Up Dawsons Crack

By Jay AKA Calguy19

Published on Mar 20, 1999


Here is yet another episode in the ogoing saga of Jay and James Van Der Beek, entitled "Up Dawson's Crack". It's been a while, as I've been very busy as of late, and this may be the last update for a bit since the disk that contains the story seems to have hidden itself somewhere in the jungle known as my bedroom. As soon as I have it, you'll get new installments. So in the meantime, don't read this if your not legally permitted too, and this is a fantasy and is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned.

You can check out my other works on Nifty's. Banging B-rok (The original BSB story, nominated for several BSB/Nsync awards) and Jughead Comes out, both on the Celebrity section.

I can be reached via e-mail at calguy19@hotmail.com, or via AOL IM as CalguyJC.

Until next time, J.

Up Dawson's Crack by Calguy

Part 15

We went to a nice Italian restaurant for dinner, and over our Calamari appetizer, I brought up my thoughts.

"Josh has no clue about you, does he." I broached, opening the door.

"None whatsoever. Does he know about you?"

"Yeah, he was the first guy I ever came out to."

"Really?" James seemed surprised by this.

"Yeah, he's been incredibly supportive for the last 3 years. If I didn't have him to lean on I probably would have gone crazy. I had a rough time in school coming out, and if I didn't have him for support, well I might not be around."

"Wow." James took a moment to ponder what I had said. "He was really there for you."

"He's one of my best friends, I love the guy. The past year has been really hard on me without him here. We are really close. He says he based his character in "Cruel Intentions" on me, although I know he is joking. But I am the one who convinced him to take the gay role."

"Well you will see him more now, since you'll be coming down so much."

"Which brings me to my next point. Do we tell him." James paused and bit his lip.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that."

"I understand. I won't push you. But like I said, he's very supportive and understanding. If we told him he would understand…and it will give you someone to talk to down in Carolina when I am not there."

"Good point. You really think it would be a good idea?"

"I think it would be for the best. That way we can be ourselves around him, and he won't think it is odd I keep coming down and you keep coming up here. I know he would be hurt if we hid this from him for a long time."

"You trust him." It was more of a statement then a question.

"With my life. He's never told anyone about me, I know he would never tell anyone about you, or you and I."

"Ok, let me think about it, ok?"

"Definitely." I lightly stroked his thigh under the table. "So looking forward to the aquarium tomorrow?"

"Oh yeah, It's going to be a lot of fun. Although I can't wait to see the big whale tonight either."

"Big whale???" James reached under the table and gently grabbed my crotch.

"Yeah, the big whale." He said, giving it a quick jerk and then returning to his dinner.

"God, how many names do you have for it?!?!"

James grinned at me. "Pitching a tent, popping a wood, mushroom on a stick, mushroom head…" James began reciting lines from "Varsity Blues" in a perfect southern accent, which immediately turned me on. "and Pedro."

"Pedro? You actually call it Pedro???"

"I have no comment."

"Well you tell Pedro that he better not have plans later tonight."

"Oh, he doesn't…"

"Good." I fought back the urge to kiss him in the middle of the restaurant. "Because there is this tunnel that has never been explored, and I think Pedro should be the first to investigate it."

James looked at me, confused at the analogy. Suddenly it seemed to dawn on him.

"You mean you've never…."


"And you want me too…."


"I'm honored."

"You shouldn't be. Pedro should."


"No, Tight ass."

"Won't be after tonight."

"Good point."

We got our bill and paid, then left the restaurant. We drove to Oddessy, a popular gay club just off Davie on Howe and parked.

Part 16

"We're here in time not to pay cover-charge. We have to go in back though, the "Men only" door.

"Ok." James followed me along as we went down the back alley to the entrance. I'm a regular at the club, so the bouncer just smiled at me, but stopped James.

"Can I see some ID." The guard asked. James looked at me worried. We wanted anonymity and James was taking a risk as it was going to a gay club. Having to identify himself could be disastrous. However, I knew the bouncer pretty good, so I nodded at James. James pulled out his wallet and brought out his Carolina license and handed it to the bouncer, who looked at it, and did a double take.

"Is this some kind of joke? You expect me to believe your James Van Der Beek?"

"That's what the ID says."

"ID's can be faked." The doorman was being really bitchy tonight. Sighing, James took off his hat and sunglasses. The bouncer's jaw literally hit the floor. "Oh.. Sorry Mr. Van Der Beek. Go right ahead." Smiling, James put his hat back on and snatched his ID out of the doorman's hands.

"I'd appreciate if my presence here was kept to yourself, if you know what I mean." James said.

"Yessir. No problem."

