Up Dawsons Crack

By Jay AKA Calguy19

Published on Jan 20, 1999


Up Dawsons Crack By CalGuy Calguy19@hotmail.com

WARNING: Usual legal disclaimers apply. If you are under 18, or if reading this is illegal in your state, province, country, town, city, etc, then do not read it (or at least, do not get caught.) This is a fictional story and fantasy and is not intended to imply or assume anything about the sexuality of James Van Der Beek, Joshua Jackson, or any other celebrities that may or may not pop up in the following pages. All other characters are fictional and any resemblance, physical or emotional, to anyone but me is purely coincidental.

Comments, criticism, etc, welcomed at calguy19@hotmail.com. I love hearing from people who read my stories ...

If you like this, check out my other stories, "Banging B-Rok" and "Jughead Comes out", both in the celebrity section of the Nifty Erotic Story Archive.

On that note, let's begin.

The phone next to my bed rang, piercing my contented slumber. Groaning, I rolled over and looked at the clock. 12:15. "Damn" I thought to myself. "Overslept again." The phone let out another grating ring, reminding me what had awoken me.

"Hello?" I groaned into the phone.

"Yo Jay, it's Josh" a familiar voice echoed through the earpeice.

"Josh?!?!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah dude, long time no see. What's up?"

Upon hearing Josh's voice I immediately woke up. Josh and I had grown up together in Vancouver, before he made it big on "Dawson's Creek." He had been off filming the show in North Carolina for a month and a half, and we had lost touch during that time.

"Not much man, Kinda tired, I was out late last night." David,

"You keep up that night life, your gonna kill yourself ... and I can't get time out of my shooting schedule to come to your funeral." He joked.

"prick" I retorted.

"Damn right. But hey, so are you. I guess the saying is true: you are what you eat."

Oh, another thing, I'm gay. Josh was the first guy I came out too. Unfortunately he is straight as an arrow, but he was still incredibly supportive.

"So what does that make you?" I replied. "Oh, that's right, a motherfucker."

"Oh, now you've done it. I'm gonna kick your ass."

"You go right ahead and try."

"You know I can do it, I have before."

"Yeah well, things have changed. I'm a man now."

"Oh? How's that??"

"I've gained 10 pounds of muscle. I'm gonna be a different Jay from the one you knew a month and a half ago."

"Cool, I can't wait to see you again man, it's been to long."

"It has" I agreed. I loved spending time with Josh. I had to admit that secretly I had a crush on him. Every time I looked into those gorgeous blue eyes I wanted to melt. But I kept my feelings aside. Still, every time I was with him my body tingled, and I had to fight down the constant urge of my dick to rise up.

"So, wanna hook up?" he said.

"Damn right" I replied. "You name the time and place, I'll be there."

"Well can you drag your sorry ass outta bed and be down at the Hard Rock on Robson by 1:30"

"Sure thing" I replied.

"Great, I'll be waiting outside for ya. See ya in a bit."

"Yeah man, see ya."

I jumped out of bed and immediately stripped out of my boxers and started the shower. I looked in the mirror at myself. I didn't consider myself all that attractive, although since I had been working out I had developed more. My brown hair had a constant sort of messy look that seems to be so in these days. My blue eyes were often commented on by men and women alike. I have a very masculine face, over all I guess I am what one would call a "butch fag." My 6'3" frame was now rather solid, with developed pecs. A trail of hair lightly dusted them, and lead down around my stomach, and then further to my crotch. I am starting to develop a six-pack, and getting a really nice body. I looked down at my cock, which had sprung to its full 7.5 inches. It stood proudly at attention at the thought of seeing Josh again.

"I'd better take care of that" I sighed to myself, "Otherwise it will be bothering me all day."

With that thought I opened the now steamed door of the shower and stepped into the billowing clouds. The steam immediately enveloped me, and I enjoyed the feeling of the warmth seeping away my tiredness. A sudden jerk in my cock reminded me of the problem at hand. Lathering up me hands well with soap I began to wash my dark pubic hair. I then grasped the shaft of my cock and slowly began to corkscrew my hand around the shaft, going up to the sensitive head. I groaned as I paid special attention too the head. I fell against the wall as I sped up my progress.

"Gotta get this over with, still have to get dressed and out of here." I thought to myself as I worked over my cock harder and faster. I felt the familiar twinge in my nuts, let out a guttural groan, and shot my load all over the tile floor.

Panting I recovered from my orgasm as a blast of cold water hit me in the back. Realizing that I was quickly running out of water, I shampooed, soaped, and rinsed off. Shutting down the water, I grabbed a towel off a nearby rack. I stepped out and wiped down the mirror. For some reason, I really like the look of my body wet. I like the way the hair clings to my head and my body and legs. A quick look at the bathroom clock confirmed that I was quickly running out of time. I finished toweling off and went to my closet. Quickly I grabbed a tight white T-shirt, pair of nice jeans, and an open-buttoned blue shirt. Looking again at the clock, I saw I had exactly 5 minutes to get from my Downtown Apartment over to Robson, a ten-minute walk. I ran out the door and out to meet my friend.

