Up Dawsons Crack

By Jay AKA Calguy19

Published on Apr 7, 1999


Here we are with another episode of "Up Dawson's Crack." I'm just re-writing the bit I lost, so I should hopefully be bale to get things more regular, although the computer I use is going to be taken apart due to house reno's, so that will take me out for a bit. But hopefully this will satisfy some appetites.

If you like this story, check out my other two, Banging B-rok (The original BSB story, and runner up for numerous BSB awards) and Jughead Comes out, both found in the Nifty's celebrity section.

I love to get feedback, it is what keeps me going, and I do my best to reply to everyone. e-mail me at Calguy19@hotmail.com or IM me on AOL Instant Messanger at CalguyJC.

Now on with Up Dawson's Crack.

Part 19

You know that feeling when your nice and warm in your bed, without a care in the world, content to just sleep, then something breaks into your dream world and drags you kicking and screaming back into reality? Well that is what happened exactly the next morning. The cry of my telephone pierced the morning silence. After about the fourth ring I finally rolled over and grabbed the phone. A loud piercing scream jolted me straight up in bed, followed by hysterical laughing.

"God dammit Josh!"

"Sorry, but I had to wake you up somehow."


"Yeah. So we set to go?

"No, I just woke up."

"Well go get James and let's go."

"James is right here." I said without thinking.

"He is? But you just woke up…" Uh-oh…busted.

"He heard the phone, he came into the room while I was talking." I tried desperately to cover up.

"Oh, let me talk to him." Shit, James was still beside me fast asleep.

"Sure, um, hold on." I hit the mute button and frantically shook James awake.


"James, Josh is on the phone, he wants to talk to you."

"Ok." James rolled over and took the phone from me. I watched him, admiring his "am" look. Mussed up hair, drowsy eyes, he looked so cute in the morning. I slid my arm around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder as he talked to Josh.

"Yeah dude, can't wait. See ya in a hour." With that James hung up the phone. "He'll be here in a hour."

"So I heard."

James smiled at me. "That gives us time for a quick shower, a bite to eat, and sex."

"Not really." I replied. "He'll come early, and well, you don't, so he'd probably walk in during the middle of it."


"I love you." That brought the smile back. I gave him a quick kiss. "So have you thought about what to say to Josh?"

"Yeah. I'm not ready."

"Alright, works for me. " I pulled him to me and held him for a few moments. "Whenever your ready baby, I'm here for you, I always will be."

Part 20

We got up, took separate showers, and got dressed. We decided to take Josh out to a late breakfast before the aquarium. Of course, Josh arrived 20 minutes early, like I had predicted, and was stunned when I opened the door, fully dressed and ready to go.

"Why Jay, color me surprised."

"I knew you'd be here early. Can't fool me again!"

"We'll see."

We piled into my car and went to Denny's. After a quick bite there we drove through Stanley Park to the aquarium.

I used two guest passes to the aquarium, as I was a member. Since it was a weekday the aquarium was not as busy as usual, on weekends it was a madhouse, which was why we went during the week. I love Wildlife, and have been looking at the possibility of studying Biology. But since my computer job was doing so well I planned on just working on that for a few years. Still, I loved spending time at the aquarium, it allowed me to think. I watched James and Josh joke around as we wandered through the undersea area, stopping to look at the shark tank where a girl in a dive-suit was in the tank and a rather cute boy was doing a presentation. I had seen this show a hundred times before, so I droned it out, simply watching the swimming sharks and thinking about James and I.

It had only been a few days, but I already had fallen for James more then I had for anyone else. Here was this incredible man, funny, smart, and incredibly hot. I had never been in a relationship quite like this. It was truly give and take on both sides. I had always been strictly a top. Bottoming had never had any interest whatsoever. But the previous night I had asked to be fucked!!!! I had enjoyed it!!! I felt my body fill with warmth as James and Josh talked animatedly. I was starting to feel that James was truly my soulmate, and that thought both frightened and thrilled me at the same time. He had come into my life and changed it forever. From now on I would be a different person inside. A better person, and I had James to thank for that. Josh calling my name right in my ear shook me from my deep thoughts.

"James.. Hellooo, snap out of it buddy."

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking."


"Nothing." I looked at James and smiled. He smiled back. We headed into the Amazon exhibit. Josh wandered off to the bathroom while James and I were looking in the Anaconda tank.

"That's huge!!!" James exclaimed.

"Funny, I said the same thing first time I saw you naked." I muttered in his ear. James turned bright red.

