Up Close and Personal

Published on Feb 26, 2020


Up-Close and Personal 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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My services could not be advertised, or publicly known, but word-of-mouth recommendations were most successful. Louis told me the photographs were admired, but the casual atmosphere of my studio contributed to our good reviews. To say that we were non-judgmental and open minded understates the case.

We had several "Mr. X " clients. These men were so closeted they would not use their names. The first X client came with a friend, Digby. I do keep up with local news and elections. Mr. X was Roscoe Rutledge, the sheriff. I guessed that Digby was a deputy; he was almost certainly a former Marine.

Roscoe was a local good-old-boy, born and educated at the local schools and college. He was good sensible man. His predecessor tended to vary his treatment of troublemakers according to their level of giving to his campaigns. Roscoe was evenhanded and reasonable. He was married to a Judge 's daughter. I went to school with her. If he wasn 't gay when they were married, after ten years of marriage, the gay lifestyle would have great appeal. She was a trip.

Roscoe was six-four and had been captain of the basketball team. He was a good, but not exceptional player, but he was smart and observant. After ten minutes in a game he could pick out the other team 's weakness. He wasn 't a hot dog, and let the other players shine. He broke his ankle in his second year of college play. He had filled out but was just short of being fat.

Digby was an average looking guy. As he stripped, I saw he was a fit, toned, muscle man. He was soft spoken, and I suspected he might be deeper in the closet than the Sheriff. They were both masculine, and I wondered if they thought they were straight guys who happened to like sex with men.

I have known heterosexual men who were in love with a man but were not interested in men in general. I had no idea if the Sheriff and Digby were gay or just attached.

They had no problem getting naked with other men, but that might be due to team showers. Group showers were also typical in military facilities.

I was surprised that Roscoe was tanned from head to toe. Digby had tan lines from wearing shorts. I told them that Skyler and I would strip if it made them more comfortable. Roscoe said that would be nice.

I had no problem with that, but while I am an artist looking for beauty and dramatic compositions, sometimes my cock has other objectives. Naked men can 't hide sexual arousal. That worried me, but Roscoe and Digby noticed my semi-erect cock and seemed to like what they saw. The photographs were all oral and both men shot huge loads.

They liked the results on the camera screen, and Roscoe went with me to the large format printer in another room. Digby was talking with Skyler.

"Do you and Skyler get it on? " Roscoe asked in a whisper. I said yes, and then he asked if he was doing it right with Digby. It told him if it worked and felt good it was right.

"I 've been thinking that you aren 't new to scene. I 've known Skyler since we were in grade school. I thought he was headed for trouble then, but he seems to have a good life now, " Roscoe remarked.

"When you encounter sex for the first time it is overwhelming. Skyler jumped in with both feet, and I guess you could say he sprained an ankle. He is lucky and learns from experience, " I said. "Are you new to gay sex? "

"Yes and no, " he replied. "I think I always had feelings for men, but I told myself it was just admiration for athletes. Self-delusion can be overwhelming too. " He paused briefly. "Digby and I were wondering if you could show us some new stuff, " he whispered. "I was hoping we might kick it up a notch. "

Apparently, Digby was having the same conversation with Skyler. They had been thinking about fucking but the felt they needed guidance. While they were aggressive men, that aggression didn 't extend to sex. I told Roscoe and Digby to think things over. I asked if their relationship was just a quirk, of if it was a more important part of their lives. They should figure that out and then decide if they wanted to get into more intense sexual experimentation. They thought that made sense and Roscoe said they needed to make some decisions. They went home.

Two days later Martin DeVale and Angus Fairmont came to us for photos. They came with Juan, their houseboy, and Chester, their gardener. Martin and Angus were uber gay men. They were wealthy, prominent and connected. They were also public spirited and generous. Their parents had been wealthy, and their inherited wealth produced a money stream as wide as the Mississippi. The wealth and generosity meant they were generally accepted despite their flamboyance.

I had never met them, but I soon realized they were easygoing, clever and funny. The men were fun to be with. It was clear that Juan and Chester were members of their harem. Chester was a big, musclebound Black man. He had designed the gardens of their mansion which were well known and admired. Martin had rescued Juan from being mugged by street thugs. Badly beaten for being gay, he was nursed back to health by Martin and then stayed. I had the impression that Juan had gotten lucky. Chester was imposing and skilled.

Both Juan and Chester liked sex. Let 's just say Juan was exceptionally accommodating. As far as I could tell he never said no to anything sexual. Chester was sexually driven; but had a strong preference for the top and men who could take his oversized cock without crying or whimpering.

Juan was Martin 's sexual workout companion. Angus discovered Chester 's talents both in bed and in the garden. Juan tended to be the door prize at parties and get togethers. Apparently, he loved gangbangs with older men. Chester made his own choices, but he had a reputation and size queens would search him out. None of them were shrinking violets. The four men were a complete contrast to Roscoe and Digby.