I recognized Josh from down the street, He was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a black shirt, Vancouver Canucks hat, and a pair of glasses. This was his idea of a "disguise" as now that Dawson's Creek was so big, he felt he needed it. This was true as he and I had been mobbed in a mall last time he had been in town. I noticed right away he was talking to another guy, who was wearing knee-long black jean shorts, an open black vest and a white T-shirt. Even from a distance I thought he looked very edible. I broke into a run. Josh saw me and waved.

"Well if it isn't the late Jay Reed.." he joked.

"Yeah yeah, I'm late, so sue me."

"You'd be late to your own funeral."

"I'd be dead, what would I care???"

"I would, I hate being away from you for a month and a half, having you die would be even worse."

That compliment made me beam. He grabbed my hand, gave it a quick shake, then pulled me into a quick embrace. This was our traditional greeting to one another. I had ulterior motives, as the feeling of his chest pressed against mine never failed to leave me tingling for days afterwards. Suddenly my reverie was broken by a cough. We both looked up, in our eagerness to see each other both of us had forgotten about Josh's friend. I took a look at him. He looked kind of familiar...

"Oh, shit, that's right. I forgot."

"Why does that not surprise me??" the guy responded -- a voice sounded so familiar.

"Sorry James." Josh said. It didn't even register until Josh continued. "Jay Reed, this is my buddy and Co-star James Van Der Beek. James, this is my friend Jay Reed."

Hardly able to contain my surprise, I just looked as James pulled down his glasses and smiled. He extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you." He said. I just stood there looking at his hand.

"Jay, he said Nice..To..Meet..you.. Hellooooo, Jay. Wake up." Josh snapped his fingers in front of my face, breaking me out of my daze.

"Oh, yeah, Hi, nice to meet you." I replied, taking his hand.

"Firm grip" I thought to myself. "Nice firm grip, tight, would feel good wrapped around--" I cut myself off, not even finishing the thought. I'd had a crush on James since I started watching the show. Now here he was in front of me!!

"Hmmm, looks like Jay here is smitten" Josh joked. I recoiled and looked at him in horror.

"Just kidding dude." Josh said smiling. "Let's go eat and talk." With that we walked into the restaurant.

We sat in the restaurant, the whole time we talked, I just kept looking back and fourth between Josh and James. How in the world I ended up being at the same table with two such incredibly hot men was beyond me. But here I was with two teen heartthrobs... And trust me, I had something throbbing beneath the table.

"So Jay, here's the thing Dude. My parents decided to surprise me by having most of my family from out of town in, so we have no place for James to stay. So I was wondering if you would mind putting him up for a week.

"It took less then a second to sink in. Josh, one of my best friends, who knew I was gay, was asking me to put up a incredibly hot boy??? Duh!! No brainer!!!!"

"Sure" I said, remarkably enough keeping my composure and not jumping for joy. "I can put him up for a few days."

"Great" Josh said. James only smiled at me. God his smile could melt lead. "We should get the bill then, we gotta head home and grab James' stuff, so he can move in. Then you two can get to know each other a little better.

I gave Josh a look. Was he implying something?? In no way could James Van Der Beek be gay. Even if he was, no way would he be interested in me.

"Sure" I gasped out. With that we got our bill and went on our way..

Part 2

"Thanks again for letting me stay with you" James said as Josh drove to my Downtown Apartment.

"It's not a problem. I know Josh's parents. Plus it'll be nice to have someone around."

"Oh, you don't live with your parents??" James asked.

"My parents died two years ago." I said blankly

"Oh.." There was a awkward silence. "I'm sorry."

"I know. I'm fine. I miss them but I am fine. So I live by myself, no interruptions, no problems."

Again that smile, oh god how I longed to kiss him right then and there. But again, I knew better. Still part of me hoped...

"Nice place" James said after Josh dropped us off.

"Thanks" I said. "Come on, I'll show you your room." I showed him into the guest bedroom. Which was right next to mine. I gave him a few minutes to get adjusted. He came out and immediately sat next to me on the couch.

"So you live in this nice place alone??" He asked.

"Yeah, come check out the view." I said, leading him to my balcony. I opened up the door and the breeze from the ocean wafted over us. We stood on the balcony, looking down at the specs on the beach. My apartment overlooked the ocean and the view was amazing. One of the reasons I had picked this particular building. It was expensive, but I could afford it.

"This is incredible" James said, taking in the view.

"So are you" I thought, but kept that silent. "Thanks, I chose this building for the view. I love sitting on this balcony, lets me think. I love doing everything on this balcony."

