UPJ Stories: Morgan's Capture

By moc.loa@seirotSJPU

Published on Jan 5, 2003




The following story is a work of complete fiction. Any resemblance the characters have to real people is purely coincidental. If you're uncomfortable with the idea of sex between two college male students, please stop reading here. Everyone else, enjoy!

I am always welcome to comments you may have about this story. Send them to UPJStories@aol.com


UPJ Stories

Morgan's Capture

Part 1

"Oh No!" I thought, "What had I gotten myself into?" I saw Morgan standing across the room holding the control in his hand. He, understandably, had an almost insane grin on his face. Given what I had put him through over the last four months, I would probably be a little insane as well. I was also worried that he might do the same thing to me. No. I take that back. I knew he was going to do it to me, and I was worried about whether or not I could deal with it.

Let me tell you a bit about Mike Morgan and Myself. Me and Morgan knew each other from college. We met at the Univeristy of Pittsburgh's Johnstown campus. Morgan was a beautiful man. 6' 3" tall, lean, smooth, toned, and tanned with wavey, almost curly, black hair with the tips bleached blond. Everything I would kill for to have in man! Morgan wasnt a muscle god, but he worked out enough to give him plenty of definition. His skin was tight and even on close examination, there was not one flaw anywhere to be seen on his skin. Absolutely beautiful he was.

I was short. 5' 5" with naturally blond hair and blue eyes and pretty fair skin. I just graduated high school, class of 2050. A nice even year, I thought. I had decided to major in computer science. I was always interested in computers from a child. I was already pretty good at programming them, and sometimes even created my own games.

Morgan and I lived in the same hall of the same dorm building at the University. I was room 216, he was room 212. Only two doors down on the same side of the hall. We both had room mates. I roomed with Brad, another beautiful man...but that is a completely different story. Mike Morgan roomed with Mike Ruby. Thats why we all call him "Morgan" and not "Mike" Two mikes in the same group, we need different names to call them by, so we just used their last names. In the room between our rooms lived Rusty and Mike Verlato. We didnt call him "Verlato" That is just too much...We named him "Smokey" because he was a major pot head. He wasn't to involved in our group, as none of us did drugs, and Smokey hung out mostly with the other pot heads in the dorm building, only stopping by to sleep and satisfy his weed induced cravings for food. Rusty was short, probably 5' 3" but looked almost as sexy as Morgan did. Toned, tanned, and only a light dusting of hair starting at his belly button and dissapearing into the basketball shorts he usually wore that hugged his body well as he lay on the floor watching TV. My roommate, Brad, was good looking as well. At an average 5' 8" or so, he wasnt a professional body builder, but you could say he did it as a hobby. He had all the protien shakes and went to the Univeristy's gym once or twice a week. Eitherway, it was all the self control I could muster to not have raped him as he would walk around the room in only his shorts. Morgans roommate, Ruby, wasnt as good looking as the rest of them, but he was good looking. He ALWAYS strutted around in only these skimpy red shorts that he wore every day. As soon as he got back from class he would change into them and not get dressed until he had to go somewhere. He was about the same height and build as Brad, but not built or tanned at all. He also had some chest hair, which I didnt care for very much. Lastly, there was Vince. Vince was very tall...I would guess around 6' 5" with black hair and eyes and VERY muscular. Vince was also smooth, tanned, italian and had a gotee with a chin strap that went from one sideburn, down across his chin to make the bottom part of his gotee and back up to the other sideburn. Now while im not a big fan of facial hair...this was very sexy on him. All of these absolutely gorgeous and sexy men all around me for a four years of college...it was a wonder I didnt go absolutely insane.

We all pretty much hung out in Rusty's room. This was because there was a ton of room in his room due to the fact that Rusty and Smokey's beds were bunked, and he had a small couch in the room as well. He had a good sized TV, awesome stereo system, and the latest video game system. It was pretty much Morgan, Ruby, Rusty, Vince and myself hanging out in the room. We all became pretty good friends and we walked in and out of each others rooms without knocking or any other formality. We would all hang out, play video games, drink, watch movies, etc... Just your classic college life fun times!