I didn't see anyone I knew at the club when we walked in from the patio, and I was rather thankful. I didn't feel like explaining James to a whole bunch of people. As it is, we got a few looks, and a lot of up-and-down glances at James, followed by a glare of jealousy in my direction. We ordered a couple of drinks and sat down to watch the scene unfold in front of us.

"The problem with this bar is you can't get anywhere to talk, you have to speak loudly to be heard." I called out.

"That's fine. I talk to you all the time. I can survive a bit of time if we can't talk. Not long mind you, but a bit of time." I smiled at him as he sat and watched the dancers on the floor dance and move to the house music that was currently playing. Then I heard a tune I recognized and dragged James on the dance floor. One of my favorite songs "Broken Bones" by Canadian group Love INC blared over the speakers as I showed off my dancing skills to James. I am very proud of my dancing ability, even if it is only clubbing, I move damn well. James was dancing very smoothly as well, and we were raising a lot of eyebrows. We kept on dancing through the next song, and the next, and before I knew it a guy stepped into the shower at the far end of the bar in a white T-shirt and shorts and began to shower.

"Well, shows started." I told James, who turned around and took in the sight of a very attractive guy in the shower.

"Interesting. But I have a better looking guy."

"I knew this wouldn't last. Cheating on me already."


"A nice one at that."

"I agree."

"You'd better."

"Or what?"

"Or no sex tonight."

"We wouldn't want that, would we?"

"Well actually, I was thinking of just jerking off alone…"

James smacked me playfully and continued to dance. We got closer and closer to each other, and soon enough were bumping and grinding, making out heavily on the dance floor and to be honest, taking some of the attention away from the shower.

"You two boys having fun?" a half-naked waiter asked.

"We are."

"Can I get you something to drink?" We both ordered another round, then left the floor to sit for awhile. Before I knew it they were announcing last call. I was pretty hungry by now, as I usually am by the time I leave a club."

"I'm hungry, let's go get a bite to eat." James' face fell.

"I was sort of hoping we could go home."

"We will, I just need something to eat. It'll give me energy for later." I said, kissing him.

"Ok, but quickly. I want you."

Part 17

"I know baby, and you'll have me tonight in ways no other man ever has." This brought a smile to his face. We left the club and drove down Davie to Bute, stopping at Hamburger Mary's.

"This place has great burgers." I told James, leading him by the hand to the restaurant.

"Wow, you're brave."

"Were on Davie hun, this is Gay-central. Guys hold hands around here all the time."

"Oh. Kind of like West Hollywood."

I laughed. "Yeah, kind of." We went to the counter and both ordered half-pound burgers. We took seats, away from the smokers who frequented the outside area in good weather. We began to devour our food as soon as it arrived, as our hunger was quickly being overtaken by our hornyness. I was in mid-bite when a familiar obnoxious voice spoke behind me.

"Well well, look what the cat dragged in." I turned around. It was my "friend" Mike Camp. Well, he considered me a friend, I mostly considered him an annoyance.

"Hello Michael. How are you." I replied curtly. Taking this as a cue to join us, even though it wasn't. Mike pulled up a chair.

"I'm fine. Speaking of fine, who's your friend??" He said, giving James a very approving eye.. that I definitely didn't approve of.

"My name is Jamie, you can call me James." James said, quickly dropping to the southern drawl he used in "Varsity Blues."

"Why a southerner! And a cute one at that. Where in the world did you find him, and what is he doing with you?" Mike didn't exactly have a lot of class, he thought he was being funny, it actually came out sounding petty.

"Well." I said, hiding my annoyance. "I found him here in Vancouver, and he's with me because he has class, which is more then I can say for some of those sitting at this table."

"Now now dear, no need to be bitchy. You know, you do look kind of familiar to me James."

"I have a very common-looking face. I get told that I look familiar a lot by people who I ain't never met before."

"Hmmm, I don't know. You still look very familiar. So tell me James, how did you two meet?"

"Through a mutual friend." James was loving this.

"Oh? Are you two together?"

"Very much so." I interjected.

"Oh… Pity."

"Nosir, I don't believe it is a pity. I happen to think I'm luckiest guy in the whole world to have Jay here." I blushed slightly at James' compliment.

"Well wait until you get to know him, you'll change your mind, and when you do, give me a call." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I think it's time we get going. James still has to fuck me tonight." Mike gave me a look of jealousy.

"Twice." James threw in. I coulda hugged him right then and there.

"Fine, well I guess I will be off." Mike replied.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there is someone here cheap enough for you." I shot as he skitted away.

"Who the hell was that???" James asked.

"Just someone I know."

"Well, he's rather rude."

