Vacation of Life

By Paula

Published on Mar 1, 2015


Please ad this the Vacation of Life story. Transgender/Mindcontrol/VacationofLife

Thank you very much, Brandi

Vacation of Life 14

I finished having dinner with Tony. I wasdelicious. Rosa was an excellent cook. We went out and sat by the pool andtalked for a while and sipped some wine. Tony was giving a rundown on theboxing match and party the next night and what was expected of me. The boxingmatch was a heavyweight title fight and many of the influential peopleattending would also be at the after party. He went on to explain that some ofthe gentlemen at the party had heard about me and were looking forward tomeeting me so I was to be extra sexy and charming. Some were previous clientsof his and some were potential clients for an upcoming Caribbean cruise which Iwould also be taking providing escort services. A frown came over my face andTony said "Don't give me that look of disapproval woman. You owe me $50K forLing's handiwork and so far you've just been partying and having fun fuckingwho you want. Now it's time to pay the piper." "I know honey." I said. "But itjust gives me that "I'm a cheap ho" kinda feeling." Tony started laughing agood loud belly laugh and when he finally finished he said. "Cheap Ho" helaughed again. "That fine ass of yours is costing them $3000-5000 for a fewhours of your companionship. Ain't nothing cheap about that Baby. Besides somewill just want a dinner companion or someone to eat or dance with and otherslike me will want to knock the bottom out of your ass." Ok honey. You know I'lldo my best for you." I said in a less than enthusiastic demeanor. Tony laughedagain and lifted my chin up and said "Why so glom Sweething. I thought you behappy getting your debt paid by doing what you have come to enjoy so much.Fucking and sucks hot guys. Hell you're a damn nymphomaniac whose only trulyhappy if 1 or more of your orifices are full with hard throbbing cock." Now Iwas belly laughing. "Don't complain Honey." I said. "You created me." I saidwith a seductive smile. "Yeah" he said. "Just call me Dr. Fuckenstien." We bothrolled with laughter. Tony leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and told me togo out and have some fun and he ordered me to pick up some guy and get laid."Yes sir" I said with a salute and nympho smile.

I hopped up and kissed Tony on the foreheadand as I raised up I slowly let my breasts straddle his nose and gave them a coupleof slow shakes. As I turned to leave Tony said "You're so bad," and gave me anaudible smack on the ass. I looked over my shoulder at Tony with a "Come andget it" look and said "Uuummm" and skipped like a little girl into the bedroom.I stood in the closet deciding what to wear and since it was my 1stsolo trip out on my own, my virgin night out so to speak, I decided to wearwhite. I grabbed a white V neck tank dress that had a built in bra though notmuch to it. It just barely covered my perky nipples. The dress was a littlethicker than a tee shirt and came down to the top of my thigh, just covering myass. My tanned body just glowed under the white material and my legs lookedphenomenal but I needed some heels. Let me look in the "Fuck me Pumps" section.I decided on some black 5"stiletto that had 2" heel cup that tapered to 1" atankle with a ¾" elastic cloth strap that went around my ankle and another thatwent across the base of my toes. It felt like I wasn't wearing shoes, exceptfor the heels. They were so light and had no support at all so this would be atest especially dancing but they would not be a problem when my legs were inthe air and a hard cock plowing into me. What a slut you are Danielle I thoughtto myself. I stepped in front of a full length mirror with better lighting andnoticed that my dress had a shimmer to it that I hadn't noticed in the closet.Sexy as hell I thought. I looked very hot but I would be dancing so I decidedto pull my hair up into a 6"banana clip which allowed my hair to hang elegantlyalong the back of my neck. I grabbed some 4" hoop earrings that were covered withblack and silver gems on a black border. I took a dark ruby lip liner a fewshades darker than my lips and outlined my lips and then blended it in so theylooked natural. I topped them off with a clear lip gloss that also shimmered.Talk about some DSL's. I decided on a silver and black choker style necklace sonothing would detract men from admiring my cleavage. I thought about a belt andtried on a couple. 1 wide black one and a couple of small chain belts but Icame to the conclusion that not wearing a belt showed off my curves and tightbody more. I looked in the mirror and staring back at me was a stunninglygorgeous woman. The changes in my hair, jewelry and the pouty lips not tomention my rockin body was astonishing. And except for the body, I did it allmyself without any training. Either I was a natural or Ling's mind control wasstill having some lingering effects. I hope it's all me though because I looklike a $1,000,000. I transferred all mygoodies from my big purse to a little clubbing purse that matched my earrings.I spritzed some Heat perfume by Beyonce. A shot behind both ears, 1 in mycleavage, 1 shot for the kitty and 1 shot on my wrist then set the bottle downand rubbed my wrists together. I felt a little burning sensation coming from mykitty and realized I wasn't wearing panties and had sprayed the perfumestraight on the pussy. What a slut by not wearing panties. I went to the drawerand pulled out a flesh colored thong that was not much bigger than a postagestamp. I slipped them on and smoothed the straps. It felt like I was wearing dentalfloss. The panties didn't show through my white dress and my curvy body and bighips showed no bulges or imperfections. The only dimple in my dress was caused by my belly button ring. I gavemyself 1 more head to toe check, turned around to check my rear view and wassatisfied with what I saw. "Smokin" I said like Jim Carrey said in the movieMask. "Damn right" I heard from the doorway. I spun around to see Tony standingin the doorway. "You like" I said as I cocked my head to the side and batted myeyes. "Absolutely" Tony said and watching his cock grow in his pants rightbefore my eyes was validation of how hot I looked. He came towards me and tookmy hand and raised it above my head and had me do a pirouette. "Damn gurl. Youare going to have to fight them off with a stick now get out of here before Icancel my poker game and keep your legs in the air all night." I looked at Tonywith a cocky look and said "Don't threaten me with a good time" and swung myhair around settling on a serious stare into his eyes. He just laughed reachedinto his pocket and pulled out a wad of hundred dollar bills and peeled off 5of them and handed them to me. "Here Sweetie. You shouldn't need any moneytonight but just put this in your purse for an emergency. Where ever you go,just tell them you're my girl and they'll take care of you. Speaking of takingcare of you." I stuffed the money in a little zipper compartment in my purseand slung it over my right shoulder. My purse had a long braided rope strapthat hung between my breasts and rested just above my left hip. Tony took myhand and walked over to the sitting area in his room and we sat down. I crossedmy legs and started swinging my foot as naturally as any other female would. Tonyreached in the drawer to the 2 tiered table between the chairs and pulled outMahogany puzzle box and pushed and slid a couple of wood slots and it poppedopen. He reached in and pulled out a pill and said "Open" and demonstratedopening his mouth. I opened my mouth and he put the pill in my mouth and usedhis finger to slide it under my tongue. "Let that dissolve there and it willwork faster." "Ecstasy" I said. Henodded yes then pulled out a mirror with a pile of coke and drew up a fat lineand a skinny 1. He handed it to me and told me to do the fat one. I asked himwhy and he said "I'm playing poker and I need my wits about me and I never messaround when there is money involved." "Ok honey and good luck." I said as Isnorted ½ the line of coke up 1 nostril then the rest up the other. "Now standup and let me look at you 1 more time." I stood as Tony simultaneously reachedinto his pocket and retrieved the small remote control. He gave it a quicksqueeze and my breasts grew a cup size larger to an E cup. I started tocomplain and he said "Watch what you say gurl. I can make you double or tripleE." I bid my lip and glanced in the mirror and decided it wasn't that bad.Besides guys loved big boobs on a tall sexy woman. "Now get your fine ass out of here before Ihave you relieve this hard on." He said. I looked down and he was rock hard andI made him that way without even touching him. Awesome I thought to myself. "Doyou want me suck your cock Baby" I said as I dropped to my knees in front ofhim. He reached down and put his hands under my armpits and lifted me up andsaid "Thank you for the wonderful offer Baby but you look to Sexy for me tomess you up. Besides as fine as you look it would lead to something else now,Go. Rosa" Tony yelled. "Si Senor." Rosa replied. "Would you drop this Beautiful creature offat the strip where ever she likes please." "Si Senor. It would be my pleasure."