Well, enough history, lets get back to the story ;) I guess this all started the last day of everyone's college tenure. We all decided to stick to our living arrangements for all four years, as they had worked so well for us the 1st year. They worked very well for us all four years. We all got along real great. Anyway, Morgan was going on about how he didnt have any place to go. His parents didnt want him to move back, and he didnt have a job yet so he had no money to get a place of his own. He was very worried. I had already been offered a job with a computer company that developes virtual reality systems, and was offered a pretty hefty signing bonus. Because of this, I already had a place and some furniture all moved in...all I had to do was finish school and move in! Because of my good fortune at finding a good job so soon, I offered Morgan a place to stay while he looked for a job. Morgan was always the procrastinator, leaving things like this until the very end. It usually got him in trouble, like this time.

Morgan and everyone at school already knew I was gay. I wasnt obvious about it, nor did I bring it up. I was very straight acting, and just considered myself a "normal guy who happens to be gay." The only reason they found out about it, was because I had left for the weekend and Morgan, who was using my computer, found my porn collection on it. They all confronted me about it, and we had a little talk. Ultimately, it ended up being real cool with them, and it didnt bother them much at all. I think Brad was a little wierd about it at first, because I was rooming with him, but he got over it pretty quickly. I was worried that their behavior might have changed after they found out...you know, not strutting around half naked as they always have...that was one of the things I looked forward to every day...but their behavior didnt change at all. Woo hoo!

Well, after our last day at UPJ, I drove to my new apartment in Pittsburgh (about 2 hours from Johnstown) with Morgan following behind me in his car. We got there and moved in. I gave him a key to the place, and hooked him up to the internet connection I had gotten for the apartment. After we both got settled in I grabbed two beers and handed one to him and toasted ourselves in the new apartment. We just hung out and relaxed after such a big day.

Morgan eventually found a job as a high school teacher. We ended up just living together because we got along so great, and saw no need to get seperate apartments. Both of our jobs demanded a lot of attention and left us both with little free time. I was generally pretty spaced from a day full of programming, and he was on the verge of insanity from a day full of rowdy teenagers. Both our jobs demanded a lot of overtime as well.

Eventually time passed and soon Morgan was going to be off from his job for the summer break. We had just finished up a new Virtual Reality system at work, one that actually connects directly to your brain, by wearing this helmet. Because it connects directly to your brain it can generate virtual worlds that you can not tell the difference between reality and virtual reality. Just think of the movie "The Matrix" to give you an idea of what it does. Since we had just finished the project up, and Morgan was finished with the school year, we both suddenly found ourselves with a lot of free time. I still had work, but it wasnt nearly as tiring, and I didnt have to work any overtime at all!

One of the benefits of my job is that I was able to do whatever I wanted with the prototype units we had produced while the VR system was in development. I had decided to take a couple of them home with my so that me and Morgan could use them for whatever we wanted. One of the nice things about the system is that you could hook as many of them together and all of the people in the units could interact with eachother. You could see eachother, hear eachother, feel eachother, etc...a very cool system.

I also brought a couple programs the company had written home with me as well. One of them was a flying program. You could just "think" about how you wanted to fly and you would do it. Kind of like Peter Pan, but without the pixie dust. You started outside in this big field, and all you had to do was think about hovering and you would just float up. If you thought about moving forward, you would fly forward. Since it was the VR system, you couldnt even tell the difference between the VR world and the real world. You could feel the wind in your hair as you flew, you could feel the grass of the field between your toes...there was no way you could tell it wasnt real. Very very cool program! One of the other programs was an amusement park. Imagine having an entire amusement park, with all the rides and such, all to your self! Another very cool program! Everyone at the office had tons of fun creating the programs! The last program im going to mention was a testing program we used. When you were inside it, there was a control that you could use to program anything in, and you would see it happen. You could just program in a chair, and it would appear. You could program in a house, and it would appear...If you didnt like the color of your shirt, just change it...If you wanted to see what it would be like to be an entire foot taller you could just program that in and it you would grow...very useful for trying out new ideas!

