Used by Jock

By Warren Greene

Published on Jun 5, 2001


After my initial drunken experience with Ryan and Jack, neither of them spoke to me or even acknowledged my presence for a few days. I was confused by their behavior. I thought about how much I loved being their cock-slut, and I hoped that they approved of the service I had performed. I spent many hours jacking off with thoughts of the two football players telling me what to do.

About a week after my first trip to Ryan's room, I returned to the dorm after lunch to find a note taped to my door. I opened the slip of paper and read the message:

"Chris-our room at 10:00 tonight"

I new immediately that it was from Ryan and Jack and my stomach began to ache in anticipation of what they had in store for me this time. I was very tempted to jack off at that moment, but I decided to "save" myself for the evening's activities.

I spent the afternoon trying to do homework, but not succeeding at all. All I could think about was the evening's activities. After I ate dinner I returned to the dorm, showered, brushed my teeth and got ready. I swapped my jeans for sweatpants (which took less time to take off) and didn't wear socks. I played around on the Internet for a while until it was finally 10:00.

Taking a deep breath I walked down the hall and knocked on Ryan's door. Jack opened the door and laughed when he saw me. In the several days since my last trip to this room, I had thought more and more about Jack. Originally I hadn't thought of him as attractive, but since then he had occupied a central role in several of my fantasies. It was true that he didn't compare to Ryan, but his rough features were a perfect reflection of his crass behavior, and he certainly knew how to be rough with me-which made me even hornier.

"The slut's here-right on time." Jack motioned for me to come in and closed the door behind me.

"You sure are a punctual little cocksucker," said Ryan, "you excited about coming back for more dick?"

Ryan looked more beautiful than ever, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, with his captivating blue eyes looking directly into mine.

"Yes I said," feeling my cock begin to harden in my sweatpants, "I'm glad I can still serve you."

"Ha! Well, you came to the right place. No get those close off, faggot," yelled Ryan. As quickly as my fingers could move, I took of my shirt, shoes, and sweatpants, leaving me in just my briefs.

Jack came up behind me and yelled into my ear, "On your knees bitch!"

I dropped to my knees and looked at the floor. In the seconds it had taken me to disrobe I had gotten extremely excited and my hard cock formed an obvious bulge in my white BVDs. I swallowed hard, knowing that my workout was about to begin.

Ryan and Jack stood in front of me, looking me up and down-kind of like an inspection. They whispered a few things to each other, but didn't say anything to me. Being on my knees, wearing nothing but my underwear, while I was being inspected by two hunky (and fully clothed) football jocks was almost too much for me. My dick was noticeably throbbing and I started to breathe heavier in anticipation.

Jack said something to Ryan which made both of them laugh.

"Hey fag boy, have you thought about what we did to you last time," asked Ryan.

"Yes," I said, looking up to address him.

"Did you jerk your little dick when you were thinking about it?"

"Yes." This time I mumbled and looked at the floor.

"OK, here's what we're going to do. I think you'll like it. You're going to kneel right there and jack off and show us what you look like when you're fantasizing about us."

I was somewhat surprised at my instructions. I was here to please the two football players, not myself. But my cock did need the attention, and Ryan had given me an order, so I went at it. I pulled down my tighty-whities and let my cock stand at full attention. I grabbed my dick and started working it up and down.

It felt so good to touch myself after having gone the whole afternoon forcing myself not to jack off. Very quickly, my cock reached its super-hard state and the head turned shiny purple as precum started to ooze out of the slit. I closed my eyes to relive the ecstasy of my previous time in this room. I heard Jack snort and opened my eyes to see that both of my masters were still staring at me, with matching looks of disbelief.

"Oh, I forgot one very important order," said Ryan, "if you spill a single drop of cum onto my floor, I will beat your ass so you won't be able to sit for a week. Understood?"

"Yes sir," I managed to gasp as I furiously worked my stiff rod. I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to do when I came, so I decided I would catch my jism in my hand.

Not surprisingly, it took a very short time for me to climax. I felt my cum boiling up from my sac, and I put my left hand in place to catch the juice which was about to explode from my dick. Sure enough, my cock started pumping and I let our a small whimper as I began to spurt my jiz into my hand.

"Well done!" yelled Ryan and Jack in a sarcastic voice as they started clapping at the show I was putting on.

When the last of my load had left my dick, Jack looked me in the eye and gave me my instructions.

"Good boy. Now we wouldn't want that load of spooge to go to waste, so you'll have to drink it."

I dutifully licked the semen of my hand, gulping most of it down, but accidentally smearing some on my face. I had never tasted my own cum before. It tasted fairly normal, but it was a little bitter in comparison to the smooth salty milkshakes that Ryan and Jack had provided for me last time.

"Well done, faggot," said Jack, "now do it again."

I was surprised at his orders, but Ryan and Jack exchanged smirks and then stared at me, waiting for me to begin my second round of beating off. I grasped my semi-hard cock and worked it back up to full-mast.