Rosa and I jumped into 1 of Tony's cars. Abeautiful blackberry pearl Cadillac hard top convertible. I loved it. It was a2 seat sports car and I gave Rosa a big sexy smile and asked her if I coulddrive. She smiled back and reached out and handed me the keys. I jumped up anddown like a giddy school girl and hugged Rosa. Rosa reached out and opened thedoor for me and I slid into the plush leather seat. Rosa leaned in and kissedme on the cheek and said. "Have you driven in heels before Senorita?" I thoughtabout it and I said "No I haven't Rosa. Is there a trick to it." "Just drivewith your toes and keep the heels out of the way." She said. "Ok honey. Thankyou for the tip." I said appreciatively. Rosa climbed in the passenger seat asI pressed the push button start. The engine roared to life. Rosa pushed abutton and the garage door opened and then another and the hard top convertiblestarted to retract. It folded into 3 pieces and stacked neatly in the trunk asthe trunk closed snuggly. Awesome car I thought. I put it into drive and off wewent. We drove down the small hill overlooking the marina and all the boatswere lit up and the reflection of the lights off the calm clear water was asight to behold. There were a few boats coming in and leaving the harbor and wecould see a couple of shrimp boats with their nets cast off in the distance. Wecame to the light at the bottom of the hill and Rosa motioned for me to turnright. We drove on a winding road that followed the perimeter of the marina.Many of the yachts there were worth more than I would make in a lifetime. Wefinally hit a main street and turned left onto a busy state highway. We travelledabout 3 miles and turned off and that was the beginning of the strip. Rosaasked me if I knew where I wanted to go and I told her that this area lookedfamiliar and I would know it when I saw it. I hoped. We were travelling stoplight to stop light. My hair was blowing in the breeze and I hit the powerbutton to raise the seat up a little so my breasts were more visible. Almostimmediately some guys on the corner where whistling and telling me they lovedme. I just smiled and blew them a kiss. Suddenly I recognized where I was and pulledover to the curb. This was the 1st bar Danielle ever visited andMargo's friend owned it. It was perfect timing because the Ecstacy that Tonygave me was really kicking in. I felt wonderful and was ready for a drink andwhatever else the night sent my way. I pecked Rosa on her cheek and thenreached up to wipe the small smug of lipstick it left. "Have a wonderful timeSenorita and call me when you are ready to come home and I will come get you,if you need a ride." Rosa said. "Ok Rosa. Gracias Senora."

