Used by Jocks

By Eros Zob

Published on Dec 17, 2004


Disclaimer: The following story is for the most part a work of fiction. A few instances are drawn from actual events involving consenting persons 18 years or older, but no original names of people, or places have been used. The following material deals with sexual situations involving homosexual acts. Other situations include bondage, S&M, and in order to make a more compelling story line the situation takes place in a highschool setting. It is not recommended that this material be viewed by persons under the age of 18 or anyone else who does not wish to read a story involving acts of homosexual sex.

Used by Jocks -- Part 3 by Eros

Chapter 5 After Practice---

The team hustled through the building and made their way through the sports corridor and into the "old" section of the locker room. They chatted away, making fun of each other and bragging of their own abilities, as they undressed. In the background the coach was giving instructions to the team manager. He was a short Latino boy named Marco. Marco had signed up for team manager, because he though it would be a good way to get to know the older boys, and simultaneously create a name for him amongst the jocks. That way he would fit in better when he was old enough to try out for the team. But it hadn't worked out that way. He thought his role would be closer to assistant coach, but it was in fact a glorified water boy position. He did have other responsibilities. He was given the keys after every practice, and allowed to lock up for the coach, who often left immediately after practice. Unfortunately, he hadn't quite gained respect amongst the team. They saw him as a skinny freshman who didn't fit in with the real "men"

Marco nodded towards the coach, put his keys in his pocket, and then sprinted towards the new section of the locker room. He grabbed a huge pile of towels and made his way back to the "old" section. He hated this part of the job: Towel Boy. He had to stand at the entrance of the showers and act as a shelf as the soaking wet naked jocks exited the shower room. Invariably each naked teenager would rub Marco's head condescendingly in thanks for holding the pile of towels for them. There was nothing Marco could do but take it, until the last boy had exited, since he was holding the towels with both hands.

"Thanks fag" murmured a well-tanned and muscular jock, with a big dick. Then he rubbed the little guys head with his wet hand and smirked as he passed on through to the lockers. Three more followed suit, wetting the Latin-twink's hair.

Then Nick headed for him, another dark adonis like Simi. Right as he entered into Marco's line of sight he non-chalantly reached down to his own crotch, gave his balls a good rubbing and yanked on his cock before patting his moist hand on Marco's face. Marco grimaced with humiliation. Unfortunately the remaining athlete's in the showers had seen the event, and each one repeated it, laughing like mad towards the end. As they approached one by one Marco squinted in anticipation of the pat. He knew each one had just rubbed their cock and balls before putting their wet hands on his face. He was considering resigning his position soon. He shouldn't have to put up with this.

To add to the unpleasantness today was Tuesday: Laundry day. Not only was he responsible for collecting all the wet towels and taking them to the laundry room, but the jockstraps too.

As the players dried themselves and walked around in their underwear, or nothing, looking for this and that, it was Marco's job to collect each dirty jockstrap and wash them in the laundry room right next to the old towel closet. He hated this routine because it always involved the same jabs and embarrassments. Allusions towards what he was "really" going to do with the soiled jocks, and attempts to toss the garments directly onto Marco's face were common place. He expected nothing less than the usual today.

Since someone had stolen the garment bag (just like last week) Marco was trying to collect the dirty straps in a leftover towel to avoid touching them as best he could. He had about five in his towel before the half-naked teenagers began hurling their jocks at his face. A couple landed directly on his face causing him to lurch backwards in disgust, the rest either missed him completely or glanced off his head. He scowled the, annoyed- at-undue-humiliation scowl that was typical of all underclassmen when forced to endure situations of this type. The team just laughed at him, occasionally squeezing their balls through their underwear in displays of dominance. He now had a considerable pile of jockstraps in his hands. He assumed he had them all. He was wrong. As he turned from the unorganized clutter of nude teenagers, a firm hand landed on his shoulder. He paused, rolling his eyes up into his head.

