reached back and took his hands and placed his hands on my breasts. I rubbed his cock with my pussy lips a couple more times and then slid down on his cock. The feeling was amazing. If it was « this good for real women why do they always have a headache. My lap dance for him was not about him anymore. I was riding this guys cock for me. I knew he would get off before I did because I had the power. I could make him cum any time I wanted but I planned to let us both enjoy it for awhile. I slid back up his cock and felt so aroused. Ling was a genius because it felt like what I would expect from a real pussy but a 1000 times better. He was massaging my breasts and pinching my nipples as I was circling around his cock with my pussy going left to right, back and forth and round and round. I had only taken about « of him because the deeper he went into me, the more sensitive it was. I loved the feeling of being penetrated and being in control. Suddenly he grabbed my hip with 1 hand and played with my nipple with the other and thrust all the way into me. I shuttered feeling him so deep and then felt him slid out only to slide back in. His cock felt great inside me and each stroke got me horny as hell. He began fucking me and moving my hips around for his pleasure. So much for control. I didn't want to be in control. He moved my ass around thrusting in and out making me squirm. I had my head back and realized he had both hands on my breasts and I was riding his cock like a bitch in heat. I would bounce up and down on it then bury his dick inside me and grind my pussy into him for a minute and then bounce some more. We were both moaning loudly and I felt him throb. As much as I wanted to feel him cum inside I didn't want a mess so I popped off him and went back down to my knees. I wrapped my lips around him and slid up and down a few times and that's all it took. He cum came in a steady stream and I just swallowed until he was done.

He was shaking and I calmed him down by licking him clean. He breathing came back to normal as I put his cock back in his underwear. I kissed him goodbye and said "I'm a lesbian baby so that means we are both virgins that just got there cherry popped." He just looked at me and smiled and put his arms behind his head and said "My 1st ever might as well be my best ever." I got up and licked my lips and straightened my thong and headed for the bathroom. Maybe that's what real women do. Take control of everything until they get you in bed and just get you started and then just lay back and enjoy. I could get used to it. I peed, clean my pussy and face and strolled sexily through the bar to where Margo was sitting. "We have a $15 tab" she said. I just smiled at her, chugged my drink, grabbed my jacket and flipped a fifty to the bartender and said "Keep the change." and headed for the door.

Any comments send to banditbeauty69@yahoocom

Next: Chapter 5

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