I stepped out of the car as ladylike aspossible and smoothed my dress, took a deep breath and walked in the club.Every head turned to look at me and it didn't phase me a bit. My confidence wasthrough the roof. Between the X and spending a little over a week as Danielle Iwas brimming with confidence. Plus I looked like a playboy model so I was readyfor some fun. The owner recognized me at once and gave me a huge hug. "You lookfantastic Danielle. What can I get you to drink." "Thank you honey. I'll have aVodka and cranberry." I said. "Lime?" he said. "Squeeze and toss." I said. Icouldn't remember his name but we chatted for a minute then I grabbed a seat atthe end of the bar. It was the perfect spot to see and be seen. It didn't takelong before I was being chatted up by several men full of compliments to howfabulous I looked which was evident by the bulges in their pants. I don'trecall ever being in the presents of a woman so beautiful that I couldn'tcontrol my winkie so that too must verify how beautiful I was. I looked aroundand caught my reflection in the mirror from the dance floor and still couldn'tbelieve it was me but I was thrilled it was. I dance with them all and hadanother drink but I knew the club down the street and great music and big dancefloor and some quiet booths in the back with more subdued lighting so I said mygoodbyes and kissed the owner on the cheek and asked if I had a tab. Hechuckled and said my drinks were paid for and then some. I walked out into thestreet and the fresh air felt good although there was a slight hint of carexhaust from the traffic. The night was bustling with people everywhere and thelights were bright and colorful. I'm sure the X I took was helping everythingseem more vivid. I felt great and so alive. I strolled slowly down the streetdoing some window shopping but mostly checking out my reflection in the mirror.What can I say. I love the new me. I got hit on by a bunch of guys. Some verycute, some not so much. Some with class, some without. Some with large bulgesin their pants and some without. I smiled when I thought about myself checkingthe package men were packing in their pants and I wondered what there cockslooked like. Long and thin or short and fat. Cut or uncut with large mushroom headsor small ones, big bull nuts or smaller ones. Just thinking about their cocksgot me moist between my legs.

So I stopped to talk to a few workinggirls and before long we were laughing loudly and talking about men and theircocks. Some of the stories these girls had were amazingly funny and some weresad. I noticed 1 of the girls really checking me out. She was a tall somewhathusky girl sultry yet sexy voice. We talked more about the Johns and how mostof them liked to fuck them and treat them like sluts. They would talk dirty tothem and make them beg for it then fuck them for 5-10 minutes and pull theirpants up and walk away without a word like they were God's gift to woman. Thetall girl said "I bet you have never been treated like a slut, have you." Oneof the other girls said "Don't mind Sindy. She's our resident tranny and can bea little cynical at times." "That's Sindy with an S because I love to Sin daily."She said with a wicked almost evil smile. She scared me a little but it was anexciting fear. "No Sindy I have never but fuck like a slut but the idea turnsme on a little." I said. She gave me that smile again. I looked at her againmore closely and noticed that everything about looked slutty. Her makeup waswell down but was purposely applied to be slutty. Eyes overdone with color andlong false eyelashes, too much blush, pouty lips like mine but a vastdifference in the lip liner and the shaded part of the lip and big blow outhair that looked like a lions mane. She had a cheap multi colored necklace thatreminded me of Mardi Gras that hung halfway to her very large slightly saggybreasts with some kind of tattoo with a scorpion and a rose with largeprotruding nipples that would be impossible to hide even if she had beenwearing a bra. The top she had on was a plain pink color made of a sheermaterial and she had on black shimmering spandex that pants that came down tomid calf and what looked like a camel toe in the crotch but it must be causedfrom tucking her cock back. She didn't seem too concerned about hiding it butthen that might be how Tgurls roll. She had a gawdy gold ankle bracelet thatmatched the dozen or so wrist bracelets and the 5" hoop earrings. Her nailswere crimson red and about 1" past her finger tips and looked like they hadsome chips in them. Her body wasn't tight like mine and had a little bulge hereand there but by no means fat or unattractive. She notice me giving her theonce over and said "You like what you see baby? You play your cards right andI'll show how much of a slut this 9" cock can make you feel like." I smiled ather knowing that I had living on big cocks so it didn't scare me. "You never knowwhat the night will bring honey but right now I need a drink and feel likedancing so if you lady's will excuse me, it was very nice talking with you andI hope to see you again." I blew them a kiss and winked at Sindy and I was offagain.

The dance club was another block down but Icould already hear the base from the music. A couple more guys hit on me and 1guy actually got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. I helped himstumble to his feet and he was obviously drunk so I kissed him on his cheek andsaid "Sorry honey but my man wouldn't appreciate that" and continued down thestreet. I stepped up the 2 steps into the club and the bouncer asked to see myI.D. so I reached into my purse to pull it out when the owner came over andscooped me up into the air in a big bear hug, with me knowing that my dress wasriding up and everyone had a clear shot of my thong covered ass, and said as heput me down "Danielle. Margo said you might pay us a visit tonight. Come withme. What would you to drink?" I told him vodka/cran as I pulled my dress backover my ass and smoothed it out. "Come down to this end of the bar Danielle"the owner said motioning towards a darker corner of the bar. He pointed to ahigh back bar stool for me to sit on as he set my drink in front of me. It feltgood to sit down but the location sucked and I couldn't understand why he hadme sit back here until he came back from his office with a mirror with 2 nicelong thin lines of coke and set it in front of me. I smiled a big smile, took along pull of my drink and took the straw in my hand. It was a ceramic straw butlooked just like a $100 bill. I did a line up each nostril and looked in thebar mirror to see if I had any remnants on the edges of my nostrils. I didn't.I was as good at sucking up lines of coke as I was sucking hard cocks but Iloved sucking cock much more. It got me horny just thinking about a hard veinythrobbing cock in my mouth. Uuummm I thought.