"Hey ya forgot mine man" said a kind voice from behind him. Then without warning a dirty jockstrap was shoved into his face with the pouch covering his mouth and nose like a gas mask. The Freshman accidentally inhaled deep the foul stench of jock-crotch in pure surprise. It was damp and smelled of piss and sweat. He hoped it would be a short-lived gag, but the jock took advantage of Marco's full hands and held it there till the boy finally struggled free, nearly dropping his pile on the ground.

What's even more inconsiderate of the boys was that they never removed their cups from the strap for Marco. He always ended up standing in the laundry room removing each cup individually, and having to finger the moist insides of each warm jockstrap in the process. However, little did they know, he got revenge each time. He never bothered to figure out whose cup was whose. Once the straps were clean, he would randomly replace each cup into a boy's marked jockstrap and hand them out the next day. None of the team members bothered to envision the process. They all assumed they were the only ones whose ball sack rested in their own cup. Marco couldn't help but smile as he was doing it.

Then suddenly from the locker room he heard his name.

"Marco, Yo Marco, hold up man!" shouted Simi "come 'ere"

Marco stuck his head out of the laundry room door and found himself in the middle of a locker room argument.

"You stuck those jocks in the washer yet?" Simi demanded an answer.

"Naw, why?" responded Marco quickly.

"Good cause this bitch, about ta lose a bet." explained Simi.

Evidently the boys had been bragging while Marco was separating straps from cups. Simi, claimed that he got head in the boy's room today during lunch, and Nick, another beautiful lean black basketball player, who wore nothing but a skimpy towel around his waist, was calling him a liar. Nick had always considered himself the player, and never heard of Simi hooking up with anyone. He wasn't going to be out done by a lying punk like Simi. They'd made a locker room bet.

"Prove it and I'll clean yer jockstrap with my tongue" He said jokingly. He was confident, this Nick. After all, how does one prove such a thing anyway without the second party nearby willing to confirm the story? It was then that Marco had beed summoned back from the laundry.

Simi looked around the room in a quick glance finding Joe immediately. He nodded to him and Joe headed for the towel room. A few moments later he returned with a naked freshman, his hands bound behind him with duct tape, and his face red, from being pressed up against the crotch of another boy for a little over an hour, and of course because of the embarrassment of being nude in front of a group of juniors and seniors. They began laughing immediately. All except Nick who looked on with a confused frown. It was, of course, me. Joe had torn me from Paul's hardening dick and thrust me into a room of half-naked fired-up jocks. I must have looked ridiculous.

Then Simi approached me. And began speaking like a TV lawyer. "Now tell me, young man, whose big juicy black cock was in your mouth today?" The room exploded in laughter. My eyes were suddenly glued to the floor. I never thought the events of today would ever become more public than they already were. But now I was being forced to admit to giving Simi a blowjob. And what if I didn't play along? Who knows what I would be forced to do.

Once the gang silenced themselves, Simi asked again. "Who's dick did you suck today?!"

I sheepishly looked up at him, and quietly yet audibly uttered: "Yours"

The unclothed teens exploded again in laughter, this time at me, instead of at Simi's joke.

"Did you eat my cum?" he added, further embarrassing me.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Did you swallow it?"


I never thought the laughter would ever end. But there was one boy who wasn't laughing, he was standing there with a frown on his face wearing only a small towel. As the other's calmed themselves, Nick realized it'd be hard to get out of this one. He and Simi had never got along, and the rest of the team clearly preferred Simi anyway, mostly because he wasn't such a ball hog on the court and he didn't usually brag about his sexual exploits in a way that demeaned the rest. But Nick was all of those things, and now he had bet himself into a payback.

"Hey Marco, bring me my jockstrap" ordered Simi. Happy that he wasn't the one being made fun of, Marco dashed back into the laundry room and thumbed through the pile of dirty jocks till he found the one marked Simi. He hadn't yet removed the cup from this one.

"Here ya go" Marco said slightly excited about being part of this process.