This time took me a little longer, but since it had been at least 24 hours since the last time I had jacked off, I eventually felt the familiar feeling of a new load brewing in my balls, and my breath shortened as I increased the speed with which I worked my meat. Cuming again felt great, and I produced a decent, if slightly smaller load.

"You know the drill," said Ryan, and I slurped up my new load as the two jocks looked on.

"Well, keep going, we haven't told you to stop yet!" barked Jack as I waited for further instructions. My two masters had me jack off a third time, a fourth, and a fifth. By the fifth time my dick was red and sore from the constant friction and I was having trouble staying hard. My knees hurt from kneeling on the floor and both of my hands ached from the forced hand job that I was giving myself.

When my fifth orgasm finally occurred, my dick pumped a few times but no liquid came out.

"Uh oh, it looks like he milked himself dry," Jack said to Ryan.

I looked up at the two of them, desperate for them to let me end this hellish routine. My dick was too sore and battered to take any more.

"Well," Ryan said in mock disappointment, "how is the homo going to entertain us if he can't continue with his little show?"

I knew Ryan was being sarcastic, but I still panicked at the thought that he might actually be disappointed with me. I looked at him and tried to beg for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm not good enough to entertain you, but I just can't do it anymore, I'm worn out."

I must have looked amazingly pathetic, pleading for mercy on my knees with copious amounts of my own dried cum on my mouth and chin. The mischievous glint returned to Ryan's eyes as he looked down at me and shook his head.

"If you really want to make us happy, there's one thing you can do for us," he said.

"Anything. I'll do whatever you tell me if it will bring you pleasure," I whined. "I'm just a lowly faggot, all I want to do is make you happy."

"Good, it seems like we've trained you well," said Ryan in a low voice, almost whispering. "Stand up."

I got to my feet and Ryan walked behind me and covered my eyes with a bandanna. I realized it was a blindfold, and he tied it tight so I couldn't see anything except a few rays of light out of the bottom.

"Get on the bed," he instructed me gruffly, giving me a push. I stumbled forward trying to feel for the bed. Ryan pushed me again, and I bumped into the bed, falling onto it.

"Get on all fours like a dog," he told me. I obeyed, and Ryan positioned me so that my feet (and ass) were hanging a little off the end of the bed. He yanked off my underwear, which was still around my knees, and gave me a hard slap on my ass. I gulped for air as I realized what was about to happen. Ryan was obviously preparing to fuck me, and my abused cock, battered though it was, started to stiffen in anticipation.

I heard Ryan spitting and rubbing his saliva onto his cock, and then I felt his smooth head probing at my hole. Once he had positioned the tip of his rod he gently but firmly leaned forward and gradually forced his meaty cock inside me. My ass yielded to his stiff rod, and soon he had worked his entire dick up my ass.

I was excited that Ryan was fucking me, but I was so spent from the forced jack-off session that I didn't respond like I usually would have. I gasped from the pain that Ryan's cock was causing as it rubbed back and forth inside my chute.

"Get ready for the ride of your life," Ryan said. As of this moment, he ceased to be gentle. Grabbing hold of my pelvis for support, Ryan then started a quick machine-gun-like burst of thrusts, pushing even further into me than I thought was possible. I moaned in a combination of ecstasy and pain while my sexy master assaulted my butt. Waves of pain shot through my entire body, and my dick deflated and flopped around as my body shook from the attack I was receiving.

After a few minutes I realized I wasn't completely suffering, since Ryan's dick was slightly curved. This shape caused his mushroom head to rub against my prostate, sending shock waves of pleasure pulsing through my body. Gradually my mind focused on the pleasure instead of the pain, and when Ryan paused (I think he was wiping the sweat off his forehead), I shuddered in utter joy, feeling his pole fill my ass and probe into me. I had been fucked once before, but it hadn't been anything like this. Ryan knew how to treat me like the dirty slut that I really was.

After the brief lull in the action, the beefy football player continued his dry-fuck offensive on my not-quite-virgin ass. I stared into the dark of my blindfold as the sensations of soreness and sexual fulfillment swelled through me.

"Do you like this," Ryan asked, panting from the physical exertion he was using to ream my ass.

"Yes...I can't think of anything better than getting fucked by you."

"Do you want to take my load?"

"Yes," I was almost screaming. "Nothing would make me happier than being your cum bucket."

"Tell us why," this time it was Jack talking.

"Because I'm your bitch."

"And you're a sick, twisted little faggot, aren't you," Jack asked in his most sarcastic tone of voice.

"Yes, I'm a sick faggot," I managed to force out, before my mind went back to focusing on the thick, pulsating cock that was drilling in and out of my ass. I could tell Ryan especially enjoyed it when I tightened my ass around his cock. Sometimes he would even grunt in approval.

"You sure have a nice tight little ass, bitch. Your pussy is a horny football player's dream."