The owner came from behind the bar and tookme by the hand and escorted me to a table close to the dance floor. There was agirl and 2 guys sitting at the table and he introduced them to me and said theywere very good friends right away that started chatting with me to make me feelcomfortable. I found out that the shorter slightly chunky guy and the slenderattractive brunette were a couple. He must have money to have a woman like thator a dick that he tucked into his sock but judging from the size of his hands Isuspected he had money. The other guy was the owner of the clubs brother and hewas quite attractive in a quirky kind of way. He talked like a geek without thenerdy clothes and pocket protector. He asked me to dance and I nodded myapproval so he took my hand and escorted me to the dance floor. We danced acouple of songs, 1 fast song that got my heart pumping and my boobs bouncing.The 2nd was a slow song and he held me tight and told me howbeautiful I was. He moved ok but I felt no magic that I felt with other guyswhen I danced with them. Suddenly a sexy hand with long black nails with jewelson them and a beautiful wedding band and diamond ring tapped him on theshoulder and said "May I cut in?" She began to move into position to dance withme not giving him a choice in the matter so he politely said yes and excusedhimself. She took my hand and pressed herself against me with her beautifulbreasts caressing mine and her thigh was deep between my legs. She said "Hellostranger. I've been hoping to run into you again. You look even more ravishingtonight then when we met in the elevator." It all came back to me. Her name wasCindy and her husband's name was Wayne and they stood up to those punks beforemy Rikki took them out. I gave her a big hug and said "Hi Cindy and thank youso much for helping us that night. You and your hubby were great." The musicended and we pulled apart but she kept her arm around me as we walked towardsher husband standing by the dance floor. I reached out and put my arms aroundhis neck and kissed him on the cheek and said "Thank you Wayne for helping usout that night." "It was my pleasure gorgeous. Would you please join us at ourtable so we can get to know each other better?" He leaned in and whispered inmy ear that his wife would kill him if I didn't join them. I leaned back andsmiled a big smile and said "I would love to. Just let me say goodbye to theother table." I said my goodbyes and thanked nerdy man for the dance and feltCindy's arm around my waist again dragging me away. We sat down began talkingand right away I felt Cindy's hand on my leg rubbing my inner thigh and rakingher nails across my skin. It felt good. They told me that they saw my show atthe strip club and how sexy I was swinging around that pole. It seemed like solong ago that Tony had me be a stripper but I remembered I was so high and soaroused by Tony's remote that controlled my breasts and the butt plug in myass. They said we rushed out of there before they could tell me how amazing Iwas. "You made me so horny Baby I fucked Wayne's brains out til dawn." Cindysaid. Wayne chimed in and said "Cindy was so turned on by you and wished youwere right there with us making love all night." I smiled and said thank youand told them I would've loved to be there with them. The both had huge smiles.We danced a few songs and I was a Danielle sandwich most of the time withWayne's hard cock pressing into my ass while Cindy her thigh into my pussy andlet her hands massage my breasts with an occasional jarring nipple twist. I wasvery horny by now and getting a little sweaty so I told them I needed a drinkand we headed back to the table. I took a long drink from my drink and Waynesignaled for 3 more as I used a napkin to fan myself and Cindy began dabbinglittle beads of sweat with her napkin from my neck and breasts while I did thesame to my forehead and cheeks. Our drinks arrived with a little mini baster ofcoke for us. "That's for the room sexy as she grabbed her drink and stood.""Room?" I said with a puzzled look on my face. "Yes" she said. "They have roomsupstairs and we always get 1 when we come here and you're going to accompanyupstairs" she said with an attitude that saying no wasn't an option. I searchfor a reason to object but deep down I wanted to get naked with them as much asthey did. I just smile and said "That sounds wonderful to me." She held herhand out and I put my hand in hers and she pulled me to my feet and headed forthe stairs in the back of the bar.

We got to the room and as the door opened Iwas astonished at how nice the room was. Leather sectional sofa, marble tablesand countertops, a kitchenette with stove and fridge and a 65" flat screen withporn playing and some Asian girl sucking a white guys cock while a hung blackguy fucked her in the ass. Wayne took my drink and Cindy's too as Cindy cametowards me and took my hands in hers. She raised my hands and forcefully backedme up against the wall. She held my hands firmly and whispered in my ear "Yourmine now Beautiful!" as she kissed me with such passion that all I could do wasmoan a little. Her tongue darted in and out of my mouth sometimes lingering soI could suck on it. She let go of my hands and gently grabbed my face andkissed me deeply. I let my hands wander over her body and soon they were on herbreasts. She was braless with a loose top so I slipped my hands inside her topand massaged her bare breasts gave her nipples a twist. She let go of my facebut continued to kiss me and slid her hands under the straps of my dress andslipped them of my shoulders letting my dress drop to the floor. I let 1 of myhands slide down between her legs and found her pussy. Her panties were alreadywet and I slipped them to the side and rubbed my finger along the whole lengthof her pussy stopping at her clit to rub it sensually for about 20 seconds thenslit my finger inside her very wet pussy. She started shedding her clothes andI began to help her. She stepped out of her skirt as I pulled her top over herhead and found her nipples with my mouth and started feasting on her rock hardnipples. She grabbed the back of my head and pressed my face into her breasts.We both stepped out of our heels and started backing up towards the bed. I bit1 of her nipple lightly and she screamed a low scream and fell back on the bedpulling me down on top of her. We began making out and letting our hands wanderall over each others body. My finger found her pussy again and slid back intoher. She sighed as I slid a 2nd finger into her. Her hand found mypussy rubbed me all over getting my juices flowing. She split my pussy lipswith 2 outside fingers and used the middle 1 to massage my clit vigorously. Iwas so hot for her and started kissing her deeply. Suddenly she flipped me overon my back and began nibbling and sucking my neck while her fingers worked onmy pussy. Everything she was doing felt so good. She began to work her way downmy neck to my breasts and buried her face in them. Her tongue and teeth wereworking overtime and soon found my nipples. She was relentless and devoted tomaking me squirm. She was enjoying the way the little noises were coming out ofme like a chipmunk and sometimes like a bird shrieking. I was arching my backin pure pleasure as she slowly started working her way down, kissing my bellyand sides until she reached my kitty. She went to work expert technique thatinstantly told me this wasn't her 1st rodeo nor did I think it wasearlier. She would lick the full length of each side and then go straight downmiddle with her tongue going deep inside the folds of my hot juicy pussy. Sheate me out like it was her last meal and I felt her fingers spread my pussylips so she could bury her tongue deeper inside me. I felt her hands leave myjuicy lips and she reach up and grabbed my breasts with her wet hands andrubbed my juices all over my breasts. I managed to compose myself enough lookdown and saw my breasts with a sticky sheen to them and Cindy loved the tasteof me and seemed like she was off in her own little world. Then without noticeshe pinched my nipples hard and came up from my pussy to kiss me passionatelysharing my taste with me. After 1 long kiss with her tongue ½ way down mythroat she spun around and put her pussy in my face and buried her face back inmine. She was soaking wet and her musky smell was heavenly and tasted evenbetter as I found out by licking her length and settled on her clit. Again withwarning she flipped over on her back leaving me lying on top of her but I don'tthink either of us missed a beat feasting on each other. I had eaten a lot ofpussy but never while my pussy was being eaten too. It was magical. I felt herreach up and grab my hair from between her legs and pull me deeper into hercunt. I thought maybe I wasn't doing enough to satisfy her but it became whyshe wanted me buried deep into her when I let out a loud muffled moan asWayne's cock was thrust in my ass and went balls deep with the 1stthrust. The vibrations from the moaning I was doing really turned Cindy on and must have feltlike a vibrator inside her. Wayne pulled out about 2" then thrust back in ballsdeep. Wayne wasn't as big as Tony but had a long cock that felt great insideme. What cock did I have in my ass that didn't feel great inside me I thoughtto myself. With each stroke Wayne pulled out a little further then drove hardinto me making me moan over and over driving Cindy crazy. I could tell shegetting close to coming and obviously they had done this before because Wayneknew just what to do. He started fucking me hard and fast with full strokes andin 2 minutes Cindy and I both exploded with powerful orgasms. Wayne pulled outwith a pop as I lay on top of Cindy still shuttering from the orgasms we hadtogether. I rolled off her so she could breathe we both just laid there withour juices running under our ears and down to the base of our necks.