I was a bit uneasy about men fucking their staff, but then I realized Skyler and my relationship was not 100% platonic. I also knew that Skyler spent much more time in my ass than I in his. Juan was clearly sexually driven. When I saw Angus doing the fancy dance on Chester 's cock, I realized there had been many hours of rehearsal. There was not one iota of unease between any of the four men.

They were physically varied. Martin was tall, bald, pale, smooth and bland. Juan short muscular and brown. Angus was mid height, heavy and hairy. He sported an impressive, red beard. Chester was six-three, very muscular and very black. He had an almost white beard and his body hair was turning white.

Juan got in a sling and somehow his ass pucker looked welcoming. Skyler fucked and seeded him. He shot large loads, which were easy to photograph. His hole didn 't close completely, and I got several sperm waterfall photos that Martin loved.

Martin had a leisurely approach to fucking. His cock was shorter than Skyler 's tool, but much thicker. I thought it might over stretch Juan 's ass, but that wasn 't a problem. He would thrust for a minute, then pull out. Each time his did that, Juan 's ass opened wider.

I made some good closeup pictures of Martin 's tool. Skyler shot a picture of Martin 's big load. When he pulled out sperm glazed Martin 's cock. Martin was a heavy leaker and his wide slit drooled precum. Juan loved intercepting the drool on his tongue. He eventually kissed the slit before he licked sperm from the cock head. That produced a pretty photograph.

Skyler is an excellent light man, and he made the drips look like opalescent pearls linked by a silk thread of precum to the cock head. It was beautiful. Later Martin shot his load into Juan 's open hole. He then slid his cock deep into Juan 's body. Everything was sticky and dripping, but the photos looked lyrical.

I took an entirely different approach to Angus and Chester 's photographs. I wanted to avoid the "Mandingo " approach. Neither man was dominant or aggressive. They were sexually compatible, relaxed and comfortable. While they were physically different, they were ultra-masculine men. This was a muscleman and caveman combo.

Angus was a ginger fur ball. It was difficult to capture the body hair because it was pale. The fur showed up well when next to Chester 's dark skin. Chester was uncut, his foreskin was very dark, but when the skin retracted, his cock head was a beautiful shade of lavender. Chester was a good, rather gentle fucker. He liked long sessions and worked up to his ejaculations. That suited Angus well.

Chester used a lot of lubrication; his cock looked glazed. That emphasized every feature of the tool. Angus was not a delicate man, but he was pink, with copper colored hair. He looked delicate.

Chester tested Angus 's ass pucker a few times before pushing his lavender knob deeper. It was almost as if he was knocking on the door before entering. He pushed in until he touched the sphincter when he paused. He then gave a hard thrust and the entire cock was lodged deep in Angus 's ass.

When he pulled out, red hair stuck to the side of his cock. Angus was hairy, but I hadn 't realized he was that hairy. When Chester pushed in again, the hair vanished into Angus 's ass. I got good pictures of that.

In the next pose. Angus sat on Chester 's tool, facing away from Chester. Angus had low hangers, so his balls rested comfortably on Chester 's. They looked like quadruplets, two back, two white. Angus had hairy balls, so in a closeup the hair showed up well.

Angus had a large, pink cock head. When Chester was up his ass, Angus leaked precum. Precum drooled down his shaft, over his balls and then landed on Chester 's balls. That formed a good photographic sequence. Once I had the pictures, I got carried away and licked up the cock drool from their balls. I also licked Chester 's shaft as he was embedded in Angus 's ass. Neither man objected.

Martin had an appointment that afternoon, so the four men left after making an appointment for the next week. Martin called me a day later.

"Banister, Angus and I had a good time with you the other day. I hope you enjoyed it too? " he said.

"I did get overexcited near the end of the session. I 'm sorry about that, " I replied.

"Let me assure you that Angus and I had no problem with that at all, " Martin replied. "We associate with a select group of friends. We would like to think of you and Skyler as part of that group. "

"I am pleased you think of us that way, " I said.

"I don 't think of gay sex as pornographic. I think it is a natural function. Your pictures avoid the taint of pornography. While they are overtly sexual, that are almost lyrical and life affirming. They show men enjoying men, " Martin added.

"Well, that is my objective, " I replied.

"All your photographs are carefully composed and planned. Do you think you could do the same with more spontaneous and unplanned events? " he asked.

"I 'm not sure. The problem is speed. Sexual events especially orgasms are fast and unscheduled. You have to be in the right place at the right time. " I replied. "I was a newspaper photographer years ago. "

"Would you be willing to try? " he asked. Of course, I said yes. I almost never say no to wealthy clients. I arranged to meet him and some friends at his home with Skyler and another photographer friend Monty. Monty specialized in sports photography and was used to catching split second events. He was a masseur too and had some special relaxation techniques that were greatly admired.

Monty had made some good shower and locker room photos of intimate moments. Some of these photos were made for girlfriends. My cock had some intimate connections with Monty ' ass. I wasn 't the first and he seemed to have good relations with many of his photographic subjects.

