Up Close and Personal

Published on Jan 7, 2020


Up Close and Personal

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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I am Banister Malloy and I run a photographic studio. I am a good photographer, but I'm not going to replace Ansel Adams as a photographic great. I had to find a niche that suited my talents. That niche was wedding photos for gay men. This developed into recording some more intimate moments. The fees for the most intimate moments were good.

Sometimes you stumble into a goldmine unexpectedly. I knew porn could be profitable, but that that market is flooded with photographers.

I was working with Johnny Mills and Teddy Olsen on their wedding photographs, and we tried a few intimate shots as a lark. They were close-ups of sucking and fucking. These shots typically either look like illustrations for a medical textbook or down and dirty porn. My photos were beautiful.

Cocks, balls and assholes are photographically challenged. They aren't pretty, evocative, lyrical or beautiful. I had a friend who said they are utilitarian tools with a pleasurable feature. My photos captured the moments of greatest pleasure. You could feel the tenseness of the moment before the cock enters the ass. I caught the drip of precum just before it touches the eager tongue of a lover.

Teddy had been at a bachelor party the night before and his ass had been the happy receptacle of multiple loads of cum. Johnny had selected the donors. When Teddy leaned over for an asshole shot, his ass opened and opalescent cum drooled from his ass. Surprisingly, it looked like a waterfall from a mountain cave. A few moments later Johnny's tongue intercepted the drooling sperm, and you could sense the sexual excitement.

Somehow the photos portrayed intense sexual affection and didn't seem pornographic. They were erotic and artistic. Johnny and Teddy loved the pictures and ordered copies and several oversize prints. The oversized prints were stunning. Malloy Photographs Inc. became informally known as Up Close and Personal.

I am gay, but my friends referred to me as being semi-closeted. My business had been partially dependent on straight clients, some of whom were anti-gay. I did school yearbook pictures and being known as being gay would have been a problem. My new clientele made up for losing these clients. I was also able to charge top dollar for the up close and personal work.

I had two semi-lovers. Skyler Loving was my photographic assistant and an old-fashioned hippy, five decades out of style. He said he was willing to suck or fuck anything that walked on two legs or had a viable prosthetic. He admitted if some one had a neat wheelchair he might be interested. I thought that could be a problem, but he had good taste in men. His hippy look attracted men who were imaginative and adventuresome. He didn't have a monogamous bone in his body, and he sometime brought home the best of the best of his playmates. Skyler live on the floor above my studio.

My other lover was Louis Mountjoy Taylor, the heir to a wealthy banker. Daddy had died years ago, and Louis took care of his mother. Mrs. Taylor was said to have been the model for the Wicked Witch of the West. That was foolish and untrue. The Wicked Witch was much kinder, warmer and friendlier than Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor had one endearing quality: she was a stock market genius. She transformed her husband's fortune to the billion-dollar range.

Luckily Louis could be bought. To stay with his mother Louis had to be paid off. He donated this to worthy charities, museums and causes. She didn't seem to care. It would all be his were she ever to die. She did not seem to consider that a possibility.

I had met Louis in college, and he dropped by when his cock needed attention. He never gave me money and I never asked for a loan, but I knew that was always a possibility if my business failed.

When Louis saw my photos of Johnny and Teddy, he told me he had some friends who might be interested. It turned out Louis's friends were willing to pay double top dollar.

George was the first of Louis's friends to drop by. I knew George was a millionaire, but I didn't even hint I knew. George loved the photographs and a week later he came by for a photoshoot with Anthony his illiterate gardener. Anthony looked like a hairy, muscular version of the missing link. His family called him Dummy. George called him Anthony and cemented a close relationship with the gardener. He was a good gardener, polite and kind. They discovered sex together and that changed both of their lives.

George was acutely aware of Anthony's limitations and he made sure not to use the gardener. Every time Anthony sucked George; George sucked Anthony the next time. If George sucked Anthony's balls dry, Anthony ate George's seed the next time. George would fuck the gardener and later Anthony fucked George. Some inequalities entered the relationship when Anthony entered George. Anthony was well equipped. and George had a tight ass. Luckily, George all but craved Anthony's cock.

The photoshoot was complicated. Anthony didn't want to have clothed men looking at him. Skyler and I stripped, and Anthony was happy. Skyler looked better naked than wearing his hippy clothes. Skyler never had particularly good control of his erections and that counted in our favor.

The atmosphere in the studio changed when Skyler and I stripped. I thought is was just curiosity at first, but curiosity changed into interest. If you asked yourself what would happen when four gay men get naked, let's just say it happened. Skyler and I were helpful and that help included genital contact. Before the shoot, I asked Anthony and George what excited them the most.

"We are compatible and good friends," George replied.

I mentioned that while friendship was important, it was hard to photograph. Mental activities are hard to photograph. The sexual activities associated with those activities were specialty.

"It's too bad that the high point of sex, the orgasm, is usually private," George mentioned.

"That is our objective. We try to capture the moments working up to and just before and after the orgasm," I said.

"That can be messy," he said.