I got so excited when Ryan talked about me like I was the class whore, I smiled, and realized that my cock had hardened again, despite the fact that it was still raw and drained.

Ryan was alternating the force and speed of his thrusts, which kept me guessing what his next move would be. He started driving away like he was a jack-hammer, and I felt his pelvis smashing into my butt as he continued to pound away like I was some kind of toy he was determined to break the first time he played with it.

My hard dick was swinging up and down as Ryan's motions became faster and faster. I was about to scream from the intensity of the experience when Ryan started to fuck me longer and slower, I could sense that he was about to spew his load. His breathing got deeper and I could hear him emitting low moans in between thrusts. Finally, I felt Ryan's cock swell slightly and it began pumping his warm jiz into my ass. He let out a low moan and continued pumping large spurts of cum inside me.

"Fuckin' shit! That was one good screw," Ryan gasped. A statement that almost caused me to burst with pleasure. His cock finally finished unloading his semen into my gut, and Ryan slid his dick out of my butt and wiped it on my thigh.

"Oh man, Jack, you gotta try that," said Ryan.

"Thanks, don't mind if I do," said Jack, "I've been waiting for a while-you sure took your time dude."

"Yeah, well, once you get that pussy wrapped around your schlong, you'll want to take your time too."

I wondered what I must look like, on all fours, waiting for another beefy jock to start fucking my ass. As I heard Jack positioning himself and unzipping his pants, I suddenly remembered how enormous his cock was. I got a little scared at the thought of his huge tool inside of me, but before I could do anything I felt his head forcefully probing my hole. I was lubed by Ryan's cum, so Jack slid his cock up my hole smoothly, but my ass still needed stretching to accommodate this gigantic penis. I audibly moaned as Jack continued to work his pole farther and farther up inside of me.

"Shut the fuck up," Jack yelled at me, "I didn't say you could talk."

"Sorry," I grunted.

Jack had worked almost all of his cock into me and I could feel my ass stretching to give access to this huge invader. Without warning, Jack rested his hand on my back and rammed the final few inches of his cock into my ass. The intensity of having his massive phallus completely filling my rectum was amazing, and I shuddered as I groaned and asked Jack to continue.

"Goddamn it! Don't you listen to me you stupid slut? I said not to talk," Jack screamed at me, and slapped my ass, hard.

He then instructed Ryan to figure out some way to shut me up. Ryan walked to the bed and stuffed something in my mouth. I soon realized the taste and feel of the object-my underwear. He had apparently crammed the crotch of my briefs into my mouth, since I could taste the scent of my own cock, while Jack continued to pillage my sore ass.

He worked his torpedo in and out of me repeatedly, cursing at me and telling me how sick I was and how dirty my cunt was. Jack wasn't one for subtlety or slowness, and he got right to the point in his fucking as well. He had started out porking me at a fast pace, but he continued to get faster and faster until it felt like the inside of my body was liquefying in the intense heat of his fucking. I could feel that Jack was getting closer to climaxing, as he paused and almost withdrew his entire dick. He then rammed me again, and started long-dicking me repeatedly and mercilessly. I could feel my ass changing shape as his meaty prick entered and exited like a train going in and out of a tunnel.

Jack didn't say anything when he came, he just slapped my ass and unleashed a torrent of milky jism into my gut. I could feel the warm slippery cum pooling inside of me, as his dick pumped six, seven, eight huge loads into my receptive hole.

Finally Jack spoke, saying "Well, Ryan you were right man, he's one good screw."

"Yeah, I told you, I know a good pussy when I fuck one!"

I could hear Jack pulling up his pants, and then Ryan approached me while I continued to kneel on the bed.

"Hey fag boy, we've got a surprise for you. You ready?"

I nodded my head and grunted through the gag that was still in my mouth. I felt Ryan untying the blindfold, and I blinked several times adjusting to the light of the room. I was on all fours on Ryan's bed, facing the door to the room. As my eyes came into focus, I realized to my horror that there were three guys from the football team who had been in the room watching me get worked over by their teammates. My face turned bright red as I saw the three jocks staring at me, on all fours on Ryan's bed, with dried cum on my face, my underwear stuffed in my mouth, and fresh jiz trickling out of my ass.

"So guys, don't you think we should share this little ho with the rest of the team?" Ryan asked the three strangers.

"Yeah, I think the other guys would enjoy having someone around to service them," said the biggest one (whose name, I was to learn later, was Ben).

"Plus," said Jack, "the little fag needs to suck cock, so he might as well be sucking ours."

I realized then that my career as a plaything for college jocks was about to get much bigger. The guys thanked Ryan for letting them know about me, and Jack asked if any of them needed my services then. Two of them said they had to go to a party, but Ben stayed behind and I gave him a blowjob.

When he finished, he and Ryan and Jack got ready to head to the bars. As I hurriedly put on my sweatpants, the guys told me to keep lots of free time in my schedule from now on, and I was shoved out the door holding the rest of my clothes in my hands.

Next: Chapter 3

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