Wayne leaned over and kissed me mouthingUUuummm as he did and said "I hope you enjoyed that Danielle." I couldn't speakbut nodded my head yes vigorously. He leaned over and kissed his wife and said"I know you enjoyed that my love. She struggled to speak but managed to say"Let me catch my breath and it's your turn." "Yes absolutely" I said withlabored breath. Wayne went to get our drinks and the blaster with cocaine.Cindy slid up to the head of the bed and kissed me again and said "I knew beingwith you would be amazing." I kissed her back as Wayne arrived with the goodiesand I said "We're not through yet Beautiful." "Amen to that" Wayne said as hehanded us our drinks and slid in between us. "I love watching you 2 together. 2gorgeous woman making love. So erotic. He loaded up the mini blaster and handedit to Cindy. She sucked it up1 nostril, loaded it again and did the othernostril. She handed it to me and went down and began sucking Wayne's semi hardcock. I did a blast up each nostril and went down to help Cindy with Wayne'scock. I sucked on his balls and licked up and down the shaft. Cindy grabbed meby my hair and pulled me up to the head of Wayne's cock and until our lips metand we kissed with the head of Wayne's cock sticking in between the corner ofour mouths. Wayne's was rock hard and had a beautiful cock. 1 that dildo makerswould love to make a mold of. We slid up and down the outside of his shaft thentook turns going down on him until his trimmed hair tickled our noses. We wouldstop occasionally to kiss then give Wayne the attention he well deserved. Cindyslid up and motioned for me to straddle Wayne's face facing her while she slidher drenched pussy down on his cock. Wayne began eating my pussy while Cindyrode him with short deliberate strokes. She pulled me towards her by grabbingmy nipples which sent a jolt through me and began kissing me deeply and Waynewas enjoying himself with his tongue deep in my pussy. He would alternate fromlicking my clit to shoving his tongue deep inside me. I reached and grabbedCindy's nipples hard and she screeched through or passionate kisses. We stayedlike this for a while until Wayne started moaning. Cindy knew he was close andincreased her efforts and Wayne came deep inside her screaming muffled screamsinto my pussy. We all just collapsed on the bed, arm in arm, legs intertwined,sexually spent and satisfied. We laid there for a bit catching our breath thenCindy grabbed both of our hands and said let's get a shower. We all went into abeautiful marble shower with 2 nozzles and chatted about how wonderful our timetogether was and that we had to do this again, hopefully on a regular basis. Itold them that Tony set my schedule but I'm sure we could work something out.They said they had to work in the morning on a real estate deal but I was welcometo spend the night. I told them I had to get back home and get some restbecause we had a big night planned tomorrow night. We all dried off andexchanged some wet kisses then got dressed. Wayne had hung our clothes up afterwe stripped by the door so everything was perfect. We all kissed again and Ithanked them for a wonderful time and headed back to the club.