"Well, erupting volcanos and floods are messy, but they make great photos," I said. "In some ways you can say the sexual arousal climaxing in an orgasm are an ultimate expression of friendship and some love," I added.

"We don't exactly love each other," he all but whispered.

"Sex between men is not the same as with women. No one will get pregnant. You can be friendly and enjoy it without fear of as lifetime of child support. It is pure enjoyment for the two of you," I said.

"I like it," Anthony added. We all laughed.

"You may be a bullshit artist, but I admire your skill," George said.

We started the shoot with them standing about a foot apart. Anthony was uncut unlike George. I photographed them as the became erect. Anthony's cock head emerged from his thick foreskin. I took photos from the side and head on. Anthony had a glob of precum in his slit and with Skyler doing the lighting, it sparkled.

Anthony's cock curved up as he became harder. George was equally hard but bent down. Anthony had a large tight balls sack. George had large, low hangers. The combinations of curved balls and arced cocks made for striking compositions.

Lighting was Skyler's strongest skill. His lighting of dripping precum had been spectacular. Anthony was a heavy leaker when he was excited. For Skyler it was the mother load of precum. The precum was both plentiful and creamy. Leaking precum is one thing, being fast enough to catch it in your camera is another.

A drop would emerge from Anthony's slit, grow and then get big enough to drip. The drip would leave thing filament connecting it to the slit until it fell onto George's cock. It rolled down the cock until it paused at the edge of the cock head. It only took seconds, but it was possible to get several shots of each part of its journey.

The resulting photos could have appeared in a nature magazine as "the Life of a Precum Droplet." Anthony's cock was dark and somewhat moody looking in the photos. George's tool was pink and pretty. The drop looked diamond-like or pearl-like depending on the light. After the shoot, Skyler licked the drip from George's cock and gave Anthony's cock head a tongue bath. I was afraid that would offend them. Skyler seemed to know that it's difficult to offend an erect man by paying attention to his erect cock.

When Skyler stood up, George bent over and gave his cock a thankyou lick. The atmosphere in the studio became much less tense after that interlude. Anthony was friendly anyway, but George seemed to loosen his reserve and relax. Some tenseness remained since we all knew that the photoshoot would end in multiple orgasms and sticky stuff everywhere. George loved my photos and he told his friends.

One of my rules was that I used only natural products; there was no fake sperm or precum. I also know that natural male lubricants worked best. A sperm filled ass is slippery and receptive of additional cocks. One of George's friends, Louis, had a pal named Rollo who had a thin, long cock, huge balls and shot off stunning amounts of sperm. Rollo was Louis's mother's chauffeur and lived above the former carriage house-garage. Louis was like George, but not desire to work or have charitable interests.

Louis referred to Rollo as his one-for-the-road fuck pal. Rollo didn't talk much. Louis' father thought Rollo was a genius with old cars. Oddly Louis' mother obeyed him, an when she was having a "spell" R Rollo would tell he to stop it, and she would obey.

Louis came by with Rollo to help his friend George with a second studio session. Rollo and Louis stripped and joined our little band. George had been telling me it took him a while to loosen up his ass enough to take Anthony's thick cock.

Louis suggested that Rollo could fuck and seed him, to make Anthony's entrance easier. I soon realized Louis and George were much closer than I had known, and George agreed. He didn't want us to photograph that, but I told him that Skyler needed the practice. He said he wouldn't do that, but I suspected he protested too much, and he eventually agreed. I think George, Louis and I were too shy for casual sex, but if you insisted, all of us would give gave in and enjoy it.

Rollo's cock was easy to take, and he had nearly complete control of his climaxes. He could shoot on demand. He left most of his cum deep in George's ass. Rollo pulled out as he got off.

Anthony was in position moments later. Rollo's cum lubricated the way. Anthony was hard as a rock and he stay hard until we finished the shoot. He pulled out for the finale, and I had beautiful shots Anthony's cum spurting at George's ass. He shot off adding his seed to Rollo's load that already in the ass.

The photos were good, and George was happy with them. It turned out that George was active in the highest tiers of homosexual community. I had additional commissions. Much to my surprise, Rollo moved in different circles. His friends weren't society types. They were mostly self-made men who liked a trip on the wild side. They were mechanics, builders and professional athletes. The common thread was an interest in cars and motorcycles.

Homer and Troy were the first of Rollo's friends to use our services. Homer was an accountant and Troy was called the Trojan Beast, a professional wrestler. He was bulky muscle man. Homer was a muscle free pudgy man. Hero worship was involved, but Homer was open to anything Troy wanted. It was a user and used relationship until Troy realized he had grown dependent on Homer's adaptability and willingness to please him. No one else was willing to take Troy's pals loads and then take Troy's cock ten or twelve times a night.

Troy told me he thought he liked fucking the cum filled ass but discovered Homer's ass was the main attraction. Homer was smart and discovered Troy was being swindled by his manager. With a new manager, Troy doubled his income.

Troy's body was smooth, tanned, buffed and polished. He was hung and had low hangers. They all but overfilled his tight briefs. Homer was missing link like hairy. His cock was a rare, hairless feature, a bit larger than average. His balls were enclosed in a furry sack. While Troy sported a bushy beard, Homer had a shaved head and the only facial hair was his eyebrows.