Skyler and I went to Martin 's house with Monty, some lights and a lot of cameras. Martin 's house was impressive and surrounded with even more impressive gardens. Juan greeted us at the door and took us to an exercise room. Martin, Angus, Chester and three other men were there. Martin introduced them as Matt, Steve and Wally. Matt was a gardener; Wally was a chauffeur, and Steve was Martin 's business manager. Angus introduced us and no one was surprised or seemed to be uneasy about a nude photoshoot.

Angus showed us a large shower, sauna and whirlpool area next to the exercise room. Monty had waterproof cameras with a hood-like thing that shielded the lens from water droplets. Monty looked at the shower and said, "Why don 't we all get naked, shower and see what pops up? "

I am used to planning my photoshoots in advance. Monty liked candid shots. Everyone began to strip. To say that no one was shy is an understatement. We were all naked and either half hard or hard as a rock. When Wally dropped the soap, he bent over, spread his ass cheeks and I will swear he used his hole and rosebud to wink in invitation.

Juan went by me with a turkey baster and told me to bend over so he could lubricate me. I wasn 't planning to join in the group play but I figured better safe than sorry. I bent over and Juan took care of me. Monty had already been lubricated and was taking pictures. Martin and Angus 's friends were clearly oversexed and more than willing. The shower room was well ventilated, so the hot water didn 't fog up the camera lenses.

Wally, the chauffeur came over to me. He was a tall, well hung, fit man of about sixty. "I need to warn you. We tend to like anal big time. You and your pals are new to the group and may get a lot of attention. Is that a problem? "

"It might be hard to hold the camera still with a cock in my ass, " I replied.

Wally laughed. "Does that mean you would be willing to give it a try? "

I looked around and saw Monty in his back taking shots of cocks from below. Chester was deep in his ass fucking him. He was pausing between thrusts to Monty could get the shot. I smiled and said we might be able to work things out. A little later Skyler and I were in the sauna with Wally, Matt, Juan and Angus. The room was dark, but Skyler had a portable light. We did a closeup of Juan sucking Angus. The light was from behind, the men were in shadow except for the cock. It was unexpectedly successful. Angus gave me warning he was going to shoot.

Juan sat back and opened his mouth. Angus 's cum formed an arch of diamonds. There were seven major ejaculations that formed a 4th of July like fireworks pictures. Some sperm splattered on Juan 's face and dripped into his open mouth, some went deep into Juan 's mouth and vanished. Some landed on Juan 's tongue and splattered miniature jewels.

They broke apart. Angus was still dripping cum from the diminishing later ejaculations. I got carried away, so I licked the drool and the cock, inducing a few more strong ejaculations. That was a pleasant surprise for me and for Angus. He and Juan left the sauna. Skyler took the cameras and went to check on the pictures on the computer.

"That was a beautiful show, " Wally said. "Matt is my pal. He likes meeting new guys, he wants to play, but he needs a gentle touch. "

"I don 't usually join in, " I said.

"Matt likes to top once and a while. Do you bottom? " Wally asked. "He has a nice cock, but he shoots huge loads. Guys say it tickles. "

Matt was already sucking my cock, and he was clearly skilled. We traded places and he was drooling precum like a mountain stream.

"Can I sit on your cock? " I asked.

I don 't know if you can have a prehensile cock, or if I had developed new muscles in my ass, but Matt was a treat. His cock was average with an oversized cock head. The cock head seemed to have an urge to explore. My ass was willing to be explored.

Matt shot off quickly. That did not change his erection, it just added lubrication. Ten minutes later he had a second orgasm, bigger than the first. Skyler looked in the sauna and told me they needed me to look at the computer images. I got off Matt 's cock and told him I would like to get together again. He looked happy.

Monty was a good photographer, but he was noted for getting involved with his subjects. That had resulted in prize winning photos of Migrant workers and Guerillas. Our photo shoot of gay men having an orgy was no different. He was into it big time. He was able to take pictures with a cock in his ass, but the photographic out put when he was sucking cock was limited.

I am not as virginal as I might be, but Monty seemed to have broad knowledge of sex practices of the world. Angus, Martin and their harem were more than willing to learn new techniques and positions. Skyler and I played the role of detached professionals.

Monty 's ass could accommodate two cocks and that opened new pictorial opportunities. He also seemed to have double the pre cum and sperm of a normal man. Skyler 's skill at lighting dripping, leaking and spurting sex fluids was put to the test.

I was afraid Monty 's use of the harem might make Martin and Angus jealous. Their harem was not just for their physical pleasure, they provided entertainment. Martin and Angus were amused and excited seeing Chester 's black cock sharing Monty ass with Wally 's white tool. After Chester and Wally shot off, I captured the cum drooling from Monty 's over-stretched ass. Angus was nice enough to intercept the drool and push it back into the ass with is cock. Angus also gave the event his seal of approval when he added his own cum to the sperm convention in Monty 's ass.

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