"Here you go, Nick" said Simi in a mocking tone.

"No way man"

"Do we have to make ya?" threatened Simi. Nick wasn't willing. Then suddenly two guys appeared behind Nick and held his arms back, and a third grabbed his legs. With great struggle they managed to get him to a bench and lay him down face up. The two guys holding his arms sat down on the ground and pinned the struggling naked teen's arms underneath the bench. The same was done with his legs. Since he was now straddling the bench, his legs were spread apart making the towel that once covered his 8 and a half inch cock, completely obsolete. He was leaving nothing to anyone's imagination. Finally the towel came undone exposing his naked brown body entirely. No one bothered to cover him back up. His monster dong flopped back and forth as he struggled.

Simi approached with the soiled jockstrap and a smile on his face. Practically the whole team had been waiting to let Nick know how they felt about his cocky attitude. It was at this point that I realized how quiet Joe was. He had been present during the entire scene, but said nothing. I would have expected him to have the loudest mouth of them all. But instead he stood in the middle of the crowd, watching.

"Lemme go fuckers" screamed Nick.

"C'mon man, give it a good tongue bath, then we let ya go" Simi responded. "we could do worse things to ya"

With that Simi tried to place the dirty jock on Nick's face but he struggled instantly knocking it to the ground. The same thing was repeated 2 more times.

"Fine, motha fucker, you want this the hard way, you got it. Come here Marco"

Marco slowly approached the bench with the pinned jock. Then Simi grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to my knees in front of the little Latin-twink. I stared up at both Marco and Simi with a confused look on my face. "Suck him, bitch" It was a command directed at me. He fully expected me to suck Marco's cock in front of a roomful of chuckling jocks. I couldn't believe it. "Our lil' bro Marco here wants to get his first BJ " More laughter ensued. "Get to it!"

Frightened, I began undoing the freshman's pants. I undid the button, then pulled the zipper down. He was wearing boxers. I gently reached in with my fingers and finally produced his limp Latin dick, along with his brown balls. He was bigger than Paul, but smaller that Simi, and definitely nowhere near the monster cock that Nick was sporting for everyone to see. Slowly I leaned into the boy's crotch and took his balls into my mouth. Marco almost doubled over in surprise. He'd never had a blowjob before, that much was true, but he'd never even imagined the pleasure of having his balls sucked. Someone behind me gasped, "Oh my God he's fucking doing it."

I kept at it, despite the hoots, and hollering around me. Finally he started getting hard. I then let his balls flop out of my mouth and started sucking on his dick. It was twitching in my mouth. I pumped his smooth shaft with my mouth. It was like silk. It was also the second brown dick I'd had today, and third in total. He was quivering all over. I knew he wouldn't last long, even shorter than Simi, probably. Then I tasted his precum, it wasn't that bad. I didn't remember Simi's. It got my tongue ready for the taste.

"Don't swallow this time, cock sucker." Simi warned from above me wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, the same pair from earlier today. I knew better than to disobey. And then the freshman came.

"Uunnhh, Unh, Unh AAAHHHH"

5, 6, 7, 8 huge globs of spicy Latin spunk filled my mouth. It was stronger in taste than Simi's, and naturally the taste lingered since I wasn't allowed to swallow. He had finally finished. Simi instructed him to pull his cock out and wipe it on my face. As he withdrew, however, I tightened my lips cleaning it for him as he pulled out. This meant there was more cum in my mouth and less on my face. After slapping me in the face with his spent cock, Marco stuffed his half erect penis back into his pants and zipped them back up. He was breathing heavily, and couldn't wait to see what Simi had in mind.

"Alright cum-bucket let's go" Simi announced. He lifted me up to my feet and made me open my mouth, displaying Marco's huge load of cum to the rest of the guys. Then he turned to Nick , who was still pinned to the bench.

"I'll give you one last chance. Lick my jock."

"Fuck you" was Nick's response.