The physical contrast between the two men was striking. Skyler was unsure about how to make uses if it. "If they could trade heads it would be fine. Troy's head belongs on Homer's body and vice-versa."

When Homer and Troy arrived, they came with Troy's entourage of three men, Butch, Bruno and Buster. He referred to them as "the Guys." They were muscular, damaged men, Butch was all but blind, Bruno had a broken arm and Buster was a deaf mute. Troy maintained an informal home for injured athletes. They worked at his house at various tasks and went on the road with him.

They were unexpected but when Troy and Homer stripped, they stripped. Skyler and I stripped too, since our clients were more comfortable with us naked. The men were used to near naked wrestlers and gym shower rooms, so they were laid back. Buster and Bruno seemed to be attracted to Skyler and went to help him move the lights.

Homer should have felt out of place with the muscular men, but he was comfortable with them. I later found out he was good with finances and taxes and he seemed to have helped all of them. They also lubricated Homer's ass with their sperm.

Homer's ass was a wonder in some ways. It didn't immediately close after the men fucked him. I could get a picture of fresh semen quivering in his ass. The Guys fucked him in almost an assembly line way. Butch went first, followed by Bruno. When Bruno pulled out, Buster shoot off aiming at Homer's open ass. He had remarkable aim. When the first volley entered the gaping hole, Buster would then fuck him and push all the sperm deeper into Homer's ass.

When Buster completed his orgasm, it was time for Troy. Troy had a large cock, but it was especially thick. Homer's gaping hole looked too small for the huge organ. Troy pushed into Homer and the hole expanded to accommodate his bloated organ. The Guys were fuckers. Troy was a lover. I immediately noticed the difference.

Since Skyler lived above my studio, we had a lunch break in his apartment. It started as a shower break. The guys went first with Skyler. They seemed to like younger men. I chatted with Homer and Troy. Homer checked his phone and went in another room to make return calls.

"I kind of think Homer's ass is special," Troy said. "Does it seem that way to you?"

I smiled and said, "It surely seems very adaptable to me."

Troy smiled. "Adaptable. That is just the right word. If I were to pick a word for your ass, what would it be?"

"Accommodating?" I suggested.

"I am all top, but once and a while Homer likes to top. Do you have any problem taking the cock of a guy you just met up the ass?" Troy asked.

"It doesn't happen often, but it doesn't bother me," I said. "Do you pick Homer's playmates?"

Troy nodded. We went to the shower. I looked at his cock while Troy told him he could fuck me. Homer's cock immediately responded to the suggestion and became erect. I had been focused on Homer's ass. Skyler referred to some cocks as "having potential." Homer's cock had a lot of potential, it was seven inches and crowned with a flared cock head.

"Do you need some lube?" Homer asked.

"I'm okay. I had some fun with Skyler this morning," I said. I bent over and Homer placed his cock at my ass pucker.

"That-a-boy, Homer," Troy said. Five minutes later I wasn't too sure that Homer was unused to fucking. It was either that or his cock had a special ability to stimulate and please. He had another five minutes of intense ass time and then he shot off. His cock had seemed quite ordinary, but I felt and enjoyed each ejaculation. Skyler had joined us, and he immortalized the moment with several photographs. He had clearly discovered the secret of making drooling cum from my ass look magical.

The afternoon session was good. We all were relaxed and comfortable with nudity and overt sexual activity. Everyone was into it. Homer and Troy were friends with the Guys. They supported each other and enjoyed each other. While Troy was the top dog in the group, that was because he was friendly and helpful. All of them were at least partly in love with him, but there was a lot of Troy to love.

The photographs turned out well. Homer, Troy and the boys loved them. Homer told me that he was surprised they weren't pornographic. "Cocks, asses and sperm don't shout out a fancy photo spread in a glossy magazine, but the photos are so beautifully composed and clear it's art, not porn," he said.

"It doesn't feel like art when I'm fucking you to the moon and back, Homer," Troy said. "Is it possible when you fuck enough, it eventually becomes art?"

"I think I noticed that when you shot off in Homer's ass, you were shooting pure affection?" I asked. He smiled.

I had been a one man at a time guy. I did alternate playmates, Skyler and Louis. That arrangement worked well. I had not been interested in group activities. I was an artist, although not destined to be a great artist. My up-close-and-personal work was successful and financially rewarding. Success was good, but financial success was great.

I had been living on the edge financially my whole life. Wealthy clients who were willing to pay big bucks were wonderful. I was not working with professional models who were used to being naked. I was with closets men who had conventional lives except for trips on the wild side. Thye were more comfortable with a nude photographer. They also liked gay and accommodating man. it made sense for me to be both naked and a "good sport."

For a while I that that was my motivation. I eventually realize that was pure rationalization. I liked sex with men. It was nice that thye were wealthy and had friends. I really couldn't tell the difference between Rollo and Louis when they were in my ass. Both were good. Maybe Louis was ejaculating dollar bills into my ass, and Rollo's cum had a small amount if motor oil in it. Both were good.

Next: Chapter 2

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