Uris Seduction

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 10, 2022


So, Beth and Eric got in touch with Damian, to tell him that their son wanted to accept his proposal. Damian was pleased. It was the answer he expected. Now, he could begin to move ahead with his plans. "Well, that's the best news I've heard in a while. I'm very grateful for your support, Beth" (Beth had placed the call, and Eric was listening)." I think it would be good if a few things happened before we started planning any wedding. I would like to see Uri a few more times, just to make sure he REALLY wants this. Also, do you think it would be good if the three of us chatted a bit, and then bring Uri in and the four of us speak? I have some ideas about a wedding, but of course I don't want to impose anything on anyone, and Uri may have his own ideas." He paused, smiled on his end of the line and said, "I think I don't have to tell you: Uri is an incurable romantic and I hope that we can make things unforgettable." Beth was shaking her head up and down and smiling when Damian said Uri was a romantic. "YES YES. He takes after his mother, Damian. I agree with you. I agree with you one hundred percent. " "Thank you, Beth. I think I will call Uri tonight and see if we can set up something in the near future. We'll talk some more too. You have a good night." "Romantic? HAH! Her son is a horny little bitch who's desperate for anyone who'll fuck him. Just the way I like them," Damian thought to himself. Then he called Uri, who picked up on the first ring. "HI, SIR! Should I call you my husband to be?" "Ha, ha. How are you, Uri bird? Excited?" "Very much Sir. I was hoping you'd send a proposal and, well, I think I haven't stopped walking on clouds." "More like haven't stopped jerking off," Damian thought to himself. "Well, I hope I can persuade you to come off the clouds for just a little bit, and maybe have an ice cream together, and then take a walk on the river park, just to chat, hang out with each other, that sort of thing?" "OH, that sounds wonderful Sir." Uri paused. "Sir, could we maybe... go back to your place afterward?" "Now Uri, are you sure you want that? Because you KNOW what's going to happen." Uri was smiling. "No, tell me what's going to happen, Sir." Damian felt like he was playing chess with a beginner. "How about I pick you up, we go to my place, and then we have our walk?" "That sounds REALLY good Sir. I like that idea." "Tomorrow, Uri? After work?" "Tomorrow is good, Sir." "You have a goodnight, sweet boy. I'll dream about you." "I'll dream about you more, Sir. Good night."

At work the next day, Uri was visibly nervous. He wondered how he was going to tell Jad what was happening: he had ignored Jad's calls for a while, and then Jad stopped calling. He thought he'd go and talk to Jad at lunch: Jad always ate at the same time and at the same table. He and Uri used to share it. At lunch time he went down to the canteen for the factory. Jad was in his usual place. He was sitting with a young blond man whom Uri had never seen before. They were laughing and occasionally grabbing each other's hand. From where he was standing, Uri could see under their table. They were playing footsie: something that Jad always wanted to do with Uri, and Uri had asked him not to. He sighed. "I guess Jad's moved on," he thought, and then wasn't hungry anymore. He went back to his station thinking "well, I'M the one who's going to be married." Uri heard the "beep beep" of Damian's car and jumped up from the chair in the living room where he was sitting. His parents were both still at work, so after he checked to make sure his sweater was even, he came out, locked the door, and waved to Damian in the car. Damian noticed that Uri was carrying an overnight bag. "Hmmm," he thought. "A hornier little fucker than I thought." "Jump on in, birdie" Damian smiled as he opened the passenger seat. "Hi, Sir." Uri smiled. "This is presumptuous but... I brought a change of clothes, Sir." "I'm glad you did. You do know that you have clothes at my place?" "I do, Sir, but not the official uniform for work." Damian grinned as he started the car. He was thinking that in the near future, Uri wouldn't be wearing that uniform. "So, sweetpea," Damian put his hand on Uri's thigh. "What would you like to do?" "You" was Uri's answer and Damian laughed heartily. "My, my. I thought you were one of the quiet ones. One of the ones who didn't make what he wanted known." Uri was silent for a minute, and Damian continued. "I had the same idea. We may not even get to the walk because..." he moved Uri's hand to his crotch. "See what you're doing to me?" "No, Sir. But I can feel it." Damian revved up the engine so they could get back to his place faster. "Where did you get those briefs?" Damian was undressing. Uri was already undressed, stripped down to his socks and his very small black briefs. Damian had tied his wrists together over his head, and then tied his ankles together and attached them to the footboard of the bed. "I bought them online, Sir. They make me feel sexy." "Well, they should make you feel SEXIER because young man," Damian dropped himself on Uri. "You are one sexy man." Uri closed his eyes as Damian kissed his mouth, and then moved down, licking each of his nipples before he kissed them. "One fucking sexy little stud." He moved back up to Uri's ear and began licking it. Uri began moaning in pleasure. Then Damian began whispering to him. "Everyone thinks you're such a perfect boy. Such an angel. So pure." He reached down and slid his hand between Uri's legs. He could feel Uri's dick was hard and getting harder. He continued. "But I may be the only one who knows: you're a fucking whore Uri, aren't you? All you want is a man's COCK inside of you. Anyway you can get it." Some might have thought that Damian was gambling with what he was doing, but Damian wasn't a gambling man. He could read a young guy like Uri as if he were a newspaper. "YES SIR. YES. I am. I want cock. I want to be USED. I want man meat inside of me. All the time. " "You're my little blond bitch aren't you, Uri?" "YES SIR" "Not Uri bird, but Uri bitch." "Yes sir. I'm Uri BITCH." Damian slid down the bed and untied Uri's ankles. He pushed up the young man's legs, and he heard the panting and the moaning coming from Uri. "The first time was so fucking hot, Uri. I want each time to be better." Uri felt Damian's tongue penetrate his hole. "OH MY GOD, SIR. OH MY GOD. Your tongue. Your tongue. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Uri had been looking at Damian's head, but the ass eating felt so intense, his head fell back, and he was swooning. "Get you nice and lubed for your new husband's COCK. "Damian whispered "Dick whore." "YES SIR YES SIR. I'm your cock whore. "He gulped as he felt Damian enter him. It was only the second time he had ever been fucked, so the feeling was still new. But he liked it, especially the feeling he got when he pulled at the ropes restraining his wrists. He pulled each time he felt Damian's dick go further into him. It hurt, maybe more than the first time, but he knew that at some point the pain would end, and it would begin to feel good. "MMMMMMMMMMMMM" he heard Damian as he pushed further in, and as his hands went up to Uri's nipples. "You are just so fucking gorgeous Uri. DAMN IT TO FUCKING HELL." Uri began to pant faster, as each time Damian pushed in, he brushed the tip of Uri's cock and got it more and more stimulated. "I...I'm going to shoot Sir. I can't help it. I... caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't." Uri pitched his hips up and his juice shot up. Damian began to breed him halfway through his orgasm. Uri saw his fiancé smiling, and he smiled back. He was so glad he was pleasing this man. For a minute, he thought about how it might have been Jad who had taken him the first time. Would it have been better? He didn't have anything to compare the way Damian fucked to the way anyone else did. His mind began to wander he LOVED the feeling he got when Damian bound him. He LOVED being controlled, and he LOVED the way he felt during sex. Did he love Damian? He didn't know. He wondered: should I wait until I love him before I marry him? He just didn't know. "Please, Sir? Can you untie me so I can hug you?" Damian looked at him. "I like the way you look tied up, Uri. I'll untie you eventually. Just not right away." He lay down beside Uri and smiled as he stroked Uri's torso. "Do your arms hurt, sweetie? If they do, I'll make the ropes a little looser. " "No Sir, they're fine." He sighed. "Are you going to do that to me every day after we're married, Sir?" Damian smiled. "At least once a day. Maybe more. Maybe a combination of splitting you and feeding you my cock, or some combination but yes: I think you can expect to be having some kind of sex with me every day." Uri didn't speak. He just smiled. "I'll untie you now Uri bird. Let's get cleaned up and go for a walk or something. " While Damian was showering, Uri went over to the closet where the few articles of clothing he had at Damian's place were hung. He saw that most of the closet had been emptied, and that in addition to the things he knew were there, Damian had gotten more clothes: a few more shirts, sweaters, jeans and pants. That's when it hit Uri: "I'm going to be living here. He's going to be my husband." He felt Damian's arm around his middle, and he sank back into the older man's hairy body. "Wear the pink one, Uri. And the jeans." He planted a kiss on Uri's neck. "Sir, I have clothes at home." "Yes, we'll talk about that, Uri. We're going to upgrade your wardrobe." He smiled. "Remember, young man: your husband is a diplomat. Lots of fancy things to do now, and you need to look the part." There was a funny feeling in the pit of Uri's stomach. He didn't know what it was, but it was strange. Damian took him to dinner first, and then they got ice cream cones and walked along the river near Damian's home. Damian took Uri's free hand and held it. It surprised Uri and he instinctively pulled back. Damian wouldn't let go and as Uri relaxed, he began to feel good about the grip on his hand. "Sir, was I your first choice?" Uri asked out of the blue. Damian smiled. "No." Uri stopped walking. He didn't expect THAT was going to be the answer, and he nearly stopped walking. His face began to burn. Damian looked at him. "You were my ONLY choice, Uri bird." That answer made Uri feel even more uncomfortable. "Your only choice, Sir?" "That's right, Uri. It's not like going to the supermarket and picking one melon instead of another one. You know the story of how I saw you, and when I did, there was no question." Technically, Damian was telling the truth. The "mate finder" he had retained had prepared a book of men who met Damian's requirements: gay, blond or light haired, slim, young enough to be my son, preferably without much experience." There were more than you might have thought. Uri hadn't seen the book with the paper tabs on different pictures, each with a number. Had he seen that, he would have known that he had been Damian's top choice, and that he had tabbed nine other young men. "So, if I had said no?" "I would have stopped looking for a while." And THAT was the first time Damian flat out lied to Uri.

