Up Dawsons Crack

By Jay AKA Calguy19

Published on Oct 5, 1999


Authors Note: Has it really been 5 months??? Where has the time gone. Well, after a lengthy break, it's back. To coincide with the new season of Dawsons Creek, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to bring you the return of Up Dawsons Crack. I can't promise a set schedule of when I will be able to get parts out, but I promise it won't be another 5 months. Life has been hectic, but hopefully soon I will have a computer of my very own, which will make this whole writing thing so much easier.

If you've read up to here, you know about my other 2 stories. Check out my new story "Security Blues" in the beginnings section of Nifty. It's a bit of a different twist to me, I decided to experiment a bit with some other kinds of writing. As always, you cna reach me via e-mail at Calguy19@hotmail.com, or on AOL as CalguyJC. I love getting feedback.

On that note, we return to Up. Dawsons. Crack.

Part 25

I woke up that morning with the sun shining brightly in my eyes and the distant hum of a motorboat. The noise got closer and closer, and finally I realized that it was probably the coast guard boat coming to pick us up. I got to my feet and staggered out onto the deck just as the boat pulled up along side us. I groaned. Standing on the bow, shirtless as always, was my ex boyfriend Neil.

Neil and I had dated about a year before, and he was a absolutely incredible lay with a dick that would have made a horse jealous. That and he was drop-dead gorgeous. However, those were the only two things he had going for him. He relied on his blonde surfer-boy looks and chiseled body to get men. It fooled me for about a month. Then I realized that as much as I enjoyed plowing his tight ass, he had nothing in the brains, personality and maturity department. The day I walked into my bedroom and found him being fucked by another guy, it ended. I kicked both of them out, even as Neil was trying to tell me this guy was his present for me and he wanted a three-way. I had none of it.

Since that point I had seen Neil rarely, and when I did I usually tried to ignore him. It would figure he would have to be on the rescue crew. Judging from the look on his face, it was hardly accidental.

"I had a feeling it was you Jay." He said, grinning broadly. He tossed me the rope to secure to my boat.

"Yeah well, this isn't exactly the best of circumstances." Neil grinned and hopped on board.

"How you been?" He asked, seemingly legitimately.

"I've been doing well, how about you."

"I'm great, but I still miss you." I groaned and rolled my eyes. Fortunately my back was turned to him at the time. A moment later he was right behind me. "Maybe when we get back to shore we can go to my place and get, um, reacquainted. Sort of a "Your rescued" celebration.

"I don't think so Neil." I replied, my body tense.

"Come on. You know you want this big monster back in your mouth." He said, pressing his shorts, with a prominent bulge in them into my butt. "You were the best top I ever had, no one can do it like you can. I need you."

"Sorry Neil, not interested." Neil slid his hand around my waist and grabbed my floppy cock, attempting to stroke it. Frustrated I yanked his hand off and swiveled around to face him. "What part of Not Interested are you failing to grasp here?!?!?!" I said angrily.

"Your mouth says no, but your eyes say.."

"My eyes say I am seeing someone who I love very much, and who is more then just a cheap fuck, which is all you ever were to me Neil, and all you ever will be to anyone. Get it through your fucking head. I. DON'T. WANT. YOU!!!"

Neil looked at me like he'd been slapped. Then anger brewed on his face.

"I was the best fuck you ever had and you know it." He said, growling.

"I'm not denying you were a damn good fuck, but I have had better, I get better now because it's with someone I love, who I'm not going to find being fucked someone else in MY bed."

At that point James walked out onto deck, his hair disheveled, wearing only a pair of swim trunks.

"Hey, what's going on." James asked bewildered. I looked at Neil. Now as I've said, Neil may not have been the most intelligent boy, but he wasn't a complete idiot. He looked at James, then back at me. Then another long look at James. Finally his head turned to me again, a evil grin on his face.

"My god. Your fucking Dawson." He said.

Part 26

"What? Your delusional. He's straight, I just brought him out as a favor to my friend Josh." I replied.

"Yeah right. I saw the way you looked at him when he came out. Your head over heels for him." I looked at James, who just gave me a worried shrug.

"Ya know what Neil, believe what you want, I don't care. I just want to go home."

"Fine, whatever you want baby." He said mockingly.

I packed up a few things and locked up the boat, a tug would be along later in the day to tow it to the docks for a mechanic to look at. The ride to shore was incredible tense and uncomfortable. Neil's partner, a nice lady named Kim, piloted the boat, leaving Neil to sit down on the lower deck with us, grinning.