Then very calmly, Simi reached for me again and bent me over Nick's face. I could of given him mouth to mouth I was so well positioned. While I was finishing with Marco, a fourth jock had sat down to pin Nick's head. He straddled the bench sitting at the poor guy's head, which he locked in between his legs and held with his hands. The top of Nicks head was nestled, directly against this guys balls which were clothed only in a pair of tighty whities.

"Alright spit that shit out man" commanded Simi.

So I opened my mouth and let Marco's cum seep onto Nick's face, which was still being held in place. He squirmed, naturally as the big load of semen covered his nose and lips. Some splattered on the fourth jock's underwear, though he didn't notice. Finally I spat the rest of the cum out right before Joe grabbed me, and pulled me back. My part was done apparently.

But Nick's wasn't. Simi ordered Marco to reach down and smear his cum all over Nick's face. And the little Latino did just that. Nick was too afraid to open his mouth in protest, or even to bite, cause he didn't want a mouth full of Marco's cum which made the task all the easier.

"Now do we take a picture?" Simi began holding up Joe's video camera, "or do you lick my jock?"

Trying to open his mouth without letting the cum in Nick quickly said, "Jock", But he wasn't quick enough Marco had done a thorough job with his cum, and Nick was soon spitting as hard as he could to get the musky Latin seed out of his mouth. But suddenly he couldn't spit anymore, Simi had forced the jock strap over his mouth. From inside the dirty garment, Nick quickly lapped up Simi's filth, a tongueful at a time, along with Marco's cum. The whole locker room was laughing at him. Every once in a while Simi would lift up the jock to see how far he'd gotten. The inside was now dark with Nick's spit, but it took a little while longer before Simi was pleased enough let Nick go. Once free he quickly bolted up and ran for the showers to rinse off.

Chapter 6

Nick's Revenge---

Nick was giving his face a deep scrubbing in the showers, in an exaggerated effort to erase every last bit of Marco's cum from his face and mouth. The others went on chattering while continuing to dress. Everyone except Joe and Simi who stood in their boxers discussing what was to happen next. Joe held me by my wrist bonds behind my back.

"He's fucking pissed man, you shoulda got a picture, now we don't have anything" Joe pointed out.

"Don't worry I got it covered" said Simi, patting him on the shoulder.

Nick stomped out of the showers, still bare-ass naked, and sped directly to Simi, Joe, and me.

"Mother Fucker!" Nick began.

Simi interrupted. "Don't worry man, no freshmen get away with that kinda shit. You're gonna punish 'em, and you're gonna do such a good fuckin' job with it, no one'll remember what they did to you."

Nick's anger instantly turned from Simi, to me. "That's a good fuckin' idea"

That seemed too easy I thought.

"We gonna have a little contest" Nick announced to the half dressed teen jocks. They all perked up immediately. Simi walked over to Marco and pulled him back over to were I was standing. Joe was busy behind me undoing my duct tape bonds. "Strip, Marco."

"No man, I just wanna finish up with the laundry and leave..." Simi stopped Marco in mid-word. He yanked his fly open and tugged his pants down to the floor. Marco got the hint. This wasn't an option. He quickly kicked off his pants, peeled his shirt off and then dropped his drawers. I couldn't help but steal a glance. Marco was gorgeous. He definitely had a chance of making the team in two years, maybe even next year. He must work out. He was thin, but cut. His dark brown body was perfectly toned for a boy his age. From his small hard pecs to his six pac stomach he was beautiful, and I almost wished I had the chance to suck him all over again.

Nick began again, "Now since I can't decide which one of you fuckers I hate more, I'm gonna let fate decide. Wrap yo' fist around those tiny little dicks!"

Both Marco and I were completely embarrassed. What was he up to? We didn't have time to think about it, though. So we quickly lowered out hands to our loins, and grabbed our cocks.

"Naw naw naw not yer own dick..."