"I agree. Although you put him in his place."

"Thanks. Well sir, I guess we should be headin off into the sunset if I'm gonna fuck you tonight." James said, slipping back into southern mode.

"Twice." I replied. James laughed and gave me a quick kiss and we headed out the door.

Part 18

We held hands in my car all the way to the apartment, my cock straining against the fabric of my pants. We parked and ran to the elevator. We made out all the way up to my floor, staggered into the hallway and ran to my door. I fumbled with the locks, before finally swinging the door open. The door slammed shut behind us and we were immediately kissing. We began frantically unbuttoning clothes, pulling belts, and grabbing flesh. We were naked right away, and stumbled over to the couch, falling onto it together. We made out for another 5 minutes on the couch before I finally parted.

"Let's go into my bedroom." I whispered breathlessly.

"Ok." We walked hand in hand into my bedroom, and James laid me on my bed. He began to lick and kiss my neck. "Last night was about me Jay, I know it was. Tonight it's about you." James' hand grabbed my nipples and he began to gently tease and play with them, eliciting moans of pleasure from me. James kissed his way down my chest, then licked around my crotch. He began to coat my balls in spit, still avoiding my throbbing cock. Finally he licked his way up the shaft and around the head, before diving down on it. I cried out in pleasure as James bobbed up and down on my dick with his warm mouth. I pried him off and brought him up to me for a kiss, then pressed a condom and bottle of lubricant into his hands.

"Prep me baby. Finger-fuck me, make me loose for that big cock of yours."

"You're sure this is what you want??"

"Yes James. I was the first man to take your ass, I want you to be the first to take mine." James kissed me again, then slid down to between my legs. Lubing up a finger, he began to press it against my tight, unyielding hole. I gasped in pain as he inserted the first digit, slowly moving it around to try and loosen me up. He worked me over with his pinkie for a good three or four minutes before inserting a second finger. I was getting used to the sensation when he finally struck gold and found my prostate. I moaned loudly as he fingered and pressed my little walnut, and finally felt my ass stretch even wider with the insertion of a third finger.

"Oh god, oh wow." I gasped, feeling tremendous pleasure shooting through my body. "Now James, do it now. I'm ready baby." James smiled at me and stood up. He rolled the condom down his dick and lubed it up.

"Ok baby, here goes." James said, He pressed the head against my hole and slipped it in. I felt a sharp pain, but James had loosened me up enough that it wasn't the agony I was expecting. Instead just a feeling of being filled up slowly as James slid more and more of his big dick up my ass. All too soon, I felt his balls resting against me ass.

"Your..soo tight…" James gasped in my ear.

"I'm ready baby, give it to me. I feel great, time to fuck me, make me whole."

"Alright." With that James slid his cock almost all the way out, then slammed it back in again. I bit my lip to keep from screaming as a mix of agony and pleasure slammed through my body. The agony quickly began to fade however, and the most incredible feeling blossomed in my groin, spread down my legs and up into my gut, then slowly throughout my body.

James was working up a sweat slamming in and out of me. I grabbed his neck and pulled him down to me, whispering how much I loved him, how good he was, how I felt, kissing him, holding him, and crying out when my orgasm shook me, spraying cum between our sweaty bodies. James grunted and moaned in my ear.

"Here it comes baby" and with that I felt his cock swell, and felt the end of the condom begin to fill with his load. Finally, panting, James collapsed on top of me. I held him close, his cock still buried in my ass, our bodies being cemented together by my cum, my legs wrapped around him.

"Thankyou." I whispered.

"Anytime." James stood up and let his cock slip out of my ass, The end was extremely distorted and heavily laden with his cum. He rolled the condom off and dropped it in the garbage.

"One down, one to go." I said. James looked at me in confusion. "You said you were going to fuck me twice."

"Oh, right." James began jerking his cock, which rose up incredibly quickly. He rolled another condom on and lubed himself up. I got on all fours to try something different. This time my asshole was still stretched from the first fuck, and James slid in easily and began a slow, rhythmic fuck. He must have fucked me for more then half a hour, slowing down when his or my orgasm got close, then speeding up. Finally I could take it no more. My dick ached with the need to be released. Sensing this James began to slam into my faster, grabbing my cock and jerking me down. He got about 4 strokes before I shot all over the sheets, soaking them in Jizz. I felt James pull out of me and shoot on my back and ass. Exhausted I collapsed on the sheets. James left the room, came back with a towel and cleaned me up. He then shut off the light, tucked me under the covers, and curled up in front of me. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close, whispering in his ear my feelings for him, then drifting into another night of blissful sleep.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 6: Up Dawsons Crack 19 21

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