They had been walking for about a quarter of a mile when Damian stopped. "Let's go under that tree for a minute. The flowers may be overpowering, but we won't be long." Uri didn't know what type of tree it was. Neither did Damian, but there were very small, very fragrant white flowers all over it. "Give me your hand, Uri." Uri blushed. He knew what was going to happen, he just didn't expect it. Damian slipped the engagement ring on his finger. "Now everyone knows: you're spoken for." "I don't know what to say, Sir." Uri wanted to cry, and he wanted to hug Damian, and he wanted to go back into bed...he wanted a lot of things. "How about a kiss, future husband?" Now, Uri got to hug Damian. He grinded into Damian's body as Damian's hands massaged his ass cheeks, and Damian's tongue snaked down his throat. Uri began work before Damian did, but Damian had set the alarm so that he could get up and make sure that Uri had something to eat before he drove him to his job. "Is it ok if I eat without getting dressed, Sir?" Uri smiled. "I'm sloppy. I get things on my clothes and, I only have one uniform here." Damian thought about how very soon, Uri wouldn't need the uniforms. He didn't know if Uri was flirting or not: he remembered the accident with the Chinese food, but he also knew that Uri was an incurable flirt. "Yes, but you have to take care of this first, Uri bird." Damian opened his own slacks and pulled out his hard dick. "It's going to be your job to make sure I leave the house soft every morning. Better start practicing." "Yes Sir," Uri got down on his knees in front of Damian and Damian could hear the contented, sucking noises his soon to be husband was making. "This has almost been too easy," he thought to himself. "I have to thank the mate finder. She earned her money." "That's right boy. Take your man's cock. TAKE IT. ALL THE WAY. ALL THE FUCKING WAY." He slammed his cock down Uri's throat and then, when he could feel the climax coming, he pulled out and shot all over the floor. Cleaning that was going to be Uri's job in the future, but for now... He got a rag to clean it up. "NO, SIR, NO. I'll take care of this." Uri grabbed for the rag. "Too easy," Damian thought to himself. "I'm sure his parents taught him respect for discipline. We'll see." At work, Uri kept on stopping to look at his hand. He hadn't really looked at the ring much the night before. It was intertwined gold and silver, and there was a tiny ruby: his birthstone. He wondered if it was coincidence or if Damian had found out when his birthday was. Uri realized that he hadn't given Damian an engagement ring, and he knew so little about his soon to be husband. He didn't know his birthday, his favorite foods, his favorite colors, anything. He had a friend in the library, and he had some free time that afternoon, so he went to visit her. "Hi, Magda, can I ask for a favor?" Magda always gave the same answer. "You can ASK. No guarantee I'll say yes." Uri was used to that. "Well, last night I got engaged." He held out his hand, and Magda gasped. "OH MY GOODNESS. CONGRATULATIONS URI." She didn't tell him what she realized when she saw the ring: that was a ring that was common among the D/s community. Subs wore them. Probably, since the wedding ring would go on top of the engagement ring, it would be just about the same, with the birthstone of Uri's husband. "TELL ME THINGS URI. TELL ME THINGS. " Uri sat down and told Magda about Damian, how things had happened, and how he knew almost nothing about his future husband. "A man of mystery. I seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." Magda teased. "Well, let's see what we can find out about Damian Peters." She got to work with Uri sitting next to her. They found Damian's birthday, his educational background, the nature of his work, and very little else. "He really IS a man of mystery, Uri." "I guess so. Well, there are some things that aren't mysterious to me." Then he blushed. He didn't want to tell her about their love making. She figured it out. "You're having sex already? Naughty boy. I should report you to the morality police." When she saw Uri turn ashen gray, she laughed. "PULEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE Uri. No one follows that rule. My hubby and I started doing the deed a year before we got married. No one expects you to be a virgin on your wedding day." She looked over her glasses. "I HOPE he wasn't your first." "Thank you, Magda. I really appreciate it. I should get back to work, and let you get back to work." There were websites and realms that the company blocked, but Magda was far too good at computers to be fazed by that. She logged onto her own account and began doing some deeper searching. "I see...." she said out loud when she came across the photo of Damian Peters in full leather, with