Oh my God. Marco's jaw dropped. He was disgusted with the idea of even looking at my crotch let alone holding my cock. Slowly we realized it wasn't a joke. I let go of my dick and reached over to Marco, who gave me a threatening look. I don't know why he did, I'd just had it in my mouth, what's the difference? Marco couldn't bring himself to reciprocate.

"Now" Nick barked.

Then slowly, eyes averted, with an almost scared look on his face, Marco reached over to my groin and groped for my dick. He accidentally slapped my balls first, then found it. He held it gingerly between two fingers. I couldn't help it, I was getting a little hard. The audience was laughing again.

"Ok, now the first one to cum...loses."

It took a second to compute. The first one to cum...loses? Losing to a jock was not good, not good at all. This was gonna be a race. This asshole, Nick, wanted us to jack each other off, and the one who did the best job, the one who makes the other cum first...wins. I suddenly realized I was fucked. Marco had just cum, I remember, cause the taste was still in my mouth. The last time I had was early that afternoon when the stranger rubbed me from behind in the bathroom stall. Surely there was no way I could hold out long enough for Marco to build up another load. Not with a hot Latin stud rubbing my cock! There was no fucking way. A few more seconds of thought, and suddenly Marco wasn't so shy. He removed his hand and spit a huge wad of saliva onto it. Then grabbed my already half-erect cock and began jacking me up and down. I was instantly caught up in the moment, this hot jock-cleaner was gonna make me cum. I realized then, that I had to do the same. I didn't know what losing meant exactly, but I was sick of being used, I had to try. I had to try and get Marco off twice in one day.

The sound of wet hands throttling wet cocks filled the room. Slap, slap, squish, squish... The constant laughter and cheering didn't appear to have any effect on my cock, however. It was now fully erect, and Marco was rewetting his hand. I, on the other hand, was have a hard time getting Marco hard again. His whole groin was soaked in my spit. I had massaged his balls, rubbed the head, everything. He was either too embarrassed, or too spent to have another go. I finally got him semi hard, and I heard a nearly inaudible grunt escape his body, but he tried to mask it from his face. I wasn't gonna hold out though. The pleasure was far too stimulating. Just holding Marco's cock was enough to get me hard and near explosion, but having him whack me off was sending me over the edge. And then it happened. My cock exploded.

"Unnnnh Aah Ah Ah Unnh Ohhh..."

I let go of Marco's cock and supported myself against his body as he jacked volley after volley of cum from my quivering cock. I was spent. My spunk was all over Marco's hands, my stomach, and the bench in front of us.

"Alright, Well, loser, thank you for playing. As a parting gift you get to swallow this time. Lick up every last drop of your cum faggot."

I didn't even think about it, I was too embarrassed. And yet, surprised. This wasn't as humiliating as I had thought it would be. I knelt down and scooped my semen off the bench then quickly licked it off my finger. The jocks surrounding me cringed and snickered at my expense. Then with my eyes down, avoiding the onlookers, I ran my finger along my flat little belly and wiped up the cum that stuck to my treasure trail. It was still warm. It wasn't as bad as Simi's or Marco's but it was still very potent. I couldn't believe I was being forced to ingest my own cum, I'd never even tried it on my own at home before. I grimaced in disgust, thinking that I was done. Then Marco held out his hand. On it, a huge amorphous blob of my own spunk gleamed back at me, made brighter by the contrast from his dark skin.

"Lick it off him" someone yelled.

I then raised his hand to my mouth and ran my tongue across his fingers lapping up the enormous glob of cum that he had just pumped out of me. His lip curled up, and he looked at me as if I was a depraved pervert doing this of my own accord. It took a few swipes, but finally I emptied his hand of my jizz.

"And now for the winner's prize!" started Nick. Marco's eyes darted towards the naked black junior whose teen muscles dwarfed his own. Nick had led him to believe he was safe from further humiliation. "I'm gonna put my dick in your mouth!"

Marco's mouth gapped open again. He wasn't gay. He wasn't going to "kind of" enjoy this. He was scared shitless.

