Vacation Experiment

Published on Mar 5, 2005



Glen and York had grown up together. A photo of the two of them as babies, naked sharing a bath hung on the wall in both of their parent's room.

Cub Scouts, school, learning to ride bikes, going from elementary school to junior high and then senior high everyone thought they were brothers.

And indeed they probably did too. Both were only children in their respective families. And they found peer give and take together.

York's Dad walked in his son's bedroom and found the two boys naked jacking off together. But they were only thirteen and he just wrote it off as things boys do.

As teens they slept at each other's houses on and off all the time. And as members of the same boy scout troop, they did all the things that boys do, wrestled, played jokes on each other, snuck out at night to go skinny dipping in a neighbor's pool, ran around the woods at night playing jokes on other scouts and sharing their raging hormones in various ways.

That weekend they were both back from college. Their respective parents had decided the boys should go to different campuses to get them ready for real life they said.

The boys weren't happy gut the excitement of this new adventure replaced their disappointment.

And during vacation they were going to stay at Glen's house while his parents went to an event in Las Vegas, one whole week.

"I got an idea" York said "we'll spend the entire time naked"

Glen didn't mind that idea at all "what do you want to do?"

York smiled knowing what his best friend was really asking "everything, watch tv, do dishes, cook, read, listen to music, have friends over, and probably do the stuff you did at your college and what i did at mine"

They stripped watching each other as they had seen each other's bodies while comparing muscle growth, pubic hair appearing and erections over the more recent years.

"There" York said as he pulled his ballsac. "That's the way we stay, agreed?"

Glen stared at York's erection. It was familiar and he had missed it for months at college. He had touched others, sucked others and felt others inside him, but York's was somehow different.


Their friends weren't surprised the two were together during vacation, and not too many showed suprised they were naked. There had been sleepover parties where the two and others got bareass.

"The whole week?" Conner asked.

"Ya" York replied "the whole week".

There was something beautiful about seeing the boys uninhibited, relaxed sitting, walking playing board games, getting snacks and just sitting around talking to their friends. Some of them even joined in by strippind down as they felt more comfortable.

"Henny is comign over" Glen said.

"Your's kidding" York said "Steve Henny?"

Steve Henny was one of the big men on campus at thier high school. He got lettered in three sports, was elected Senior Class Vice President and went to Washington, D.C. as a Student Governor to meet the President.

He was hot. Glen and York had talked about him seing him naked in the locker room and always being with girls.

"What's he comign over for?" York asked suspiciously.

"He wants to change schools, he said. And he wants us to tell him about State and your University".

"Does he know?" York said absent mindely playing with his mushroom shaped cock head.

"Not sure but he said he heard we were here from some of the other guys" Glen said and turned when the door bell rang.

Steve stood there looking as hot as he did in high school. Depsite the weather he wore a tank top that fit just right, some shorts that laced up over the crotch, tennis shoes and a school jacket.

"Come in" Glen said wondering if his cock would give his lust away.

"I see you two are as crazy as ever" Steve said "Hi York".

Steve stuck out his hand to shake Glen then York's hand. Outside of his crazy remark, he didnt' make mention of the fact that both former classmates were buck naked...or that York seemed to have a budding erection.

"Want me to take your coat?" Glen asked.

"How about your clothes too?" York asked and laughed.

"Well sure, why not?"

Both boys stared as Steve handed his coat to Glen then peeled his tank top off.

"You dont' have to" Glen said meekly.

"Fuck, why not?" Steve was pushing his shorts down his bare legs. His balls hung low and his uncut cock dangled just the way that Glen and York had remembered from their shared locker room days.

"God that does feel better" Steve said smiling as he folded his clothes "Where do you want to put these?"

Glen took the stack of clothes and shoes and went upstairs.

"So, what college did you go to?" York asked leading Steve to the kitchen to get him a beer.

By the time Glen had returned from upstairs York was on his knees and sucking Steve's cock.

"Boy you wasted no time" Glen said. His trembling hands touched Steve's tightened buttocks and slid them to his thighs.

"Nice" Steve said over his shoulder "I knew you two guys were gay"

Steve moved his body against Steve's back feeling him head to toe with his own body.

"Why didn't you tell us then?" Glen asked. York had his mouth full and didn't say a word.

"Christ man, know what would have happened if I had been found out then?" Steve hissed as he felt more and more pleasure form York's mouth. "God that's good"

"Yea our parents would have disowned us" Glen said as he moved his hands around Steve's body and began fingering his nipples.

"Fuck, you're parents were used to you two being together. I bet they knew long ago about you two. Hell I did, most of us did."

Glen had never thought anyone knew he was gay, let alone is parents.

"Want some?" York looked up. Glen and York exchanged places.

York began nibbling on Steve's nipples while Glen knelt and fingered the first uncut cock he had ever played with. He licked Henny's ball sac..the nuts hung so low.

"Shave?" Glen looked up at Steve. He hd remembered him having alot more hair on his crotch.

"Yea, tell everyone I did it for swim team. Hell we don't even have one. Feels good huh?"

Glen didn't answer his cheeks were full of testicles.

"So when did you start?"York asked.

"Fuck in cub scouts. But never with anyone in our school...not till high school that is"

Glen stopped and so did York. Both asked the same question "Who?"

Steve chuckled, "You mean you guys can't guess?"

"Coach Manner" Glen said not asked.

"Yep did you too huh?" Steve said.

Glen didn't answer, his silence was the answer.

"You never told me that" York said. It was the first private thing that Glen had never told him. "Who else you didn't tell me about?"

Glen shook his head no. By that time his mouth was invaded by Steve's uncut cock, but his foreskin was pulled back by now that his cock was so hard.

"You guys, Manner did me when I was a freshman. Hell, he did alot of the guys."