"Especially sex" I thought to myself. My X and I had fucked many a time out on the balcony, under stars, and those orgasms were some of my most intense.

"So have you ever been to Vancouver before??" I asked.

"Nope, this is my first time. Josh asked me to come up for a week off of shooting and I couldn't resist the opportunity to see the city Josh never shuts up about ... and the friend he never shuts up about." He looked directly at me.

"Oh? Who's that??"

"You." He said smiling. "I don't know if you realize how important you are to him."

There was a silence, as we both stared off at the deepening sunset. "How incredibly romantic" I thought. I looked over at James. The way the sun filtered through his blonde hair, the light radiating off his face. In that light, he looked almost god-like. It's one of those things that TV and film can't catch.

"So anything in particular you want to do this week? I'd be more then happy to play tourguide."

"Oh? You don't have to work???" he asked.

"Nope. I have a week off."

"Cool. I'd like to see the park, the aquarium, the ocean, etc."

"Great. We can go out on my boat."

"You have a boat???"

"I have a lot of things" I said, grinning.

"Wow. I'm impressed."

"You're not the only one" I thought, again drinking in James' incredible good looks.

"So how did you meet Josh, anyway. He never told me." James said, again snapping me back to the reality I seemed to stray from endlessly.

"Oh, he and I grew up together. We did some plays together and stuff growing up too. I performed with him in Seattle for `Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory'. We've been friends as long as I can remember, worked together, acted together, done everything together."

"Except fucked" I added to myself silently.

"Oh, so you're a actor."

"Hardly" I laughed. "I've acted in some plays and done extra work for X-Files and stuff filmed around here. I don't act to earn a living like you and Joshua do. So I don't really consider myself a actor."

"Gotchya. So what do you do??"

"I work designing websites. So I basically pick and choose when I want to work. I make a fair bunch with my company, but I do it for fun, not for the money."


"So what do you feel like doing tonight since Joshua is tied up with his family."

"Honestly, I just feel like ordering some stuff in and watching a video."

"I have a big collection, want to take a look??"

"Yeah, definitely"

We ended up spending the rest of the evening talking, eating Chinese food and watching a couple of old movies. We laughed our way through "Happy Gilmore" which we both agreed was one of our favorite movies.

"So what you want to watch next???" I asked.

"Hmm." James looked through my collection. "How about this one???"

I did a double take when I realized he was holding my copy of "Kiss me Guido."

"You know what that is about??" I asked.

"Yeah, it's about a straight guy who moves in with a gay guy. I haven't seen it but I've heard good things."

"Alright, let's watch it."

During the movie we kept moving closer and closer to each other without even realizing it. By the end of the movie I had my arm draped over the back of the couch, my hand resting on his shoulder. I didn't even realize it until the final credits rolled. The entire time I kept watching James to see how he reacted to the gay characters. He never even flinched and laughed the entire time.

"Wow man, it's pretty late." James told me. I looked at the clock. 1:25. We had been together for 12 hours. I felt like I had been with him for all my life.

"Yeah, I guess we should probably hit the sack if we are going to be up at a decent hour to go sight-seeing."

"Alright, night then." James got up and went into his bedroom. I sat on the couch for a few more minutes, reflecting back on the events of the day. In a matter of 12 hours I had ended up having one of the newest teen-idols on the planet sleeping in my spare bedroom. I'd watched a gay themed movie with him, and talked and laughed like we were old friends. I had a feeling this was going to be a very enjoyable week.

I shut off all the lights in the apartment and prepared to go to bed when I heard a odd noise. It seemed to come from James' bedroom. Sounded almost like a groan of pain. I snuck up to his door, which had been half-open. There, in the moonlight, with his back to me, was a naked James Van Der Beek. I had a sideways view of him. Sweat glistened on his muscular chest. He wasn't as developed as me but still had a incredible body. My eyes traveled farther down..and then it hit me. He was masturbating!!! James Van Der Beek was jerking a impressively sized cock. In the lighting I couldn't get a good look, but the sight in front of me kept me mesmerized, and brought my cock to life.

The thrill of the risk of being caught, as well as seeing this hunky boy stroking himself was too much. I reached into my boxers and pulled out my dripping cock and began to jerk off, matching him stroke for stroke. Concerned about making a mess, I took off one of my socks and began to jerk off into it. I could tell from James breathing that he was getting close to orgasm, the way his body was tense and the look on his face. His eyes were closed with bliss. It didn't take much more then that image to put me over the edge. Biting my lip to suppress a moan of pleasure, I shot my spunk into the sock, soaking it in my jizz. James was right behind me, as I saw the first shot of white cream arc in the air and land on his chest as I finished my orgasm.

It was then that James muttered the words that knocked nearly knocked me over, and turned me into a daze.

"Oh, Jay. Yesssss..."

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 2: Up Dawsons Crack 3 6

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