I called Rosa for a ride and she told meshe had some things cooking on the stove so it would be 30-40 minutes beforeshe could get there which would be about 1:30-1:40. I said no problem. I toldher to pick me up where she dropped me off and I would be in that bar rightthere and come out at 1:40. She apologized for not being able to come now but Itold her it would give a chance to walk a little and get some fresh air. I hungup the phone and walked out of the bar into the night. There was a slight chillin the air but nothing unbearable but my already sensitive nipples instantlylet me know by becoming rock hard. Things had died down slightly but still adescent crowd though a few more people stumbling while they walked thanearlier. The working girls were spread out, probably trying to get 1 more trickfor the night but Sindy was still standing on the same corner as before. Istopped to chat and she looked me up and down and said "So Bitch, you ready tosee the life we live." I looked at her with a puzzled look as she took meforcefully by the arm and said "Come with me. I know you have 20 minutes tospare for some education into our world." I started to protest but I had 40minutes to kill and wanted to see what she was talking about so I let her dragme down the alley. Some of the other girls saw her taking me away so I feltsafer that someone knew where to find me. We came to a dingy door by a dumpsterin the alley and she pulled out a key and unlocked the door. She opened thedoor and I expected the worst but it wasn't as bad as I thought. There was adouble bed and a night stand with a bowl of condoms and several ½ used tubes ofKY jelly. There was a small bathroom with a sink, toilet and small shower. On atable at the other side of the room was a TV with porn playing. She started toundress and said "Strip and get on your knees bitch." I complied. She came overand here cock was ½ hard and uncut. She grabbed me by the hair and shoved hercock in my mouth. "Swallow that cock bitch like the whore you are." She said. Ifelt her growing in my mouth and she had a musky smell to her as she forced hercock in and out of my mouth for about 5 minutes. Then she pulled out and toldme to keep my mouth open and tongue out. She started bouncing her cock on mytongue and said "You like that don't you Bitch." I said a mumbled yes. "But youwant this cock deep in your mouth again don't bitch" she said. Again I mumbledyes. She started slapping me in the face with her cock, 1st 1 cheekthen the other and then said "Beg for it bitch. Beg me to suck my cock youslut." I began to beg her for her cock and for some reason it turned me on. Ihad been with hookers before but never treated them like this. She continued toslap me in the face with her cock and bounce it on my tongue and put the headin my mouth but she continued to make me beg only now I really wanted it andwas really begging on my knees for her cock. She still had me by the hair andmust have sensed that I was genuinely begging to suck her cock because shepulled my hair forward forcing her cock down deep my throat. She face fucked mewith only her own pleasure in mind not caring if I was enjoying myself or not,which I was. I had a cock in my mouth. Why wouldn't I be enjoying myself. Aftera few minutes she pulled her cock out of my mouth and dragged me by my hair onmy knees to the edge of the bed. "Put your face down on that bed bitch and yourass high in the air" she said. As I did what she commanded I felt a hard smackon my right cheek and chirped a little scream. "You like that don't you bitch"she said as another sharp smack hit the other cheek. I glanced back justslightly and saw here putting a condom on and felt a sigh of relief. Then herfootsteps brought 2 more smacks and I felt a glob of lube against my asshole.She smeared it around with her cock and then slammed into me balls deep as herhand grabbed my hair very hard bending my neck up and I screamed a littlelouder. "Don't act like you don't like this cuz whores like you all love beingtreated like this" she said. She held my hair tightly to give her traction soshe could plow deep into me over and over again. It actually felt good beingcontrolled like this and she was fucking me really good. I could feel my orgasmbuilding after just a short time and knew it must be the dominating yethumiliating way she was treating me. I started to moan with each stroke andeach moan was a little louder than the last. "OH yeah bitch. You like feeling ahard cock slamming into you. Don't you, you slut. Tell me how much you love it.Tell me what a whore you are." Without thinking I blurted out "I am a slut andI love a hard throbbing cock in my ass pounding into me over and over." "Howmuch do you love it" she said. "I love, love, love the feeling of being a whoreand being fucked by anyone who has a hard throbbing cock and I love sucking cockon my knees like the slut I am. Oh fuck me baby, fuck me like the slut I am." Iwas so turned on by what I was saying that my orgasm started slowly as my moansturned to whimpers. She knew she had me and started pounding into me with longhard penetrating strokes and that sent me over the edge and I was screamingloudly as I felt her cock throb over and over again until she buried her cockballs deep and left it there til the throbbing stopped. She let go of my hairand through me down on the bed. I laid there while my orgasm subsided andwatched her peel the condom off and toss it in the trash. She walked over tothe sink and took a wash cloth with hot water and washed her cock off andturned to look at me. "So now you know how the treat us and fuck us on thestreet." "Why do you do this?" I asked. "It's my life now and I do like my likemy life. It is far from who I used to be and the life I led before." She said."Really honey? Why such a drastic change?" I said. She handed me some wipes touse to get the lube of my ass and then reached for my panties and dress. Icleaned up and dressed why she continued with her story. "I was a hunky manwith a stressful job and a cross dressing roommate that really looked sexy alldolled up. We used to go out for dinner on good nights and come back and makelove all night and I cared for her but I drank a lot and on the bad nights Iwould come home drunk and knock her around and rape her." My mind was going incircles thinking about the story Margo told me. She went on to say "1 night Iwas drunk and kicked her out or she left. She was homeless but I didn't carethen. Then she rescued some girl that was connected to a mob boss and hedecided he would teach me a lesson. He sent 2 guys over that worked me over andraped me over and over. I hated it but it turned me on. The next week they cameback with some friends and they fucked me and made me suck there cocks allweekend and by Sunday I woke up and started sucking his cock without being toldto. I wanted to. 1 of the other guys woke up and saw what was going on and cameover and started fucking me in the ass and smacking my ass. I loved having acock in my mouth and ass at the same time and up until they raped me the 1sttime I didn't know how vulnerable and dominated it made me feel. Now they ownme and I service them both by sucking their cocks and being fucked by them anytime they want me. Plus I work the streets to make them extra money. If I don'tmake enough they smack me around a little but nothing serious." "But you were aman. How did you end up looking like this?" I said. "Well they like big titsand prefer being with woman but they have an affection for Tgurls so I was sentto a woman who made me like this. At 1st I didn't like it but now Ican't imagine myself without tits and there so much fun when your riding a hardcock because they bounce around and the guys like to play with them." She said."Don't you miss your old life and job? I said. "Hell girl. I was constantlystressed out and miserable and my life was so complicated. Now all I have to dois fuck and suck my men and keep them happy. I don't have to worry about billsor food or a roof over my head. And I know these guys treat me like shitsometimes but they truly care about me. I fell once and was unconscious in thehospital for more than a day and they stayed right by my side and even hadtears in their eyes when I woke up. I'm actually happy and at peace with mylife except for times like this when my fucking feet hurt from walking thestreets all night." She said laughing and massaging her feet. Now get out ofher so I can try to get 1 more trick tonight so they don't smack me around. Ireached into my purse and pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it toher. Her eyes got big and said that that was a freebie to educate me andbesides it's only $50 anyway. I told her to keep it for showing me a good timeand give them $50 and you keep $50 and go treat yourself to a mani/pedi on me.She gave me a big hug as we walked out the door and back down the alley to thestreet corner. I kissed her on the cheek and told her I would see her again andheaded up the street just as Rosa rounded the corner.