a naked blond boy at his feet, on a leash, looking up at him longingly. She began to wonder if Uri knew about this side of Damian, if he wanted this, etc. She continued digging. By the end of the afternoon, she knew more about Damian than anyone else except maybe Damian himself. She was uncertain. Uri seemed to be very, very happy. She didn't want to spoil that, but on the other hand. "I don't feel very good about this," she thought to herself. Magda felt even more uneasy a little bit later when she found the interview in an obscure BDSM magazine: "A Talk with The Demon Master" is what it was titled. There was another photo of a younger Damian, in chaps, discussing his methods for training and disciplining younger men: how it was necessary that they get a firm hand, and as little freedom as possible, how all young men should have an older partner when they start out, and so on and so forth. "I need to talk to Uri," she thought. She went up to Uri's work section and found that he had left for the day. One of his co-workers was still there. "Oh, Uri left because he had some kind of important meeting tonight. That's what he told me anyway." "Ok. I'll catch him tomorrow. Thanks." At that moment, Eric was opening the door of his house to let Damian in. Beth was sitting at the table. Eric shook his hand. He smiled gamely. "Come on in, future son in law." Damian laughed. "Has a nice sound to it I think, doesn't it?" He went to Beth and kissed her on the cheek. "It's so good to see you again, Beth." "You as well, Damian." She smiled. "Uri showed us his ring when we saw him today. You know, Damian, I don't think I've ever seen him as happy. Not even when he got his first bike." "I want to make him happy, Beth, Eric. He makes me happy. When I see him, what can I say? He fills me with so much joy, sometimes it feels like my heart wants to burst." "Only sometimes?" Eric joked and they laughed. "Well, ok, always. So, let me fill you in on what I understand is the situation between Uri and myself, and then tell you my thoughts about the future." Over herb tea (he hated herb tea, but Uri had told Damian that his family didn't drink coffee), Damian told the parents that while he had given Uri the engagement ring, he hadn't asked about marriage because "it's a little too soon. I think we both WANT it, but let's be honest. We haven't known each other very long, and people can change their minds. So..." he took a deep breath. "This is going to be a challenge for both of us, and for you too, I know, but I would like it if Uri and I could date and see each other for about 2-3 more months, and then if we haven't killed each other, well, we'll make plans for a ceremony." Beth and Eric looked at each other. Neither one of them was going to ask about the dowry, although they were both thinking about it. And neither one of them WANTED to think about it: Uri was their SON, not furniture. Damian broke the ice. "Now, of course, I'm asking you for a lot. All THREE of you, essentially putting part of your life on hold while I ponder things, so I'd like to remit a third of the dowry now. I will be honest: I don't see myself changing my mind. I'm totally enamored of Uri, and I plan to try to make him as happy as he makes me, but he's young. He could change his mind. I know that Jad is still on his mind, and I know that young men want to "sow their wild oats" so... "Why don't we ask Uri to join us, Damian? Let's talk a little with him here. He's an adult after all." "Fair is fair, Beth. If that's what you'd like: I always enjoy seeing Uri." Eric knew that Uri had been eavesdropping all the while. "URI! You can stop hiding and come join us now." Beth laughed and turned to Damian. "He's such a sweetie. I think he takes after me more than Eric, but I'd never tell Eric that." Damian grinned. "I agree with you Beth." They heard Uri coming into the kitchen. The three of them were surprised: Damian hadn't checked that morning, so he didn't know that Uri had taken one of his new shirts -- the white one -- and a pair of jeans from Damian's apartment. He was wearing them now. "Oh, Uri: what a BEAUTIFUL shirt. When did you get it?" Uri was smiling: "Damian bought it for me when I stained my other one at dinner. I haven't worn it yet, so I wanted to surprise all of you." He smiled at Damian. "HI, Damian. Can you scrunch over so I can sit next to you?" Damian blushed a little bit and stammered. He wasn't really used to this level of flirting. He assumed that once they were together, Uri would be as flirty with other men, and he'd have to be ready for that. Uri folded his hands in front of him. He wanted to keep looking at his ring, and under the table, he was running his foot up Damian's leg. Damian had already begun feeling aroused when he saw Uri come into the kitchen, and the teasing