"And if anything goes wrong while yer down there...I'm gonna rip yer balls off" The nude jock added.

Smiling, Simi walked behind Marco pushed him forward and lowered the poor towel boy to his knees. He was taking the final step towards being this team's complete and utter bitch. He was their maid on the field. He had to watch them shower and be their towel bitch in the locker room. They'd rubbed their nut oil on his face, tossed their dirty jocks at him, and made him masturbate another boy, while naked in front of them. What's more, every single one of them had been witness to his first sexual experience, and not only were they laughing through the whole thing, but they assured that it was a boy that gave him his first blowjob. And now he was being lowered to his knees in front of one of them, his eyes now level with an enormous black dong. It flopped back and forth as he approached. It was longer, thicker, and browner than his own. It was a deep dark dangling chocolate donkey dick. If it was over 8 inches when soft, it would be huge when he was hard.

Marco's pulse was rising. He didn't want to know what a dick tastes like. He didn't want to know how it felt in his mouth, if it would be warm or squishy or oily or whatever. He'd never even considered these things, until today. And what if he came? What if Nick fucking blew his load into Marco's mouth? He wasn't stupid. He'd smelled that smell before. He could remember the first few times he had masturbated a few years back, as well as he could remember masturbating yesterday. He was always disgusted with the consistency and odor of sperm. It was like a huge glob of sewage in his hands every time. And if he paused too long in post-masturbatory bliss that smell would waft up to his nose. That nasty wretched smell. He'd quickly waddle to the bathroom, naked, with his softening cock slapping against his legs. Then he'd turn the faucet on and rid himself of the foul substance. The odor would linger for a while, but then it would be gone.

Then suddenly he remembered his younger brother's friend Jeff. He had told him a horror story once about it. Apparently when Jeff was at camp he'd been playing a game with his fellow tent-mates and he lost it. His punishment was tell the others what cum tasted like, which meant of course he had to taste it. He was then laid on the floor face up, while a 15 year old hovered over him yanking his penis furiously until a few minutes later he spurted his load onto Jeff's face and mouth. They slammed his mouth shut and made him swallow it. They made poor Jeff swallow his own friend's creamy jizz. Jeff could barely describe the horrid taste with real words. He had immediately thrown up, out of shock. After hearing that story Marco knew he'd never have the curiosity to try it for himself. Why would he?

"Kiss my dick, spick" chuckled Nick. Everyone laughed but Marco.

He didn't want Nick to have to repeat himself, after all he'd made good friends with his balls and didn't want them ripped off. But he couldn't help but hesitate. It was another man's penis. It was a very large one. It might as well have been a dark brown boa constrictor. He didn't even want to touch it let alone...kiss it. He leaned forward slowly shooting glances up at Nick, as if waiting for the charade to end. Then pursing his lips together he eased them against the soft glistening browness of Nick's 8 and a half inch cock. Then suddenly a slap across his face. And another. It didn't hurt. It was annoying at first, then embarrassing. Nick was dick- whipping him, swinging his hips from side to side and using his own phallus as a weapon.

"Alright, put my dick in yer mouth, son"

Marco couldn't hesitate any longer he lifted Nick's heavy member out from between his muscled thighs exposing his large hairy brown nutsac. Then he opened his mouth as wide as he could and covered his teeth with his lips. Finally he inched the thing into his own wet mouth.

It wasn't nearly as bad as he was expecting. It was more embarrassing than anything. Nick had just been in the showers so it wasn't sweaty or anything. It was warm however, and a little salty, but not even as bad as the skin on any other body part. He was ashamed, but it was a bearable sensation....except for the size. His jaw was at it's maximum, and Nick's cock wasn't even all the way in. He'd only put about 2 or 3 inches in.

"Lick it bitch" Nick commanded.