Iclimbed in the car and we were off. Rosa asked me if I had fun and withoutsharing too many details I told her I had a wonderful time and was a littletired but felt good. She opened the console and there on a mirror where 2 fatlines of coke. I thought about declining but I didn't know if Tony would wantme when I got home so I snorted them both down. It burned a little more thanusual and when I asked Rosa about it she said that Tony put a little surprise inthose lines but I have no idea what it is. "He loves doing that to me doesn'the?" I said. She just smiled and nodded her head and kept driving. Before wegot home I was already feeling the effects of the lines Tony prepared for me. Ihad a rushing feeling going through my body in waves and colors were much morevivid. I closed my eyes and it was as though a light show was going on in myhead. I felt great but it was also a little unnerving. We pulled into thedriveway and into the garage and I was glad to be home although I knew it wouldbe a while before the affects where off and I could sleep. I walked in thehouse and Tony took 1 look at me and started laughing. "What did you giveBaby?" I said to Tony. "Oh, just something to make you feel incredible." Hesaid. I did feel incredible in a strange twisted way. "I am waiting on aconference call from Rikki and some employees so get something to drink and goto the play room down the hall and I come find you later." He said whilepointing down the hall. I had never been in there but the name gave it away. Iturned to get a drink and Rosa was holding a vodka and cranberry for me. "Thankyou Rosa and thank you for coming to get me." I said. "No problema senorita."The phone rang and Tony said hello. I walked over to him and kissed him on thecheek and whispered in his ear to tell Rikki I said hi. He nodded and Istrolled away to the room down the hall. I walked in the room was dimly lit butI could still see clearly. There were many different pieces of bondageequipment to be tied to, draped over or hung from with straps or handcuffsattached to each and a king size bed in the middle of it all. On the walls werean assortment of whips, paddles masks, ticklers, strap ons and dildos. I couldonly imagine what Tony had in store for me. Suddenly someone took my drink outof my hand and when I spun around to see something was sprayed into my eyes. Iscreamed from being startled but the spray didn't hurt my eyes at all. Itrather soothed them but when I opened them all I saw was pitch black. I wasblind. A voice from behind me said "Don't worry beautiful. The affects willwhere off in a couple of hours. I didn't recognize the voice but when hewrapped me in his arms and began kissing me I could tell from the full lips andshort curly hair on his beard that he was a black man and he was naked or atleast shirtless judging from the hairs of his chest tickling my breasts. I feltanother set of hands reach around and grab my breasts and press a nice sizecock into my ass cheeks. The 1st guy let go of me but kept kissingme and reached under my dress and began sliding off my shoulders. I felt 1 handslide of my breast and start stroking my pussy and I instantly felt a moistnessbetween my legs. The other guy slipped my panties off and stopped kissing me sohe could suck on my free breast while his other hand massaged my ass cheek. Iwas really buzzing from Tony's lines and my skin tingled with every touch andhad 10 times the sensitivity or so it seemed. I felt someone sliding in betweenme and the guy in front of me but must have been on his knees because I felt atongue entering my pussy. He licked up and down and would stop to tongue lashmy clit then bury his tongue deep inside me. The guy behind me was hard now andslid his throbbing cock up my ass. His cock was throbbing inside me and it feltwonderful. I felt his hand come off my other breast and grab my hips for traction.As if rehearsed, the guy in front of me moved his lips to my other breast and begandeeply sucking my nipple and then would alternate from breast to breast andthen up to my lips to kiss me passionately or suck on my neck and whisper in myear how Sexy I was. The guy behind me started pumping in and out of me withlong slow upward strokes that seemed to be hitting the spot because it wasdriving me crazy. I was moaning and just letting myself go and enjoyingeverything being done to me. I knew I wouldn't be able to take this for verylong and could already feel an orgasm building. The guy eating my pussy was nowconcentrating more on my clit with and occasional trip to lick the length of mypussy and lick me deeply on the way back up to my clit. It felt so good. Myorgasm began slowly and my moans turned to Ooo's and Aaahhs. They all knew I was coming andincreased their efforts and the guys sucking my nipples was now aggressivelynibbling and biting them, sending shock waves into me causing me to explode intoa full blown orgasm. The kept going and I felt my legs get weak and my kneesbuckle but they held me up and keep fucking and sucking me. I was limp in theirarms as my orgasm continued and I was convulsing slightly as each wave of theorgasm hit me. After a few long minutes my orgasm began to subside but theykept going and I could feel another building. They kept me like that and mademe cum again even more powerful and I was wiped out but had a feeling they werenot done with me. I was right. I felt his cock slip out of my ass and his armsslide under my armpits. The guy on his knees grabbed my ankles and the carriedme across the room and I felt them lift me up and lay me down on what felt likea hammock because it was unstable but too narrow to be a hammock. My ass hungoff 1 end and my head off the other. I felt my hands being fastened to thestraps holding up what I now guessed to be a sex swing. My legs were spreadwide and also fastened to the other support straps. I felt some kind of clampsbeing put on my nipples and then being pulled tightly causing me to arch myback to lessen the pain and the clamps must have been fastened to somethingabove me because my nipples