from Uri was just, well... He hoped he wasn't leaking. "Son, your mom and I were talking with Damian and, well, Damian, why don't you tell Uri what you think?" Damian started talking and the three of them saw Uri's smile begin to turn into a frown. "TWO MONTHS? THREE MONTHS? NO. I want to get married right away! TONIGHT. TOMORROW. THIS WEEKEND." "Uri, we all think..." He didn't let his mother finish. He looked at Damian. "Do YOU want to wait, Damian? Or did they convince you that it was too soon?" "Well, no, Uri. It was my idea. I wanted to give you time to change your mind." "I DON'T WANT TO CHANGE MY MIND. I WANT TO BECOME YOUR HUSBAND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE." "PERFECT," thought Damian. "This is absolutely PERFECT." "I think it might be best if I left the room so that you could have a family discussion?" Damian suggested. "No, Damian" Beth replied. "You're about to become family. Stay." She looked at her son. "Are you sure about this Uri?" "I'M AS SURE OF IT AS I AM THAT I'M SPENDING THE NIGHT AT DAMIAN'S." Damian raised an eyebrow. He didn't have plans, but he also did not see things going this way. Eric sighed. "Damian, is sooner rather than later good for you?" As Eric asked the question, Uri grabbed Damian's hand and squeezed it. He chuckled. "Well, I never expected things to happen this way, but if that's how my husband to be wants it... "He looked at Uri. "Uri, I'd be honored if you'd marry me as soon as you can get time from work so we can say our vows." Ceremonies for weddings were not permitted under the new regime. They were considered "inappropriate signs of extravagance," so most couples would go through a simple civil ceremony, and then disguise the wedding party as something else. "I put in the request for Monday of next week off. I should know by tomorrow. If I get it, can we get married on Monday afternoon? PLEASE DAMIAN? I already checked. The clerk has an appointment free at 3pm." Eric began to laugh. "You ARE your mother's son. That's what she did when we got married. I got a text "meet me at the marriage clerk's office at 2 this afternoon and bring a ring." Beth laughed. "I DID do that. Your father's right, Uri." Damian sighed. "Well, if we're all agreed, then next Monday." Uri threw his arms around Damian. "THANK YOU, SIR. OOPS. I mean, THANK YOU DAMIAN." Both Eric and Beth were puzzled by "Sir." They had never heard Uri use it before. "It's a nickname. Uri heard one of the embassy staff use it and he said he thought it suited me, so he teases me with it." Inwardly he was thinking "you BASTARD. You almost spoiled things. You're going to get a lesson about that." "Well Damian, I could very well imagine someone calling you Sir Peters," Eric smiled, and Damian began thinking "he must have been incredibly fetching when he was younger. Wish I had..." then he began standing up. "Well, I guess I should be going." "No, WE should be going. I packed a bag." Uri got up, smiling. "Now from which of you did he get THAT part of his personality?" Beth and Eric both said the other one's name, and everyone had a laugh. "Eric, I'll do everything I can to make your son the happiest man on the face of the earth. Beth, I make you the same promise." He turned to Uri. "Now YOU come with me. And next time, ASK ME before you decide to stay over." After Damian and Uri left the house, Eric and Beth embraced. "I truly can't believe this is happening," Beth said. "The house will feel empty." "Just for a bit. We'll be fine, sweetie," Eric answered, not wanting to admit that he already felt a hole in his heart. "OOOOH. LESS THAN A WEEK. LESS THAN A WEEK. SEX EVERY NIGHT. FUN PLACES TO SEE, THINGS TO DO. DID I SAY SEX EVERY NIGHT, SIR?" "You did. Including tonight." When they got to Damian's place, and Uri started stripping right away, Damian grabbed his wrists. "Not yet. There's much for you to learn. Right now, you'll roll up those sleeves, you'll unbutton another button and then... heh heh. You're going to learn a little bit more about bondage. First, I have to take care of something." "YES SIR. I'll wait for you." Damian went off to his study and arranged for the dowry money, all of it, to be transferred to Uri's parents account. Uri pulled out his cell phone. He saw the text from Magda, but he ignored it for the night. Instead, he went on his social media accounts and posted "guess who's getting married in a week? THIS GUY." Damian came back with his shirt opened. He pointed to a chair. "SIT. Hands behind your back." Uri felt his dick go hard right away as he answered. "Yes sir." "You have so much to learn Uri bird. So much. And we start now." Damian roped Uri's wrists behind him and whispered "I've got my little whore bitch right where I want him."

Next: Chapter 7

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