Marco ran his tongue along the underside of the huge dick eliciting exaggerated moans from a happy Nick. Marco hated pleasing a boy. Then a terrifying sensation, Nick gently rested his hands on Marco's head. Face Fucking Position! He slowly forced more and more of his cock into Marco's unwilling throat. Marco panicked and gasped for air, hurting his jaw. But Nick wouldn't retreat. The poor freshman was beginning to worry, how was he supposed to breath. His instinct told him to use his nose, but even that was difficult. They were reaching the 7 inch mark, and then things stiffened up. The cock was half rigid now. It was getting thicker by the second, but only a little longer, fortunately. Further and further until finally Marco began choking. He gagged uncontrollably immediately trying to withdraw from around the growing tube of flesh. Nick allowed a few inches, but then he plunged back in. Deeper, down the towel boy's throat until finally his wiry black pubic hairs tickled the victim's nose. Nick let out a pleased sigh, Marco began gagging again. Each gag was another eruption of laughter from the on-looking teenagers. It was hilarious for them. None of them had ever made mention of Nick's huge dick, but they had probably all noticed it at one time or another. Seeing it in action was almost mesmerizing. Nick gave 4 or 5 long quick thrusts, almost making Marco unconscious, then pulled out until only a few inches remained. Marco was grateful, until it hit him. The tip of Nick's dick was ultra slippery. It was even more lubricated than the saliva. It was pre-cum. Marco cringed. At least it wasn't as bad as the real thing, but it was a hint of something he couldn't handle. Nick's eyes rolled back into his head. He was nearing ultimate pleasure. Then slowly, he exhaled a long and contented breath. Finally to Marco's great surprise he pulled out. The cock was heavy and not fully erect, it hovered in mid air connected to Marco's fearful lips by a thin shiny string of spit and pre-cum.

"Don't like that?" He asked. Marco couldn't respond verbally or physically, he just stared up at Nick then down at his thick penis. "Well you gonna hate this!"

Then suddenly Nick stepped behind Marco and bent him over on all fours. The onlookers gasped and snorted. Then before Marco realized what part of his body was still virgin Nick spread open the Latino's butt cheeks and rammed his rod at the tight little hole. He couldn't penetrate at first. But then adding more spit, and testing it with his finger Nick was able to shove the head of his cock into Marco's confused sphincter.

"AAAAAAAAANNH" Marco grunted, "NO!!!....AAAAANNHH!!!"

Tears ran down Marco's scrunched face as Nick slowly inched his enormous dick deeper and deeper into the boy's ass.

"Fuck...Fuck...UNH, UNH"


Nick's pace quickened. Revenge. He grinned at the sounds of Marco's pain. It was better than the tight boy-pussy. It was better than taking a freshman's cherry. It was better than fucking his face, or the sound of an inexperienced cock sucker choking on a huge black cock It was the groaning grunting moaning sounds of this poor boy's pain that made Nick climax, even if no one in that room knew it.

He shoved all the way in, maybe too fast, then out, then back in then out. Then quickly he worked his cock head around until a half-grunt half-scream issued from his moist lips. Marco's face contorted, inhuman. It depicted a boy in surprise, not so much pain.


Load after load of cum. Spasm after spasm, it shot like hot jets into the tight hole.

Then they both froze. Neither could breath. Marco had just been used, broken, pounded....Fucked.

It was Nick who began breathing again at first. He exhaled with a half-eyed smile. And slowly tugged his limp dick from Marco's rectum. As the head plopped out Marco exhaled with a shudder, and let the tears trickle. He was on the verge of complete destruction. He couldn't speak, he had to remember to breathe, and he wasn't sure if he could walk at all. He hovered on all fours as Nick rose above him, triumphant. Then he tumbled to one side and lay there recovering.

"Clean him up" Joe announced, taking control of the situation, as he shoved me on top of Marco. I began to help him up, but sensed some resistance. Maybe he wasn't ready to move yet. Then I happened to glance down at his crotch, and I saw it. And he saw me see it. Marco's dick was hard.

To Be Continued....

Questions or Comments? Contact Eros:

Next: Chapter 4

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