"So, is he hung?" Neil asked. I remained quiet. "Oh come on Jay, give me something. You know your just dying to tell someone." I just glared at him. "Come on. Is your Hollywood hunk boyfriend good? Does he satisfy you? Or are you just using him because he's famous. Because he's some rich heartthrob that you can use to get further ahead in life, like the cheap little--"

"That's enough!" James said, jumping to his feet. "Shut your mouth."

"Ah. How typical. The Hollywood boy comes to the aid of the poor maiden in distre--" James decked him. Neil hit the floor. I jumped up and grabbed James, restraining him as he tried to lunge after our tormenter.

"He's not worth it James." I said as we struggled. James stopped struggling and just glared at Neil, who was rubbing his jaw.

"I'm going to get you arrested! That's assault. By the time I'm done with you, everyone will know. You hear me. Everyone will know your gay, and your career will be over." Now it was my turn to get angry.

"Neil, I swear to god if you even try any bullshit like that, we'll have lawyers on you so fast you won't know what hit you. You keep your mouth shut you prick, you hear me? You provoked us. James is NOT gay and we will deny it. You have no proof what so ever to even claim that. You know it. So go ahead, try and smear him. You won't get far."

My burst of anger over, I led James to the back of the boat. We just sat there, glaring. Neil got up.

"I'll get you for this. I promise you that." He said, before climbing up onto the bridge of the boat."

"You shouldn't have decked him babe." I told James.

"Sorry, but I just couldn't stand to hear him say another word. How dare he say such things about you."

"He's just trying to piss us off babe."

"Yeah well, it worked."

Neil stayed away from us for the last bit of the trip. When we docked, we thanked Kim and ignored Neil. We found my car and drove back to my apartment.

Part 27

"How's your hand?" I asked worriedly.

"It hurts a bit. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For ruining our last day together."

"It's not ruined babe. We can make up for it."

After a hot shower, James and I relaxed together on the couch. His hand was a little bruised, but he hadn't broken anything, thank god.

"Thankyou." I said to him as he lay with his head in my lap.

"For what?"

"For shutting him up." I said smiling.

"Any time babe. Anytime." We lay on the couch for a bit, then ordered in a pizza. After dinner we lay in bed, our arms wrapped around each other. The time had gone by so quickly, and now in less then 12 hours, James was going to fly away from me.

"Tomorrows going to be one of the hardest days of my life." I told him, tears forming in my eyes.

"Mine to baby, mine too."

"Where has the time gone? It feels like you just got here. Now your leaving." I couldn't help it, I was getting seriously choked up. Tears spilt down my face. James brushed them away and kissed me.

"It's ok. We won't be apart for long. We have the rest of our lives babe. I'll see you soon enough. We have lots of time to spend together." He said, smiling and kissing me again. Our kisses became more passionate, our touches firmer. We made love twice that night, our final night together after a week long whirlwind. We flip-flopped, first him entering me, then reversing roles as I made love to him. Finally exhausted, we curled up together and slept.

Part 28.

"Goodbye Jay, nice seeing you buddy." Josh said as he hugged me goodbye.

"Yeah Josh. We have to see each other more often." Josh said, smiling.

"I think I might come down to the set sometime soon. See if I can convert Kerr Smith." I joked. "Maybe you can set it up so I can play Jacks boyfriend."

"Now that I would pay to see."

"It's a great character. Nice to see a homosexual in a teen TV show." I said.

"Well thank James, he suggested it to Kevin, and Kevin loved the idea."

"Really. He didn't tell me that. Anyway, I'll come down soon, ok?" I asked.

"Definitely man." Josh said, as we parted. I turned to James.

"Well, it was nice meeting you and hanging out with you. It's been a blast." I told James.

"Yeah, definitely have to do it again sometime." He said as we gave each other a hug. "I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"Me too." We broke apart and I watched as Josh and James handed their boarding passes to the flight attendant, then walked down that long hallway to the plane. I stood their and watched the plane, and I saw James face in one of the windows. Our eyes met, and he smiled and waved. A few minutes later the plane backed away from the entrance tunnel and began it's trip down the runway. I stood and watched where the plane had been a few moments before. Then, fighting back tears, I turned and walked out.

To Be continued.

Next: Chapter 10: Up Dawsons Crack 29 31

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