were stretched upward. It hurt but my mind wasquickly taken off the pain when 4 quick sharp hard smacks stung my ass cheeks.I screamed out but it was muffled by a hard throbbing cock being forced into mymouth. He began face fucking me as 4 more whacks stung my backside. Just when Ithought it couldn't get worse, I felt an electrical current pulse through theclamps pinching my nipples. It was stimulating my nipples but it was alsopainful and multiplied the pain of my nipples being stretched. Smack, smack,smack, smack on my ass again. This time it was harder and felt like a bigger paddle.I felt a cock slide into my ass and thought that it was great because thepaddling must have stopped but he only did about 5 strokes deep into my ass andpulled out to smack my ass again and again. I began to cry. He thrust back intome and began fucking me and I thought that my tears had stopped the onslaughtof smacks to my ass but after about 10 strokes he gave me 4 more swats and theelectric current seemed to increase at the same time. I had a strange feelingnow because even though the smacks the ass hurt like hell, it also was startingto turn me on. Maybe it was from being blind and tied up, helpless to stop themand the drugs and electric current raging through my swollen sensitive nipplesbut I was beginning to enjoy being used and abused for their pleasure. Hethrust back into me and fucked me some more then pulled out to swat me again.This time it was ok and made me relax a little causing me to stretch my nippleseven more. The guy face fucking me must have been enjoying what was going onbecause I felt his cock swell and begin to throb as his cum shot down mythroat. "Uuummm" I mumbled as stream after stream slid past my taste buds anddown my throat. The other guy pulled out again and gave me more swats to my assbut I actually moaned with excitement as he finished. I felt him slide into mypussy but instantly realized that this was a different cock inside me. Much fatter around and had a slight curve tothe right. He plunged into me balls deep and stayed there as he let out a sighof pleasure. I smiled inside knowing he loved the way my tight pussy felt. Theguy finished coming in my mouth and was slowly inching out of my mouth so Isucked hard on his cock as it slid out to get every drop of his cum. He poppedof my mouth giving me a chance to swallow and lick my lips but another cockreplaced him in my mouth. I could tell by the taste that it was the guy who wasfucking me in the ass. It didn't taste nasty because I was clean inside fromdouching before I left but it had that musky taste and not the sweetness from apussy. I could tell he was turned on from fucking me in the ass and didn'tthink it would be long before he shot his load in my mouth too. I tried to suckon his cock on both inward and outward strokes so he would enjoy it. The otherguy in my ass pulled out and gave me more smacks on the ass and I liked it. Iarched my ass up as if to ask for more and he rewarded me by thrusting his cockdeep into my ass. He started fucking me but he would give 2 long hard strokesin the ass then 2 inmy now sopping wet pussy. He did that for a while then as if his cock had amind of its own, it slid in a different hole randomly. It was exhilarating notknowing where it was going next. I was getting really turned on as the electriccurrent became even stronger. I was close to another orgasm and they knew andbegan fucking me harder in the mouth and in my holes. As if scripted in and XXXmovie we all came together. I was bucking in this swing riding this hadr cockthrusting into me and had another exploding large gobs of cum into my mouthwith some escaping and sliding down my chin and neck. I was barely able torealized when we finished but my instincts kicked in and I suck his cock til heslid out of my mouth while wiggling my ass and squeezing my ass cheeks to milkmy other guy too. He finally pulled and I lay there limp as I felt someone liftmy head and put a straw to my lips. "Drink baby." He said with a Spanishaccent. I felt them untying my arms and legs and removing the nipple clamps. Ireached with 1 hand to touch my nipples and the long, swollen and stilltingling from the electricity. One of them scooped me up and carried me acrossthe room and knelt down and handed me off to another guy laying on his back. Helaid me on his chest with my back to his chest and parted my legs so they werespread. He kissed my neck then slid me down right onto his hard cock. It slidinto my ass with ease. He began moving me around on his cock and it felt goodto relax and let him do the work. Then I felt another guy climbing on top of meand I felt his cock slide into my pussy as he kissed me. The pressure of having2 cocks inside me was amazing and I was instantly turned on. I was moaning with extreme pleasure and Ifelt another cock come between my lips and the guy who was kissing me. We bothbegan sucking on it and then the guy shoved in the other guys mouth. It upsetme a little that he wanted him to suck it and not me, but I had his ballsresting on my chin so I began to lick and suck them. My eyes were starting toclear because I could see light and shadowy figures but nothing clearly. Theyfinally got a rhythm going and were fucking me slow and sensually. The guywhose balls I had in mouth turned around and straddled my face and fed me hiscock. It's about time I thought. We continued like this for a while until 1 by1 they came in me and crawled off me. I came twice during that session andcould hardly move from all the sore muscles from such intense orgasms allnight. Not to mention the entire night of sex with everyone. They all kissed megood night and then I heard showers running but I was content where I was fornow. I lay there with the taste of cum on my tongue and cum oozing out of mypussy and ass and am sure I had that completely satisfied, freshly fucked glowon my face and my last thought before I fell asleep was of what a slut I wasand it just made me smile.

Next: Chapter 15

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