York stared. He couldn't believe he missed this let alone didn't know about it. But he wasn't much into athletics so Manner wouldn't have noticed him.

"Not all the guys were gay of course. But hell we all had boners, and the Coach loved sucking so if we did good, he rewarded us."

"you must have gotten rewarded all the time" York was relating to Henny's superlative high school career.

"yea but not for that reason" Steve pulled Yorks face back to his chest and was soon hissing as York's teeth pulled on his nipples.

The summer I turned fifteen, I was cutitng his lawn and doing chores there all the time. So I was around him and the house all the time. One afternoon, I went into the house to get a coke or something and he was sleeping in the couch.

I just went over and pulled his dick out and sucked it like he had sucked me. I liked it. He woke up and told me I didn't have to do that. I told him I wanted to.

Well after that we did all kinds of stuff.

"He fucked you?" York asked.

"Shit, I almost had to force him. I got on top and put him inside me and bounced around like I was riding a horse. And based on the size of his cock, it was indeed like a horse"

"After that, we had sex all the time. He made me promise not to do it with anyone else in the school."

"And you agreed?"

"Shit yea, who would elect a fag to class officers, or Governors and if any of the guys on the team found out I would hardly be captain of anything".

"But you said he sucked them too" Glen took a break from Steve's cock wipign his own salava off his lips.

"Sure but we didn't think of that as fag stuff, just what the Coach called it, guys helping out other guys. But if they found out the Coach and I were lovers what do you think they would say?" Steve said as he pulled Glens head back close to his crotch.

"So which one of you guys is going to fuck me?" He asked.

"We've got plenty of time for that. Can you stick around?" York asked.

"How long you guys got the place?" Steve asked offhandedly.

"All week" York replied looking into Steve's green eyes. "But you're probably going over to Coach'e s house while you're home, aren't you?"

"Naw, that's over for me. Besides once I left this town, I got into guys my own age and frankly it' s fantastic."

"Coach know you're over him?" Glen stood streching his knees.

"Yea we talked about it and besides I bet he has another boy by now" Steve seemed not too happy about it.

"Well let's spend the week helping you forget all that" Glen said leaning forward and kissing the lips he had only fantasized about kissing till now.

Their kiss accelerated and soon both of their tongues were slindign around each other's mouths.

"Fuck you two" York said and moved into stab his tongue where their mouths met. For awhile all three were biting, licking and kissing.

"Shit you two guys" Steve said "I wish we had done this long ago"

York and Glen didn't answer they were kissing each other as they had many times before but heir hands were moving all over Steve Henny the guy they had talked about in the darkness of both their bedrooms leading up to their own sexual fun.

"Got an idea" York said "Let's get some pizza, we got beer here, and take our time."

"Ok" Steve said "But how about first you guys turn me into a sandwich."

"What?" York asked

"I suck one of you while the other fucks me, then switch" Steve suggested.

York and Glen looked at each other. Fantasies were becoming reality and it was surreal.

That's how the week continued. The stacks of pizza boxes were high by the end of the week. The empty beer cans filled more then one plastic bag.

And a few of their former classmates got blowjobs that they said were far better then Coach Manners.

But mostly Steve Henny, York and Glen found every way they could to suck, bite, fuck and pleasure each other.

"Whew what a week" Steve said as he searched for his clothes.

"Here use mine" Glen handed him a pair of gym shorts. York threw one of his own te shirts over and that's how Steve left them, dressed with their clothing.

"So I'll come see you at State and you at University." he kissed each one of his week long lovers. "And let's all decide where the three of us will be going next year" He added.

It was decided. They's share an aparment and each other for their next year at college.

"Hey" Glen yelled at Steve as he went down the walk. "What about this summer?" Glen didn't mind the fact he was standing in full view in the door way still naked.

"We'll think of something" Steve promised.

As glen turned he saw York wearing the tank top Steve wore the day he arrived.

"Hey, his smell is all over it" York explained as he threw another item at Glen, "put these on"

Glen looked and then slid the shorts up his legs. They were the football shorts Steve had worn that day too.

"Hot" York said as he pulled on a pair of gym shorts "we better clean up this place"

Glen and York threw out trash, vacumned and dusted, washed dishes and restored the house to the order it was in one week earilier.

"So what did you boys do all week?" Glen's mom asked "My what nice shorts honey, are they yours?"

Glen forgot he was still wearing Steve's gootball shorts but answered not thinking "UH Steve Henny's he came over and hung out"

York laughed "yea I got his te shirt"

"I hope you boys gave him something to wear" Glen's mom said as she busied herself unpacking.

"Oh we gave him things to remember us by" York said and laughed again.

Glen was worried his Mom would know something went on, but she just continued with her work.

"Well the place looks nice so whatever you boys did you cleaned up after yourselves" She said.

The doorbell rang and York's Dad was there to give him a ride home.

"So you have a good time?" He asked as he drove.

"Yea I guess dad" York said still inhaling Steve's aroma from the te shirt he wore.

They parked in the driveway. "Wait a minute before we go in. His Dad said.

"I know you and Glen are, well the way you are."

York didn't know what to say.

"It's ok, I love you and I love Glen..I always have and always will, but I just want you to know that your mother ad I have known for a long time"

York and his Dad sat there silent for awhile, then York bent over towards his Dad.

"I love you Dad" he said and felt the mans arms surround him.

At that same moment Glen's mother was holding him. "And I think you boys should go to the same school next year" She said. "You're father won't care, he's busy somewhere in Alaska with his girl friend anyway"

"I love you mom" Glen said.

Across town, Steve Henny knocked on Coach Manner's door. The door opened.

"Oh there you are, I wondered if I was going to see you during vacation" The coach stepped back and Steve walked in. He had three more days of vacation before he would have to go back to his college.

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