I had told Morgan about my new toy, and he sounded absolutely fascinated. I told him that I would show him sometime, and he loved the idea.

"Where are they?" Morgan asked.

"There isnt enough room in the apartment for the whole setup" I replied. The whole system requires two beds be side-by-side, plus a good bit of equipment. Generating vast and completely lifelike 3D worlds requires tons of computing power. "I got the whole system setup at the A1 self storage place down the road." I said as I produced a key.

"Cool! Lets go!" Morgan grabbed his coat and we got in my car and headed over to the self-storage place. When we got there, I unlocked the garage door that stood between us and the small room inside. We stepped in and I closed the door.

Inside, there were two cots with a pillow on each one. The cots were seperated with a short table that had the two helmets on it. Comming out of the helmets was a wire that snaked around the cots and finally ended at a rather large computer, that had a monitor, keyboard and mouse. I told morgan to lie on the cot and to put on the helmet next to it. While he was doing that, I loaded up the flying program. After I got the program loaded up, I layed on the other cot and put the other helmet on. I looked over to Morgan and sayed "Just close your eyes, it will start soon"

After I said that, I put my head down on the pillow and flipped the switch on the control by the cot. What I saw next, I had seen many times during the testing of the system. Im sure Morgan had no idea what was going on. I can only describe it as the most brilliant display of blue and purple lights that streak around in your mind. Almost like standing in the middle of an exploding firework, without the loud bang. I was told by one of the engineers that this was caused by the system mapping out your brain. After about 30 seconds, the lights kind of cross faded out with the familiar grassy field of the flying program. I looked over to my right and found Morgan standing a few feet away from me, completely naked. I then remembered that you start out naked in this system. He looked down at himself, then looked up at me and and his face got very red. I got very red in the face too, I laughed it off and apologized for not telling him about it. I looked at my feet and saw the control for the system. I picked up the control and, I slowly programmed some clothes on us, while I was checking Morgan out. I noticed his body was completely hairless, except for a small patch of dark brown hair at his crotch, and a small bit in his arm pits. This was the first time I had seen Morgan naked. I had seen him damned close to naked, but he always had some underwear or a towel on, or something, but here he was before me in all his glory. I noticed his penis was huge. Almost 6 and 1/2 inches...soft! I couldnt help letting out a small sigh. I programmed us both in a skin-tight bright red spandex suit. I did this purposefully, I usually program jeans and a t-shirt, but I was in control here, and for some crazy reason I wanted spandex. You could see all the details through the material as well...it did little to hide what lay underneath.

"What the hell is this im wearing?" He asked with a little anger in his voice.

"Relax" I said. "Its for aerodynamics. It helps with flying." I had totally made that up. The clothes you wear make no difference at all, and in my opinion, flying in real clothes is more fun because you can feel the wind blowing your clothes around. "Ok, start flying!"

"How?!" he asked.

"Just think about it. Simply think about where you want to fly, and you will. Here, watch..." I said. I closed my eyes and thought about drifting upwards...I felt my feet slowly leave the ground and then I opened my eyes and looked at Morgan. His mouth hung open in disbelief. I grinned at him, while hovering 2 feet in the air, and said "Try it."

"Ok, let me try" he said. He then closed his eyes, took a real deep breath, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes and gave me a frustrated look.

"Try again, it took me a little trying before I got it to work. Just imagine yourself floating up in the air"

"Let me try again." This time he closed his eyes tightly shut and I saw his body hesitantly start to lift off the ground...he was startled by the feeling of his feet leaving the ground and he opened his eyes and fell to the ground.

I laughed at him and said "You'll get it. I did the same exact thing." He stood up and sighed out of frustration. He closed his eyes and slowly lifted off the ground. He opened his eyes, and he spread his arms and started waving them around as if he were trying to balance himself. "Dont try to balance yourself. As long as you dont think about falling over, you wont." Morgan soon stabalized himself and very quickly got the hang of hovering.

"Wow! This is amazing!" he exclaimed.

"I know, isnt it great?!" I replied. "Now try flying. Take it easy at first, while you can't die or break any bones here, if you fall from any kind of height it will sure feel like it hurt like a bitch!"