"You shut up."

"Make me. Stick something in my mouth."

"I thought I was supposed to be the perpetually horny one?"

"Were trading places for the day."

"I'm trying to look at the anaconda."

"I want to look at your anaconda."

"Stop it."

"Or what?"

"Or you don't get any tonight."

"Oh." I walked along and pouted as we wandered through the rest of the exhibit. Finally Josh returned and I perked up. We wandered around the aquarium for a few more hours. We sat down for the Killer Whale and Dolphin show. I always loved these shows because it was not a set routine, the whale and dolphin did different stuff each show. Josh wandered off to talk to one of the trainers he was a friend with. The stands were still rather empty.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I asked quietly.

"I thought you only wanted me for my anaconda." James joked.

"I'm serious James."

"Oh.. Ok."

"Sunday is going to be the hardest day of my life. Being apart from you for just a week is going to tear me apart."

"I know baby, I know. But it's only a week and then you'll be down in Carolina with me for a whole week." We had already ordered and bought the plane tickets for me to fly out the following Friday night, allowing me to take care of any loose ends before going on vacation.

"I know, but still. I just can't tell you how much I love you."

"You don't have to tell me, I know because I feel it too."

We lapsed into silence, just watching the whale move around in her tank. Josh sat down right before the show started and winked at me.. Plan all set. The two hostesses started their spiel about the natural life of Killer Whales, etc, etc. James sat watching entranced, not realizing that Josh and I were slowly inching farther and farther away. He was so lost in what he was seeing he didn't realize that we both backed up five rows until it was too late. Suddenly it occurred to him that he was all alone, and he looked around confused.

"Hey guys, what are you two doing up…" The killer whale leaped out of the tank right in front of him and crashed into the water, sending a huge wave of saltwater crashing into James. Josh and I started to die laughing while James sputtered. He looked so damn cute wet.

"You knew about this?!?!?!" James asked incredulously.

"We set you up!!" Josh replied. "It was all Jay's idea."

"It was not!!!" That was true. Josh had originally thought of it, I had just agreed eagerly.

"It's not funny." James replied.

"Then why are we laughing so hard???" I asked through gasps of laughter.

"I'm going to get you for this." He said.

"I bet you will. I know just the kind of punishment you're going to dish out." James looked at me in horror. I quickly covered. "It will probably involve electrocution I'm sure." James looked so great with his white T-shirt clinging to his body. The show ended a few minutes later and we were ready to leave. As James stood up, I whispered in his ears "Let's go home and get you out of those wet clothes."

"Gladly" he replied.

We made plans with Josh to go out on my boat for our last day together. Josh had to spend Saturday with his family, which was fine with me, meant I got to spend time with James.

Part 21

We quickly raced to my apartment and undressed. This time when James entered me, it was easy. I straddled him and slid down his long pole until my ass touched skin. I bucked up and down on his cock for a good half an hour, enjoying every moment, before finally letting loose and spraying across the room. James unloaded his jizz into the condom. We were both covered in sweat. I looked down at my beautiful boyfriend, who had a dazed look on his face. Then I noticed something amiss.

"Man, I'm quite the shot."

"Huh?" James asked confused.

"Well, it looks like I hit your ear."

"You're kidding."

"Nope." I reached over to his ear and wiped a gob of cum off, showing it to him. "See?"

"Holy shit." I looked at the goo in my hand, then rubbed my hand through my hair.

"Look, I'm Cameron Diaz!!!" James started to howl with laughter at the joke. I laughed too, until both of us were gasping, me on top of him, tears streaming down our faces. I leaned over and kissed him. I sat up again, and realized his dick was somehow still lodged in my ass!!! And it was still hard.

"So, who is it who can't get enough??" I asked? James just smiled and gave a little thrust. I smiled back, then he rolled me over and proceeded to slam his still jizz-laden cock into me again. I moaned uncontrollably as another wave of incredible pleasure washed through me. It didn't take me long to start shooting cum again, although not near as strong or with as much distance. James pulled out of me and pulled his condom off. I sat up and began to jerk him off. It was his turn to return the favor, covering my face and neck in jizz. I grabbed a towel and we cleaned each other up.

"James, man, for once I am speechless."

"Don't say anything baby. Nothing needs to be said." James pulled me into a hug. "Now let's get some sleep, we have to be up early to go sailing."

"Ok." I agreed wholeheartedly. I turned on my side and James cuddled in behind me, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."

With that we drifted off to sleep.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 7: Up Dawsons Crack 22 24

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