Morgan starts to slowly move forward and puts his arms out like he is flying. He stays low to the ground and goes a little slow at first, keeping my advice in mind, but gets the hang of it real quick and we are both soaring very high and very fast through the air. Now let me tell you something: Nothing is more relaxing, fun, or exciting like actually free flying through the air. No jet packs, airplanes, helicopters, or anything to get in the way of enjoying the freedom of just flying through the air. All in all, a very breathtaking experience!

After about twenty minutes of just flying around and enjoying the feeling, Morgan suggested a game of tag. I said that sounded like a great idea. I flew back to the ground, landed and picked up the control I had left there and programmed in some boundaries. Since you could fly pretty fast, I made the boundary one cubic mile. All of a sudden this huge translucent red cube appeared all around us and I said "Ok, you cant leave the red cube...That is the boundary."

"Ok, he said" He shot me a big grin, tapped me on the shoulder and said "Tag! Your it!" Morgan shot off the ground. I was a bit surprised by what he did so it took me a second to start chasing after him. I quickly rocketted off the ground after him and soon I was behind him chasing him. We weaved around trees and soon Morgan lifted from the ground and started climbing up into the air. I followed him and slowly started to catch up to him. Soon his barefoot was in reach so I stuck out my hand and grabbed a hold of it. I then stuck my other arm out and hugged his spandex covered leg with it. I suddenly stopped in mid air and jerked Morgan to a stop.

We were both hovering about half a mile above the ground and I said "Now your it!" Then I quickly turned around and started free falling to the ground. After 15 seconds, I looked back and saw morgan quickly gaining on me, so I started to push myself down towards the ground. We soon got back down to the ground and we leveled off at the ground and I started weaving through the trees again.

We kept going back and forth for a couple hours. It was great fun! When we finally grew tired of the game, I was pretty tired and ready to leave, but Morgan wanted to stay and play some more, so I reached for the control and handed it to him and said "When your ready to leave, just hit the orange button." I then handed the control to Morgan and he reached for it. When I thought he had it, I let go, but the control just slipped through his hand as if his hand wasnt there. As it fell, Morgan made several attempts to catch it as it fell to the ground, but his hand passed through the control as if his hand wasnt real. "Oh, I forgot about that. Only the person who has the control in his hand when the system is turn on can actually use the control inside the system." I picked up the control. "I'll let us both out, then you can go back in with the control in your hand."

"Ok. That works!" he replied.

I then pushed the orange button on the control and the brilliant display of blue and purple lights came back and after a few seconds I was staring up at the ceiling of the self storage place. I sat up and looked at Morgan, who was lying down and looking at me with a happy look on his face. I handed him the control that was in my hand and said "Push the blue button to turn it on, the orange button turns it off. You can also play with the control if you want to change things."

"Thanks," he said, as I handed him the control.

"Im going back to the apartment now. Just make sure you turn off the system and lock the door when you leave."

"Ok, I will" he replied. He layed his head back down on the pillow, pushed the blue button, and suddenly his face went blank. I stood up, and regained my legs, as I got used to gravity again, and headed over to the computer to check up on Morgan.

"Hmmm...he neglected to program some clothes on himself this time." I thought to myself. I saw Morgan flying in the air without any clothes on. His body was definately one to be admired. Black hair with bleach blond tips on his head, a smooth, tanned and lightly toned chest, with his 6 pack abs. His legs were very toned and muscular, and also completely smooth. I believe he is naturally this smooth as ive never seen any clues that he shaves himself. He has a nice round bubble butt, and I also noticed no tan lines either! I jacked off right there staring at his body through the computer monitor while he flew naked through the air, completely unaware that I was watching him.


To be continued? This is my first attempt at writing a story, and there is more I would like write about this story...I know there is still a lot that is untold right now. If I get enough support, I will continue, but I think right now I would like to see what everyone else thinks. Maybe I will turn this into a series...each story (or section) focusing on each person (Morgan, Ruby, Brad, Vince, Rusty). Anyway, im open to comments, suggestions, criticism, etc...send me an email to UPJStories@aol.com with all your thoughts.

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